#include "dialoguemanager.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include "../mwworld/class.hpp" #include "../mwworld/environment.hpp" #include "../mwworld/world.hpp" #include "../mwworld/refdata.hpp" #include namespace { std::string toLower (const std::string& name) { std::string lowerCase; std::transform (name.begin(), name.end(), std::back_inserter (lowerCase), (int(*)(int)) std::tolower); return lowerCase; } template bool selectCompare (char comp, T1 value1, T2 value2) { switch (comp) { case '0': return value1==value2; case '1': return value1!=value2; case '2': return value1>value2; case '3': return value1>=value2; case '4': return value1 bool checkLocal (char comp, const std::string& name, T value, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const ESMS::ESMStore& store) { std::string scriptName = MWWorld::Class::get (actor).getScript (actor); if (scriptName.empty()) return false; // no script const ESM::Script *script = store.scripts.find (scriptName); int i = 0; for (; i (script->varNames.size()); ++i) if (script->varNames[i]==name) break; if (i>=static_cast (script->varNames.size())) return false; // script does not have a variable of this name const MWScript::Locals& locals = actor.getRefData().getLocals(); if (idata.numShorts) return selectCompare (comp, locals.mShorts[i], value); else i -= script->data.numShorts; if (idata.numLongs) return selectCompare (comp, locals.mLongs[i], value); else i -= script->data.numShorts; return selectCompare (comp, locals.mFloats.at (i), value); } template bool checkGlobal (char comp, const std::string& name, T value, MWWorld::World& world) { switch (world.getGlobalVariableType (name)) { case 's': return selectCompare (comp, value, world.getGlobalVariable (name).mShort); case 'l': return selectCompare (comp, value, world.getGlobalVariable (name).mLong); case 'f': return selectCompare (comp, value, world.getGlobalVariable (name).mFloat); case ' ': world.getGlobalVariable (name); // trigger exception break; default: throw std::runtime_error ("unsupported gobal variable type"); } return false; } } namespace MWDialogue { bool DialogueManager::isMatching (const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const ESM::DialInfo::SelectStruct& select) const { char type = select.selectRule[1]; if (type!='0') { char comp = select.selectRule[4]; std::string name = select.selectRule.substr (5); // TODO types 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C switch (type) { case '1': // function return false; // TODO implement functions case '2': // global if (select.type==ESM::VT_Short || select.type==ESM::VT_Int || select.type==ESM::VT_Long) { if (!checkGlobal (comp, toLower (name), select.i, *mEnvironment.mWorld)) return false; } else if (select.type==ESM::VT_Float) { if (!checkGlobal (comp, toLower (name), select.f, *mEnvironment.mWorld)) return false; } else throw std::runtime_error ( "unsupported variable type in dialogue info select"); return true; case '3': // local if (select.type==ESM::VT_Short || select.type==ESM::VT_Int || select.type==ESM::VT_Long) { if (!checkLocal (comp, toLower (name), select.i, actor, mEnvironment.mWorld->getStore())) return false; } else if (select.type==ESM::VT_Float) { if (!checkLocal (comp, toLower (name), select.f, actor, mEnvironment.mWorld->getStore())) return false; } else throw std::runtime_error ( "unsupported variable type in dialogue info select"); return true; default: std::cout << "unchecked select: " << type << " " << comp << " " << name << std::endl; } } return true; } bool DialogueManager::isMatching (const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const ESM::DialInfo& info) const { // actor id if (!info.actor.empty()) if (toLower (info.actor)!=MWWorld::Class::get (actor).getId (actor)) return false; if (!info.race.empty()) { ESMS::LiveCellRef *cellRef = actor.get(); if (!cellRef) return false; if (toLower (info.race)!=toLower (cellRef->base->race)) return false; } // TODO check actor class // TODO check actor faction // TODO check player faction // check cell if (!info.cell.empty()) if (mEnvironment.mWorld->getPlayerPos().getPlayer().getCell()->cell->name != info.cell) return false; // TODO check DATAstruct for (std::vector::const_iterator iter (info.selects.begin()); iter != info.selects.end(); ++iter) if (!isMatching (actor, *iter)) return false; std::cout << "unchecked entries:" << std::endl << " actor class: " << info.clas << std::endl << " actor faction: " << info.npcFaction << std::endl << " player faction: " << info.pcFaction << std::endl << " DATAstruct" << std::endl; return true; } DialogueManager::DialogueManager (MWWorld::Environment& environment) : mEnvironment (environment) {} void DialogueManager::startDialogue (const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) { std::cout << "talking with " << MWWorld::Class::get (actor).getName (actor) << std::endl; const ESM::Dialogue *dialogue = mEnvironment.mWorld->getStore().dialogs.find ("hello"); for (std::vector::const_iterator iter (dialogue->mInfo.begin()); iter!=dialogue->mInfo.end(); ++iter) { if (isMatching (actor, *iter)) { // start dialogue std::cout << "found matching info record" << std::endl; std::cout << "response: " << iter->response << std::endl; if (!iter->sound.empty()) { // TODO play sound } if (!iter->resultScript.empty()) { std::cout << "script: " << iter->resultScript << std::endl; // TODO execute script } break; } } } }