#include <string>
#include <vector>

namespace MWDialogue
    namespace HyperTextParser
        struct Token
            enum Type
                ExplicitLink, // enclosed in @#

            Token(const std::string & text, Type type) : mText(text), mType(type) {}

            bool isExplicitLink() { return mType == ExplicitLink; }
            bool isImplicitKeyword() { return mType == ImplicitKeyword; }

            std::string mText;
            Type mType;

        // In translations (at least Russian) the links are marked with @#, so
        // it should be a function to parse it
        std::vector<Token> parseHyperText(const std::string & text);
        void tokenizeKeywords(const std::string & text, std::vector<Token> & tokens);
        size_t removePseudoAsterisks(std::string & phrase);
