#include "typedaipackage.hpp"

namespace MWMechanics
    /// \brief AiPackage to have an actor resurface to breathe
    // The AI will go up if lesser than half breath left
    class AiBreathe final : public TypedAiPackage<AiBreathe>
            bool execute (const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, CharacterController& characterController, AiState& state, float duration) override;

            static constexpr AiPackageTypeId getTypeId() { return AiPackageTypeId::Breathe; }

            static constexpr Options makeDefaultOptions()
                AiPackage::Options options;
                options.mPriority = 2;
                options.mCanCancel = false;
                options.mShouldCancelPreviousAi = false;
                return options;