#include "cellarrow.hpp"

#include <osg/Group>
#include <osg/PositionAttitudeTransform>
#include <osg/Geode>
#include <osg/Geometry>
#include <osg/PrimitiveSet>

#include "../../model/prefs/state.hpp"
#include "../../model/prefs/shortcutmanager.hpp"

#include <components/misc/constants.hpp>
#include <components/sceneutil/vismask.hpp>

CSVRender::CellArrowTag::CellArrowTag (CellArrow *arrow)
: TagBase (SceneUtil::Mask_EditorCellArrow), mArrow (arrow)

CSVRender::CellArrow *CSVRender::CellArrowTag::getCellArrow() const
    return mArrow;

QString CSVRender::CellArrowTag::getToolTip (bool hideBasics) const
    QString text ("Direction: ");

    switch (mArrow->getDirection())
        case CellArrow::Direction_North: text += "North"; break;
        case CellArrow::Direction_West: text += "West"; break;
        case CellArrow::Direction_South: text += "South"; break;
        case CellArrow::Direction_East: text += "East"; break;

    if (!hideBasics)
        text +=
            "Modify which cells are shown"
            "<ul><li>{scene-edit-primary}: Add cell in given direction</li>"
            "<li>{scene-edit-secondary}: Add cell and remove old cell</li>"
            "<li>{scene-select-primary}: Add cells in given direction</li>"
            "<li>{scene-select-secondary}: Add cells and remove old cells</li>"
            "<li>{scene-load-cam-cell}: Load cell where camera is located</li>"
            "<li>{scene-load-cam-eastcell}: Load cell to east</li>"
            "<li>{scene-load-cam-northcell}: Load cell to north</li>"
            "<li>{scene-load-cam-westcell}: Load cell to west</li>"
            "<li>{scene-load-cam-southcell}: Load cell to south</li>"

    return CSMPrefs::State::get().getShortcutManager().processToolTip(text);

void CSVRender::CellArrow::adjustTransform()
    // position
    const int cellSize = Constants::CellSizeInUnits;
    const int offset = cellSize / 2 + 800;

    int x = mCoordinates.getX()*cellSize + cellSize/2;
    int y = mCoordinates.getY()*cellSize + cellSize/2;

    float xr = 0;
    float yr = 0;
    float zr = 0;

    float angle = osg::DegreesToRadians (90.0f);

    switch (mDirection)
        case Direction_North: y += offset; xr = -angle; zr = angle; break;
        case Direction_West: x -= offset; yr = -angle; break;
        case Direction_South: y -= offset; xr = angle; zr = angle; break;
        case Direction_East: x += offset; yr = angle; break;

    mBaseNode->setPosition (osg::Vec3f (x, y, 0));

    // orientation
    osg::Quat xr2 (xr, osg::Vec3f (1,0,0));
    osg::Quat yr2 (yr, osg::Vec3f (0,1,0));
    osg::Quat zr2 (zr, osg::Vec3f (0,0,1));
    mBaseNode->setAttitude (zr2*yr2*xr2);

void CSVRender::CellArrow::buildShape()
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geometry> geometry (new osg::Geometry);

    const int arrowWidth = 4000;
    const int arrowLength = 1500;
    const int arrowHeight = 500;

    osg::Vec3Array *vertices = new osg::Vec3Array;
    for (int i2=0; i2<2; ++i2)
        for (int i=0; i<2; ++i)
            float height = i ? -arrowHeight/2 : arrowHeight/2;
            vertices->push_back (osg::Vec3f (height, -arrowWidth/2, 0));
            vertices->push_back (osg::Vec3f (height, arrowWidth/2, 0));
            vertices->push_back (osg::Vec3f (height, 0, arrowLength));

    geometry->setVertexArray (vertices);

    osg::DrawElementsUShort *primitives = new osg::DrawElementsUShort (osg::PrimitiveSet::TRIANGLES, 0);

    // top
    primitives->push_back (0);
    primitives->push_back (1);
    primitives->push_back (2);

    // bottom
    primitives->push_back (5);
    primitives->push_back (4);
    primitives->push_back (3);

    // back
    primitives->push_back (3+6);
    primitives->push_back (4+6);
    primitives->push_back (1+6);

    primitives->push_back (3+6);
    primitives->push_back (1+6);
    primitives->push_back (0+6);

    // sides
    primitives->push_back (0+6);
    primitives->push_back (2+6);
    primitives->push_back (5+6);

    primitives->push_back (0+6);
    primitives->push_back (5+6);
    primitives->push_back (3+6);

    primitives->push_back (4+6);
    primitives->push_back (5+6);
    primitives->push_back (2+6);

    primitives->push_back (4+6);
    primitives->push_back (2+6);
    primitives->push_back (1+6);

    geometry->addPrimitiveSet (primitives);

    osg::Vec4Array *colours = new osg::Vec4Array;

    for (int i=0; i<6; ++i)
        colours->push_back (osg::Vec4f (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
    for (int i=0; i<6; ++i)
        colours->push_back (osg::Vec4f (0.8f, (i==2 || i==5) ? 0.6f : 0.4f, 0.0f, 1.0f));

    geometry->setColorArray (colours, osg::Array::BIND_PER_VERTEX);

    geometry->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode (GL_LIGHTING, osg::StateAttribute::OFF);

    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geode> geode (new osg::Geode);
    geode->addDrawable (geometry);

    mBaseNode->addChild (geode);

CSVRender::CellArrow::CellArrow (osg::Group *cellNode, Direction direction,
    const CSMWorld::CellCoordinates& coordinates)
: mDirection (direction), mParentNode (cellNode), mCoordinates (coordinates)
    mBaseNode = new osg::PositionAttitudeTransform;

    mBaseNode->setUserData (new CellArrowTag (this));

    mParentNode->addChild (mBaseNode);

    mBaseNode->setNodeMask (SceneUtil::Mask_EditorCellArrow);


    mParentNode->removeChild (mBaseNode);

CSMWorld::CellCoordinates CSVRender::CellArrow::getCoordinates() const
    return mCoordinates;

CSVRender::CellArrow::Direction CSVRender::CellArrow::getDirection() const
    return mDirection;