#include "spellcasting.hpp" #include #include /* Start of tes3mp addition Include additional headers for multiplayer purposes */ #include #include "../mwmp/Main.hpp" #include "../mwmp/Networking.hpp" #include "../mwmp/PlayerList.hpp" #include "../mwmp/LocalPlayer.hpp" #include "../mwmp/ObjectList.hpp" #include "../mwmp/CellController.hpp" #include "../mwmp/MechanicsHelper.hpp" /* End of tes3mp addition */ #include "../mwbase/windowmanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/soundmanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/mechanicsmanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwbase/world.hpp" #include "../mwworld/containerstore.hpp" #include "../mwworld/actionteleport.hpp" #include "../mwworld/player.hpp" #include "../mwworld/class.hpp" #include "../mwworld/cellstore.hpp" #include "../mwworld/esmstore.hpp" #include "../mwworld/inventorystore.hpp" #include "../mwrender/animation.hpp" #include "actorutil.hpp" #include "aifollow.hpp" #include "creaturestats.hpp" #include "linkedeffects.hpp" #include "spellabsorption.hpp" #include "spellresistance.hpp" #include "spellutil.hpp" #include "summoning.hpp" #include "tickableeffects.hpp" #include "weapontype.hpp" namespace MWMechanics { CastSpell::CastSpell(const MWWorld::Ptr &caster, const MWWorld::Ptr &target, const bool fromProjectile, const bool manualSpell) : mCaster(caster) , mTarget(target) , mFromProjectile(fromProjectile) , mManualSpell(manualSpell) { } void CastSpell::launchMagicBolt () { osg::Vec3f fallbackDirection(0, 1, 0); osg::Vec3f offset(0, 0, 0); if (!mTarget.isEmpty() && mTarget.getClass().isActor()) offset.z() = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getHalfExtents(mTarget).z(); // Fall back to a "caster to target" direction if we have no other means of determining it // (e.g. when cast by a non-actor) if (!mTarget.isEmpty()) fallbackDirection = (mTarget.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3() + offset) - (mCaster.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3()); MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->launchMagicBolt(mId, mCaster, fallbackDirection); } void CastSpell::inflict(const MWWorld::Ptr &target, const MWWorld::Ptr &caster, const ESM::EffectList &effects, ESM::RangeType range, bool reflected, bool exploded) { const bool targetIsActor = !target.isEmpty() && target.getClass().isActor(); if (targetIsActor) { // Early-out for characters that have departed. const auto& stats = target.getClass().getCreatureStats(target); if (stats.isDead() && stats.isDeathAnimationFinished()) return; } // If none of the effects need to apply, we can early-out bool found = false; for (const ESM::ENAMstruct& effect : effects.mList) { if (effect.mRange == range) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) return; const ESM::Spell* spell = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().search (mId); if (spell && targetIsActor && (spell->mData.mType == ESM::Spell::ST_Disease || spell->mData.mType == ESM::Spell::ST_Blight)) { int requiredResistance = (spell->mData.mType == ESM::Spell::ST_Disease) ? ESM::MagicEffect::ResistCommonDisease : ESM::MagicEffect::ResistBlightDisease; float x = target.getClass().getCreatureStats(target).getMagicEffects().get(requiredResistance).getMagnitude(); if (Misc::Rng::roll0to99() <= x) { // Fully resisted, show message if (target == getPlayer()) MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->messageBox("#{sMagicPCResisted}"); return; } } ESM::EffectList reflectedEffects; std::vector appliedLastingEffects; // HACK: cache target's magic effects here, and add any applied effects to it. Use the cached effects for determining resistance. // This is required for Weakness effects in a spell to apply to any subsequent effects in the spell. // Otherwise, they'd only apply after the whole spell was added. MagicEffects targetEffects; if (targetIsActor) targetEffects += target.getClass().getCreatureStats(target).getMagicEffects(); bool castByPlayer = (!caster.isEmpty() && caster == getPlayer()); ActiveSpells targetSpells; if (targetIsActor) targetSpells = target.getClass().getCreatureStats(target).getActiveSpells(); bool canCastAnEffect = false; // For bound equipment.If this remains false // throughout the iteration of this spell's // effects, we display a "can't re-cast" message // Try absorbing the spell. Some handling must still happen for absorbed effects. bool absorbed = absorbSpell(mId, caster, target); int currentEffectIndex = 0; for (std::vector::const_iterator effectIt (effects.mList.begin()); !target.isEmpty() && effectIt != effects.mList.end(); ++effectIt, ++currentEffectIndex) { if (effectIt->mRange != range) continue; const ESM::MagicEffect *magicEffect = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().find ( effectIt->mEffectID); // Re-casting a bound equipment effect has no effect if the spell is still active if (magicEffect->mData.mFlags & ESM::MagicEffect::NonRecastable && targetSpells.isSpellActive(mId)) { if (effectIt == (effects.mList.end() - 1) && !canCastAnEffect && castByPlayer) MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->messageBox("#{sMagicCannotRecast}"); continue; } canCastAnEffect = true; if (!checkEffectTarget(effectIt->mEffectID, target, caster, castByPlayer)) continue; // caster needs to be an actor for linked effects (e.g. Absorb) if (magicEffect->mData.mFlags & ESM::MagicEffect::CasterLinked && (caster.isEmpty() || !caster.getClass().isActor())) continue; // Notify the target actor they've been hit bool isHarmful = magicEffect->mData.mFlags & ESM::MagicEffect::Harmful; if (target.getClass().isActor() && target != caster && !caster.isEmpty() && isHarmful) target.getClass().onHit(target, 0.0f, true, MWWorld::Ptr(), caster, osg::Vec3f(), true); // Avoid proceeding further for absorbed spells. if (absorbed) continue; // Reflect harmful effects if (!reflected && reflectEffect(*effectIt, magicEffect, caster, target, reflectedEffects)) continue; // Try resisting. float magnitudeMult = getEffectMultiplier(effectIt->mEffectID, target, caster, spell, &targetEffects); if (magnitudeMult == 0) { // Fully resisted, show message if (target == getPlayer()) MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->messageBox("#{sMagicPCResisted}"); else if (castByPlayer) MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->messageBox("#{sMagicTargetResisted}"); } else { float magnitude = effectIt->mMagnMin + Misc::Rng::rollDice(effectIt->mMagnMax - effectIt->mMagnMin + 1); magnitude *= magnitudeMult; if (!target.getClass().isActor()) { // non-actor objects have no list of active magic effects, so have to apply instantly if (!applyInstantEffect(target, caster, EffectKey(*effectIt), magnitude)) continue; } else // target.getClass().isActor() == true { ActiveSpells::ActiveEffect effect; effect.mEffectId = effectIt->mEffectID; effect.mArg = MWMechanics::EffectKey(*effectIt).mArg; effect.mMagnitude = magnitude; effect.mTimeLeft = 0.f; effect.mEffectIndex = currentEffectIndex; // Avoid applying absorb effects if the caster is the target // We still need the spell to be added if (caster == target && effectIt->mEffectID >= ESM::MagicEffect::AbsorbAttribute && effectIt->mEffectID <= ESM::MagicEffect::AbsorbSkill) { effect.mMagnitude = 0; } // Avoid applying harmful effects to the player in god mode if (target == getPlayer() && MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getGodModeState() && isHarmful) { effect.mMagnitude = 0; } bool effectAffectsHealth = isHarmful || effectIt->mEffectID == ESM::MagicEffect::RestoreHealth; if (castByPlayer && target != caster && !target.getClass().getCreatureStats(target).isDead() && effectAffectsHealth) { // If player is attempting to cast a harmful spell on or is healing a living target, show the target's HP bar. MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->setEnemy(target); } bool hasDuration = !(magicEffect->mData.mFlags & ESM::MagicEffect::NoDuration); effect.mDuration = hasDuration ? static_cast(effectIt->mDuration) : 1.f; bool appliedOnce = magicEffect->mData.mFlags & ESM::MagicEffect::AppliedOnce; if (!appliedOnce) effect.mDuration = std::max(1.f, effect.mDuration); /* Start of tes3mp change (major) If the target is a DedicatedPlayer or DedicatedActor, don't apply effects to them unilaterally on this client and wait for the server's response to the other client to apply the effects for us */ if (effect.mDuration == 0 && !mwmp::PlayerList::isDedicatedPlayer(target) && !mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->isDedicatedActor(target)) /* End of tes3mp change (major) */ { // We still should add effect to list to allow GetSpellEffects to detect this spell appliedLastingEffects.push_back(effect); // duration 0 means apply full magnitude instantly bool wasDead = target.getClass().getCreatureStats(target).isDead(); effectTick(target.getClass().getCreatureStats(target), target, EffectKey(*effectIt), effect.mMagnitude); bool isDead = target.getClass().getCreatureStats(target).isDead(); /* Start of tes3mp addition If the target was a LocalPlayer or LocalActor who died, record the caster as the killer */ if (!wasDead && isDead) { bool isSuicide = target == caster || caster.isEmpty(); if (target == MWMechanics::getPlayer()) { mwmp::Main::get().getLocalPlayer()->killer = isSuicide ? MechanicsHelper::getTarget(target) : MechanicsHelper::getTarget(caster); } else if (mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->isLocalActor(target)) { mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->getLocalActor(target)->killer = isSuicide ? MechanicsHelper::getTarget(target) : MechanicsHelper::getTarget(caster); } } /* End of tes3mp addition */ if (!wasDead && isDead) MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->actorKilled(target, caster); } /* Start of tes3mp change (major) If the target is a DedicatedPlayer or DedicatedActor, don't apply effects to them unilaterally on this client and wait for the server's response to the other client to apply the effects for us */ else if (!mwmp::PlayerList::isDedicatedPlayer(target) && !mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->isDedicatedActor(target)) /* End of tes3mp change (major) */ { effect.mTimeLeft = effect.mDuration; targetEffects.add(MWMechanics::EffectKey(*effectIt), MWMechanics::EffectParam(effect.mMagnitude)); // add to list of active effects, to apply in next frame appliedLastingEffects.push_back(effect); // Unequip all items, if a spell with the ExtraSpell effect was casted if (effectIt->mEffectID == ESM::MagicEffect::ExtraSpell && target.getClass().hasInventoryStore(target)) { MWWorld::InventoryStore& store = target.getClass().getInventoryStore(target); store.unequipAll(target); } // Command spells should have their effect, including taking the target out of combat, each time the spell successfully affects the target if (((effectIt->mEffectID == ESM::MagicEffect::CommandHumanoid && target.getClass().isNpc()) || (effectIt->mEffectID == ESM::MagicEffect::CommandCreature && target.getTypeName() == typeid(ESM::Creature).name())) && !caster.isEmpty() && caster.getClass().isActor() && target != getPlayer() && effect.mMagnitude >= target.getClass().getCreatureStats(target).getLevel()) { MWMechanics::AiFollow package(caster, true); target.getClass().getCreatureStats(target).getAiSequence().stack(package, target); } // For absorb effects, also apply the effect to the caster - but with a negative // magnitude, since we're transferring stats from the target to the caster if (effectIt->mEffectID >= ESM::MagicEffect::AbsorbAttribute && effectIt->mEffectID <= ESM::MagicEffect::AbsorbSkill) absorbStat(*effectIt, effect, caster, target, reflected, mSourceName); } } // Re-casting a summon effect will remove the creature from previous castings of that effect. if (isSummoningEffect(effectIt->mEffectID) && targetIsActor) { CreatureStats& targetStats = target.getClass().getCreatureStats(target); ESM::SummonKey key(effectIt->mEffectID, mId, currentEffectIndex); auto findCreature = targetStats.getSummonedCreatureMap().find(key); if (findCreature != targetStats.getSummonedCreatureMap().end()) { /* Start of tes3mp change (major) Don't clean up placeholder summoned creatures still awaiting a spawn packet from the server, because that would make the packet create permanent spawns instead */ if (findCreature->second != -1) { MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->cleanupSummonedCreature(target, findCreature->second); targetStats.getSummonedCreatureMap().erase(findCreature); } /* End of tes3mp change (major) */ } } if (target.getClass().isActor() || magicEffect->mData.mFlags & ESM::MagicEffect::NoDuration) { static const std::string schools[] = { "alteration", "conjuration", "destruction", "illusion", "mysticism", "restoration" }; MWBase::SoundManager *sndMgr = MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager(); if(!magicEffect->mHitSound.empty()) sndMgr->playSound3D(target, magicEffect->mHitSound, 1.0f, 1.0f); else sndMgr->playSound3D(target, schools[magicEffect->mData.mSchool]+" hit", 1.0f, 1.0f); // Add VFX const ESM::Static* castStatic; if (!magicEffect->mHit.empty()) castStatic = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().find (magicEffect->mHit); else castStatic = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().find ("VFX_DefaultHit"); bool loop = (magicEffect->mData.mFlags & ESM::MagicEffect::ContinuousVfx) != 0; // Note: in case of non actor, a free effect should be fine as well MWRender::Animation* anim = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getAnimation(target); if (anim && !castStatic->mModel.empty()) anim->addEffect("meshes\\" + castStatic->mModel, magicEffect->mIndex, loop, "", magicEffect->mParticle); } } } if (!exploded) MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->explodeSpell(mHitPosition, effects, caster, target, range, mId, mSourceName, mFromProjectile); if (!target.isEmpty()) { if (!reflectedEffects.mList.empty()) inflict(caster, target, reflectedEffects, range, true, exploded); if (!appliedLastingEffects.empty()) { int casterActorId = -1; if (!caster.isEmpty() && caster.getClass().isActor()) casterActorId = caster.getClass().getCreatureStats(caster).getActorId(); target.getClass().getCreatureStats(target).getActiveSpells().addSpell(mId, mStack, appliedLastingEffects, mSourceName, casterActorId); } } } bool CastSpell::applyInstantEffect(const MWWorld::Ptr &target, const MWWorld::Ptr &caster, const MWMechanics::EffectKey& effect, float magnitude) { short effectId = effect.mId; if (target.getClass().canLock(target)) { if (effectId == ESM::MagicEffect::Lock) { const MWWorld::ESMStore& store = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore(); const ESM::MagicEffect *magiceffect = store.get().find(effectId); MWRender::Animation* animation = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getAnimation(target); if (animation) animation->addSpellCastGlow(magiceffect); if (target.getCellRef().getLockLevel() < magnitude) //If the door is not already locked to a higher value, lock it to spell magnitude { if (caster == getPlayer()) MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->messageBox("#{sMagicLockSuccess}"); /* Start of tes3mp change (major) Disable unilateral locking on this client and expect the server's reply to our packet to do it instead */ //target.getCellRef().lock(static_cast(magnitude)); /* End of tes3mp change (major) */ /* Start of tes3mp addition Send an ID_OBJECT_LOCK packet every time an object is locked here */ mwmp::ObjectList *objectList = mwmp::Main::get().getNetworking()->getObjectList(); objectList->reset(); objectList->packetOrigin = mwmp::CLIENT_GAMEPLAY; objectList->addObjectLock(target, static_cast(magnitude)); objectList->sendObjectLock(); /* End of tes3mp addition */ } return true; } else if (effectId == ESM::MagicEffect::Open) { if (!caster.isEmpty()) { MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->unlockAttempted(getPlayer(), target); // Use the player instead of the caster for vanilla crime compatibility } const MWWorld::ESMStore& store = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore(); const ESM::MagicEffect *magiceffect = store.get().find(effectId); MWRender::Animation* animation = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getAnimation(target); if (animation) animation->addSpellCastGlow(magiceffect); if (target.getCellRef().getLockLevel() <= magnitude) { if (target.getCellRef().getLockLevel() > 0) { MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->playSound3D(target, "Open Lock", 1.f, 1.f); if (caster == getPlayer()) MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->messageBox("#{sMagicOpenSuccess}"); } /* Start of tes3mp change (major) Disable unilateral locking on this client and expect the server's reply to our packet to do it instead */ //target.getCellRef().unlock(); /* End of tes3mp change (major) */ /* Start of tes3mp addition Send an ID_OBJECT_LOCK packet every time an object is unlocked here */ mwmp::ObjectList *objectList = mwmp::Main::get().getNetworking()->getObjectList(); objectList->reset(); objectList->packetOrigin = mwmp::CLIENT_GAMEPLAY; objectList->addObjectLock(target, 0); objectList->sendObjectLock(); /* End of tes3mp addition */ } else { MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->playSound3D(target, "Open Lock Fail", 1.f, 1.f); } return true; } } else if (target.getClass().isActor() && effectId == ESM::MagicEffect::Dispel) { target.getClass().getCreatureStats(target).getActiveSpells().purgeAll(magnitude, true); return true; } else if (target.getClass().isActor() && target == getPlayer()) { MWRender::Animation* anim = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getAnimation(mCaster); bool teleportingEnabled = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->isTeleportingEnabled(); if (effectId == ESM::MagicEffect::DivineIntervention || effectId == ESM::MagicEffect::AlmsiviIntervention) { if (!teleportingEnabled) { if (caster == getPlayer()) MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->messageBox("#{sTeleportDisabled}"); return true; } std::string marker = (effectId == ESM::MagicEffect::DivineIntervention) ? "divinemarker" : "templemarker"; MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->teleportToClosestMarker(target, marker); anim->removeEffect(effectId); const ESM::Static* fx = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get() .search("VFX_Summon_end"); if (fx) anim->addEffect("meshes\\" + fx->mModel, -1); return true; } else if (effectId == ESM::MagicEffect::Mark) { if (teleportingEnabled) { MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPlayer().markPosition( target.getCell(), target.getRefData().getPosition()); } else if (caster == getPlayer()) { MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->messageBox("#{sTeleportDisabled}"); } /* Start of tes3mp addition Send a PlayerMiscellaneous packet with the player's new mark location */ mwmp::Main::get().getLocalPlayer()->sendMarkLocation(*target.getCell()->getCell(), target.getRefData().getPosition()); /* End of tes3mp addition */ return true; } else if (effectId == ESM::MagicEffect::Recall) { if (!teleportingEnabled) { if (caster == getPlayer()) MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->messageBox("#{sTeleportDisabled}"); return true; } MWWorld::CellStore* markedCell = nullptr; ESM::Position markedPosition; MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPlayer().getMarkedPosition(markedCell, markedPosition); if (markedCell) { MWWorld::ActionTeleport action(markedCell->isExterior() ? "" : markedCell->getCell()->mName, markedPosition, false); action.execute(target); anim->removeEffect(effectId); } return true; } } return false; } bool CastSpell::cast(const std::string &id) { const MWWorld::ESMStore& store = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore(); if (const auto spell = store.get().search(id)) return cast(spell); if (const auto potion = store.get().search(id)) return cast(potion); if (const auto ingredient = store.get().search(id)) return cast(ingredient); throw std::runtime_error("ID type cannot be casted"); } bool CastSpell::cast(const MWWorld::Ptr &item, bool launchProjectile) { std::string enchantmentName = item.getClass().getEnchantment(item); if (enchantmentName.empty()) throw std::runtime_error("can't cast an item without an enchantment"); mSourceName = item.getClass().getName(item); mId = item.getCellRef().getRefId(); const ESM::Enchantment* enchantment = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().find(enchantmentName); mStack = false; bool godmode = mCaster == MWMechanics::getPlayer() && MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getGodModeState(); bool isProjectile = false; if (item.getTypeName() == typeid(ESM::Weapon).name()) { int type = item.get()->mBase->mData.mType; ESM::WeaponType::Class weapclass = MWMechanics::getWeaponType(type)->mWeaponClass; isProjectile = (weapclass == ESM::WeaponType::Thrown || weapclass == ESM::WeaponType::Ammo); } int type = enchantment->mData.mType; // Check if there's enough charge left if (!godmode && (type == ESM::Enchantment::WhenUsed || (!isProjectile && type == ESM::Enchantment::WhenStrikes))) { int castCost = getEffectiveEnchantmentCastCost(static_cast(enchantment->mData.mCost), mCaster); if (item.getCellRef().getEnchantmentCharge() == -1) item.getCellRef().setEnchantmentCharge(static_cast(enchantment->mData.mCharge)); if (item.getCellRef().getEnchantmentCharge() < castCost) { if (mCaster == getPlayer()) { MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->messageBox("#{sMagicInsufficientCharge}"); // Failure sound int school = 0; if (!enchantment->mEffects.mList.empty()) { short effectId = enchantment->mEffects.mList.front().mEffectID; const ESM::MagicEffect* magicEffect = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().find(effectId); school = magicEffect->mData.mSchool; } static const std::string schools[] = { "alteration", "conjuration", "destruction", "illusion", "mysticism", "restoration" }; MWBase::SoundManager *sndMgr = MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager(); sndMgr->playSound3D(mCaster, "Spell Failure " + schools[school], 1.0f, 1.0f); } return false; } // Reduce charge item.getCellRef().setEnchantmentCharge(item.getCellRef().getEnchantmentCharge() - castCost); } if (type == ESM::Enchantment::WhenUsed) { if (mCaster == getPlayer()) mCaster.getClass().skillUsageSucceeded (mCaster, ESM::Skill::Enchant, 1); } else if (type == ESM::Enchantment::CastOnce) { if (!godmode) item.getContainerStore()->remove(item, 1, mCaster); } else if (type == ESM::Enchantment::WhenStrikes) { if (mCaster == getPlayer()) mCaster.getClass().skillUsageSucceeded (mCaster, ESM::Skill::Enchant, 3); } inflict(mCaster, mCaster, enchantment->mEffects, ESM::RT_Self); if (isProjectile || !mTarget.isEmpty()) inflict(mTarget, mCaster, enchantment->mEffects, ESM::RT_Touch); if (launchProjectile) launchMagicBolt(); else if (isProjectile || !mTarget.isEmpty()) inflict(mTarget, mCaster, enchantment->mEffects, ESM::RT_Target); return true; } bool CastSpell::cast(const ESM::Potion* potion) { mSourceName = potion->mName; mId = potion->mId; mStack = true; inflict(mCaster, mCaster, potion->mEffects, ESM::RT_Self); return true; } bool CastSpell::cast(const ESM::Spell* spell) { mSourceName = spell->mName; mId = spell->mId; mStack = false; const MWWorld::ESMStore& store = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore(); int school = 0; bool godmode = mCaster == MWMechanics::getPlayer() && MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getGodModeState(); if (mCaster.getClass().isActor() && !mAlwaysSucceed && !mManualSpell) { school = getSpellSchool(spell, mCaster); CreatureStats& stats = mCaster.getClass().getCreatureStats(mCaster); if (!godmode) { // Reduce fatigue (note that in the vanilla game, both GMSTs are 0, and there's no fatigue loss) static const float fFatigueSpellBase = store.get().find("fFatigueSpellBase")->mValue.getFloat(); static const float fFatigueSpellMult = store.get().find("fFatigueSpellMult")->mValue.getFloat(); DynamicStat fatigue = stats.getFatigue(); const float normalizedEncumbrance = mCaster.getClass().getNormalizedEncumbrance(mCaster); float fatigueLoss = spell->mData.mCost * (fFatigueSpellBase + normalizedEncumbrance * fFatigueSpellMult); fatigue.setCurrent(fatigue.getCurrent() - fatigueLoss); stats.setFatigue(fatigue); bool fail = false; /* Start of tes3mp change (major) Make spell casting fail based on the casting success rated determined in MechanicsHelper::getSpellSuccess() */ mwmp::Cast *localCast = NULL; mwmp::Cast *dedicatedCast = MechanicsHelper::getDedicatedCast(mCaster); if (dedicatedCast) dedicatedCast->pressed = false; else { localCast = MechanicsHelper::getLocalCast(mCaster); localCast->success = MechanicsHelper::getSpellSuccess(mId, mCaster); localCast->pressed = false; localCast->shouldSend = true; } // Check success if ((localCast && localCast->success == false) || (dedicatedCast && dedicatedCast->success == false)) { if (mCaster == getPlayer()) MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->messageBox("#{sMagicSkillFail}"); fail = true; } /* End of tes3mp change (major) */ if (fail) { // Failure sound static const std::string schools[] = { "alteration", "conjuration", "destruction", "illusion", "mysticism", "restoration" }; MWBase::SoundManager *sndMgr = MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager(); sndMgr->playSound3D(mCaster, "Spell Failure " + schools[school], 1.0f, 1.0f); return false; } } // A power can be used once per 24h if (spell->mData.mType == ESM::Spell::ST_Power) stats.getSpells().usePower(spell); } if (!mManualSpell && mCaster == getPlayer() && spellIncreasesSkill(spell)) mCaster.getClass().skillUsageSucceeded(mCaster, spellSchoolToSkill(school), 0); // A non-actor doesn't play its spell cast effects from a character controller, so play them here if (!mCaster.getClass().isActor()) playSpellCastingEffects(spell->mEffects.mList); inflict(mCaster, mCaster, spell->mEffects, ESM::RT_Self); if (!mTarget.isEmpty()) inflict(mTarget, mCaster, spell->mEffects, ESM::RT_Touch); launchMagicBolt(); return true; } bool CastSpell::cast (const ESM::Ingredient* ingredient) { mId = ingredient->mId; mStack = true; mSourceName = ingredient->mName; ESM::ENAMstruct effect; effect.mEffectID = ingredient->mData.mEffectID[0]; effect.mSkill = ingredient->mData.mSkills[0]; effect.mAttribute = ingredient->mData.mAttributes[0]; effect.mRange = ESM::RT_Self; effect.mArea = 0; const MWWorld::ESMStore& store = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore(); const auto magicEffect = store.get().find(effect.mEffectID); const MWMechanics::CreatureStats& creatureStats = mCaster.getClass().getCreatureStats(mCaster); float x = (mCaster.getClass().getSkill(mCaster, ESM::Skill::Alchemy) + 0.2f * creatureStats.getAttribute (ESM::Attribute::Intelligence).getModified() + 0.1f * creatureStats.getAttribute (ESM::Attribute::Luck).getModified()) * creatureStats.getFatigueTerm(); int roll = Misc::Rng::roll0to99(); if (roll > x) { // "X has no effect on you" std::string message = store.get().find("sNotifyMessage50")->mValue.getString(); message = Misc::StringUtils::format(message, ingredient->mName); MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->messageBox(message); return false; } float magnitude = 0; float y = roll / std::min(x, 100.f); y *= 0.25f * x; if (magicEffect->mData.mFlags & ESM::MagicEffect::NoDuration) effect.mDuration = 1; else effect.mDuration = static_cast(y); if (!(magicEffect->mData.mFlags & ESM::MagicEffect::NoMagnitude)) { if (!(magicEffect->mData.mFlags & ESM::MagicEffect::NoDuration)) magnitude = floor((0.05f * y) / (0.1f * magicEffect->mData.mBaseCost)); else magnitude = floor(y / (0.1f * magicEffect->mData.mBaseCost)); magnitude = std::max(1.f, magnitude); } else magnitude = 1; effect.mMagnMax = static_cast(magnitude); effect.mMagnMin = static_cast(magnitude); ESM::EffectList effects; effects.mList.push_back(effect); inflict(mCaster, mCaster, effects, ESM::RT_Self); return true; } void CastSpell::playSpellCastingEffects(const std::string &spellid, bool enchantment) { const MWWorld::ESMStore& store = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore(); if (enchantment) { if (const auto spell = store.get().search(spellid)) playSpellCastingEffects(spell->mEffects.mList); } else { if (const auto spell = store.get().search(spellid)) playSpellCastingEffects(spell->mEffects.mList); } } void CastSpell::playSpellCastingEffects(const std::vector& effects) { const MWWorld::ESMStore& store = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore(); std::vector addedEffects; for (const ESM::ENAMstruct& effectData : effects) { const auto effect = store.get().find(effectData.mEffectID); const ESM::Static* castStatic; if (!effect->mCasting.empty()) castStatic = store.get().find (effect->mCasting); else castStatic = store.get().find ("VFX_DefaultCast"); // check if the effect was already added if (std::find(addedEffects.begin(), addedEffects.end(), "meshes\\" + castStatic->mModel) != addedEffects.end()) continue; MWRender::Animation* animation = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getAnimation(mCaster); if (animation) { animation->addEffect("meshes\\" + castStatic->mModel, effect->mIndex, false, "", effect->mParticle); } else { // If the caster has no animation, add the effect directly to the effectManager // We should scale it manually osg::Vec3f bounds (MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getHalfExtents(mCaster) * 2.f / Constants::UnitsPerFoot); float scale = std::max({ bounds.x()/3.f, bounds.y()/3.f, bounds.z()/6.f }); float meshScale = !mCaster.getClass().isActor() ? mCaster.getCellRef().getScale() : 1.0f; osg::Vec3f pos (mCaster.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3()); MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->spawnEffect("meshes\\" + castStatic->mModel, effect->mParticle, pos, scale * meshScale); } if (animation && !mCaster.getClass().isActor()) animation->addSpellCastGlow(effect); static const std::string schools[] = { "alteration", "conjuration", "destruction", "illusion", "mysticism", "restoration" }; addedEffects.push_back("meshes\\" + castStatic->mModel); MWBase::SoundManager *sndMgr = MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager(); if(!effect->mCastSound.empty()) sndMgr->playSound3D(mCaster, effect->mCastSound, 1.0f, 1.0f); else sndMgr->playSound3D(mCaster, schools[effect->mData.mSchool]+" cast", 1.0f, 1.0f); } } }