#include "interpreter.hpp" #include <cassert> #include <sstream> #include <stdexcept> #include "opcodes.hpp" namespace Interpreter { void Interpreter::execute (Type_Code code) { unsigned int segSpec = code>>30; switch (segSpec) { case 0: { int opcode = code>>24; unsigned int arg0 = code & 0xffffff; std::map<int, Opcode1 *>::iterator iter = mSegment0.find (opcode); if (iter==mSegment0.end()) abortUnknownCode (0, opcode); iter->second->execute (mRuntime, arg0); return; } case 1: { int opcode = (code>>24) & 0x3f; unsigned int arg0 = (code>>16) & 0xfff; unsigned int arg1 = code & 0xfff; std::map<int, Opcode2 *>::iterator iter = mSegment1.find (opcode); if (iter==mSegment1.end()) abortUnknownCode (1, opcode); iter->second->execute (mRuntime, arg0, arg1); return; } case 2: { int opcode = (code>>20) & 0x3ff; unsigned int arg0 = code & 0xfffff; std::map<int, Opcode1 *>::iterator iter = mSegment2.find (opcode); if (iter==mSegment2.end()) abortUnknownCode (2, opcode); iter->second->execute (mRuntime, arg0); return; } } segSpec = code>>26; switch (segSpec) { case 0x30: { int opcode = (code>>8) & 0x3ffff; unsigned int arg0 = code & 0xff; std::map<int, Opcode1 *>::iterator iter = mSegment3.find (opcode); if (iter==mSegment3.end()) abortUnknownCode (3, opcode); iter->second->execute (mRuntime, arg0); return; } case 0x31: { int opcode = (code>>16) & 0x3ff; unsigned int arg0 = (code>>8) & 0xff; unsigned int arg1 = code & 0xff; std::map<int, Opcode2 *>::iterator iter = mSegment4.find (opcode); if (iter==mSegment4.end()) abortUnknownCode (4, opcode); iter->second->execute (mRuntime, arg0, arg1); return; } case 0x32: { int opcode = code & 0x3ffffff; std::map<int, Opcode0 *>::iterator iter = mSegment5.find (opcode); if (iter==mSegment5.end()) abortUnknownCode (5, opcode); iter->second->execute (mRuntime); return; } } abortUnknownSegment (code); } void Interpreter::abortUnknownCode (int segment, int opcode) { std::ostringstream error; error << "unknown opcode " << opcode << " in segment " << segment; throw std::runtime_error (error.str()); } void Interpreter::abortUnknownSegment (Type_Code code) { std::ostringstream error; error << "opcode outside of the allocated segment range: " << code; throw std::runtime_error (error.str()); } void Interpreter::begin() { if (mRunning) { mCallstack.push (mRuntime); mRuntime.clear(); } else { mRunning = true; } } void Interpreter::end() { if (mCallstack.empty()) { mRuntime.clear(); mRunning = false; } else { mRuntime = mCallstack.top(); mCallstack.pop(); } } Interpreter::Interpreter() : mRunning (false) {} Interpreter::~Interpreter() { for (std::map<int, Opcode1 *>::iterator iter (mSegment0.begin()); iter!=mSegment0.end(); ++iter) delete iter->second; for (std::map<int, Opcode2 *>::iterator iter (mSegment1.begin()); iter!=mSegment1.end(); ++iter) delete iter->second; for (std::map<int, Opcode1 *>::iterator iter (mSegment2.begin()); iter!=mSegment2.end(); ++iter) delete iter->second; for (std::map<int, Opcode1 *>::iterator iter (mSegment3.begin()); iter!=mSegment3.end(); ++iter) delete iter->second; for (std::map<int, Opcode2 *>::iterator iter (mSegment4.begin()); iter!=mSegment4.end(); ++iter) delete iter->second; for (std::map<int, Opcode0 *>::iterator iter (mSegment5.begin()); iter!=mSegment5.end(); ++iter) delete iter->second; } void Interpreter::installSegment0 (int code, Opcode1 *opcode) { assert(mSegment0.find(code) == mSegment0.end()); mSegment0.insert (std::make_pair (code, opcode)); } void Interpreter::installSegment1 (int code, Opcode2 *opcode) { assert(mSegment1.find(code) == mSegment1.end()); mSegment1.insert (std::make_pair (code, opcode)); } void Interpreter::installSegment2 (int code, Opcode1 *opcode) { assert(mSegment2.find(code) == mSegment2.end()); mSegment2.insert (std::make_pair (code, opcode)); } void Interpreter::installSegment3 (int code, Opcode1 *opcode) { assert(mSegment3.find(code) == mSegment3.end()); mSegment3.insert (std::make_pair (code, opcode)); } void Interpreter::installSegment4 (int code, Opcode2 *opcode) { assert(mSegment4.find(code) == mSegment4.end()); mSegment4.insert (std::make_pair (code, opcode)); } void Interpreter::installSegment5 (int code, Opcode0 *opcode) { assert(mSegment5.find(code) == mSegment5.end()); mSegment5.insert (std::make_pair (code, opcode)); } void Interpreter::run (const Type_Code *code, int codeSize, Context& context) { assert (codeSize>=4); begin(); try { mRuntime.configure (code, codeSize, context); int opcodes = static_cast<int> (code[0]); const Type_Code *codeBlock = code + 4; while (mRuntime.getPC()>=0 && mRuntime.getPC()<opcodes) { Type_Code code = codeBlock[mRuntime.getPC()]; mRuntime.setPC (mRuntime.getPC()+1); execute (code); } } catch (...) { end(); throw; } end(); } }