#include "vrgui.hpp" #include #include "vranimation.hpp" #include "vrenvironment.hpp" #include "vrpointer.hpp" #include "vrsession.hpp" #include "openxrinput.hpp" #include "openxrmanagerimpl.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../mwrender/util.hpp" #include "../mwrender/renderbin.hpp" #include "../mwrender/renderingmanager.hpp" #include "../mwrender/camera.hpp" #include "../mwrender/vismask.hpp" #include "../mwbase/world.hpp" #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwbase/windowmanager.hpp" #include "../mwgui/windowbase.hpp" #include "../mwbase/statemanager.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace osg { // Convenience const double PI_8 = osg::PI_4 / 2.; } namespace MWVR { // When making a circle of a given radius of equally wide planes separated by a given angle, what is the width static osg::Vec2 radiusAngleWidth(float radius, float angleRadian) { const float width = std::fabs(2.f * radius * tanf(angleRadian / 2.f)); return osg::Vec2(width, width); } /// RTT camera used to draw the osg GUI to a texture class GUICamera : public osg::Camera { public: GUICamera(int width, int height, osg::Vec4 clearColor) { setRenderOrder(osg::Camera::PRE_RENDER); setClearMask(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); setCullingActive(false); // Make the texture just a little transparent to feel more natural in the game world. setClearColor(clearColor); setRenderTargetImplementation(osg::Camera::FRAME_BUFFER_OBJECT); setReferenceFrame(osg::Camera::ABSOLUTE_RF); setComputeNearFarMode(osg::CullSettings::DO_NOT_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR); setName("GUICamera"); setCullMask(MWRender::Mask_GUI); setCullMaskLeft(MWRender::Mask_GUI); setCullMaskRight(MWRender::Mask_GUI); setNodeMask(MWRender::Mask_RenderToTexture); setViewport(0, 0, width, height); // No need for Update traversal since the mSceneRoot is already updated as part of the main scene graph // A double update would mess with the light collection (in addition to being plain redundant) setUpdateCallback(new MWRender::NoTraverseCallback); // Create the texture mTexture = new osg::Texture2D; mTexture->setTextureSize(width, height); mTexture->setInternalFormat(GL_RGBA); mTexture->setFilter(osg::Texture::MIN_FILTER, osg::Texture::LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR); mTexture->setFilter(osg::Texture::MAG_FILTER, osg::Texture::LINEAR); mTexture->setWrap(osg::Texture::WRAP_S, osg::Texture::CLAMP_TO_EDGE); mTexture->setWrap(osg::Texture::WRAP_T, osg::Texture::CLAMP_TO_EDGE); attach(osg::Camera::COLOR_BUFFER, mTexture); // Need to regenerate mipmaps every frame setPostDrawCallback(new MWRender::MipmapCallback(mTexture)); // Do not want to waste time on shadows when generating the GUI texture SceneUtil::ShadowManager::disableShadowsForStateSet(getOrCreateStateSet()); // Put rendering as early as possible getOrCreateStateSet()->setRenderBinDetails(-1, "RenderBin"); } void setScene(osg::Node* scene) { if (mScene) removeChild(mScene); mScene = scene; addChild(scene); Log(Debug::Verbose) << "Set new scene: " << mScene->getName(); } osg::Texture2D* getTexture() const { return mTexture.get(); } private: osg::ref_ptr mTexture; osg::ref_ptr mScene; }; //class LayerUpdateCallback : public osg::Callback //{ //public: // LayerUpdateCallback(VRGUILayer* layer) // : mLayer(layer) // { // } // bool run(osg::Object* object, osg::Object* data) // { // mLayer->update(); // return traverse(object, data); // } //private: // VRGUILayer* mLayer; //}; VRGUILayer::VRGUILayer( osg::ref_ptr geometryRoot, osg::ref_ptr cameraRoot, std::string layerName, LayerConfig config, VRGUIManager* parent) : mConfig(config) , mLayerName(layerName) , mGeometryRoot(geometryRoot) , mCameraRoot(cameraRoot) { osg::ref_ptr vertices{ new osg::Vec3Array(4) }; osg::ref_ptr texCoords{ new osg::Vec2Array(4) }; osg::ref_ptr normals{ new osg::Vec3Array(1) }; auto extent_units = config.extent * Constants::UnitsPerMeter; float left = mConfig.center.x() - 0.5; float right = left + 1.f; float top = 0.5f + mConfig.center.y(); float bottom = top - 1.f; // Define the menu quad osg::Vec3 top_left(left, 1, top); osg::Vec3 bottom_left(left, 1, bottom); osg::Vec3 bottom_right(right, 1, bottom); osg::Vec3 top_right(right, 1, top); (*vertices)[0] = bottom_left; (*vertices)[1] = top_left; (*vertices)[2] = bottom_right; (*vertices)[3] = top_right; mGeometry->setVertexArray(vertices); (*texCoords)[0].set(0.0f, 0.0f); (*texCoords)[1].set(0.0f, 1.0f); (*texCoords)[2].set(1.0f, 0.0f); (*texCoords)[3].set(1.0f, 1.0f); mGeometry->setTexCoordArray(0, texCoords); (*normals)[0].set(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f); mGeometry->setNormalArray(normals, osg::Array::BIND_OVERALL); // TODO: Just use GL_TRIANGLES mGeometry->addPrimitiveSet(new osg::DrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4)); mGeometry->setDataVariance(osg::Object::STATIC); mGeometry->setSupportsDisplayList(false); mGeometry->setName("VRGUILayer"); // Create the camera that will render the menu texture std::string filter = mLayerName; if (!mConfig.extraLayers.empty()) filter = filter + ";" + mConfig.extraLayers; mGUICamera = new GUICamera(config.pixelResolution.x(), config.pixelResolution.y(), config.backgroundColor); osgMyGUI::RenderManager& renderManager = static_cast(MyGUI::RenderManager::getInstance()); mMyGUICamera = renderManager.createGUICamera(osg::Camera::NESTED_RENDER, filter); mGUICamera->setScene(mMyGUICamera); // Define state set that allows rendering with transparency osg::StateSet* stateSet = mGeometry->getOrCreateStateSet(); auto texture = menuTexture(); texture->setName("diffuseMap"); stateSet->setTextureAttributeAndModes(0, texture, osg::StateAttribute::ON); osg::ref_ptr mat = new osg::Material; mat->setColorMode(osg::Material::AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE); stateSet->setAttribute(mat); // Position in the game world mTransform->setScale(osg::Vec3(extent_units.x(), 1.f, extent_units.y())); mTransform->addChild(mGeometry); // Add to scene graph mGeometryRoot->addChild(mTransform); mCameraRoot->addChild(mGUICamera); // Edit offset to account for priority if (!mConfig.sideBySide) { mConfig.offset.y() -= 0.001f * static_cast(mConfig.priority); } //mTransform->addUpdateCallback(new LayerUpdateCallback(this)); auto* tm = Environment::get().getTrackingManager(); mTrackingPath = tm->stringToVRPath(mConfig.trackingPath); tm->bind(this, "uisource"); } VRGUILayer::~VRGUILayer() { mGeometryRoot->removeChild(mTransform); mCameraRoot->removeChild(mGUICamera); } osg::Camera* VRGUILayer::camera() { return mGUICamera.get(); } osg::ref_ptr VRGUILayer::menuTexture() { if (mGUICamera) return mGUICamera->getTexture(); return nullptr; } void VRGUILayer::setAngle(float angle) { mRotation = osg::Quat{ angle, osg::Z_AXIS }; updatePose(); } void VRGUILayer::onTrackingUpdated(VRTrackingSource& source, DisplayTime predictedDisplayTime) { auto tp = source.getTrackingPose(predictedDisplayTime, mTrackingPath); if (!!tp.status) { mTrackedPose = tp.pose; updatePose(); } update(); } void VRGUILayer::updatePose() { auto orientation = mRotation * mTrackedPose.orientation; if(mLayerName == "StatusHUD" || mLayerName == "VirtualKeyboard") { orientation = osg::Quat(osg::PI_2, osg::Vec3(0, 0, 1)) * orientation; } // Orient the offset and move the layer auto position = mTrackedPose.position + orientation * mConfig.offset * Constants::UnitsPerMeter; mTransform->setAttitude(orientation); mTransform->setPosition(position); } void VRGUILayer::updateRect() { auto viewSize = MyGUI::RenderManager::getInstance().getViewSize(); mRealRect.left = 1.f; mRealRect.top = 1.f; mRealRect.right = 0.f; mRealRect.bottom = 0.f; float realWidth = static_cast(viewSize.width); float realHeight = static_cast(viewSize.height); for (auto* widget : mWidgets) { auto rect = widget->mMainWidget->getAbsoluteRect(); mRealRect.left = std::min(static_cast(rect.left) / realWidth, mRealRect.left); mRealRect.top = std::min(static_cast(rect.top) / realHeight, mRealRect.top); mRealRect.right = std::max(static_cast(rect.right) / realWidth, mRealRect.right); mRealRect.bottom = std::max(static_cast(rect.bottom) / realHeight, mRealRect.bottom); } // Some widgets don't capture the full visual if (mLayerName == "JournalBooks") { mRealRect.left = 0.f; mRealRect.top = 0.f; mRealRect.right = 1.f; mRealRect.bottom = 1.f; } if (mLayerName == "Notification") { // The latest widget for notification is always the top one // So i just stretch the rectangle to the bottom. mRealRect.bottom = 1.f; } } void VRGUILayer::update() { if (mConfig.sideBySide) { // The side-by-side windows are also the resizable windows. // Stretch according to config // This genre of layer should only ever have 1 widget as it will cover the full layer auto* widget = mWidgets.front(); auto* myGUIWindow = dynamic_cast(widget->mMainWidget); auto* windowBase = dynamic_cast(widget); if (windowBase && myGUIWindow) { auto w = mConfig.myGUIViewSize.x(); auto h = mConfig.myGUIViewSize.y(); windowBase->setCoordf(0.f, 0.f, w, h); windowBase->onWindowResize(myGUIWindow); } } updateRect(); float w = 0.f; float h = 0.f; for (auto* widget : mWidgets) { w = std::max(w, (float)widget->mMainWidget->getWidth()); h = std::max(h, (float)widget->mMainWidget->getHeight()); } // Pixels per unit float res = static_cast(mConfig.spatialResolution) / Constants::UnitsPerMeter; if (mConfig.sizingMode == SizingMode::Auto) { mTransform->setScale(osg::Vec3(w / res, 1.f, h / res)); } if (mLayerName == "Notification") { auto viewSize = MyGUI::RenderManager::getInstance().getViewSize(); h = (1.f - mRealRect.top) * static_cast(viewSize.height); mTransform->setScale(osg::Vec3(w / res, 1.f, h / res)); } // Convert from [0,1] range to [-1,1] float menuLeft = mRealRect.left * 2. - 1.; float menuRight = mRealRect.right * 2. - 1.; // Opposite convention float menuBottom = (1.f - mRealRect.bottom) * 2. - 1.; float menuTop = (1.f - mRealRect.top) * 2.f - 1.; if(mLayerName == "InputBlocker") mMyGUICamera->setProjectionMatrixAsOrtho2D(menuRight, menuLeft, menuTop, menuBottom); else mMyGUICamera->setProjectionMatrixAsOrtho2D(menuLeft, menuRight, menuBottom, menuTop); } void VRGUILayer::insertWidget( MWGui::Layout* widget) { for (auto* w : mWidgets) if (w == widget) return; mWidgets.push_back(widget); } void VRGUILayer::removeWidget( MWGui::Layout* widget) { for (auto it = mWidgets.begin(); it != mWidgets.end(); it++) { if (*it == widget) { mWidgets.erase(it); return; } } } class VRGUIManagerUpdateCallback : public osg::Callback { public: VRGUIManagerUpdateCallback(VRGUIManager* manager) : mManager(manager) { } bool run(osg::Object* object, osg::Object* data) { mManager->update(); return traverse(object, data); } private: VRGUIManager* mManager; }; static const LayerConfig createDefaultConfig(int priority, bool background = true, SizingMode sizingMode = SizingMode::Auto, std::string extraLayers = "Popup") { return LayerConfig{ priority, false, // side-by-side background ? osg::Vec4{0.f,0.f,0.f,.75f} : osg::Vec4{}, // background osg::Vec3(0.f,0.66f,-.25f), // offset osg::Vec2(0.f,0.f), // center (model space) osg::Vec2(1.f, 1.f), // extent (meters) 1024, // Spatial resolution (pixels per meter) osg::Vec2i(2048,2048), // Texture resolution osg::Vec2(1,1), sizingMode, "/ui/input/stationary/pose", extraLayers }; } static const float sSideBySideRadius = 1.f; static const float sSideBySideAzimuthInterval = -osg::PI_4; static const LayerConfig createSideBySideConfig(int priority) { LayerConfig config = createDefaultConfig(priority, true, SizingMode::Fixed, ""); config.sideBySide = true; config.offset = osg::Vec3(0.f, sSideBySideRadius, -.25f); config.extent = radiusAngleWidth(sSideBySideRadius, sSideBySideAzimuthInterval); config.myGUIViewSize = osg::Vec2(0.70f, 0.70f); return config; }; static osg::Vec3 gLeftHudOffsetTop = osg::Vec3(-0.200f, -.05f, .066f); static osg::Vec3 gLeftHudOffsetWrist = osg::Vec3(-0.200f, -.090f, -.033f); void VRGUIManager::setGeometryRoot(osg::Group* root) { mGeometriesRootNode->removeChild(mGeometries); mGeometriesRootNode = root; mGeometriesRootNode->addChild(mGeometries); } void VRGUIManager::setCameraRoot(osg::Group* root) { mGUICamerasRootNode->removeChild(mGUICameras); mGUICamerasRootNode = root; mGUICamerasRootNode->addChild(mGUICameras); } VRGUIManager::VRGUIManager( osg::ref_ptr viewer, Resource::ResourceSystem* resourceSystem, osg::Group* rootNode) : mOsgViewer(viewer) , mResourceSystem(resourceSystem) , mGeometriesRootNode(rootNode) , mGUICamerasRootNode(rootNode) , mUiTracking(new VRGUITracking("pcworld")) { mGeometries->setName("VR GUI Geometry Root"); mGeometries->setUpdateCallback(new VRGUIManagerUpdateCallback(this)); mGeometries->setNodeMask(MWRender::VisMask::Mask_3DGUI); mGeometriesRootNode->addChild(mGeometries); auto stateSet = mGeometries->getOrCreateStateSet(); stateSet->setMode(GL_BLEND, osg::StateAttribute::ON); stateSet->setAttributeAndModes(new osg::BlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)); stateSet->setRenderingHint(osg::StateSet::TRANSPARENT_BIN); // assign large value to effectively turn off fog // shaders don't respect glDisable(GL_FOG) osg::ref_ptr fog(new osg::Fog); fog->setStart(10000000); fog->setEnd(10000000); stateSet->setAttributeAndModes(fog, osg::StateAttribute::OFF); osg::ref_ptr lightmodel = new osg::LightModel; lightmodel->setAmbientIntensity(osg::Vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)); stateSet->setAttributeAndModes(lightmodel, osg::StateAttribute::ON); SceneUtil::ShadowManager::disableShadowsForStateSet(stateSet); mGeometries->setStateSet(stateSet); mGUICameras->setName("VR GUI Cameras Root"); mGUICameras->setNodeMask(MWRender::VisMask::Mask_3DGUI); mGUICamerasRootNode->addChild(mGUICameras); LayerConfig defaultConfig = createDefaultConfig(1); LayerConfig loadingScreenConfig = createDefaultConfig(1, true, SizingMode::Fixed, "Menu"); LayerConfig mainMenuConfig = createDefaultConfig(5, true); LayerConfig journalBooksConfig = createDefaultConfig(2, false, SizingMode::Fixed); LayerConfig defaultWindowsConfig = createDefaultConfig(3, true); LayerConfig videoPlayerConfig = createDefaultConfig(4, true, SizingMode::Fixed); LayerConfig messageBoxConfig = createDefaultConfig(6, false, SizingMode::Auto);; LayerConfig notificationConfig = createDefaultConfig(7, false, SizingMode::Fixed); LayerConfig listBoxConfig = createDefaultConfig(10, true); LayerConfig statsWindowConfig = createSideBySideConfig(0); LayerConfig inventoryWindowConfig = createSideBySideConfig(1); LayerConfig spellWindowConfig = createSideBySideConfig(2); LayerConfig mapWindowConfig = createSideBySideConfig(3); LayerConfig inventoryCompanionWindowConfig = createSideBySideConfig(4); LayerConfig dialogueWindowConfig = createSideBySideConfig(5); LayerConfig chatWindowConfig = createSideBySideConfig(6); LayerConfig consoleWindowConfig = createSideBySideConfig(7); osg::Vec3 leftHudOffset = gLeftHudOffsetWrist; std::string leftHudSetting = Settings::Manager::getString("left hand hud position", "VR"); if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(leftHudSetting, "top")) leftHudOffset = gLeftHudOffsetTop; osg::Vec3 vkeyboardOffset = leftHudOffset + osg::Vec3(0,0.0001,0); LayerConfig virtualKeyboardConfig = LayerConfig{ 10, false, osg::Vec4{0.f,0.f,0.f,.75f}, vkeyboardOffset, // offset (meters) osg::Vec2(0.f,0.5f), // center (model space) osg::Vec2(.25f, .25f), // extent (meters) 2048, // Spatial resolution (pixels per meter) osg::Vec2i(2048,2048), // Texture resolution osg::Vec2(1,1), SizingMode::Auto, "/user/hand/left/input/aim/pose", "" }; LayerConfig statusHUDConfig = LayerConfig { 0, false, // side-by-side osg::Vec4{}, // background leftHudOffset, // offset (meters) osg::Vec2(0.f,0.5f), // center (model space) osg::Vec2(.1f, .1f), // extent (meters) 1024, // resolution (pixels per meter) osg::Vec2i(1024,1024), defaultConfig.myGUIViewSize, SizingMode::Auto, "/user/hand/left/input/aim/pose", "" }; LayerConfig popupConfig = LayerConfig { 0, false, // side-by-side osg::Vec4{0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f}, // background osg::Vec3(-0.025f,-.200f,.066f), // offset (meters) osg::Vec2(0.f,0.5f), // center (model space) osg::Vec2(.1f, .1f), // extent (meters) 1024, // resolution (pixels per meter) osg::Vec2i(2048,2048), defaultConfig.myGUIViewSize, SizingMode::Auto, "/user/hand/right/input/aim/pose", "" }; mLayerConfigs = std::map { {"DefaultConfig", defaultConfig}, {"StatusHUD", statusHUDConfig}, {"Tooltip", popupConfig}, {"JournalBooks", journalBooksConfig}, {"InventoryCompanionWindow", inventoryCompanionWindowConfig}, {"InventoryWindow", inventoryWindowConfig}, {"SpellWindow", spellWindowConfig}, {"MapWindow", mapWindowConfig}, {"StatsWindow", statsWindowConfig}, {"DialogueWindow", dialogueWindowConfig}, {"MessageBox", messageBoxConfig}, {"Windows", defaultWindowsConfig}, {"ListBox", listBoxConfig}, {"MainMenu", mainMenuConfig}, {"Notification", notificationConfig}, {"InputBlocker", videoPlayerConfig}, {"Menu", videoPlayerConfig}, {"LoadingScreen", loadingScreenConfig}, {"VirtualKeyboard", virtualKeyboardConfig}, {"Chat", chatWindowConfig}, {"Console", consoleWindowConfig}, }; } VRGUIManager::~VRGUIManager(void) { } static std::set layerBlacklist = { "Overlay", "AdditiveOverlay", }; void VRGUIManager::updateSideBySideLayers() { // Nothing to update if (mSideBySideLayers.size() == 0) return; std::sort(mSideBySideLayers.begin(), mSideBySideLayers.end(), [](const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs) { return *lhs < *rhs; }); int n = mSideBySideLayers.size(); float span = sSideBySideAzimuthInterval * static_cast(n - 1); // zero index, places lone layers straight ahead float low = -span / 2; for (unsigned i = 0; i < mSideBySideLayers.size(); i++) { mSideBySideLayers[i]->setAngle(low + static_cast(i) * sSideBySideAzimuthInterval); } } void VRGUIManager::insertLayer(const std::string& name) { LayerConfig config{}; auto configIt = mLayerConfigs.find(name); if (configIt != mLayerConfigs.end()) { config = configIt->second; } else { Log(Debug::Warning) << "Layer " << name << " has no configuration, using default"; config = mLayerConfigs["DefaultConfig"]; } auto layer = std::shared_ptr(new VRGUILayer( mGeometries, mGUICameras, name, config, this )); mLayers[name] = layer; layer->mGeometry->setUserData(new VRGUILayerUserData(mLayers[name])); if (config.sideBySide) { mSideBySideLayers.push_back(layer); updateSideBySideLayers(); } Resource::SceneManager* sceneManager = mResourceSystem->getSceneManager(); sceneManager->recreateShaders(layer->mGeometry); } void VRGUIManager::insertWidget(MWGui::Layout* widget) { auto* layer = widget->mMainWidget->getLayer(); auto name = layer->getName(); auto it = mLayers.find(name); if (it == mLayers.end()) { insertLayer(name); it = mLayers.find(name); if (it == mLayers.end()) { Log(Debug::Error) << "Failed to insert layer " << name; return; } } it->second->insertWidget(widget); if (it->second.get() != mFocusLayer) setPick(widget, false); } void VRGUIManager::removeLayer(const std::string& name) { auto it = mLayers.find(name); if (it == mLayers.end()) return; auto layer = it->second; for (auto it2 = mSideBySideLayers.begin(); it2 < mSideBySideLayers.end(); it2++) { if (*it2 == layer) { mSideBySideLayers.erase(it2); updateSideBySideLayers(); } } if (it->second.get() == mFocusLayer) setFocusLayer(nullptr); mLayers.erase(it); } void VRGUIManager::removeWidget(MWGui::Layout* widget) { auto* layer = widget->mMainWidget->getLayer(); auto name = layer->getName(); auto it = mLayers.find(name); if (it == mLayers.end()) { return; } it->second->removeWidget(widget); if (it->second->widgetCount() == 0) { removeLayer(name); } } void VRGUIManager::setVisible(MWGui::Layout* widget, bool visible) { auto* layer = widget->mMainWidget->getLayer(); auto name = layer->getName(); if (layerBlacklist.find(name) != layerBlacklist.end()) { // Never pick an invisible layer setPick(widget, false); return; } if (visible) insertWidget(widget); else removeWidget(widget); } void VRGUIManager::updateTracking() { mUiTracking->resetStationaryPose(); } bool VRGUIManager::updateFocus() { auto* world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld(); if (world) { auto& pointer = world->getUserPointer(); if (pointer.getPointerTarget().mHit) { std::shared_ptr newFocusLayer = nullptr; auto* node = pointer.getPointerTarget().mHitNode; if (node->getName() == "VRGUILayer") { VRGUILayerUserData* userData = static_cast(node->getUserData()); newFocusLayer = userData->mLayer.lock(); } if (newFocusLayer && newFocusLayer->mLayerName != "Notification") { setFocusLayer(newFocusLayer.get()); computeGuiCursor(pointer.getPointerTarget().mHitPointLocal); return true; } } } return false; } void VRGUIManager::update() { auto xr = MWVR::Environment::get().getManager(); if (xr) if (!xr->appShouldRender()) updateTracking(); } void VRGUIManager::setFocusLayer(VRGUILayer* layer) { if (layer == mFocusLayer) return; if (mFocusLayer) { if (!mFocusLayer->mWidgets.empty()) setPick(mFocusLayer->mWidgets.front(), false); } mFocusLayer = layer; if (mFocusLayer) { if (!mFocusLayer->mWidgets.empty()) { Log(Debug::Verbose) << "Set focus layer to " << mFocusLayer->mWidgets.front()->mMainWidget->getLayer()->getName(); setPick(mFocusLayer->mWidgets.front(), true); } } else { Log(Debug::Verbose) << "Set focus layer to null"; } } void VRGUIManager::setFocusWidget(MyGUI::Widget* widget) { // TODO: This relies on MyGUI internal functions and may break on any future version. if (widget == mFocusWidget) return; if (mFocusWidget) mFocusWidget->_riseMouseLostFocus(widget); if (widget) widget->_riseMouseSetFocus(mFocusWidget); mFocusWidget = widget; } void VRGUIManager::configUpdated(const std::string& layer) { auto it = mLayers.find(layer); if (it != mLayers.end()) { it->second->mConfig = mLayerConfigs[layer]; } } void VRGUIManager::notifyWidgetUnlinked(MyGUI::Widget* widget) { if (widget == mFocusWidget) mFocusWidget = nullptr; } bool VRGUIManager::injectMouseClick(bool onPress) { // TODO: This relies on a MyGUI internal functions and may break un any future version. if (mFocusWidget) { if(onPress) mFocusWidget->_riseMouseButtonClick(); return true; } return false; } void VRGUIManager::processChangedSettings(const std::set>& changed) { for (Settings::CategorySettingVector::const_iterator it = changed.begin(); it != changed.end(); ++it) { if (it->first == "VR" && it->second == "left hand hud position") { std::string leftHudSetting = Settings::Manager::getString("left hand hud position", "VR"); if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(leftHudSetting, "top")) mLayerConfigs["StatusHUD"].offset = gLeftHudOffsetTop; else mLayerConfigs["StatusHUD"].offset = gLeftHudOffsetWrist; mLayerConfigs["VirtualKeyboard"].offset = mLayerConfigs["StatusHUD"].offset + osg::Vec3(0,0.0001,0); configUpdated("StatusHUD"); configUpdated("VirtualKeyboard"); } } } class Pickable { public: virtual void setPick(bool pick) = 0; }; template class PickLayer : public L, public Pickable { public: using L::L; void setPick(bool pick) override { L::mIsPick = pick; } }; template class MyFactory { public: using LayerType = L; using PickLayerType = PickLayer; using Delegate = MyGUI::delegates::CDelegate1; static typename Delegate::IDelegate* getFactory() { return MyGUI::newDelegate(createFromFactory); } static void registerFactory() { MyGUI::FactoryManager::getInstance().registerFactory("Layer", LayerType::getClassTypeName(), getFactory()); } private: static void createFromFactory(MyGUI::IObject*& _instance) { _instance = new PickLayerType(); } }; void VRGUIManager::registerMyGUIFactories() { MyFactory< MyGUI::OverlappedLayer >::registerFactory(); MyFactory< MyGUI::SharedLayer >::registerFactory(); MyFactory< osgMyGUI::AdditiveLayer >::registerFactory(); MyFactory< osgMyGUI::AdditiveLayer >::registerFactory(); } void VRGUIManager::setPick(MWGui::Layout* widget, bool pick) { auto* layer = widget->mMainWidget->getLayer(); auto* pickable = dynamic_cast(layer); if (pickable) pickable->setPick(pick); } void VRGUIManager::computeGuiCursor(osg::Vec3 hitPoint) { float x = 0; float y = 0; if (mFocusLayer) { osg::Vec2 bottomLeft = mFocusLayer->mConfig.center - osg::Vec2(0.5f, 0.5f); x = hitPoint.x() - bottomLeft.x(); y = hitPoint.z() - bottomLeft.y(); auto rect = mFocusLayer->mRealRect; auto viewSize = MyGUI::RenderManager::getInstance().getViewSize(); float width = static_cast(viewSize.width) * rect.width(); float height = static_cast(viewSize.height) * rect.height(); float left = static_cast(viewSize.width) * rect.left; float bottom = static_cast(viewSize.height) * rect.bottom; x = width * x + left; y = bottom - height * y; } mGuiCursor.x() = (int)x; mGuiCursor.y() = (int)y; MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().injectMouseMove((int)x, (int)y, 0); MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->setCursorActive(true); // The virtual keyboard must be interactive regardless of modals // This could be generalized with another config entry, but i don't think any other // widgets/layers need it so i'm hardcoding it for the VirtualKeyboard for now. if ( mFocusLayer && mFocusLayer->mLayerName == "VirtualKeyboard" && MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().isModalAny()) { auto* widget = MyGUI::LayerManager::getInstance().getWidgetFromPoint((int)x, (int)y); setFocusWidget(widget); } else setFocusWidget(nullptr); } VRGUITracking::VRGUITracking(const std::string& source) : VRTrackingSource("uisource") { auto* tm = Environment::get().getTrackingManager(); mSource = tm->getSource(source); mHeadPath = tm->stringToVRPath("/user/head/input/pose"); mStationaryPath = tm->stringToVRPath("/ui/input/stationary/pose"); } VRTrackingPose VRGUITracking::getTrackingPoseImpl(DisplayTime predictedDisplayTime, VRPath path, VRPath reference) { if (path == mStationaryPath) return mStationaryPose; return mSource->getTrackingPose(predictedDisplayTime, path, reference); } std::vector VRGUITracking::listSupportedTrackingPosePaths() const { auto paths = mSource->listSupportedTrackingPosePaths(); paths.push_back(mStationaryPath); return paths; } void VRGUITracking::updateTracking(DisplayTime predictedDisplayTime) { if (mSource->availablePosesChanged()) notifyAvailablePosesChanged(); if (mShouldUpdateStationaryPose) { auto tp = mSource->getTrackingPose(predictedDisplayTime, mHeadPath); if (!!tp.status) { mShouldUpdateStationaryPose = false; mStationaryPose = tp; // Stationary UI elements should always be vertical auto axis = osg::Z_AXIS; osg::Quat vertical; auto local = mStationaryPose.pose.orientation * axis; vertical.makeRotate(local, axis); mStationaryPose.pose.orientation = mStationaryPose.pose.orientation * vertical; } } } void VRGUITracking::resetStationaryPose() { mShouldUpdateStationaryPose = true; } }