  Monster - an advanced game scripting language
  Copyright (C) 2007-2009  Nicolay Korslund
  Email: <korslund@gmail.com>
  WWW: http://monster.snaptoad.com/

  This file (vm.d) is part of the Monster script language package.

  Monster is distributed as free software: you can redistribute it
  and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
  version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  version 3 along with this program. If not, see
  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ .


module monster.vm.vm;

import monster.vm.error;
import monster.vm.thread;
import monster.vm.mclass;
import monster.vm.mobject;
import monster.vm.init;

import monster.compiler.tokenizer;
import monster.compiler.linespec;
import monster.compiler.functions;
import monster.compiler.assembler;
import monster.compiler.scopes;

import monster.modules.timer;
import monster.modules.frames;
import monster.modules.vfs;
import monster.options;

import std.stream;
import std.string;
import std.stdio;
import std.utf;
import std.format;
import monster.util.string;

VM vm;

struct VM
  // Run a script file in the context of the object obj. If no object
  // is given, an instance of an empty class is used.
  Thread *run(char[] file, MonsterObject *obj = null)

    Thread *trd;
    auto func = new Function;
    if(obj !is null)
        *func = Function(file, obj.cls);
        trd = func.call(obj);
        *func = Function(file);
        trd = func.call();
    return trd;

  void frame(float time = 0)
    static if(!timer_useClock)
        if(time != 0)



  // Load a class based on class name, file name, or both.
  MonsterClass load(char[] nam1, char[] nam2 = "")
  { return doLoad(nam1, nam2, true, true); }

  // Case insensitive with regards to the given class name
  MonsterClass loadCI(char[] nam1, char[] nam2 = "")
  { return doLoad(nam1, nam2, false, true); }

  // Does not fail if the class is not found, just returns null. It
  // will still fail if the class exists and contains errors.
  MonsterClass loadNoFail(char[] nam1, char[] nam2 = "")
  { return doLoad(nam1, nam2, true, false); }

  // Load a class from a stream. The filename parameter is only used
  // for error messages.
  MonsterClass load(Stream s, char name[] = "", int bom=-1)

    assert(s !is null, "Cannot load from null stream");
    auto mc = new MonsterClass(global);
    mc.parse(s, name, bom);
    return mc;

  // Load a class from a token array. The filename parameter is only
  // used for error messages.
  MonsterClass load(ref TokenArray toks, char[] name = "")

    auto mc = new MonsterClass(global);
    mc.parse(toks, name);
    return mc;

  // Load a class from a string containing the script. The filename
  // parameter is only used for error messages.
  MonsterClass loadString(char[] str, char[] name="")

    assert(str != "", "Cannot load empty string");
    auto ms = new MemoryStream(str);
    if(name == "") name = "(string)";

    return load(ms, name);

  void addPath(char[] path)
    addVFS(new FileVFS(path));

  void addVFS(VFS fs) { init(); vfs.add(fs); }
  void addVFSFirst(VFS fs) { init(); vfs.addFirst(fs); }

  void init()

  // This is called from init(), you don't have to call it yourself.
  void doVMInit()
    assert(vfs is null);
    vfs = new ListVFS;

    static if(vmAddCWD) addPath("./");

  ListVFS vfs;


  // Load file based on file name, class name, or both. The order of
  // the strings doesn't matter, and name2 can be empty. useCase
  // determines if we require a case sensitive match between the given
  // class name and the loaded name. If doThrow is true, we throw an
  // error if the class was not found, otherwise we just return null.
  MonsterClass doLoad(char[] name1, char[] name2, bool useCase, bool doThrow)

    char[] fname, cname;
    MonsterClass mc;

    PackageScope pack = global;
    assert(pack !is null);

    if(name1 == "")
      fail("Cannot give empty first parameter to load()");

        fname = name1;
        cname = name2;
        fname = name2;
        cname = name1;

      fail("load() recieved two filenames: " ~ fname ~ " and " ~ cname);

    // The filename must either be empty, or end with .mn
    if(fname != "" && !fname.iEnds(".mn"))
      fail("Neither " ~ name1 ~ " nor " ~ name2 ~
           " is a valid script filename.");

    // Remember if cname was originally set
    bool cNameSet = (cname != "");

    // Was a filename given?
    if(fname != "")
        // Derive the class and package names from the given file name.

        char[] file = fname;

            // Find a path separator
            int ind = file.find('/');
            if(ind == -1)
              ind = file.find('\\');

            if(ind == -1) break;

            // The file is in a directory. Add it as a package.
            char[] packname = file[0..ind];
            file = file[ind+1..$];

            // Empty directory name (eg. dir//file.mn or
            // dir/./file.mn) should not be added as packages.
            if(packname != "" && packname != ".")
              pack = pack.insertPackage(packname);

            // Did we end with a path separator?
            if(file == "")
              fail("File name " ~ fname ~ " is a directory");

        // 'file' now contains the base filename, without the
        // directory

        // Pick away the extension
        file = file[0..$-3];

          // No class name given, set it to the derived name
          cname = file;
            // Both names were given, make sure they match
            if(cname.find('.') != -1)
              fail(format("Don't use a package specifier in the class name when the file name is also given (class %s, file %s)",
                          cname, fname));

            if(icmp(file,cname) != 0)
              fail(format("Class name %s does not match file name %s",
                          cname, fname));
        // Pick out the package part of the class name.
        char[] pname = cname;
            int ind = find(pname, '.');
            if(ind != -1)
                // Found a package name separator. Insert the package.
                pack = pack.insertPackage(pname[0..ind]);
                pname = pname[ind+1..$];

                if(pname == "")
                  fail("Class name cannot end with a period: " ~ cname);
            else break;

        cname = pname;

        // Derive the file name from the given class name.
        fname = pack.getPath(tolower(cname)) ~ ".mn";

    assert(cname != "" && !cname.iEnds(".mn"));

      fail(format("Invalid class name %s (file %s)", cname, fname));

    // At this point, check if the class already exists.
    if(pack.ciInList(cname, mc))
        // Match!
        assert(mc !is null);

        // If the class name was given, we must have an exact match.
        if(cNameSet && (cname != mc.name.str))
          fail(format("Searched for %s but could only find case insensitive match %s",
                      cname, mc.name.str));

        // All is good, return the class.
        return mc;

    // No existing class. Search for the script file.
          fail("Cannot find script file " ~ fname);
        else return null;

    // Create a temporary file stream and load it
    auto bf = vfs.open(fname);
    auto ef = new EndianStream(bf);
    int bom = ef.readBOM();
    mc = new MonsterClass(pack);
    mc.parse(ef, fname, bom);
    delete bf;

    // After the class is loaded, we can check its real name.

    // If the name matches, we're done.
    if(cname == mc.name.str) return mc;

    // Allow a case insensitive match if useCase is false or the name
    // was not given.
    if((!useCase || !cNameSet) && (icmp(cname, mc.name.str) == 0)) return mc;

    // Oops, name mismatch
    fail(format("%s: Expected class name %s does not match loaded name %s",
                fname, cname, mc.name.str));