#include "openxrmanagerimpl.hpp" #include "vrtexture.hpp" #include #include #include "../mwmechanics/actorutil.hpp" #include "../mwbase/world.hpp" #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwworld/class.hpp" #include "../mwworld/player.hpp" #include "../mwworld/esmstore.hpp" #include // The OpenXR SDK assumes we've included Windows.h #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ENUM_CASE_STR(name, val) case name: return #name; #define MAKE_TO_STRING_FUNC(enumType) \ inline const char* to_string(enumType e) { \ switch (e) { \ XR_LIST_ENUM_##enumType(ENUM_CASE_STR) \ default: return "Unknown " #enumType; \ } \ } MAKE_TO_STRING_FUNC(XrReferenceSpaceType); MAKE_TO_STRING_FUNC(XrViewConfigurationType); MAKE_TO_STRING_FUNC(XrEnvironmentBlendMode); MAKE_TO_STRING_FUNC(XrSessionState); MAKE_TO_STRING_FUNC(XrResult); MAKE_TO_STRING_FUNC(XrFormFactor); MAKE_TO_STRING_FUNC(XrStructureType); namespace MWVR { OpenXRManagerImpl::OpenXRManagerImpl() { std::vector extensions = { XR_KHR_OPENGL_ENABLE_EXTENSION_NAME }; { // Create Instance XrInstanceCreateInfo createInfo{ XR_TYPE_INSTANCE_CREATE_INFO }; createInfo.next = nullptr; createInfo.enabledExtensionCount = extensions.size(); createInfo.enabledExtensionNames = extensions.data(); strcpy(createInfo.applicationInfo.applicationName, "openmw_vr"); createInfo.applicationInfo.apiVersion = XR_CURRENT_API_VERSION; CHECK_XRCMD(xrCreateInstance(&createInfo, &mInstance)); assert(mInstance); } { // Get system ID XrSystemGetInfo systemInfo{ XR_TYPE_SYSTEM_GET_INFO }; systemInfo.formFactor = mFormFactor = XR_FORM_FACTOR_HEAD_MOUNTED_DISPLAY; CHECK_XRCMD(xrGetSystem(mInstance, &systemInfo, &mSystemId)); assert(mSystemId); } { // Initialize OpenGL device // This doesn't appear to be intended to do anything of consequence, only return requirements to me. But xrCreateSession fails if xrGetOpenGLGraphicsRequirementsKHR is not called. // Oculus Bug? PFN_xrGetOpenGLGraphicsRequirementsKHR p_getRequirements = nullptr; xrGetInstanceProcAddr(mInstance, "xrGetOpenGLGraphicsRequirementsKHR", reinterpret_cast(&p_getRequirements)); XrGraphicsRequirementsOpenGLKHR requirements{ XR_TYPE_GRAPHICS_REQUIREMENTS_OPENGL_KHR }; CHECK_XRCMD(p_getRequirements(mInstance, mSystemId, &requirements)); //GLint major = 0; //GLint minor = 0; //glGetIntegerv(GL_MAJOR_VERSION, &major); //glGetIntegerv(GL_MINOR_VERSION, &minor); const XrVersion desiredApiVersion = XR_MAKE_VERSION(4, 6, 0); if (requirements.minApiVersionSupported > desiredApiVersion) { std::cout << "Runtime does not support desired Graphics API and/or version" << std::endl; } } { // Create Session // TODO: Platform dependent auto DC = wglGetCurrentDC(); auto GLRC = wglGetCurrentContext(); auto XRGLRC = wglCreateContext(DC); wglShareLists(GLRC, XRGLRC); wglMakeCurrent(DC, XRGLRC); mGraphicsBinding.type = XR_TYPE_GRAPHICS_BINDING_OPENGL_WIN32_KHR; mGraphicsBinding.next = nullptr; mGraphicsBinding.hDC = DC; mGraphicsBinding.hGLRC = XRGLRC; if (!mGraphicsBinding.hDC) std::cout << "Missing DC" << std::endl; if (!mGraphicsBinding.hGLRC) std::cout << "Missing GLRC" << std::endl; XrSessionCreateInfo createInfo{ XR_TYPE_SESSION_CREATE_INFO }; createInfo.next = &mGraphicsBinding; createInfo.systemId = mSystemId; CHECK_XRCMD(xrCreateSession(mInstance, &createInfo, &mSession)); assert(mSession); wglMakeCurrent(DC, GLRC); } LogLayersAndExtensions(); LogInstanceInfo(); LogReferenceSpaces(); { // Set up reference space XrReferenceSpaceCreateInfo createInfo{ XR_TYPE_REFERENCE_SPACE_CREATE_INFO }; createInfo.poseInReferenceSpace.orientation.w = 1.f; // Identity pose createInfo.referenceSpaceType = XR_REFERENCE_SPACE_TYPE_VIEW; CHECK_XRCMD(xrCreateReferenceSpace(mSession, &createInfo, &mReferenceSpaceView)); createInfo.referenceSpaceType = XR_REFERENCE_SPACE_TYPE_STAGE; CHECK_XRCMD(xrCreateReferenceSpace(mSession, &createInfo, &mReferenceSpaceStage)); } { // Read and log graphics properties for the swapchain xrGetSystemProperties(mInstance, mSystemId, &mSystemProperties); // Log system properties. { std::stringstream ss; ss << "System Properties: Name=" << mSystemProperties.systemName << " VendorId=" << mSystemProperties.vendorId << std::endl; ss << "System Graphics Properties: MaxWidth=" << mSystemProperties.graphicsProperties.maxSwapchainImageWidth; ss << " MaxHeight=" << mSystemProperties.graphicsProperties.maxSwapchainImageHeight; ss << " MaxLayers=" << mSystemProperties.graphicsProperties.maxLayerCount << std::endl; ss << "System Tracking Properties: OrientationTracking=" << mSystemProperties.trackingProperties.orientationTracking ? "True" : "False"; ss << " PositionTracking=" << mSystemProperties.trackingProperties.positionTracking ? "True" : "False"; Log(Debug::Verbose) << ss.str(); } uint32_t viewCount = 0; CHECK_XRCMD(xrEnumerateViewConfigurationViews(mInstance, mSystemId, mViewConfigType, 2, &viewCount, mConfigViews.data())); // OpenXR gives me crazy bananas high resolutions. Likely an oculus bug. mConfigViews[0].recommendedImageRectHeight = 1200; mConfigViews[1].recommendedImageRectHeight = 1200; mConfigViews[0].recommendedImageRectWidth = 1080; mConfigViews[1].recommendedImageRectWidth = 1080; if (viewCount != 2) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "xrEnumerateViewConfigurationViews returned " << viewCount << " views"; Log(Debug::Verbose) << ss.str(); } } } inline XrResult CheckXrResult(XrResult res, const char* originator, const char* sourceLocation) { if (XR_FAILED(res)) { std::stringstream ss; ss << sourceLocation << ": OpenXR[" << to_string(res) << "]: " << originator; Log(Debug::Error) << ss.str(); throw std::runtime_error(ss.str().c_str()); } else { // Log(Debug::Verbose) << sourceLocation << ": OpenXR[" << to_string(res) << "][" << std::this_thread::get_id() << "][" << wglGetCurrentDC() << "][" << wglGetCurrentContext() << "]: " << originator; } return res; } OpenXRManagerImpl::~OpenXRManagerImpl() { } void OpenXRManagerImpl::LogLayersAndExtensions() { // Write out extension properties for a given layer. const auto logExtensions = [](const char* layerName, int indent = 0) { uint32_t instanceExtensionCount; CHECK_XRCMD(xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties(layerName, 0, &instanceExtensionCount, nullptr)); std::vector extensions(instanceExtensionCount); for (XrExtensionProperties& extension : extensions) { extension.type = XR_TYPE_EXTENSION_PROPERTIES; } CHECK_XRCMD(xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties(layerName, (uint32_t)extensions.size(), &instanceExtensionCount, extensions.data())); const std::string indentStr(indent, ' '); std::stringstream ss; ss << indentStr.c_str() << "Available Extensions: (" << instanceExtensionCount << ")" << std::endl; for (const XrExtensionProperties& extension : extensions) { ss << indentStr << " Name=" << std::string(extension.extensionName) << " SpecVersion=" << extension.extensionVersion << std::endl; } Log(Debug::Verbose) << ss.str(); }; // Log non-layer extensions (layerName==nullptr). logExtensions(nullptr); // Log layers and any of their extensions. { uint32_t layerCount; CHECK_XRCMD(xrEnumerateApiLayerProperties(0, &layerCount, nullptr)); std::vector layers(layerCount); for (XrApiLayerProperties& layer : layers) { layer.type = XR_TYPE_API_LAYER_PROPERTIES; } CHECK_XRCMD(xrEnumerateApiLayerProperties((uint32_t)layers.size(), &layerCount, layers.data())); std::stringstream ss; ss << "Available Layers: (" << layerCount << ")" << std::endl; for (const XrApiLayerProperties& layer : layers) { ss << " Name=" << layer.layerName << " SpecVersion=" << layer.layerVersion << std::endl; logExtensions(layer.layerName, 2); } Log(Debug::Verbose) << ss.str(); } } void OpenXRManagerImpl::LogInstanceInfo() { XrInstanceProperties instanceProperties{ XR_TYPE_INSTANCE_PROPERTIES }; xrGetInstanceProperties(mInstance, &instanceProperties); std::stringstream ss; ss << "Instance RuntimeName=" << instanceProperties.runtimeName << " RuntimeVersion=" << instanceProperties.runtimeVersion; Log(Debug::Verbose) << ss.str(); } void OpenXRManagerImpl::LogReferenceSpaces() { uint32_t spaceCount; xrEnumerateReferenceSpaces(mSession, 0, &spaceCount, nullptr); std::vector spaces(spaceCount); xrEnumerateReferenceSpaces(mSession, spaceCount, &spaceCount, spaces.data()); std::stringstream ss; ss << "Available reference spaces=" << spaceCount << std::endl; for (XrReferenceSpaceType space : spaces) ss << " Name: " << to_string(space) << std::endl; Log(Debug::Verbose) << ss.str(); } XrFrameState OpenXRManagerImpl::frameState() { std::unique_lock lock(mFrameStateMutex); return mFrameState; } void OpenXRManagerImpl::waitFrame() { auto DC = wglGetCurrentDC(); auto GLRC = wglGetCurrentContext(); auto XRDC = mGraphicsBinding.hDC; auto XRGLRC = mGraphicsBinding.hGLRC; wglMakeCurrent(XRDC, XRGLRC); Timer timer("waitFrame()"); XrFrameWaitInfo frameWaitInfo{ XR_TYPE_FRAME_WAIT_INFO }; XrFrameState frameState{ XR_TYPE_FRAME_STATE }; CHECK_XRCMD(xrWaitFrame(mSession, &frameWaitInfo, &frameState)); mFrameState = frameState; wglMakeCurrent(DC, GLRC); } void OpenXRManagerImpl::beginFrame() { auto DC = wglGetCurrentDC(); auto GLRC = wglGetCurrentContext(); auto XRDC = mGraphicsBinding.hDC; auto XRGLRC = mGraphicsBinding.hGLRC; wglMakeCurrent(XRDC, XRGLRC); Timer timer("beginFrame"); XrFrameBeginInfo frameBeginInfo{ XR_TYPE_FRAME_BEGIN_INFO }; CHECK_XRCMD(xrBeginFrame(mSession, &frameBeginInfo)); wglMakeCurrent(DC, GLRC); } void OpenXRManagerImpl::endFrame(int64_t displayTime, int layerCount, XrCompositionLayerBaseHeader** layerStack) { auto DC = wglGetCurrentDC(); auto GLRC = wglGetCurrentContext(); auto XRDC = mGraphicsBinding.hDC; auto XRGLRC = mGraphicsBinding.hGLRC; wglMakeCurrent(XRDC, XRGLRC); Timer timer("endFrame()"); XrFrameEndInfo frameEndInfo{ XR_TYPE_FRAME_END_INFO }; frameEndInfo.displayTime = displayTime; frameEndInfo.environmentBlendMode = mEnvironmentBlendMode; frameEndInfo.layerCount = layerCount; frameEndInfo.layers = layerStack; CHECK_XRCMD(xrEndFrame(mSession, &frameEndInfo)); wglMakeCurrent(DC, GLRC); } std::array OpenXRManagerImpl::getPredictedViews( int64_t predictedDisplayTime, TrackedSpace space) { if (!mPredictionsEnabled) { Log(Debug::Error) << "Prediction out of order"; throw std::logic_error("Prediction out of order"); } std::array views{ {{XR_TYPE_VIEW}, {XR_TYPE_VIEW}} }; XrViewState viewState{ XR_TYPE_VIEW_STATE }; uint32_t viewCount = 2; XrViewLocateInfo viewLocateInfo{ XR_TYPE_VIEW_LOCATE_INFO }; viewLocateInfo.viewConfigurationType = mViewConfigType; viewLocateInfo.displayTime = predictedDisplayTime; switch (space) { case TrackedSpace::STAGE: viewLocateInfo.space = mReferenceSpaceStage; break; case TrackedSpace::VIEW: viewLocateInfo.space = mReferenceSpaceView; break; } CHECK_XRCMD(xrLocateViews(mSession, &viewLocateInfo, &viewState, viewCount, &viewCount, views.data())); return views; } MWVR::Pose OpenXRManagerImpl::getPredictedLimbPose(int64_t predictedDisplayTime, TrackedLimb limb, TrackedSpace space) { if (!mPredictionsEnabled) { Log(Debug::Error) << "Prediction out of order"; throw std::logic_error("Prediction out of order"); } XrSpaceLocation location{ XR_TYPE_SPACE_LOCATION }; XrSpaceVelocity velocity{ XR_TYPE_SPACE_VELOCITY }; location.next = &velocity; XrSpace limbSpace = XR_NULL_HANDLE; XrSpace referenceSpace = XR_NULL_HANDLE; switch (limb) { case TrackedLimb::HEAD: limbSpace = mReferenceSpaceView; break; case TrackedLimb::LEFT_HAND: limbSpace = mReferenceSpaceView; break; case TrackedLimb::RIGHT_HAND: limbSpace = mReferenceSpaceView; break; } switch (space) { case TrackedSpace::STAGE: referenceSpace = mReferenceSpaceStage; break; case TrackedSpace::VIEW: referenceSpace = mReferenceSpaceView; break; } CHECK_XRCMD(xrLocateSpace(limbSpace, referenceSpace, predictedDisplayTime, &location)); //if (!(velocity.velocityFlags & XR_SPACE_VELOCITY_LINEAR_VALID_BIT)) // Log(Debug::Warning) << "Unable to acquire linear velocity"; if (!location.locationFlags & XR_SPACE_LOCATION_ORIENTATION_VALID_BIT) { // Quat must have a magnitude of 1 but openxr sets it to 0 when tracking is unavailable. // I want a no-track pose to still be valid location.pose.orientation.w = 1; } return MWVR::Pose{ osg::fromXR(location.pose.position), osg::fromXR(location.pose.orientation), osg::fromXR(velocity.linearVelocity) }; } int OpenXRManagerImpl::eyes() { return mConfigViews.size(); } void OpenXRManagerImpl::handleEvents() { std::unique_lock lock(mEventMutex); // React to events while (auto* event = nextEvent()) { Log(Debug::Verbose) << "OpenXR: Event received: " << to_string(event->type); switch (event->type) { case XR_TYPE_EVENT_DATA_SESSION_STATE_CHANGED: { const auto* stateChangeEvent = reinterpret_cast(event); HandleSessionStateChanged(*stateChangeEvent); break; } case XR_TYPE_EVENT_DATA_INSTANCE_LOSS_PENDING: case XR_TYPE_EVENT_DATA_INTERACTION_PROFILE_CHANGED: case XR_TYPE_EVENT_DATA_REFERENCE_SPACE_CHANGE_PENDING: default: { Log(Debug::Verbose) << "OpenXR: Event ignored"; break; } } } } void OpenXRManagerImpl::updateControls() { } void OpenXRManagerImpl::HandleSessionStateChanged( const XrEventDataSessionStateChanged& stateChangedEvent) { auto oldState = mSessionState; auto newState = stateChangedEvent.state; mSessionState = newState; Log(Debug::Verbose) << "XrEventDataSessionStateChanged: state " << to_string(oldState) << "->" << to_string(newState); switch (newState) { case XR_SESSION_STATE_READY: //case XR_SESSION_STATE_IDLE: { XrSessionBeginInfo beginInfo{ XR_TYPE_SESSION_BEGIN_INFO }; beginInfo.primaryViewConfigurationType = mViewConfigType; CHECK_XRCMD(xrBeginSession(mSession, &beginInfo)); mSessionRunning = true; //waitFrame(); break; } case XR_SESSION_STATE_STOPPING: { mSessionRunning = false; CHECK_XRCMD(xrEndSession(mSession)); break; } default: Log(Debug::Verbose) << "XrEventDataSessionStateChanged: Ignoring new strate " << to_string(newState); } } const XrEventDataBaseHeader* OpenXRManagerImpl::nextEvent() { XrEventDataBaseHeader* baseHeader = reinterpret_cast(&mEventDataBuffer); *baseHeader = { XR_TYPE_EVENT_DATA_BUFFER }; const XrResult result = xrPollEvent(mInstance, &mEventDataBuffer); if (result == XR_SUCCESS) { if (baseHeader->type == XR_TYPE_EVENT_DATA_EVENTS_LOST) { const XrEventDataEventsLost* const eventsLost = reinterpret_cast(baseHeader); Log(Debug::Warning) << "OpenXRManagerImpl: Lost " << eventsLost->lostEventCount << " events"; } return baseHeader; } if (result != XR_EVENT_UNAVAILABLE) CHECK_XRRESULT(result, "xrPollEvent"); return nullptr; } MWVR::Pose fromXR(XrPosef pose) { return MWVR::Pose{ osg::fromXR(pose.position), osg::fromXR(pose.orientation) }; } XrPosef toXR(MWVR::Pose pose) { return XrPosef{ osg::toXR(pose.orientation), osg::toXR(pose.position) }; } MWVR::FieldOfView fromXR(XrFovf fov) { return MWVR::FieldOfView{ fov.angleLeft, fov.angleRight, fov.angleUp, fov.angleDown }; } XrFovf toXR(MWVR::FieldOfView fov) { return XrFovf{ fov.angleLeft, fov.angleRight, fov.angleUp, fov.angleDown }; } XrSpace OpenXRManagerImpl::getReferenceSpace(TrackedSpace space) { XrSpace referenceSpace = XR_NULL_HANDLE; if (space == TrackedSpace::STAGE) referenceSpace = mReferenceSpaceStage; if (space == TrackedSpace::VIEW) referenceSpace = mReferenceSpaceView; return referenceSpace; } void OpenXRManagerImpl::enablePredictions() { mPredictionsEnabled = true; } void OpenXRManagerImpl::disablePredictions() { mPredictionsEnabled = false; } } namespace osg { Vec3 fromXR(XrVector3f v) { return Vec3{ v.x, -v.z, v.y }; } Quat fromXR(XrQuaternionf quat) { return Quat{ quat.x, -quat.z, quat.y, quat.w }; } XrVector3f toXR(Vec3 v) { return XrVector3f{ v.x(), v.z(), -v.y() }; } XrQuaternionf toXR(Quat quat) { return XrQuaternionf{ quat.x(), quat.z(), -quat.y(), quat.w() }; } }