# WARNING: This is a special config file that should not be edited by the user. # Any settings listed in this file will be absolute and not modifiable by user settings. # This is to prevent the use of settings that are incompatible with VR. # Ignoring this and removing/editing lines in this file will either have no effect or break your game. [Camera] # Automatically enable preview mode when player doesn't move. preview if stand still = false # Enables head bobbing in first person mode head bobbing = false [GUI] # Scales GUI window and widget size. (<1.0 is smaller, >1.0 is larger). scaling factor = 1.0 # Size of in-game fonts font size = 16 # Stretch menus, load screens, etc. to the window aspect ratio. stretch menu background = false # Red flash visually showing player damage. hit fader = false # Werewolf overlay border around screen or window. werewolf overlay = false # Controls whether Arrow keys, Movement keys, Tab/Shift-Tab and Spacebar/Enter/Activate may be used to navigate GUI buttons. keyboard navigation = true [HUD] # Displays the crosshair or reticle when not in GUI mode. crosshair = false [Game] # Always use the best mode of attack: e.g. chop, slash or thrust. best attack = false [Video] # OpenMW takes complete control of the screen. fullscreen = false # Enable vertical syncing to reduce tearing defects. vsync = false # Maximum frames per second. 0.0 is unlimited, or >0.0 to limit. framerate limit = 0 # Type of screenshot to take (regular, cylindrical, spherical or planet), optionally followed by # screenshot width, height and cubemap resolution in pixels. (e.g. spherical 1600 1000 1200) screenshot type = regular [Stereo] # Enable/disable stereo view. stereo enabled = true