#include "actors.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Start of tes3mp addition Include additional headers for multiplayer purposes */ #include #include "../mwmp/Main.hpp" #include "../mwmp/Networking.hpp" #include "../mwmp/LocalPlayer.hpp" #include "../mwmp/PlayerList.hpp" #include "../mwmp/CellController.hpp" #include "../mwmp/MechanicsHelper.hpp" #include "../mwmp/ObjectList.hpp" /* End of tes3mp addition */ #include "../mwworld/esmstore.hpp" #include "../mwworld/class.hpp" #include "../mwworld/inventorystore.hpp" #include "../mwworld/actionequip.hpp" #include "../mwworld/player.hpp" #include "../mwbase/world.hpp" #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwbase/windowmanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/dialoguemanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/soundmanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/mechanicsmanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/statemanager.hpp" #include "../mwmechanics/aibreathe.hpp" #include "spellcasting.hpp" #include "npcstats.hpp" #include "creaturestats.hpp" #include "movement.hpp" #include "character.hpp" #include "aicombat.hpp" #include "aicombataction.hpp" #include "aifollow.hpp" #include "aipursue.hpp" #include "actor.hpp" #include "summoning.hpp" #include "combat.hpp" #include "actorutil.hpp" namespace { bool isConscious(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) { const MWMechanics::CreatureStats& stats = ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats(ptr); return !stats.isDead() && !stats.getKnockedDown(); } int getBoundItemSlot (const std::string& itemId) { static std::map boundItemsMap; if (boundItemsMap.empty()) { std::string boundId = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().find("sMagicBoundBootsID")->mValue.getString(); boundItemsMap[boundId] = MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_Boots; boundId = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().find("sMagicBoundCuirassID")->mValue.getString(); boundItemsMap[boundId] = MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_Cuirass; boundId = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().find("sMagicBoundLeftGauntletID")->mValue.getString(); boundItemsMap[boundId] = MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_LeftGauntlet; boundId = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().find("sMagicBoundRightGauntletID")->mValue.getString(); boundItemsMap[boundId] = MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_RightGauntlet; boundId = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().find("sMagicBoundHelmID")->mValue.getString(); boundItemsMap[boundId] = MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_Helmet; boundId = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().find("sMagicBoundShieldID")->mValue.getString(); boundItemsMap[boundId] = MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedLeft; } int slot = MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedRight; std::map::iterator it = boundItemsMap.find(itemId); if (it != boundItemsMap.end()) slot = it->second; return slot; } class CheckActorCommanded : public MWMechanics::EffectSourceVisitor { MWWorld::Ptr mActor; public: bool mCommanded; CheckActorCommanded(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) : mActor(actor) , mCommanded(false){} virtual void visit (MWMechanics::EffectKey key, const std::string& sourceName, const std::string& sourceId, int casterActorId, float magnitude, float remainingTime = -1, float totalTime = -1) { if (((key.mId == ESM::MagicEffect::CommandHumanoid && mActor.getClass().isNpc()) || (key.mId == ESM::MagicEffect::CommandCreature && mActor.getTypeName() == typeid(ESM::Creature).name())) && magnitude >= mActor.getClass().getCreatureStats(mActor).getLevel()) mCommanded = true; } }; // Check for command effects having ended and remove package if necessary void adjustCommandedActor (const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) { CheckActorCommanded check(actor); MWMechanics::CreatureStats& stats = actor.getClass().getCreatureStats(actor); stats.getActiveSpells().visitEffectSources(check); bool hasCommandPackage = false; std::list::const_iterator it; for (it = stats.getAiSequence().begin(); it != stats.getAiSequence().end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->getTypeId() == MWMechanics::AiPackage::TypeIdFollow && static_cast(*it)->isCommanded()) { hasCommandPackage = true; break; } } if (!check.mCommanded && hasCommandPackage) stats.getAiSequence().erase(it); } void getRestorationPerHourOfSleep (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, float& health, float& magicka) { MWMechanics::CreatureStats& stats = ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats (ptr); const MWWorld::Store& settings = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get(); bool stunted = stats.getMagicEffects ().get(ESM::MagicEffect::StuntedMagicka).getMagnitude() > 0; int endurance = stats.getAttribute (ESM::Attribute::Endurance).getModified (); health = 0.1f * endurance; magicka = 0; if (!stunted) { float fRestMagicMult = settings.find("fRestMagicMult")->mValue.getFloat (); magicka = fRestMagicMult * stats.getAttribute(ESM::Attribute::Intelligence).getModified(); } } } namespace MWMechanics { class SoulTrap : public MWMechanics::EffectSourceVisitor { MWWorld::Ptr mCreature; MWWorld::Ptr mActor; bool mTrapped; public: SoulTrap(const MWWorld::Ptr& trappedCreature) : mCreature(trappedCreature) , mTrapped(false) { } virtual void visit (MWMechanics::EffectKey key, const std::string& sourceName, const std::string& sourceId, int casterActorId, float magnitude, float remainingTime = -1, float totalTime = -1) { if (mTrapped) return; if (key.mId != ESM::MagicEffect::Soultrap) return; if (magnitude <= 0) return; MWBase::World* world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld(); MWWorld::Ptr caster = world->searchPtrViaActorId(casterActorId); if (caster.isEmpty() || !caster.getClass().isActor()) return; static const float fSoulgemMult = world->getStore().get().find("fSoulgemMult")->mValue.getFloat(); int creatureSoulValue = mCreature.get()->mBase->mData.mSoul; if (creatureSoulValue == 0) return; // Use the smallest soulgem that is large enough to hold the soul MWWorld::ContainerStore& container = caster.getClass().getContainerStore(caster); MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator gem = container.end(); float gemCapacity = std::numeric_limits::max(); std::string soulgemFilter = "misc_soulgem"; // no other way to check for soulgems? :/ for (MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator it = container.begin(MWWorld::ContainerStore::Type_Miscellaneous); it != container.end(); ++it) { const std::string& id = it->getCellRef().getRefId(); if (id.size() >= soulgemFilter.size() && id.substr(0,soulgemFilter.size()) == soulgemFilter) { float thisGemCapacity = it->get()->mBase->mData.mValue * fSoulgemMult; if (thisGemCapacity >= creatureSoulValue && thisGemCapacity < gemCapacity && it->getCellRef().getSoul().empty()) { gem = it; gemCapacity = thisGemCapacity; } } } if (gem == container.end()) return; // Set the soul on just one of the gems, not the whole stack gem->getContainerStore()->unstack(*gem, caster); /* Start of tes3mp change (minor) Send PlayerInventory packets that replace the original gem with the new one */ mwmp::LocalPlayer *localPlayer = mwmp::Main::get().getLocalPlayer(); localPlayer->sendItemChange(*gem, 1, mwmp::InventoryChanges::REMOVE); gem->getCellRef().setSoul(mCreature.getCellRef().getRefId()); localPlayer->sendItemChange(*gem, 1, mwmp::InventoryChanges::ADD); /* End of tes3mp change (minor) */ // Restack the gem with other gems with the same soul gem->getContainerStore()->restack(*gem); mTrapped = true; if (caster == getPlayer()) MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->messageBox("#{sSoultrapSuccess}"); const ESM::Static* fx = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get() .search("VFX_Soul_Trap"); if (fx) MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->spawnEffect("meshes\\" + fx->mModel, "", mCreature.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3()); MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->playSound3D( mCreature.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3(), "conjuration hit", 1.f, 1.f ); } }; void Actors::addBoundItem (const std::string& itemId, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) { MWWorld::InventoryStore& store = actor.getClass().getInventoryStore(actor); int slot = getBoundItemSlot(itemId); if (actor.getClass().getContainerStore(actor).count(itemId) != 0) return; MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator prevItem = store.getSlot(slot); MWWorld::Ptr boundPtr = *store.MWWorld::ContainerStore::add(itemId, 1, actor); MWWorld::ActionEquip action(boundPtr); action.execute(actor); if (actor != MWMechanics::getPlayer()) return; MWWorld::Ptr newItem = *store.getSlot(slot); if (newItem.isEmpty() || boundPtr != newItem) return; MWWorld::Player& player = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPlayer(); // change draw state only if the item is in player's right hand if (slot == MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedRight) player.setDrawState(MWMechanics::DrawState_Weapon); if (prevItem != store.end()) player.setPreviousItem(itemId, prevItem->getCellRef().getRefId()); } void Actors::removeBoundItem (const std::string& itemId, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) { MWWorld::InventoryStore& store = actor.getClass().getInventoryStore(actor); int slot = getBoundItemSlot(itemId); MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator currentItem = store.getSlot(slot); bool wasEquipped = currentItem != store.end() && Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(currentItem->getCellRef().getRefId(), itemId); store.remove(itemId, 1, actor, true); if (actor != MWMechanics::getPlayer()) return; MWWorld::Player& player = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPlayer(); std::string prevItemId = player.getPreviousItem(itemId); player.erasePreviousItem(itemId); if (prevItemId.empty()) return; // Find previous item (or its replacement) by id. // we should equip previous item only if expired bound item was equipped. MWWorld::Ptr item = store.findReplacement(prevItemId); if (item.isEmpty() || !wasEquipped) return; MWWorld::ActionEquip action(item); action.execute(actor); } void Actors::updateActor (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, float duration) { // magic effects adjustMagicEffects (ptr); if (ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats(ptr).needToRecalcDynamicStats()) calculateDynamicStats (ptr); calculateCreatureStatModifiers (ptr, duration); // fatigue restoration calculateRestoration(ptr, duration); } void Actors::updateHeadTracking(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const MWWorld::Ptr& targetActor, MWWorld::Ptr& headTrackTarget, float& sqrHeadTrackDistance) { static const float fMaxHeadTrackDistance = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get() .find("fMaxHeadTrackDistance")->mValue.getFloat(); static const float fInteriorHeadTrackMult = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get() .find("fInteriorHeadTrackMult")->mValue.getFloat(); float maxDistance = fMaxHeadTrackDistance; const ESM::Cell* currentCell = actor.getCell()->getCell(); if (!currentCell->isExterior() && !(currentCell->mData.mFlags & ESM::Cell::QuasiEx)) maxDistance *= fInteriorHeadTrackMult; const ESM::Position& actor1Pos = actor.getRefData().getPosition(); const ESM::Position& actor2Pos = targetActor.getRefData().getPosition(); float sqrDist = (actor1Pos.asVec3() - actor2Pos.asVec3()).length2(); if (sqrDist > maxDistance*maxDistance) return; if (targetActor.getClass().getCreatureStats(targetActor).isDead()) return; if (!actor.getRefData().getBaseNode()) return; // stop tracking when target is behind the actor osg::Vec3f actorDirection = actor.getRefData().getBaseNode()->getAttitude() * osg::Vec3f(0,1,0); osg::Vec3f targetDirection (actor2Pos.asVec3() - actor1Pos.asVec3()); actorDirection.z() = 0; targetDirection.z() = 0; actorDirection.normalize(); targetDirection.normalize(); if (std::acos(actorDirection * targetDirection) < osg::DegreesToRadians(90.f) && sqrDist <= sqrHeadTrackDistance && MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getLOS(actor, targetActor) // check LOS and awareness last as it's the most expensive function && MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->awarenessCheck(targetActor, actor)) { sqrHeadTrackDistance = sqrDist; headTrackTarget = targetActor; } } void Actors::engageCombat (const MWWorld::Ptr& actor1, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor2, std::map >& cachedAllies, bool againstPlayer) { CreatureStats& creatureStats1 = actor1.getClass().getCreatureStats(actor1); if (creatureStats1.getAiSequence().isInCombat(actor2)) return; const CreatureStats& creatureStats2 = actor2.getClass().getCreatureStats(actor2); if (creatureStats1.isDead() || creatureStats2.isDead()) return; const ESM::Position& actor1Pos = actor1.getRefData().getPosition(); const ESM::Position& actor2Pos = actor2.getRefData().getPosition(); float sqrDist = (actor1Pos.asVec3() - actor2Pos.asVec3()).length2(); if (sqrDist > mActorsProcessingRange*mActorsProcessingRange) return; // No combat for totally static creatures if (!actor1.getClass().isMobile(actor1)) return; // If this is set to true, actor1 will start combat with actor2 if the awareness check at the end of the method returns true bool aggressive = false; // Get actors allied with actor1. Includes those following or escorting actor1, actors following or escorting those actors, (recursive) // and any actor currently being followed or escorted by actor1 std::set allies1; getActorsSidingWith(actor1, allies1, cachedAllies); // If an ally of actor1 has been attacked by actor2 or has attacked actor2, start combat between actor1 and actor2 for (std::set::const_iterator it = allies1.begin(); it != allies1.end(); ++it) { if (creatureStats1.getAiSequence().isInCombat(*it)) continue; if (creatureStats2.matchesActorId(it->getClass().getCreatureStats(*it).getHitAttemptActorId())) { MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->startCombat(actor1, actor2); // Also set the same hit attempt actor. Otherwise, if fighting the player, they may stop combat // if the player gets out of reach, while the ally would continue combat with the player creatureStats1.setHitAttemptActorId(it->getClass().getCreatureStats(*it).getHitAttemptActorId()); return; } // If there's been no attack attempt yet but an ally of actor1 is in combat with actor2, become aggressive to actor2 if (it->getClass().getCreatureStats(*it).getAiSequence().isInCombat(actor2)) aggressive = true; } std::set playerAllies; getActorsSidingWith(MWMechanics::getPlayer(), playerAllies, cachedAllies); bool isPlayerFollowerOrEscorter = playerAllies.find(actor1) != playerAllies.end(); // If actor2 and at least one actor2 are in combat with actor1, actor1 and its allies start combat with them // Doesn't apply for player followers/escorters if (!aggressive && !isPlayerFollowerOrEscorter) { // Check that actor2 is in combat with actor1 if (actor2.getClass().getCreatureStats(actor2).getAiSequence().isInCombat(actor1)) { std::set allies2; getActorsSidingWith(actor2, allies2, cachedAllies); // Check that an ally of actor2 is also in combat with actor1 for (std::set::const_iterator it = allies2.begin(); it != allies2.end(); ++it) { if ((it)->getClass().getCreatureStats(*it).getAiSequence().isInCombat(actor1)) { MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->startCombat(actor1, actor2); // Also have actor1's allies start combat for (std::set::const_iterator it2 = allies1.begin(); it2 != allies1.end(); ++it2) MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->startCombat(*it2, actor2); return; } } } } // If set in the settings file, player followers and escorters will become aggressive toward enemies in combat with them or the player static const bool followersAttackOnSight = Settings::Manager::getBool("followers attack on sight", "Game"); if (!aggressive && isPlayerFollowerOrEscorter && followersAttackOnSight) { if (actor2.getClass().getCreatureStats(actor2).getAiSequence().isInCombat(actor1)) aggressive = true; else { for (std::set::const_iterator it = allies1.begin(); it != allies1.end(); ++it) { if (actor2.getClass().getCreatureStats(actor2).getAiSequence().isInCombat(*it)) { aggressive = true; break; } } } } // Stop here if target is unreachable if (!MWMechanics::canFight(actor1, actor2)) return; // Do aggression check if actor2 is the player or a player follower or escorter if (!aggressive) { if (againstPlayer || playerAllies.find(actor2) != playerAllies.end()) { // Player followers and escorters with high fight should not initiate combat with the player or with // other player followers or escorters if (!isPlayerFollowerOrEscorter) aggressive = MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->isAggressive(actor1, actor2); } /* Start of tes3mp addition Make aggressive actors initiate combat with DedicatedPlayers */ else if (mwmp::PlayerList::isDedicatedPlayer(actor2)) { aggressive = MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->isAggressive(actor1, actor2); } /* End of tes3mp addition */ } // Make guards go aggressive with creatures that are in combat, unless the creature is a follower or escorter if (actor1.getClass().isClass(actor1, "Guard") && !actor2.getClass().isNpc()) { // Check if the creature is too far static const float fAlarmRadius = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().find("fAlarmRadius")->mValue.getFloat(); if (sqrDist > fAlarmRadius * fAlarmRadius) return; bool followerOrEscorter = false; for (std::list::const_iterator it = creatureStats2.getAiSequence().begin(); it != creatureStats2.getAiSequence().end(); ++it) { // The follow package must be first or have nothing but combat before it if ((*it)->sideWithTarget()) { followerOrEscorter = true; break; } else if ((*it)->getTypeId() != MWMechanics::AiPackage::TypeIdCombat) break; } if (!followerOrEscorter && creatureStats2.getAiSequence().isInCombat()) aggressive = true; } // If any of the above conditions turned actor1 aggressive towards actor2, do an awareness check. If it passes, start combat with actor2. if (aggressive) { bool LOS = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getLOS(actor1, actor2); LOS &= MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->awarenessCheck(actor2, actor1); if (LOS) MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->startCombat(actor1, actor2); } } void Actors::adjustMagicEffects (const MWWorld::Ptr& creature) { CreatureStats& creatureStats = creature.getClass().getCreatureStats (creature); if (creatureStats.isDead()) return; MagicEffects now = creatureStats.getSpells().getMagicEffects(); if (creature.getTypeName()==typeid (ESM::NPC).name()) { MWWorld::InventoryStore& store = creature.getClass().getInventoryStore (creature); now += store.getMagicEffects(); } now += creatureStats.getActiveSpells().getMagicEffects(); creatureStats.modifyMagicEffects(now); } void Actors::calculateDynamicStats (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) { CreatureStats& creatureStats = ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats (ptr); int intelligence = creatureStats.getAttribute(ESM::Attribute::Intelligence).getModified(); float base = 1.f; if (ptr == getPlayer()) base = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().find("fPCbaseMagickaMult")->mValue.getFloat(); else base = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().find("fNPCbaseMagickaMult")->mValue.getFloat(); double magickaFactor = base + creatureStats.getMagicEffects().get (EffectKey (ESM::MagicEffect::FortifyMaximumMagicka)).getMagnitude() * 0.1; DynamicStat magicka = creatureStats.getMagicka(); float diff = (static_cast(magickaFactor*intelligence)) - magicka.getBase(); float currentToBaseRatio = (magicka.getCurrent() / magicka.getBase()); magicka.setModified(magicka.getModified() + diff, 0); magicka.setCurrent(magicka.getBase() * currentToBaseRatio, false, true); creatureStats.setMagicka(magicka); } void Actors::restoreDynamicStats (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, bool sleep) { MWMechanics::CreatureStats& stats = ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats (ptr); if (stats.isDead()) return; const MWWorld::Store& settings = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get(); if (sleep) { float health, magicka; getRestorationPerHourOfSleep(ptr, health, magicka); DynamicStat stat = stats.getHealth(); stat.setCurrent(stat.getCurrent() + health); stats.setHealth(stat); stat = stats.getMagicka(); stat.setCurrent(stat.getCurrent() + magicka); stats.setMagicka(stat); } // Current fatigue can be above base value due to a fortify effect. // In that case stop here and don't try to restore. DynamicStat fatigue = stats.getFatigue(); if (fatigue.getCurrent() >= fatigue.getBase()) return; // Restore fatigue float fFatigueReturnBase = settings.find("fFatigueReturnBase")->mValue.getFloat (); float fFatigueReturnMult = settings.find("fFatigueReturnMult")->mValue.getFloat (); float fEndFatigueMult = settings.find("fEndFatigueMult")->mValue.getFloat (); int endurance = stats.getAttribute (ESM::Attribute::Endurance).getModified (); float normalizedEncumbrance = ptr.getClass().getNormalizedEncumbrance(ptr); if (normalizedEncumbrance > 1) normalizedEncumbrance = 1; float x = fFatigueReturnBase + fFatigueReturnMult * (1 - normalizedEncumbrance); x *= fEndFatigueMult * endurance; fatigue.setCurrent (fatigue.getCurrent() + 3600 * x); stats.setFatigue (fatigue); } void Actors::calculateRestoration (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, float duration) { if (ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats(ptr).isDead()) return; MWMechanics::CreatureStats& stats = ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats (ptr); // Current fatigue can be above base value due to a fortify effect. // In that case stop here and don't try to restore. DynamicStat fatigue = stats.getFatigue(); if (fatigue.getCurrent() >= fatigue.getBase()) return; // Restore fatigue int endurance = stats.getAttribute(ESM::Attribute::Endurance).getModified(); const MWWorld::Store& settings = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get(); static const float fFatigueReturnBase = settings.find("fFatigueReturnBase")->mValue.getFloat (); static const float fFatigueReturnMult = settings.find("fFatigueReturnMult")->mValue.getFloat (); float x = fFatigueReturnBase + fFatigueReturnMult * endurance; fatigue.setCurrent (fatigue.getCurrent() + duration * x); stats.setFatigue (fatigue); } class ExpiryVisitor : public EffectSourceVisitor { private: MWWorld::Ptr mActor; float mDuration; public: ExpiryVisitor(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, float duration) : mActor(actor), mDuration(duration) { } virtual void visit (MWMechanics::EffectKey key, const std::string& /*sourceName*/, const std::string& /*sourceId*/, int /*casterActorId*/, float magnitude, float remainingTime = -1, float /*totalTime*/ = -1) { if (magnitude > 0 && remainingTime > 0 && remainingTime < mDuration) { CreatureStats& creatureStats = mActor.getClass().getCreatureStats(mActor); if (effectTick(creatureStats, mActor, key, magnitude * remainingTime)) creatureStats.getMagicEffects().add(key, -magnitude); } } }; void Actors::calculateCreatureStatModifiers (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, float duration) { CreatureStats &creatureStats = ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats(ptr); const MagicEffects &effects = creatureStats.getMagicEffects(); bool wasDead = creatureStats.isDead(); if (duration > 0) { // Apply correct magnitude for tickable effects that have just expired, // in case duration > remaining time of effect. // One case where this will happen is when the player uses the rest/wait command // while there is a tickable effect active that should expire before the end of the rest/wait. ExpiryVisitor visitor(ptr, duration); creatureStats.getActiveSpells().visitEffectSources(visitor); for (MagicEffects::Collection::const_iterator it = effects.begin(); it != effects.end(); ++it) { // tickable effects (i.e. effects having a lasting impact after expiry) effectTick(creatureStats, ptr, it->first, it->second.getMagnitude() * duration); // instant effects are already applied on spell impact in spellcasting.cpp, but may also come from permanent abilities if (it->second.getMagnitude() > 0) { CastSpell cast(ptr, ptr); if (cast.applyInstantEffect(ptr, ptr, it->first, it->second.getMagnitude())) { creatureStats.getSpells().purgeEffect(it->first.mId); creatureStats.getActiveSpells().purgeEffect(it->first.mId); if (ptr.getClass().hasInventoryStore(ptr)) ptr.getClass().getInventoryStore(ptr).purgeEffect(it->first.mId); } } } } // purge levitate effect if levitation is disabled // check only modifier, because base value can be setted from SetFlying console command. if (MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->isLevitationEnabled() == false && effects.get(ESM::MagicEffect::Levitate).getModifier() > 0) { creatureStats.getSpells().purgeEffect(ESM::MagicEffect::Levitate); creatureStats.getActiveSpells().purgeEffect(ESM::MagicEffect::Levitate); if (ptr.getClass().hasInventoryStore(ptr)) ptr.getClass().getInventoryStore(ptr).purgeEffect(ESM::MagicEffect::Levitate); if (ptr == getPlayer()) { MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->messageBox ("#{sLevitateDisabled}"); } } // dynamic stats for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { DynamicStat stat = creatureStats.getDynamic(i); stat.setCurrentModifier(effects.get(ESM::MagicEffect::FortifyHealth + i).getMagnitude() - effects.get(ESM::MagicEffect::DrainHealth + i).getMagnitude(), // Magicka can be decreased below zero due to a fortify effect wearing off // Fatigue can be decreased below zero meaning the actor will be knocked out i == 1 || i == 2); creatureStats.setDynamic(i, stat); } // attributes for(int i = 0;i < ESM::Attribute::Length;++i) { AttributeValue stat = creatureStats.getAttribute(i); stat.setModifier(static_cast(effects.get(EffectKey(ESM::MagicEffect::FortifyAttribute, i)).getMagnitude() - effects.get(EffectKey(ESM::MagicEffect::DrainAttribute, i)).getMagnitude() - effects.get(EffectKey(ESM::MagicEffect::AbsorbAttribute, i)).getMagnitude())); creatureStats.setAttribute(i, stat); } if (creatureStats.needToRecalcDynamicStats()) calculateDynamicStats(ptr); { Spells & spells = creatureStats.getSpells(); for (Spells::TIterator it = spells.begin(); it != spells.end(); ++it) { if (spells.getCorprusSpells().find(it->first) != spells.getCorprusSpells().end()) { if (MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getTimeStamp() >= spells.getCorprusSpells().at(it->first).mNextWorsening) { spells.worsenCorprus(it->first); if (ptr == getPlayer()) MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->messageBox("#{sMagicCorprusWorsens}"); } } } } // AI setting modifiers int creature = !ptr.getClass().isNpc(); if (creature && ptr.get()->mBase->mData.mType == ESM::Creature::Humanoid) creature = false; // Note: the Creature variants only work on normal creatures, not on daedra or undead creatures. if (!creature || ptr.get()->mBase->mData.mType == ESM::Creature::Creatures) { Stat stat = creatureStats.getAiSetting(CreatureStats::AI_Fight); stat.setModifier(static_cast(effects.get(ESM::MagicEffect::FrenzyHumanoid + creature).getMagnitude() - effects.get(ESM::MagicEffect::CalmHumanoid+creature).getMagnitude())); creatureStats.setAiSetting(CreatureStats::AI_Fight, stat); stat = creatureStats.getAiSetting(CreatureStats::AI_Flee); stat.setModifier(static_cast(effects.get(ESM::MagicEffect::DemoralizeHumanoid + creature).getMagnitude() - effects.get(ESM::MagicEffect::RallyHumanoid+creature).getMagnitude())); creatureStats.setAiSetting(CreatureStats::AI_Flee, stat); } if (creature && ptr.get()->mBase->mData.mType == ESM::Creature::Undead) { Stat stat = creatureStats.getAiSetting(CreatureStats::AI_Flee); stat.setModifier(static_cast(effects.get(ESM::MagicEffect::TurnUndead).getMagnitude())); creatureStats.setAiSetting(CreatureStats::AI_Flee, stat); } if (!wasDead && creatureStats.isDead()) { // The actor was killed by a magic effect. Figure out if the player was responsible for it. const ActiveSpells& spells = creatureStats.getActiveSpells(); MWWorld::Ptr player = getPlayer(); std::set playerFollowers; getActorsSidingWith(player, playerFollowers); for (ActiveSpells::TIterator it = spells.begin(); it != spells.end(); ++it) { bool actorKilled = false; const ActiveSpells::ActiveSpellParams& spell = it->second; MWWorld::Ptr caster = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->searchPtrViaActorId(spell.mCasterActorId); for (std::vector::const_iterator effectIt = spell.mEffects.begin(); effectIt != spell.mEffects.end(); ++effectIt) { int effectId = effectIt->mEffectId; bool isDamageEffect = false; int damageEffects[] = { ESM::MagicEffect::FireDamage, ESM::MagicEffect::ShockDamage, ESM::MagicEffect::FrostDamage, ESM::MagicEffect::Poison, ESM::MagicEffect::SunDamage, ESM::MagicEffect::DamageHealth, ESM::MagicEffect::AbsorbHealth }; for (unsigned int i=0; ikiller = killer; } else if (mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->isLocalActor(ptr)) { mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->getLocalActor(ptr)->killer = killer; } /* End of tes3mp addition */ if (caster == player || playerFollowers.find(caster) != playerFollowers.end()) { if (caster.getClass().getNpcStats(caster).isWerewolf()) caster.getClass().getNpcStats(caster).addWerewolfKill(); MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->actorKilled(ptr, player); actorKilled = true; break; } } } if (actorKilled) break; } } // TODO: dirty flag for magic effects to avoid some unnecessary work below? // any value of calm > 0 will stop the actor from fighting if ((effects.get(ESM::MagicEffect::CalmHumanoid).getMagnitude() > 0 && ptr.getClass().isNpc()) || (effects.get(ESM::MagicEffect::CalmCreature).getMagnitude() > 0 && !ptr.getClass().isNpc())) creatureStats.getAiSequence().stopCombat(); // Update bound effects // Note: in vanilla MW multiple bound items of the same type can be created by different spells. // As these extra copies are kinda useless this may or may not be important. static std::map boundItemsMap; if (boundItemsMap.empty()) { boundItemsMap[ESM::MagicEffect::BoundBattleAxe] = "sMagicBoundBattleAxeID"; boundItemsMap[ESM::MagicEffect::BoundBoots] = "sMagicBoundBootsID"; boundItemsMap[ESM::MagicEffect::BoundCuirass] = "sMagicBoundCuirassID"; boundItemsMap[ESM::MagicEffect::BoundDagger] = "sMagicBoundDaggerID"; boundItemsMap[ESM::MagicEffect::BoundGloves] = "sMagicBoundLeftGauntletID"; // Note: needs RightGauntlet variant too (see below) boundItemsMap[ESM::MagicEffect::BoundHelm] = "sMagicBoundHelmID"; boundItemsMap[ESM::MagicEffect::BoundLongbow] = "sMagicBoundLongbowID"; boundItemsMap[ESM::MagicEffect::BoundLongsword] = "sMagicBoundLongswordID"; boundItemsMap[ESM::MagicEffect::BoundMace] = "sMagicBoundMaceID"; boundItemsMap[ESM::MagicEffect::BoundShield] = "sMagicBoundShieldID"; boundItemsMap[ESM::MagicEffect::BoundSpear] = "sMagicBoundSpearID"; } for (std::map::iterator it = boundItemsMap.begin(); it != boundItemsMap.end(); ++it) { bool found = creatureStats.mBoundItems.find(it->first) != creatureStats.mBoundItems.end(); float magnitude = effects.get(it->first).getMagnitude(); if (found != (magnitude > 0)) { if (magnitude > 0) creatureStats.mBoundItems.insert(it->first); else creatureStats.mBoundItems.erase(it->first); std::string itemGmst = it->second; std::string item = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().find( itemGmst)->mValue.getString(); magnitude > 0 ? addBoundItem(item, ptr) : removeBoundItem(item, ptr); if (it->first == ESM::MagicEffect::BoundGloves) { item = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().find( "sMagicBoundRightGauntletID")->mValue.getString(); magnitude > 0 ? addBoundItem(item, ptr) : removeBoundItem(item, ptr); } } } bool hasSummonEffect = false; for (MagicEffects::Collection::const_iterator it = effects.begin(); it != effects.end(); ++it) if (isSummoningEffect(it->first.mId)) hasSummonEffect = true; if (!creatureStats.getSummonedCreatureMap().empty() || !creatureStats.getSummonedCreatureGraveyard().empty() || hasSummonEffect) { UpdateSummonedCreatures updateSummonedCreatures(ptr); creatureStats.getActiveSpells().visitEffectSources(updateSummonedCreatures); if (ptr.getClass().hasInventoryStore(ptr)) ptr.getClass().getInventoryStore(ptr).visitEffectSources(updateSummonedCreatures); updateSummonedCreatures.process(mTimerDisposeSummonsCorpses == 0.f); } } void Actors::calculateNpcStatModifiers (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, float duration) { NpcStats &npcStats = ptr.getClass().getNpcStats(ptr); const MagicEffects &effects = npcStats.getMagicEffects(); // skills for(int i = 0;i < ESM::Skill::Length;++i) { SkillValue& skill = npcStats.getSkill(i); skill.setModifier(static_cast(effects.get(EffectKey(ESM::MagicEffect::FortifySkill, i)).getMagnitude() - effects.get(EffectKey(ESM::MagicEffect::DrainSkill, i)).getMagnitude() - effects.get(EffectKey(ESM::MagicEffect::AbsorbSkill, i)).getMagnitude())); } } bool Actors::isAttackPreparing(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) { PtrActorMap::iterator it = mActors.find(ptr); if (it == mActors.end()) return false; CharacterController* ctrl = it->second->getCharacterController(); return ctrl->isAttackPreparing(); } bool Actors::isRunning(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) { PtrActorMap::iterator it = mActors.find(ptr); if (it == mActors.end()) return false; CharacterController* ctrl = it->second->getCharacterController(); return ctrl->isRunning(); } bool Actors::isSneaking(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) { PtrActorMap::iterator it = mActors.find(ptr); if (it == mActors.end()) return false; CharacterController* ctrl = it->second->getCharacterController(); return ctrl->isSneaking(); } void Actors::updateDrowning(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, float duration, bool isKnockedOut, bool isPlayer) { NpcStats &stats = ptr.getClass().getNpcStats(ptr); // When npc stats are just initialized, mTimeToStartDrowning == -1 and we should get value from GMST static const float fHoldBreathTime = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().find("fHoldBreathTime")->mValue.getFloat(); if (stats.getTimeToStartDrowning() == -1.f) stats.setTimeToStartDrowning(fHoldBreathTime); if (stats.getTimeToStartDrowning() < fHoldBreathTime / 2) { if(!isPlayer) { MWMechanics::AiSequence& seq = ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats(ptr).getAiSequence(); if(seq.getTypeId() != MWMechanics::AiPackage::TypeIdBreathe) //Only add it once seq.stack(MWMechanics::AiBreathe(), ptr); } } MWBase::World *world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld(); bool knockedOutUnderwater = (isKnockedOut && world->isUnderwater(ptr.getCell(), osg::Vec3f(ptr.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3()))); if((world->isSubmerged(ptr) || knockedOutUnderwater) && stats.getMagicEffects().get(ESM::MagicEffect::WaterBreathing).getMagnitude() == 0) { float timeLeft = 0.0f; if(knockedOutUnderwater) stats.setTimeToStartDrowning(0); else { timeLeft = stats.getTimeToStartDrowning() - duration; if(timeLeft < 0.0f) timeLeft = 0.0f; stats.setTimeToStartDrowning(timeLeft); } bool godmode = isPlayer && MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getGodModeState(); if(timeLeft == 0.0f && !godmode) { // If drowning, apply 3 points of damage per second static const float fSuffocationDamage = world->getStore().get().find("fSuffocationDamage")->mValue.getFloat(); DynamicStat health = stats.getHealth(); health.setCurrent(health.getCurrent() - fSuffocationDamage*duration); stats.setHealth(health); // Play a drowning sound MWBase::SoundManager *sndmgr = MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager(); if(!sndmgr->getSoundPlaying(ptr, "drown")) sndmgr->playSound3D(ptr, "drown", 1.0f, 1.0f); if(isPlayer) MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->activateHitOverlay(false); } } else stats.setTimeToStartDrowning(fHoldBreathTime); } void Actors::updateEquippedLight (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, float duration, bool mayEquip) { bool isPlayer = (ptr == getPlayer()); MWWorld::InventoryStore &inventoryStore = ptr.getClass().getInventoryStore(ptr); MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator heldIter = inventoryStore.getSlot(MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedLeft); /** * Automatically equip NPCs torches at night and unequip them at day */ /* Start of tes3mp change (major) We need DedicatedPlayers and DedicatedActors to not automatically equip their light-emitting items, so additional conditions have been added for them */ if (!isPlayer && !mwmp::PlayerList::isDedicatedPlayer(ptr) && !mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->isDedicatedActor(ptr)) { /* End of tes3mp change (major) */ MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator torch = inventoryStore.end(); for (MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator it = inventoryStore.begin(); it != inventoryStore.end(); ++it) { if (it->getTypeName() == typeid(ESM::Light).name() && it->getClass().canBeEquipped(*it, ptr).first) { torch = it; break; } } if (mayEquip) { if (torch != inventoryStore.end()) { if (!ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats (ptr).getAiSequence().isInCombat()) { // For non-hostile NPCs, unequip whatever is in the left slot in favor of a light. if (heldIter != inventoryStore.end() && heldIter->getTypeName() != typeid(ESM::Light).name()) inventoryStore.unequipItem(*heldIter, ptr); } heldIter = inventoryStore.getSlot(MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedLeft); // If we have a torch and can equip it, then equip it now. if (heldIter == inventoryStore.end()) { inventoryStore.equip(MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedLeft, torch, ptr); } } } else { if (heldIter != inventoryStore.end() && heldIter->getTypeName() == typeid(ESM::Light).name()) { // At day, unequip lights and auto equip shields or other suitable items // (Note: autoEquip will ignore lights) inventoryStore.autoEquip(ptr); } } } heldIter = inventoryStore.getSlot(MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedLeft); //If holding a light... if(heldIter.getType() == MWWorld::ContainerStore::Type_Light) { // Use time from the player's light if(isPlayer) { float timeRemaining = heldIter->getClass().getRemainingUsageTime(*heldIter); // -1 is infinite light source. Other negative values are treated as 0. if(timeRemaining != -1.0f) { timeRemaining -= duration; if(timeRemaining > 0.0f) heldIter->getClass().setRemainingUsageTime(*heldIter, timeRemaining); else { inventoryStore.remove(*heldIter, 1, ptr); // remove it return; } } } // Both NPC and player lights extinguish in water. if(MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->isSwimming(ptr)) { inventoryStore.remove(*heldIter, 1, ptr); // remove it // ...But, only the player makes a sound. if(isPlayer) MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->playSound("torch out", 1.0, 1.0, MWSound::Type::Sfx, MWSound::PlayMode::NoEnv); } } } void Actors::updateCrimePursuit(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, float duration) { MWWorld::Ptr player = getPlayer(); if (ptr != player && ptr.getClass().isNpc()) { // get stats of witness CreatureStats& creatureStats = ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats(ptr); NpcStats& npcStats = ptr.getClass().getNpcStats(ptr); if (player.getClass().getNpcStats(player).isWerewolf()) return; if (ptr.getClass().isClass(ptr, "Guard") && creatureStats.getAiSequence().getTypeId() != AiPackage::TypeIdPursue && !creatureStats.getAiSequence().isInCombat() && creatureStats.getMagicEffects().get(ESM::MagicEffect::CalmHumanoid).getMagnitude() == 0) { const MWWorld::ESMStore& esmStore = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore(); static const int cutoff = esmStore.get().find("iCrimeThreshold")->mValue.getInteger(); // Force dialogue on sight if bounty is greater than the cutoff // In vanilla morrowind, the greeting dialogue is scripted to either arrest the player (< 5000 bounty) or attack (>= 5000 bounty) if ( player.getClass().getNpcStats(player).getBounty() >= cutoff // TODO: do not run these two every frame. keep an Aware state for each actor and update it every 0.2 s or so? && MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getLOS(ptr, player) && MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->awarenessCheck(player, ptr)) { static const int iCrimeThresholdMultiplier = esmStore.get().find("iCrimeThresholdMultiplier")->mValue.getInteger(); /* Start of tes3mp change (major) Only attack players based on their high bounty if they haven't died since the last time an attempt was made to arrest them */ if (player.getClass().getNpcStats(player).getBounty() >= cutoff * iCrimeThresholdMultiplier && !mwmp::Main::get().getLocalPlayer()->diedSinceArrestAttempt) /* End of tes3mp change (major) */ { MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->startCombat(ptr, player); creatureStats.setHitAttemptActorId(player.getClass().getCreatureStats(player).getActorId()); // Stops the guard from quitting combat if player is unreachable } else creatureStats.getAiSequence().stack(AiPursue(player), ptr); creatureStats.setAlarmed(true); npcStats.setCrimeId(MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPlayer().getNewCrimeId()); } } // if I was a witness to a crime if (npcStats.getCrimeId() != -1) { // if you've paid for your crimes and I havent noticed if( npcStats.getCrimeId() <= MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPlayer().getCrimeId() ) { // Calm witness down if (ptr.getClass().isClass(ptr, "Guard")) creatureStats.getAiSequence().stopPursuit(); creatureStats.getAiSequence().stopCombat(); // Reset factors to attack creatureStats.setAttacked(false); creatureStats.setAlarmed(false); creatureStats.setAiSetting(CreatureStats::AI_Fight, ptr.getClass().getBaseFightRating(ptr)); // Update witness crime id npcStats.setCrimeId(-1); } /* Start of tes3mp addition If the player has died since their crime was committed, stop combat with them as though they have paid their bounty */ else if (mwmp::Main::get().getLocalPlayer()->diedSinceArrestAttempt && creatureStats.getAiSequence().isInCombat(player)) { if (difftime(mwmp::Main::get().getLocalPlayer()->deathTime, npcStats.getCrimeTime()) > 0) { creatureStats.getAiSequence().stopCombat(); creatureStats.setAttacked(false); creatureStats.setAlarmed(false); creatureStats.setAiSetting(CreatureStats::AI_Fight, ptr.getClass().getBaseFightRating(ptr)); npcStats.setCrimeId(-1); npcStats.setCrimeTime(time(0)); LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(TimedLog::LOG_INFO, "NPC %s %i-%i has forgiven player's crimes after the player's death", ptr.getCellRef().getRefId().c_str(), ptr.getCellRef().getRefNum().mIndex, ptr.getCellRef().getMpNum()); } } /* End of tes3mp addition */ } } } Actors::Actors() { mTimerDisposeSummonsCorpses = 0.2f; // We should add a delay between summoned creature death and its corpse despawning updateProcessingRange(); } Actors::~Actors() { clear(); } float Actors::getProcessingRange() const { return mActorsProcessingRange; } void Actors::updateProcessingRange() { /* Start of tes3mp change (major) Multiplayer needs AI processing to not have a distance limit, at least until a better authority system is implemented for LocalActors */ // We have to cap it since using high values (larger than 7168) will make some quests harder or impossible to complete (bug #1876) //static const float maxProcessingRange = 7168.f; static const float maxProcessingRange = 8192.f * 50; /* End of tes3mp change (major) */ static const float minProcessingRange = maxProcessingRange / 2.f; float actorsProcessingRange = Settings::Manager::getFloat("actors processing range", "Game"); actorsProcessingRange = std::min(actorsProcessingRange, maxProcessingRange); actorsProcessingRange = std::max(actorsProcessingRange, minProcessingRange); mActorsProcessingRange = actorsProcessingRange; } void Actors::addActor (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, bool updateImmediately) { removeActor(ptr); MWRender::Animation *anim = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getAnimation(ptr); if (!anim) return; mActors.insert(std::make_pair(ptr, new Actor(ptr, anim))); if (updateImmediately) mActors[ptr]->getCharacterController()->update(0); } void Actors::removeActor (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) { PtrActorMap::iterator iter = mActors.find(ptr); if(iter != mActors.end()) { delete iter->second; mActors.erase(iter); } } void Actors::castSpell(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const std::string spellId, bool manualSpell) { PtrActorMap::iterator iter = mActors.find(ptr); if(iter != mActors.end()) iter->second->getCharacterController()->castSpell(spellId, manualSpell); } bool Actors::isActorDetected(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const MWWorld::Ptr& observer) { if (!actor.getClass().isActor()) return false; // If an observer is NPC, check if he detected an actor if (!observer.isEmpty() && observer.getClass().isNpc()) { return MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getLOS(observer, actor) && MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->awarenessCheck(actor, observer); } // Otherwise check if any actor in AI processing range sees the target actor std::vector actors; osg::Vec3f position (actor.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3()); getObjectsInRange(position, mActorsProcessingRange, actors); for(std::vector::iterator it = actors.begin(); it != actors.end(); ++it) { if (*it == actor) continue; bool result = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getLOS(*it, actor) && MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->awarenessCheck(actor, *it); if (result) return true; } return false; } void Actors::updateActor(const MWWorld::Ptr &old, const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) { PtrActorMap::iterator iter = mActors.find(old); if(iter != mActors.end()) { Actor *actor = iter->second; mActors.erase(iter); actor->updatePtr(ptr); mActors.insert(std::make_pair(ptr, actor)); } } void Actors::dropActors (const MWWorld::CellStore *cellStore, const MWWorld::Ptr& ignore) { PtrActorMap::iterator iter = mActors.begin(); while(iter != mActors.end()) { if((iter->first.isInCell() && iter->first.getCell()==cellStore) && iter->first != ignore) { delete iter->second; mActors.erase(iter++); } else ++iter; } } void Actors::updateCombatMusic () { MWWorld::Ptr player = getPlayer(); const osg::Vec3f playerPos = player.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3(); bool hasHostiles = false; // need to know this to play Battle music bool aiActive = MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->isAIActive(); if (aiActive) { for(PtrActorMap::iterator iter(mActors.begin()); iter != mActors.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->first == player) continue; bool inProcessingRange = (playerPos - iter->first.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3()).length2() <= mActorsProcessingRange*mActorsProcessingRange; if (inProcessingRange) { MWMechanics::CreatureStats& stats = iter->first.getClass().getCreatureStats(iter->first); if (!stats.isDead() && stats.getAiSequence().isInCombat()) { hasHostiles = true; break; } } } } // check if we still have any player enemies to switch music static int currentMusic = 0; if (currentMusic != 1 && !hasHostiles && !(player.getClass().getCreatureStats(player).isDead() && MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->isMusicPlaying())) { MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->playPlaylist(std::string("Explore")); currentMusic = 1; } else if (currentMusic != 2 && hasHostiles) { MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->playPlaylist(std::string("Battle")); currentMusic = 2; } } void Actors::update (float duration, bool paused) { if(!paused) { static float timerUpdateAITargets = 0; static float timerUpdateHeadTrack = 0; static float timerUpdateEquippedLight = 0; const float updateEquippedLightInterval = 1.0f; // target lists get updated once every 1.0 sec if (timerUpdateAITargets >= 1.0f) timerUpdateAITargets = 0; if (timerUpdateHeadTrack >= 0.3f) timerUpdateHeadTrack = 0; if (mTimerDisposeSummonsCorpses >= 0.2f) mTimerDisposeSummonsCorpses = 0; if (timerUpdateEquippedLight >= updateEquippedLightInterval) timerUpdateEquippedLight = 0; // show torches only when there are darkness and no precipitations MWBase::World* world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld(); bool showTorches = world->useTorches(); MWWorld::Ptr player = getPlayer(); const osg::Vec3f playerPos = player.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3(); /// \todo move update logic to Actor class where appropriate std::map > cachedAllies; // will be filled as engageCombat iterates bool aiActive = MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->isAIActive(); int attackedByPlayerId = player.getClass().getCreatureStats(player).getHitAttemptActorId(); if (attackedByPlayerId != -1) { const MWWorld::Ptr playerHitAttemptActor = world->searchPtrViaActorId(attackedByPlayerId); if (!playerHitAttemptActor.isInCell()) player.getClass().getCreatureStats(player).setHitAttemptActorId(-1); } // AI and magic effects update for(PtrActorMap::iterator iter(mActors.begin()); iter != mActors.end(); ++iter) { bool isPlayer = iter->first == player; CharacterController* ctrl = iter->second->getCharacterController(); float distSqr = (playerPos - iter->first.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3()).length2(); // AI processing is only done within given distance to the player. bool inProcessingRange = distSqr <= mActorsProcessingRange*mActorsProcessingRange; /* Start of tes3mp change (minor) Instead of merely updating the player character's mAttackingOrSpell here, prepare an Attack packet for the LocalPlayer */ if (isPlayer) { bool state = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPlayer().getAttackingOrSpell(); DrawState_ dstate = player.getClass().getNpcStats(player).getDrawState(); ctrl->setAttackingOrSpell(world->getPlayer().getAttackingOrSpell()); if (dstate == DrawState_Weapon) { mwmp::Attack *localAttack = MechanicsHelper::getLocalAttack(iter->first); if (localAttack->pressed != state) { MechanicsHelper::resetAttack(localAttack); localAttack->type = MechanicsHelper::isUsingRangedWeapon(player) ? mwmp::Attack::RANGED : mwmp::Attack::MELEE; localAttack->pressed = state; // Prepare this attack for sending as long as it's not a ranged attack that's being released, // because we need to get the final attackStrength for that from WeaponAnimation to have the // correct projectile speed if (localAttack->type == mwmp::Attack::MELEE || state) localAttack->shouldSend = true; } } } /* End of tes3mp change (minor) */ /* Start of tes3mp addition If this actor is a DedicatedPlayer or DedicatedActor, update their mAttackingOrSpell */ mwmp::Attack *dedicatedAttack = MechanicsHelper::getDedicatedAttack(iter->first); if (dedicatedAttack) iter->second->getCharacterController()->setAttackingOrSpell(dedicatedAttack->pressed); /* End of tes3mp addition */ /* Start of tes3mp change (major) Allow this code to use the same logic for DedicatedPlayers as for LocalPlayers */ // If dead or no longer in combat, no longer store any actors who attempted to hit us. Also remove for the player. if (iter->first != player && !mwmp::PlayerList::isDedicatedPlayer(iter->first) &&(iter->first.getClass().getCreatureStats(iter->first).isDead() || !iter->first.getClass().getCreatureStats(iter->first).getAiSequence().isInCombat() || !inProcessingRange)) { iter->first.getClass().getCreatureStats(iter->first).setHitAttemptActorId(-1); if (player.getClass().getCreatureStats(player).getHitAttemptActorId() == iter->first.getClass().getCreatureStats(iter->first).getActorId()) player.getClass().getCreatureStats(player).setHitAttemptActorId(-1); mwmp::PlayerList::clearHitAttemptActorId(iter->first.getClass().getCreatureStats(iter->first).getActorId()); } /* End of tes3mp change (major) */ if (!iter->first.getClass().getCreatureStats(iter->first).isDead()) { bool cellChanged = world->hasCellChanged(); MWWorld::Ptr actor = iter->first; // make a copy of the map key to avoid it being invalidated when the player teleports updateActor(actor, duration); if (!cellChanged && world->hasCellChanged()) { return; // for now abort update of the old cell when cell changes by teleportation magic effect // a better solution might be to apply cell changes at the end of the frame } /* Start of tes3mp change (major) Allow AI processing for LocalActors and partially for DedicatedActors */ bool isLocalActor = mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->isLocalActor(actor); bool isDedicatedActor = mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->isDedicatedActor(actor); if (inProcessingRange && (aiActive || isLocalActor || isDedicatedActor)) { if (timerUpdateAITargets == 0 && (isLocalActor || aiActive)) { if (!isPlayer) adjustCommandedActor(iter->first); for(PtrActorMap::iterator it(mActors.begin()); it != mActors.end(); ++it) { if (it->first == iter->first || isPlayer) // player is not AI-controlled continue; engageCombat(iter->first, it->first, cachedAllies, it->first == player); } } if (timerUpdateHeadTrack == 0) { float sqrHeadTrackDistance = std::numeric_limits::max(); MWWorld::Ptr headTrackTarget; MWMechanics::CreatureStats& stats = iter->first.getClass().getCreatureStats(iter->first); bool firstPersonPlayer = isPlayer && world->isFirstPerson(); // 1. Unconsious actor can not track target // 2. Actors in combat and pursue mode do not bother to headtrack // 3. Player character does not use headtracking in the 1st-person view if (!stats.getKnockedDown() && !stats.getAiSequence().isInCombat() && !stats.getAiSequence().hasPackage(AiPackage::TypeIdPursue) && !firstPersonPlayer) { for(PtrActorMap::iterator it(mActors.begin()); it != mActors.end(); ++it) { if (it->first == iter->first) continue; updateHeadTracking(iter->first, it->first, headTrackTarget, sqrHeadTrackDistance); } } ctrl->setHeadTrackTarget(headTrackTarget); } if (iter->first.getClass().isNpc() && iter->first != player && (isLocalActor || aiActive)) updateCrimePursuit(iter->first, duration); if (iter->first != player && (isLocalActor || aiActive)) { CreatureStats &stats = iter->first.getClass().getCreatureStats(iter->first); if (isConscious(iter->first)) stats.getAiSequence().execute(iter->first, *ctrl, duration); } } /* End of tes3mp change (major) */ if(iter->first.getTypeName() == typeid(ESM::NPC).name()) { updateDrowning(iter->first, duration, ctrl->isKnockedOut(), isPlayer); calculateNpcStatModifiers(iter->first, duration); if (timerUpdateEquippedLight == 0) updateEquippedLight(iter->first, updateEquippedLightInterval, showTorches); } } } timerUpdateAITargets += duration; timerUpdateHeadTrack += duration; timerUpdateEquippedLight += duration; mTimerDisposeSummonsCorpses += duration; // Looping magic VFX update // Note: we need to do this before any of the animations are updated. // Reaching the text keys may trigger Hit / Spellcast (and as such, particles), // so updating VFX immediately after that would just remove the particle effects instantly. // There needs to be a magic effect update in between. for(PtrActorMap::iterator iter(mActors.begin()); iter != mActors.end(); ++iter) iter->second->getCharacterController()->updateContinuousVfx(); // Animation/movement update CharacterController* playerCharacter = nullptr; for(PtrActorMap::iterator iter(mActors.begin()); iter != mActors.end(); ++iter) { const float dist = (playerPos - iter->first.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3()).length(); bool isPlayer = iter->first == player; bool inRange = isPlayer || dist <= mActorsProcessingRange; int activeFlag = 1; // Can be changed back to '2' to keep updating bounding boxes off screen (more accurate, but slower) if (isPlayer) activeFlag = 2; int active = inRange ? activeFlag : 0; CharacterController* ctrl = iter->second->getCharacterController(); ctrl->setActive(active); if (!inRange) { iter->first.getRefData().getBaseNode()->setNodeMask(0); world->setActorCollisionMode(iter->first, false); continue; } else if (!isPlayer) iter->first.getRefData().getBaseNode()->setNodeMask(1<<3); if (iter->first.getClass().getCreatureStats(iter->first).isParalyzed()) ctrl->skipAnim(); // Handle player last, in case a cell transition occurs by casting a teleportation spell // (would invalidate the iterator) if (iter->first == getPlayer()) { playerCharacter = ctrl; continue; } world->setActorCollisionMode(iter->first, true); ctrl->update(duration); // Fade away actors on large distance (>90% of actor's processing distance) float visibilityRatio = 1.0; float fadeStartDistance = mActorsProcessingRange*0.9f; float fadeEndDistance = mActorsProcessingRange; float fadeRatio = (dist - fadeStartDistance)/(fadeEndDistance - fadeStartDistance); if (fadeRatio > 0) visibilityRatio -= std::max(0.f, fadeRatio); visibilityRatio = std::min(1.f, visibilityRatio); ctrl->setVisibility(visibilityRatio); } if (playerCharacter) { playerCharacter->update(duration); playerCharacter->setVisibility(1.f); } for(PtrActorMap::iterator iter(mActors.begin()); iter != mActors.end(); ++iter) { const MWWorld::Class &cls = iter->first.getClass(); CreatureStats &stats = cls.getCreatureStats(iter->first); //KnockedOutOneFrameLogic //Used for "OnKnockedOut" command //Put here to ensure that it's run for PRECISELY one frame. if (stats.getKnockedDown() && !stats.getKnockedDownOneFrame() && !stats.getKnockedDownOverOneFrame()) { //Start it for one frame if nessesary stats.setKnockedDownOneFrame(true); } else if (stats.getKnockedDownOneFrame() && !stats.getKnockedDownOverOneFrame()) { //Turn off KnockedOutOneframe stats.setKnockedDownOneFrame(false); stats.setKnockedDownOverOneFrame(true); } } killDeadActors(); static float sneakTimer = 0.f; // times update of sneak icon // if player is in sneak state see if anyone detects him if (playerCharacter && playerCharacter->isSneaking()) { static float sneakSkillTimer = 0.f; // times sneak skill progress from "avoid notice" const MWWorld::ESMStore& esmStore = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore(); const int radius = esmStore.get().find("fSneakUseDist")->mValue.getInteger(); static float fSneakUseDelay = esmStore.get().find("fSneakUseDelay")->mValue.getFloat(); if (sneakTimer >= fSneakUseDelay) sneakTimer = 0.f; if (sneakTimer == 0.f) { // Set when an NPC is within line of sight and distance, but is still unaware. Used for skill progress. bool avoidedNotice = false; bool detected = false; for (PtrActorMap::iterator iter(mActors.begin()); iter != mActors.end(); ++iter) { MWWorld::Ptr observer = iter->first; if (iter->first == player) // not the player continue; if (observer.getClass().getCreatureStats(observer).isDead()) continue; // is the player in range and can they be detected if ((observer.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3() - playerPos).length2() <= radius*radius && MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getLOS(player, observer)) { if (MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->awarenessCheck(player, observer)) { detected = true; avoidedNotice = false; MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->setSneakVisibility(false); break; } else avoidedNotice = true; } } if (sneakSkillTimer >= fSneakUseDelay) sneakSkillTimer = 0.f; if (avoidedNotice && sneakSkillTimer == 0.f) player.getClass().skillUsageSucceeded(player, ESM::Skill::Sneak, 0); if (!detected) MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->setSneakVisibility(true); } sneakTimer += duration; sneakSkillTimer += duration; } else { sneakTimer = 0.f; MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->setSneakVisibility(false); } } updateCombatMusic(); } void Actors::killDeadActors() { for(PtrActorMap::iterator iter(mActors.begin()); iter != mActors.end(); ++iter) { const MWWorld::Class &cls = iter->first.getClass(); CreatureStats &stats = cls.getCreatureStats(iter->first); if(!stats.isDead()) { if(iter->second->getCharacterController()->isDead()) { // Actor has been resurrected. Notify the CharacterController and re-enable collision. MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->enableActorCollision(iter->first, true); iter->second->getCharacterController()->resurrect(); } if(!stats.isDead()) continue; } MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->removeActorPath(iter->first); CharacterController::KillResult killResult = iter->second->getCharacterController()->kill(); if (killResult == CharacterController::Result_DeathAnimStarted) { // Play dying words // Note: It's not known whether the soundgen tags scream, roar, and moan are reliable // for NPCs since some of the npc death animation files are missing them. MWBase::Environment::get().getDialogueManager()->say(iter->first, "hit"); // Apply soultrap if (iter->first.getTypeName() == typeid(ESM::Creature).name()) { SoulTrap soulTrap (iter->first); stats.getActiveSpells().visitEffectSources(soulTrap); } // Reset magic effects and recalculate derived effects // One case where we need this is to make sure bound items are removed upon death stats.modifyMagicEffects(MWMechanics::MagicEffects()); stats.getActiveSpells().clear(); calculateCreatureStatModifiers(iter->first, 0); if (cls.isEssential(iter->first)) MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->messageBox("#{sKilledEssential}"); } else if (killResult == CharacterController::Result_DeathAnimJustFinished) { iter->first.getClass().getCreatureStats(iter->first).notifyDied(); /* Start of tes3mp change (major) Only increment death count for an actor if we are its authority, to avoid situations where we increment it locally after having already received an ID_WORLD_KILL_COUNT packet about it */ bool isLocalActor = mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->isLocalActor(iter->first); if (isLocalActor) ++mDeathCount[Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(iter->first.getCellRef().getRefId())]; /* End of tes3mp change (major) */ /* Start of tes3mp addition Send an ID_WORLD_KILL_COUNT packet every time the kill count changes, as long as we are the authority over the actor's cell */ if (isLocalActor) { std::string refId = Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(iter->first.getCellRef().getRefId()); int number = mDeathCount[refId]; mwmp::Main::get().getLocalPlayer()->sendKill(refId, number); } /* End of tes3mp addition */ // Make sure spell effects are removed purgeSpellEffects(stats.getActorId()); if( iter->first == getPlayer()) { //player's death animation is over /* Start of tes3mp change (major) The main menu no longer opens when the local player dies, because of automatic respawning by default */ //MWBase::Environment::get().getStateManager()->askLoadRecent(); /* End of tes3mp change (major) */ } else { // NPC death animation is over, disable actor collision MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->enableActorCollision(iter->first, false); } // Play Death Music if it was the player dying if(iter->first == getPlayer()) MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->streamMusic("Special/MW_Death.mp3"); } } } void Actors::cleanupSummonedCreature (MWMechanics::CreatureStats& casterStats, int creatureActorId) { MWWorld::Ptr ptr = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->searchPtrViaActorId(creatureActorId); if (!ptr.isEmpty()) { MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->deleteObject(ptr); /* Start of tes3mp addition Send an ID_OBJECT_DELETE packet every time a summoned creature despawns */ mwmp::ObjectList *objectList = mwmp::Main::get().getNetworking()->getObjectList(); objectList->reset(); objectList->packetOrigin = mwmp::CLIENT_GAMEPLAY; objectList->addObjectDelete(ptr); objectList->sendObjectDelete(); /* End of tes3mp addition */ const ESM::Static* fx = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get() .search("VFX_Summon_End"); if (fx) MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->spawnEffect("meshes\\" + fx->mModel, "", ptr.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3()); } else if (creatureActorId != -1) { // We didn't find the creature. It's probably in an inactive cell. // Add to graveyard so we can delete it when the cell becomes active. std::vector& graveyard = casterStats.getSummonedCreatureGraveyard(); graveyard.push_back(creatureActorId); } purgeSpellEffects(creatureActorId); } void Actors::purgeSpellEffects(int casterActorId) { for (PtrActorMap::iterator iter(mActors.begin());iter != mActors.end();++iter) { MWMechanics::ActiveSpells& spells = iter->first.getClass().getCreatureStats(iter->first).getActiveSpells(); spells.purge(casterActorId); } } void Actors::rest(bool sleep) { float duration = 3600.f / MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getTimeScaleFactor(); const MWWorld::Ptr player = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPlayerPtr(); const osg::Vec3f playerPos = player.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3(); for(PtrActorMap::iterator iter(mActors.begin()); iter != mActors.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->first.getClass().getCreatureStats(iter->first).isDead()) continue; if (!sleep || iter->first == player) restoreDynamicStats(iter->first, sleep); if ((!iter->first.getRefData().getBaseNode()) || (playerPos - iter->first.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3()).length2() > mActorsProcessingRange*mActorsProcessingRange) continue; adjustMagicEffects (iter->first); if (iter->first.getClass().getCreatureStats(iter->first).needToRecalcDynamicStats()) calculateDynamicStats (iter->first); calculateCreatureStatModifiers (iter->first, duration); if (iter->first.getClass().isNpc()) calculateNpcStatModifiers(iter->first, duration); MWRender::Animation* animation = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getAnimation(iter->first); if (animation) { animation->removeEffects(); MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->applyLoopingParticles(iter->first); } } fastForwardAi(); } int Actors::getHoursToRest(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) const { float healthPerHour, magickaPerHour; getRestorationPerHourOfSleep(ptr, healthPerHour, magickaPerHour); CreatureStats& stats = ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats(ptr); float healthHours = healthPerHour > 0 ? (stats.getHealth().getModified() - stats.getHealth().getCurrent()) / healthPerHour : 1.0f; float magickaHours = magickaPerHour > 0 ? (stats.getMagicka().getModified() - stats.getMagicka().getCurrent()) / magickaPerHour : 1.0f; int autoHours = static_cast(std::ceil(std::max(1.f, std::max(healthHours, magickaHours)))); return autoHours; } int Actors::countDeaths (const std::string& id) const { std::map::const_iterator iter = mDeathCount.find(id); if(iter != mDeathCount.end()) return iter->second; return 0; } /* Start of tes3mp addition Make it possible to set the number of deaths for an actor with the given refId */ void Actors::setDeaths(const std::string& refId, int number) { mDeathCount[refId] = number; } /* End of tes3mp addition */ void Actors::forceStateUpdate(const MWWorld::Ptr & ptr) { PtrActorMap::iterator iter = mActors.find(ptr); if(iter != mActors.end()) iter->second->getCharacterController()->forceStateUpdate(); } bool Actors::playAnimationGroup(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const std::string& groupName, int mode, int number, bool persist) { PtrActorMap::iterator iter = mActors.find(ptr); if(iter != mActors.end()) { return iter->second->getCharacterController()->playGroup(groupName, mode, number, persist); } else { Log(Debug::Warning) << "Warning: Actors::playAnimationGroup: Unable to find " << ptr.getCellRef().getRefId(); return false; } } void Actors::skipAnimation(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) { PtrActorMap::iterator iter = mActors.find(ptr); if(iter != mActors.end()) iter->second->getCharacterController()->skipAnim(); } bool Actors::checkAnimationPlaying(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const std::string& groupName) { PtrActorMap::iterator iter = mActors.find(ptr); if(iter != mActors.end()) return iter->second->getCharacterController()->isAnimPlaying(groupName); return false; } void Actors::persistAnimationStates() { for (PtrActorMap::iterator iter = mActors.begin(); iter != mActors.end(); ++iter) iter->second->getCharacterController()->persistAnimationState(); } void Actors::getObjectsInRange(const osg::Vec3f& position, float radius, std::vector& out) { for (PtrActorMap::iterator iter = mActors.begin(); iter != mActors.end(); ++iter) { if ((iter->first.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3() - position).length2() <= radius*radius) out.push_back(iter->first); } } bool Actors::isAnyObjectInRange(const osg::Vec3f& position, float radius) { for (PtrActorMap::iterator iter = mActors.begin(); iter != mActors.end(); ++iter) { if ((iter->first.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3() - position).length2() <= radius*radius) return true; } return false; } std::list Actors::getActorsSidingWith(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) { std::list list; for(PtrActorMap::iterator iter = mActors.begin(); iter != mActors.end(); ++iter) { const MWWorld::Ptr &iteratedActor = iter->first; if (iteratedActor == getPlayer()) continue; const bool sameActor = (iteratedActor == actor); const CreatureStats &stats = iteratedActor.getClass().getCreatureStats(iteratedActor); if (stats.isDead()) continue; // An actor counts as siding with this actor if Follow or Escort is the current AI package, or there are only Combat and Wander packages before the Follow/Escort package // Actors that are targeted by this actor's Follow or Escort packages also side with them for (auto package = stats.getAiSequence().begin(); package != stats.getAiSequence().end(); ++package) { if ((*package)->sideWithTarget() && !(*package)->getTarget().isEmpty()) { if (sameActor) { list.push_back((*package)->getTarget()); } else if ((*package)->getTarget() == actor) { list.push_back(iteratedActor); } break; } else if ((*package)->getTypeId() != AiPackage::TypeIdCombat && (*package)->getTypeId() != AiPackage::TypeIdWander) break; } } return list; } std::list Actors::getActorsFollowing(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) { std::list list; for(PtrActorMap::iterator iter(mActors.begin());iter != mActors.end();++iter) { const MWWorld::Ptr &iteratedActor = iter->first; if (iteratedActor == getPlayer() || iteratedActor == actor) continue; const CreatureStats &stats = iteratedActor.getClass().getCreatureStats(iteratedActor); if (stats.isDead()) continue; // An actor counts as following if AiFollow is the current AiPackage, // or there are only Combat and Wander packages before the AiFollow package for (auto package = stats.getAiSequence().begin(); package != stats.getAiSequence().end(); ++package) { if ((*package)->followTargetThroughDoors() && (*package)->getTarget() == actor) list.push_back(iteratedActor); else if ((*package)->getTypeId() != AiPackage::TypeIdCombat && (*package)->getTypeId() != AiPackage::TypeIdWander) break; } } return list; } void Actors::getActorsFollowing(const MWWorld::Ptr &actor, std::set& out) { std::list followers = getActorsFollowing(actor); for(std::list::iterator it = followers.begin();it != followers.end();++it) if (out.insert(*it).second) getActorsFollowing(*it, out); } void Actors::getActorsSidingWith(const MWWorld::Ptr &actor, std::set& out) { std::list followers = getActorsSidingWith(actor); for(std::list::iterator it = followers.begin();it != followers.end();++it) if (out.insert(*it).second) getActorsSidingWith(*it, out); } void Actors::getActorsSidingWith(const MWWorld::Ptr &actor, std::set& out, std::map >& cachedAllies) { // If we have already found actor's allies, use the cache std::map >::const_iterator search = cachedAllies.find(actor); if (search != cachedAllies.end()) out.insert(search->second.begin(), search->second.end()); else { std::list followers = getActorsSidingWith(actor); for (std::list::iterator it = followers.begin(); it != followers.end(); ++it) if (out.insert(*it).second) getActorsSidingWith(*it, out, cachedAllies); // Cache ptrs and their sets of allies cachedAllies.insert(std::make_pair(actor, out)); for (std::set::const_iterator it = out.begin(); it != out.end(); ++it) { search = cachedAllies.find(*it); if (search == cachedAllies.end()) cachedAllies.insert(std::make_pair(*it, out)); } } } std::list Actors::getActorsFollowingIndices(const MWWorld::Ptr &actor) { std::list list; for(PtrActorMap::iterator iter(mActors.begin());iter != mActors.end();++iter) { const MWWorld::Ptr &iteratedActor = iter->first; if (iteratedActor == getPlayer() || iteratedActor == actor) continue; const CreatureStats &stats = iteratedActor.getClass().getCreatureStats(iteratedActor); if (stats.isDead()) continue; // An actor counts as following if AiFollow is the current AiPackage, // or there are only Combat and Wander packages before the AiFollow package for (auto package = stats.getAiSequence().begin(); package != stats.getAiSequence().end(); ++package) { if ((*package)->followTargetThroughDoors() && (*package)->getTarget() == actor) { list.push_back(static_cast(*package)->getFollowIndex()); break; } else if ((*package)->getTypeId() != AiPackage::TypeIdCombat && (*package)->getTypeId() != AiPackage::TypeIdWander) break; } } return list; } std::list Actors::getActorsFighting(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) { std::list list; std::vector neighbors; osg::Vec3f position (actor.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3()); getObjectsInRange(position, mActorsProcessingRange, neighbors); for(auto neighbor = neighbors.begin(); neighbor != neighbors.end(); ++neighbor) { if (*neighbor == actor) continue; const CreatureStats &stats = neighbor->getClass().getCreatureStats(*neighbor); if (stats.isDead()) continue; if (stats.getAiSequence().isInCombat(actor)) list.push_front(*neighbor); } return list; } std::list Actors::getEnemiesNearby(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) { std::list list; std::vector neighbors; osg::Vec3f position (actor.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3()); getObjectsInRange(position, mActorsProcessingRange, neighbors); std::set followers; getActorsFollowing(actor, followers); for (auto neighbor = neighbors.begin(); neighbor != neighbors.end(); ++neighbor) { const CreatureStats &stats = neighbor->getClass().getCreatureStats(*neighbor); if (stats.isDead() || *neighbor == actor || neighbor->getClass().isPureWaterCreature(*neighbor)) continue; const bool isFollower = followers.find(*neighbor) != followers.end(); if (stats.getAiSequence().isInCombat(actor) || (MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->isAggressive(*neighbor, actor) && !isFollower)) list.push_back(*neighbor); } return list; } void Actors::write (ESM::ESMWriter& writer, Loading::Listener& listener) const { writer.startRecord(ESM::REC_DCOU); for (std::map::const_iterator it = mDeathCount.begin(); it != mDeathCount.end(); ++it) { writer.writeHNString("ID__", it->first); writer.writeHNT ("COUN", it->second); } writer.endRecord(ESM::REC_DCOU); } void Actors::readRecord (ESM::ESMReader& reader, uint32_t type) { if (type == ESM::REC_DCOU) { while (reader.isNextSub("ID__")) { std::string id = reader.getHString(); int count; reader.getHNT(count, "COUN"); if (MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().find(id)) mDeathCount[id] = count; } } } void Actors::clear() { PtrActorMap::iterator it(mActors.begin()); for (; it != mActors.end(); ++it) { delete it->second; it->second = nullptr; } mActors.clear(); mDeathCount.clear(); } void Actors::updateMagicEffects(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) { adjustMagicEffects(ptr); calculateCreatureStatModifiers(ptr, 0.f); if (ptr.getClass().isNpc()) calculateNpcStatModifiers(ptr, 0.f); } bool Actors::isReadyToBlock(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) const { PtrActorMap::const_iterator it = mActors.find(ptr); if (it == mActors.end()) return false; return it->second->getCharacterController()->isReadyToBlock(); } bool Actors::isCastingSpell(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) const { PtrActorMap::const_iterator it = mActors.find(ptr); if (it == mActors.end()) return false; return it->second->getCharacterController()->isCastingSpell(); } bool Actors::isAttackingOrSpell(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const { PtrActorMap::const_iterator it = mActors.find(ptr); if (it == mActors.end()) return false; CharacterController* ctrl = it->second->getCharacterController(); return ctrl->isAttackingOrSpell(); } void Actors::fastForwardAi() { if (!MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->isAIActive()) return; // making a copy since fast-forward could move actor to a different cell and invalidate the mActors iterator PtrActorMap map = mActors; for (PtrActorMap::iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) { MWWorld::Ptr ptr = it->first; if (ptr == getPlayer() || !isConscious(ptr) || ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats(ptr).isParalyzed()) continue; MWMechanics::AiSequence& seq = ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats(ptr).getAiSequence(); seq.fastForward(ptr); } } }