#include "interpretercontext.hpp"

#include <cmath>
#include <sstream>

#include <components/compiler/locals.hpp>

    Start of tes3mp addition

    Include additional headers for multiplayer purposes
#include <components/openmw-mp/TimedLog.hpp>
#include "../mwmp/Main.hpp"
#include "../mwmp/Networking.hpp"
#include "../mwmp/LocalPlayer.hpp"
#include "../mwmp/ObjectList.hpp"
#include "../mwmp/ScriptController.hpp"
    End of tes3mp addition

#include "../mwworld/esmstore.hpp"

#include "../mwbase/environment.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/world.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/scriptmanager.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/windowmanager.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/inputmanager.hpp"

#include "../mwworld/action.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/class.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/cellstore.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/containerstore.hpp"

#include "../mwmechanics/npcstats.hpp"

#include "locals.hpp"
#include "globalscripts.hpp"

namespace MWScript
        Start of tes3mp addition

        Used for tracking and checking the type of this InterpreterContext, as well as
        its current script
    unsigned short InterpreterContext::getContextType() const
        return mContextType;

    std::string InterpreterContext::getCurrentScriptName() const
        return mCurrentScriptName;

    void InterpreterContext::trackContextType(unsigned short contextType)
        mContextType = contextType;

    void InterpreterContext::trackCurrentScriptName(const std::string& name)
        mCurrentScriptName = name;
        End of tes3mp addition

    const MWWorld::Ptr InterpreterContext::getReferenceImp (
        const std::string& id, bool activeOnly, bool doThrow) const
        if (!id.empty())
            return MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPtr (id, activeOnly);
            if (mReference.isEmpty() && mGlobalScriptDesc)
                mReference = mGlobalScriptDesc->getPtr();

            if (mReference.isEmpty() && doThrow)
                throw MissingImplicitRefError();

            return mReference;

    const Locals& InterpreterContext::getMemberLocals (std::string& id, bool global)
        if (global)
            return MWBase::Environment::get().getScriptManager()->getGlobalScripts().
                getLocals (id);
            const MWWorld::Ptr ptr = getReferenceImp (id, false);

            id = ptr.getClass().getScript (ptr);

            ptr.getRefData().setLocals (
                *MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::Script>().find (id));

            return ptr.getRefData().getLocals();

    Locals& InterpreterContext::getMemberLocals (std::string& id, bool global)
        if (global)
            return MWBase::Environment::get().getScriptManager()->getGlobalScripts().
                getLocals (id);
            const MWWorld::Ptr ptr = getReferenceImp (id, false);

            id = ptr.getClass().getScript (ptr);

            ptr.getRefData().setLocals (
                *MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::Script>().find (id));

            return ptr.getRefData().getLocals();

    MissingImplicitRefError::MissingImplicitRefError() : std::runtime_error("no implicit reference") {}

    int InterpreterContext::findLocalVariableIndex (const std::string& scriptId,
        const std::string& name, char type) const
        int index = MWBase::Environment::get().getScriptManager()->getLocals (scriptId).
            searchIndex (type, name);

        if (index!=-1)
            return index;

        std::ostringstream stream;

        stream << "Failed to access ";

        switch (type)
            case 's': stream << "short"; break;
            case 'l': stream << "long"; break;
            case 'f': stream << "float"; break;

        stream << " member variable " << name << " in script " << scriptId;

        throw std::runtime_error (stream.str().c_str());

    InterpreterContext::InterpreterContext (MWScript::Locals *locals, const MWWorld::Ptr& reference)
    : mLocals (locals), mReference (reference)

    InterpreterContext::InterpreterContext (std::shared_ptr<GlobalScriptDesc> globalScriptDesc)
    : mLocals (&(globalScriptDesc->mLocals))
        const MWWorld::Ptr* ptr = globalScriptDesc->getPtrIfPresent();
        // A nullptr here signifies that the script's target has not yet been resolved after loading the game.
        // Script targets are lazily resolved to MWWorld::Ptrs (which can, upon resolution, be empty)
        // because scripts started through dialogue often don't use their implicit target.
        if (ptr)
            mReference = *ptr;
            mGlobalScriptDesc = globalScriptDesc;

    int InterpreterContext::getLocalShort (int index) const
        if (!mLocals)
            throw std::runtime_error ("local variables not available in this context");

        return mLocals->mShorts.at (index);

    int InterpreterContext::getLocalLong (int index) const
        if (!mLocals)
            throw std::runtime_error ("local variables not available in this context");

        return mLocals->mLongs.at (index);

    float InterpreterContext::getLocalFloat (int index) const
        if (!mLocals)
            throw std::runtime_error ("local variables not available in this context");

        return mLocals->mFloats.at (index);

    void InterpreterContext::setLocalShort (int index, int value)
        if (!mLocals)
            throw std::runtime_error ("local variables not available in this context");

            Start of tes3mp addition

            Avoid setting a local to a value it already is, preventing packet spam
        if (mLocals->mShorts.at(index) == value) return;
            End of tes3mp addition

        mLocals->mShorts.at (index) = value;

            Start of tes3mp addition

            Send an ID_CLIENT_SCRIPT_LOCAL packet when a local short changes its value if
            it is being set in a script that has been approved for packet sending
        if (sendPackets)
            mwmp::ObjectList *objectList = mwmp::Main::get().getNetworking()->getObjectList();
            objectList->packetOrigin = ScriptController::getPacketOriginFromContextType(getContextType());
            objectList->originClientScript = getCurrentScriptName();
            objectList->addClientScriptLocal(mReference, index, value, mwmp::VARIABLE_TYPE::SHORT);
            End of tes3mp addition

    void InterpreterContext::setLocalLong (int index, int value)
        if (!mLocals)
            throw std::runtime_error ("local variables not available in this context");

            Start of tes3mp addition

            Avoid setting a local to a value it already is, preventing packet spam
        if (mLocals->mLongs.at(index) == value) return;
            End of tes3mp addition

        mLocals->mLongs.at (index) = value;

            Start of tes3mp addition

            Send an ID_CLIENT_SCRIPT_LOCAL packet when a local long changes its value if
            it is being set in a script that has been approved for packet sending
        if (sendPackets)
            mwmp::ObjectList *objectList = mwmp::Main::get().getNetworking()->getObjectList();
            objectList->packetOrigin = ScriptController::getPacketOriginFromContextType(getContextType());
            objectList->originClientScript = getCurrentScriptName();
            objectList->addClientScriptLocal(mReference, index, value, mwmp::VARIABLE_TYPE::LONG);
            End of tes3mp addition

    void InterpreterContext::setLocalFloat (int index, float value)
        if (!mLocals)
            throw std::runtime_error ("local variables not available in this context");

            Start of tes3mp addition

            Avoid setting a local to a value it already is, preventing packet spam

            Additionally, record the old value to check it below when determining if
            it has changed enough to warrant sending a packet about it
        float oldValue = mLocals->mFloats.at(index);

        if (oldValue == value) return;
            End of tes3mp addition

        mLocals->mFloats.at (index) = value;

            Start of tes3mp addition

            Send an ID_CLIENT_SCRIPT_LOCAL packet when a local float changes its value if
            its value has changed enough and it is being set in a script that has been approved
            for packet sending
        if (floor(oldValue) != floor(value) && sendPackets)
            mwmp::ObjectList *objectList = mwmp::Main::get().getNetworking()->getObjectList();
            objectList->packetOrigin = ScriptController::getPacketOriginFromContextType(getContextType());
            objectList->originClientScript = getCurrentScriptName();
            objectList->addClientScriptLocal(mReference, index, value);
            End of tes3mp addition

    void InterpreterContext::messageBox (const std::string& message,
        const std::vector<std::string>& buttons)
        if (buttons.empty())
            MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->messageBox (message);
            MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->interactiveMessageBox(message, buttons);

    void InterpreterContext::report (const std::string& message)

    int InterpreterContext::getGlobalShort (const std::string& name) const
        return MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getGlobalInt (name);

    int InterpreterContext::getGlobalLong (const std::string& name) const
        // a global long is internally a float.
        return MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getGlobalInt (name);

    float InterpreterContext::getGlobalFloat (const std::string& name) const
        return MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getGlobalFloat (name);

    void InterpreterContext::setGlobalShort (const std::string& name, int value)
            Start of tes3mp addition

            Avoid setting a global to a value it already is, preventing packet spam
        if (getGlobalShort(name) == value) return;
            End of tes3mp addition

            Start of tes3mp addition

            Send an ID_CLIENT_SCRIPT_GLOBAL packet when a global short changes its value if
            it is being set in a script that has been approved for packet sending or the global
            itself has been set to always be synchronized
        if (sendPackets || mwmp::Main::isValidPacketGlobal(name))
            mwmp::Main::get().getNetworking()->getWorldstate()->sendClientGlobal(name, value, mwmp::VARIABLE_TYPE::SHORT);
            End of tes3mp addition

        MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->setGlobalInt (name, value);

    void InterpreterContext::setGlobalLong (const std::string& name, int value)
            Start of tes3mp addition

            Avoid setting a global to a value it already is, preventing packet spam
        if (getGlobalLong(name) == value) return;
            End of tes3mp addition

            Start of tes3mp addition

            Send an ID_CLIENT_SCRIPT_GLOBAL packet when a global long changes its value if
            it is being set in a script that has been approved for packet sending or the global
            itself has been set to always be synchronized
        if (sendPackets || mwmp::Main::isValidPacketGlobal(name))
            mwmp::Main::get().getNetworking()->getWorldstate()->sendClientGlobal(name, value, mwmp::VARIABLE_TYPE::LONG);
            End of tes3mp addition

        MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->setGlobalInt (name, value);

    void InterpreterContext::setGlobalFloat (const std::string& name, float value)
            Start of tes3mp addition

            Avoid setting a global to a value it already is, preventing packet spam

            Additionally, record the old value to check it below when determining if
            it has changed enough to warrant sending a packet about it
        float oldValue = getGlobalFloat(name);

        if (oldValue == value) return;
            End of tes3mp addition

            Start of tes3mp addition

            Send an ID_CLIENT_SCRIPT_GLOBAL packet when a global float changes its value if
            its value has changed enough and it is being set in a script that has been approved
            for packet sending or the global itself has been set to always be synchronized
        if (floor(oldValue) != floor(value) && (sendPackets || mwmp::Main::isValidPacketGlobal(name)))
            mwmp::Main::get().getNetworking()->getWorldstate()->sendClientGlobal(name, value);
            End of tes3mp addition

        MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->setGlobalFloat (name, value);

    std::vector<std::string> InterpreterContext::getGlobals() const
        const MWWorld::Store<ESM::Global>& globals =

        std::vector<std::string> ids;
        for (auto& globalVariable : globals)

        return ids;

    char InterpreterContext::getGlobalType (const std::string& name) const
        MWBase::World *world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld();
        return world->getGlobalVariableType(name);

    std::string InterpreterContext::getActionBinding(const std::string& targetAction) const
        MWBase::InputManager* input = MWBase::Environment::get().getInputManager();
        std::vector<int> actions = input->getActionKeySorting ();
        for (const int action : actions)
            std::string desc = input->getActionDescription (action);
            if(desc == "")

            if(desc == targetAction)
                    return input->getActionControllerBindingName(action);
                    return input->getActionKeyBindingName(action);

        return "None";

    std::string InterpreterContext::getActorName() const
        const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr = getReferenceImp();
        if (ptr.getClass().isNpc())
            const ESM::NPC* npc = ptr.get<ESM::NPC>()->mBase;
            return npc->mName;

        const ESM::Creature* creature = ptr.get<ESM::Creature>()->mBase;
        return creature->mName;

    std::string InterpreterContext::getNPCRace() const
        ESM::NPC npc = *getReferenceImp().get<ESM::NPC>()->mBase;
        const ESM::Race* race = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::Race>().find(npc.mRace);
        return race->mName;

    std::string InterpreterContext::getNPCClass() const
        ESM::NPC npc = *getReferenceImp().get<ESM::NPC>()->mBase;
        const ESM::Class* class_ = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::Class>().find(npc.mClass);
        return class_->mName;

    std::string InterpreterContext::getNPCFaction() const
        ESM::NPC npc = *getReferenceImp().get<ESM::NPC>()->mBase;
        const ESM::Faction* faction = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::Faction>().find(npc.mFaction);
        return faction->mName;

    std::string InterpreterContext::getNPCRank() const
        const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr = getReferenceImp();
        std::string faction = ptr.getClass().getPrimaryFaction(ptr);
        if (faction.empty())
            throw std::runtime_error("getNPCRank(): NPC is not in a faction");

        int rank = ptr.getClass().getPrimaryFactionRank(ptr);
        if (rank < 0 || rank > 9)
            throw std::runtime_error("getNPCRank(): invalid rank");

        MWBase::World *world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld();
        const MWWorld::ESMStore &store = world->getStore();
        const ESM::Faction *fact = store.get<ESM::Faction>().find(faction);
        return fact->mRanks[rank];

    std::string InterpreterContext::getPCName() const
        MWBase::World *world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld();
        ESM::NPC player = *world->getPlayerPtr().get<ESM::NPC>()->mBase;
        return player.mName;

    std::string InterpreterContext::getPCRace() const
        MWBase::World *world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld();
        std::string race = world->getPlayerPtr().get<ESM::NPC>()->mBase->mRace;
        return world->getStore().get<ESM::Race>().find(race)->mName;

    std::string InterpreterContext::getPCClass() const
        MWBase::World *world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld();
        std::string class_ = world->getPlayerPtr().get<ESM::NPC>()->mBase->mClass;
        return world->getStore().get<ESM::Class>().find(class_)->mName;

    std::string InterpreterContext::getPCRank() const
        MWBase::World *world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld();
        MWWorld::Ptr player = world->getPlayerPtr();

        std::string factionId = getReferenceImp().getClass().getPrimaryFaction(getReferenceImp());
        if (factionId.empty())
            throw std::runtime_error("getPCRank(): NPC is not in a faction");

        const std::map<std::string, int>& ranks = player.getClass().getNpcStats (player).getFactionRanks();
        std::map<std::string, int>::const_iterator it = ranks.find(Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(factionId));
        int rank = -1;
        if (it != ranks.end())
            rank = it->second;

        // If you are not in the faction, PcRank returns the first rank, for whatever reason.
        // This is used by the dialogue when joining the Thieves Guild in Balmora.
        if (rank == -1)
            rank = 0;

        const MWWorld::ESMStore &store = world->getStore();
        const ESM::Faction *faction = store.get<ESM::Faction>().find(factionId);

        if(rank < 0 || rank > 9) // there are only 10 ranks
            return "";

        return faction->mRanks[rank];

    std::string InterpreterContext::getPCNextRank() const
        MWBase::World *world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld();
        MWWorld::Ptr player = world->getPlayerPtr();

        std::string factionId = getReferenceImp().getClass().getPrimaryFaction(getReferenceImp());
        if (factionId.empty())
            throw std::runtime_error("getPCNextRank(): NPC is not in a faction");

        const std::map<std::string, int>& ranks = player.getClass().getNpcStats (player).getFactionRanks();
        std::map<std::string, int>::const_iterator it = ranks.find(Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(factionId));
        int rank = -1;
        if (it != ranks.end())
            rank = it->second;

        ++rank; // Next rank

        // if we are already at max rank, there is no next rank
        if (rank > 9)
            rank = 9;

        const MWWorld::ESMStore &store = world->getStore();
        const ESM::Faction *faction = store.get<ESM::Faction>().find(factionId);

        if(rank < 0)
            return "";

        return faction->mRanks[rank];

    int InterpreterContext::getPCBounty() const
        MWBase::World *world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld();
        MWWorld::Ptr player = world->getPlayerPtr();
        return player.getClass().getNpcStats (player).getBounty();

    std::string InterpreterContext::getCurrentCellName() const
        return  MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getCellName();

    void InterpreterContext::executeActivation(MWWorld::Ptr ptr, MWWorld::Ptr actor)
        std::shared_ptr<MWWorld::Action> action = (ptr.getClass().activate(ptr, actor));
        action->execute (actor);
        if (action->getTarget() != MWWorld::Ptr() && action->getTarget() != ptr)
            updatePtr(ptr, action->getTarget());

    int InterpreterContext::getMemberShort (const std::string& id, const std::string& name,
        bool global) const
        std::string scriptId (id);

        const Locals& locals = getMemberLocals (scriptId, global);

        return locals.mShorts[findLocalVariableIndex (scriptId, name, 's')];

    int InterpreterContext::getMemberLong (const std::string& id, const std::string& name,
        bool global) const
        std::string scriptId (id);

        const Locals& locals = getMemberLocals (scriptId, global);

        return locals.mLongs[findLocalVariableIndex (scriptId, name, 'l')];

    float InterpreterContext::getMemberFloat (const std::string& id, const std::string& name,
        bool global) const
        std::string scriptId (id);

        const Locals& locals = getMemberLocals (scriptId, global);

        return locals.mFloats[findLocalVariableIndex (scriptId, name, 'f')];

    void InterpreterContext::setMemberShort (const std::string& id, const std::string& name,
        int value, bool global)
        std::string scriptId (id);

        Locals& locals = getMemberLocals (scriptId, global);

            Start of tes3mp change (minor)

            Declare an integer so it can be reused below for multiplayer script sync purposes
        int index = findLocalVariableIndex(scriptId, name, 's');

        locals.mShorts[index] = value;
            End of tes3mp change (minor)

            Start of tes3mp addition

            Send an ID_SCRIPT_MEMBER_SHORT packet every time a member short changes its value
            in a script approved for packet sending
        if (sendPackets && !global)
            mwmp::ObjectList *objectList = mwmp::Main::get().getNetworking()->getObjectList();
            objectList->packetOrigin = ScriptController::getPacketOriginFromContextType(getContextType());
            objectList->originClientScript = getCurrentScriptName();
            objectList->addScriptMemberShort(id, index, value);
            End of tes3mp addition

    void InterpreterContext::setMemberLong (const std::string& id, const std::string& name, int value, bool global)
        std::string scriptId (id);

        Locals& locals = getMemberLocals (scriptId, global);

        locals.mLongs[findLocalVariableIndex (scriptId, name, 'l')] = value;

    void InterpreterContext::setMemberFloat (const std::string& id, const std::string& name, float value, bool global)
        std::string scriptId (id);

        Locals& locals = getMemberLocals (scriptId, global);

        locals.mFloats[findLocalVariableIndex (scriptId, name, 'f')] = value;

    MWWorld::Ptr InterpreterContext::getReference(bool required)
        return getReferenceImp ("", true, required);

    void InterpreterContext::updatePtr(const MWWorld::Ptr& base, const MWWorld::Ptr& updated)
        if (!mReference.isEmpty() && base == mReference)
            mReference = updated;
            if (mLocals == &base.getRefData().getLocals())
                mLocals = &mReference.getRefData().getLocals();