#include "movementsolver.hpp" #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwbase/world.hpp" namespace MWMechanics { MovementSolver::MovementSolver(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) : mPtr(ptr) , mEngine(MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPhysicEngine()) , verticalVelocity(0.0f) { } MovementSolver::~MovementSolver() { // nothing to do } void MovementSolver::clipVelocity(const Ogre::Vector3& in, const Ogre::Vector3& normal, Ogre::Vector3& out, const float overbounce) { //Math stuff. Basically just project the velocity vector onto the plane represented by the normal. //More specifically, it projects velocity onto the normal, takes that result, multiplies it by overbounce and then subtracts it from velocity. float backoff; backoff = in.dotProduct(normal); if(backoff < 0.0f) backoff *= overbounce; else backoff /= overbounce; out = in - (normal*backoff); } void MovementSolver::projectVelocity(Ogre::Vector3& velocity, const Ogre::Vector3& direction) { Ogre::Vector3 normalizedDirection(direction); normalizedDirection.normalise(); // no divide by normalizedDirection.length necessary because it's normalized velocity = normalizedDirection * velocity.dotProduct(normalizedDirection); } bool MovementSolver::stepMove(Ogre::Vector3& position, const Ogre::Vector3 &velocity, float remainingTime, float verticalRotation, const Ogre::Vector3 &halfExtents, bool isInterior) { static const float maxslope = 45.0f; traceResults trace; // no initialization needed newtrace(&trace, position+Ogre::Vector3(0.0f,0.0f,STEPSIZE), position+Ogre::Vector3(0.0f,0.0f,STEPSIZE)+velocity*remainingTime, halfExtents, verticalRotation, isInterior, mEngine); if(trace.fraction == 0.0f || (trace.fraction != 1.0f && getSlope(trace.planenormal) > maxslope)) return false; newtrace(&trace, trace.endpos, trace.endpos-Ogre::Vector3(0,0,STEPSIZE), halfExtents, verticalRotation, isInterior, mEngine); if(getSlope(trace.planenormal) < maxslope) { // only step down onto semi-horizontal surfaces. don't step down onto the side of a house or a wall. position = trace.endpos; return true; } return false; } float MovementSolver::getSlope(const Ogre::Vector3 &normal) { return normal.angleBetween(Ogre::Vector3(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f)).valueDegrees(); } Ogre::Vector3 MovementSolver::move(const Ogre::Vector3 &position, const Ogre::Vector3 &movement, float time, const Ogre::Vector3 &halfExtents) { /* Anything to collide with? */ mPhysicActor = mEngine->getCharacter(mPtr.getRefData().getHandle()); if(!mPhysicActor || !mPhysicActor->getCollisionMode()) return position + movement; traceResults trace; //no initialization needed int iterations=0, maxIterations=50; //arbitrary number. To prevent infinite loops. They shouldn't happen but it's good to be prepared. float maxslope=45; Ogre::Vector3 horizontalVelocity = movement/time; Ogre::Vector3 velocity(horizontalVelocity.x, horizontalVelocity.y, verticalVelocity); // we need a copy of the velocity before we start clipping it for steps Ogre::Vector3 clippedVelocity(horizontalVelocity.x, horizontalVelocity.y, verticalVelocity); float remainingTime = time; bool isInterior = !mPtr.getCell()->isExterior(); float verticalRotation = mPhysicActor->getRotation().getYaw().valueDegrees(); Ogre::Vector3 lastNormal(0.0f); Ogre::Vector3 currentNormal(0.0f); Ogre::Vector3 up(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); Ogre::Vector3 newPosition = position; newtrace(&trace, position, position+Ogre::Vector3(0,0,-10), halfExtents, verticalRotation, isInterior, mEngine); if(trace.fraction < 1.0f) { if(getSlope(trace.planenormal) > maxslope) { // if we're on a really steep slope, don't listen to user input clippedVelocity.x = clippedVelocity.y = 0.0f; } else { // if we're within 10 units of the ground, force velocity to track the ground clipVelocity(clippedVelocity, trace.planenormal, clippedVelocity, 1.0f); } } do { // trace to where character would go if there were no obstructions newtrace(&trace, newPosition, newPosition+clippedVelocity*remainingTime, halfExtents, verticalRotation, isInterior, mEngine); newPosition = trace.endpos; currentNormal = trace.planenormal; remainingTime = remainingTime * (1.0f-trace.fraction); // check for obstructions if(trace.fraction != 1.0f) { //std::cout<<"angle: "< maxslope || currentNormal == lastNormal) { if(stepMove(newPosition, velocity, remainingTime, verticalRotation, halfExtents, mEngine)) std::cout<< "stepped" <