#include <MyGUI.h>

namespace MWGui
    struct TextStyle
        TextStyle() :
            , mFont("Default")
            , mTextSize(16)
            , mTextAlign(MyGUI::Align::Left | MyGUI::Align::Top)

        MyGUI::Colour mColour;
        std::string mFont;
        int mTextSize;
        MyGUI::Align mTextAlign;

    /// \brief utilities for parsing book/scroll text as mygui widgets
    class BookTextParser
             * Parse markup as MyGUI widgets
             * @param markup to parse
             * @param parent for the created widgets
             * @param maximum width
             * @return size of the created widgets
            MyGUI::IntSize parsePage(std::string text, MyGUI::Widget* parent, const int width);
             * Parse markup as MyGUI widgets
             * @param markup to parse
             * @param parent for the created widgets
             * @param maximum width
             * @return size of the created widgets
            MyGUI::IntSize parseScroll(std::string text, MyGUI::Widget* parent, const int width);

             * Split the specified text into pieces that fit in the area specified by width and height parameters
            std::vector<std::string> split(std::string text, const int width, const int height);

            float widthForCharGlyph(unsigned unicodeChar) const;
            float currentFontHeight() const;
            void parseSubText(std::string text);

            void parseImage(std::string tag, bool createWidget=true);
            void parseDiv(std::string tag);
            void parseFont(std::string tag);
            MyGUI::Widget* mParent;
            int mWidth; // maximum width
            int mHeight; // current height
            TextStyle mTextStyle;
