#include "errorhandler.hpp"

namespace Compiler
    // constructor

    ErrorHandler::ErrorHandler() : mWarnings (0), mErrors (0) {}

    // destructor

    ErrorHandler::~ErrorHandler() {}

    // Was compiling successful?

    bool ErrorHandler::isGood() const
        return mErrors==0;

    // Return number of errors

    int ErrorHandler::countErrors() const
        return mErrors;

    // Return number of warnings

    int ErrorHandler::countWarnings() const
        return mWarnings;

    // Generate a warning message.

    void ErrorHandler::warning (const std::string& message, const TokenLoc& loc)
        report (message, loc, WarningMessage);

    // Generate an error message.

    void ErrorHandler::error (const std::string& message, const TokenLoc& loc)
        report (message, loc, ErrorMessage);

    // Generate an error message for an unexpected EOF.

    void ErrorHandler::endOfFile()
        report ("unexpected end of file", ErrorMessage);

    // Remove all previous error/warning events

    void ErrorHandler::reset()
        mErrors = mWarnings = 0;