#ifndef MWGUI_WINDOWMANAGERIMP_H #define MWGUI_WINDOWMANAGERIMP_H /** This class owns and controls all the MW specific windows in the GUI. It can enable/disable Gui mode, and is responsible for sending and retrieving information from the Gui. MyGUI should be initialized separately before creating instances of this class. **/ #include #include #include #include "../mwbase/windowmanager.hpp" namespace MyGUI { class Gui; class Widget; class UString; } namespace Compiler { class Extensions; } namespace OEngine { namespace GUI { class Layout; class MyGUIManager; } namespace Render { class OgreRenderer; } } namespace MWGui { class WindowBase; class HUD; class MapWindow; class MainMenu; class StatsWindow; class InventoryWindow; class JournalWindow; class CharacterCreation; class DragAndDrop; class ToolTips; class TextInputDialog; class InfoBoxDialog; class MessageBoxManager; class SettingsWindow; class AlchemyWindow; class QuickKeysMenu; class WindowManager : public MWBase::WindowManager { public: typedef std::pair Faction; typedef std::vector FactionList; WindowManager(const Compiler::Extensions& extensions, int fpsLevel, bool newGame, OEngine::Render::OgreRenderer *mOgre, const std::string& logpath, bool consoleOnlyScripts); virtual ~WindowManager(); /** * Should be called each frame to update windows/gui elements. * This could mean updating sizes of gui elements or opening * new dialogs. */ virtual void update(); virtual void pushGuiMode(GuiMode mode); virtual void popGuiMode(); virtual void removeGuiMode(GuiMode mode); ///< can be anywhere in the stack virtual GuiMode getMode() const; virtual bool isGuiMode() const; virtual void toggleVisible(GuiWindow wnd); // Disallow all inventory mode windows virtual void disallowAll(); // Allow one or more windows virtual void allow(GuiWindow wnd); virtual bool isAllowed(GuiWindow wnd) const; /// \todo investigate, if we really need to expose every single lousy UI element to the outside world virtual MWGui::DialogueWindow* getDialogueWindow(); virtual MWGui::ContainerWindow* getContainerWindow(); virtual MWGui::InventoryWindow* getInventoryWindow(); virtual MWGui::BookWindow* getBookWindow(); virtual MWGui::ScrollWindow* getScrollWindow(); virtual MWGui::CountDialog* getCountDialog(); virtual MWGui::ConfirmationDialog* getConfirmationDialog(); virtual MWGui::TradeWindow* getTradeWindow(); virtual MWGui::SpellWindow* getSpellWindow(); virtual MWGui::Console* getConsole(); virtual MyGUI::Gui* getGui() const; virtual void wmUpdateFps(float fps, unsigned int triangleCount, unsigned int batchCount); ///< Set value for the given ID. virtual void setValue (const std::string& id, const MWMechanics::Stat& value); virtual void setValue (int parSkill, const MWMechanics::Stat& value); virtual void setValue (const std::string& id, const MWMechanics::DynamicStat& value); virtual void setValue (const std::string& id, const std::string& value); virtual void setValue (const std::string& id, int value); virtual void setPlayerClass (const ESM::Class &class_); ///< set current class of player virtual void configureSkills (const SkillList& major, const SkillList& minor); ///< configure skill groups, each set contains the skill ID for that group. virtual void setReputation (int reputation); ///< set the current reputation value virtual void setBounty (int bounty); ///< set the current bounty value virtual void updateSkillArea(); ///< update display of skills, factions, birth sign, reputation and bounty virtual void changeCell(MWWorld::CellStore* cell); ///< change the active cell virtual void setPlayerPos(const float x, const float y); ///< set player position in map space virtual void setPlayerDir(const float x, const float y); ///< set player view direction in map space virtual void setFocusObject(const MWWorld::Ptr& focus); virtual void setFocusObjectScreenCoords(float min_x, float min_y, float max_x, float max_y); virtual void setMouseVisible(bool visible); virtual void getMousePosition(int &x, int &y); virtual void getMousePosition(float &x, float &y); virtual void setDragDrop(bool dragDrop); virtual bool getWorldMouseOver(); virtual void toggleFogOfWar(); virtual void toggleFullHelp(); ///< show extra info in item tooltips (owner, script) virtual bool getFullHelp() const; virtual void setInteriorMapTexture(const int x, const int y); ///< set the index of the map texture that should be used (for interiors) // sets the visibility of the hud health/magicka/stamina bars virtual void setHMSVisibility(bool visible); // sets the visibility of the hud minimap virtual void setMinimapVisibility(bool visible); virtual void setWeaponVisibility(bool visible); virtual void setSpellVisibility(bool visible); virtual void setSelectedSpell(const std::string& spellId, int successChancePercent); virtual void setSelectedEnchantItem(const MWWorld::Ptr& item, int chargePercent); virtual void setSelectedWeapon(const MWWorld::Ptr& item, int durabilityPercent); virtual void unsetSelectedSpell(); virtual void unsetSelectedWeapon(); virtual void disallowMouse(); virtual void allowMouse(); virtual void notifyInputActionBound(); virtual void removeDialog(OEngine::GUI::Layout* dialog); ///< Hides dialog and schedules dialog to be deleted. virtual void messageBox (const std::string& message, const std::vector& buttons); virtual int readPressedButton (); ///< returns the index of the pressed button or -1 if no button was pressed (->MessageBoxmanager->InteractiveMessageBox) virtual void onFrame (float frameDuration); /// \todo get rid of this stuff. Move it to the respective UI element classes, if needed. virtual std::map > getPlayerSkillValues(); virtual std::map > getPlayerAttributeValues(); virtual SkillList getPlayerMinorSkills(); virtual SkillList getPlayerMajorSkills(); /** * Fetches a GMST string from the store, if there is no setting with the given * ID or it is not a string the default string is returned. * * @param id Identifier for the GMST setting, e.g. "aName" * @param default Default value if the GMST setting cannot be used. */ virtual const std::string &getGameSettingString(const std::string &id, const std::string &default_); virtual void processChangedSettings(const Settings::CategorySettingVector& changed); virtual void executeInConsole (const std::string& path); private: OEngine::GUI::MyGUIManager *mGuiManager; HUD *mHud; MapWindow *mMap; MainMenu *mMenu; ToolTips *mToolTips; StatsWindow *mStatsWindow; MessageBoxManager *mMessageBoxManager; Console *mConsole; JournalWindow* mJournal; DialogueWindow *mDialogueWindow; ContainerWindow *mContainerWindow; DragAndDrop* mDragAndDrop; InventoryWindow *mInventoryWindow; ScrollWindow* mScrollWindow; BookWindow* mBookWindow; CountDialog* mCountDialog; TradeWindow* mTradeWindow; SettingsWindow* mSettingsWindow; ConfirmationDialog* mConfirmationDialog; AlchemyWindow* mAlchemyWindow; SpellWindow* mSpellWindow; QuickKeysMenu* mQuickKeysMenu; CharacterCreation* mCharGen; MyGUI::Widget* mInputBlocker; /// \todo get rid of this stuff. Move it to the respective UI element classes, if needed. // Various stats about player as needed by window manager ESM::Class mPlayerClass; std::string mPlayerName; std::string mPlayerRaceId; std::map > mPlayerAttributes; SkillList mPlayerMajorSkills, mPlayerMinorSkills; std::map > mPlayerSkillValues; MWMechanics::DynamicStat mPlayerHealth, mPlayerMagicka, mPlayerFatigue; MyGUI::Gui *mGui; // Gui std::vector mGuiModes; std::vector mGarbageDialogs; void cleanupGarbage(); GuiWindow mShown; // Currently shown windows in inventory mode /* Currently ALLOWED windows in inventory mode. This is used at the start of the game, when windows are enabled one by one through script commands. You can manipulate this through using allow() and disableAll(). */ GuiWindow mAllowed; void updateVisible(); // Update visibility of all windows based on mode, shown and allowed settings int mShowFPSLevel; float mFPS; unsigned int mTriangleCount; unsigned int mBatchCount; void onDialogueWindowBye(); /** * Called when MyGUI tries to retrieve a tag. This usually corresponds to a GMST string, * so this method will retrieve the GMST with the name \a _tag and place the result in \a _result */ void onRetrieveTag(const MyGUI::UString& _tag, MyGUI::UString& _result); }; } #endif