#include <vector>
#include <string>

#include "types.hpp"

namespace Interpreter
    class Context;

    /// Runtime data and engine interface

    class Runtime
            Context *mContext;
            const Type_Code *mCode;
            int mCodeSize;
            int mPC;
            std::vector<Data> mStack;


            Runtime ();

            int getPC() const;
            ///< return program counter.

            int getIntegerLiteral (int index) const;

            float getFloatLiteral (int index) const;

            std::string getStringLiteral (int index) const;

            void configure (const Type_Code *code, int codeSize, Context& context);
            ///< \a context and \a code must exist as least until either configure, clear or
            /// the destructor is called. \a codeSize is given in 32-bit words.

            void clear();

            void setPC (int PC);
            ///< set program counter.

            void push (const Data& data);
            ///< push data on stack

            void push (Type_Integer value);
            ///< push integer data on stack.

            void push (Type_Float value);
            ///< push float data on stack.

            void pop();
            ///< pop stack

            Data& operator[] (int Index);
            ///< Access stack member, counted from the top.

            Context& getContext();
