#ifndef GAME_SOUND_SOUND_OUTPUT_H #define GAME_SOUND_SOUND_OUTPUT_H #include <string> #include <memory> #include <vector> #include "soundmanagerimp.hpp" namespace MWSound { class SoundManager; struct Sound_Decoder; class Sound; class Stream; // An opaque handle for the implementation's sound buffers. typedef void *Sound_Handle; // An opaque handle for the implementation's sound instances. typedef void *Sound_Instance; enum class HrtfMode { Disable, Enable, Auto }; class Sound_Output { SoundManager &mManager; virtual std::vector<std::string> enumerate() = 0; virtual bool init(const std::string &devname, const std::string &hrtfname, HrtfMode hrtfmode) = 0; virtual void deinit() = 0; virtual std::vector<std::string> enumerateHrtf() = 0; virtual void setHrtf(const std::string &hrtfname, HrtfMode hrtfmode) = 0; virtual std::pair<Sound_Handle,size_t> loadSound(const std::string &fname) = 0; virtual size_t unloadSound(Sound_Handle data) = 0; virtual bool playSound(Sound *sound, Sound_Handle data, float offset) = 0; virtual bool playSound3D(Sound *sound, Sound_Handle data, float offset) = 0; virtual void finishSound(Sound *sound) = 0; virtual bool isSoundPlaying(Sound *sound) = 0; virtual void updateSound(Sound *sound) = 0; virtual bool streamSound(DecoderPtr decoder, Stream *sound) = 0; virtual bool streamSound3D(DecoderPtr decoder, Stream *sound, bool getLoudnessData) = 0; virtual void finishStream(Stream *sound) = 0; virtual double getStreamDelay(Stream *sound) = 0; virtual double getStreamOffset(Stream *sound) = 0; virtual float getStreamLoudness(Stream *sound) = 0; virtual bool isStreamPlaying(Stream *sound) = 0; virtual void updateStream(Stream *sound) = 0; virtual void startUpdate() = 0; virtual void finishUpdate() = 0; virtual void updateListener(const osg::Vec3f &pos, const osg::Vec3f &atdir, const osg::Vec3f &updir, Environment env) = 0; virtual void pauseSounds(int types) = 0; virtual void resumeSounds(int types) = 0; Sound_Output& operator=(const Sound_Output &rhs); Sound_Output(const Sound_Output &rhs); protected: bool mInitialized; Sound_Output(SoundManager &mgr) : mManager(mgr), mInitialized(false) { } public: virtual ~Sound_Output() { } bool isInitialized() const { return mInitialized; } friend class OpenAL_Output; friend class SoundManager; }; } #endif