#ifndef GAME_MWMECHANICS_ALCHEMY_H #define GAME_MWMECHANICS_ALCHEMY_H #include <vector> #include <set> #include <components/esm/effectlist.hpp> #include "../mwworld/ptr.hpp" namespace ESM { struct Potion; } namespace MWMechanics { struct EffectKey; /// \brief Potion creation via alchemy skill class Alchemy { public: Alchemy(); typedef std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr> TToolsContainer; typedef TToolsContainer::const_iterator TToolsIterator; typedef std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr> TIngredientsContainer; typedef TIngredientsContainer::const_iterator TIngredientsIterator; typedef std::vector<ESM::ENAMstruct> TEffectsContainer; typedef TEffectsContainer::const_iterator TEffectsIterator; enum Result { Result_Success, Result_NoMortarAndPestle, Result_LessThanTwoIngredients, Result_NoName, Result_NoEffects, Result_RandomFailure }; private: MWWorld::Ptr mAlchemist; TToolsContainer mTools; TIngredientsContainer mIngredients; TEffectsContainer mEffects; int mValue; void applyTools (int flags, float& value) const; void updateEffects(); const ESM::Potion *getRecord() const; ///< Return existing record for created potion (may return 0) void removeIngredients(); ///< Remove selected ingredients from alchemist's inventory, cleanup selected ingredients and /// update effect list accordingly. void addPotion (const std::string& name); ///< Add a potion to the alchemist's inventory. void increaseSkill(); ///< Increase alchemist's skill. float getAlchemyFactor() const; int countIngredients() const; TEffectsIterator beginEffects() const; TEffectsIterator endEffects() const; public: void setAlchemist (const MWWorld::Ptr& npc); ///< Set alchemist and configure alchemy setup accordingly. \a npc may be empty to indicate that /// there is no alchemist (alchemy session has ended). TToolsIterator beginTools() const; ///< \attention Iterates over tool slots, not over tools. Some of the slots may be empty. TToolsIterator endTools() const; TIngredientsIterator beginIngredients() const; ///< \attention Iterates over ingredient slots, not over ingredients. Some of the slots may be empty. TIngredientsIterator endIngredients() const; void clear(); ///< Remove alchemist, tools and ingredients. std::set<EffectKey> listEffects() const; ///< List all effects shared by at least two ingredients. int addIngredient (const MWWorld::Ptr& ingredient); ///< Add ingredient into the next free slot. /// /// \return Slot index or -1, if adding failed because of no free slot or the ingredient type being /// listed already. void removeIngredient (int index); ///< Remove ingredient from slot (calling this function on an empty slot is a no-op). std::string getPotionName() const; ///< Return the name of the potion that would be created when calling create (if a record for such /// a potion already exists) or return an empty string. Result create (const std::string& name); ///< Try to create a potion from the ingredients, place it in the inventory of the alchemist and /// adjust the skills of the alchemist accordingly. /// \param name must not be an empty string, unless there is already a potion record ( /// getPotionName() does not return an empty string). }; } #endif