#include <string>

#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>

#include "../mwscript/locals.hpp"

#include "../mwmechanics/creaturestats.hpp"
#include "../mwmechanics/npcstats.hpp"
#include "../mwmechanics/movement.hpp"

#include "containerstore.hpp"
#include <Ogre.h>

namespace ESM
    class Script;

namespace MWWorld
    class RefData
            Ogre::SceneNode* mBaseNode;

            MWScript::Locals mLocals; // if we find the overhead of heaving a locals
                                      // object in the refdata of refs without a script,
                                      // we can make this a pointer later.
            bool mHasLocals;
            bool mEnabled;
            int mCount; // 0: deleted

            // we are using shared pointer here to avoid having to create custom copy-constructor,
            // assignment operator and destructor. As a consequence though copying a RefData object
            // manually will probably give unexcepted results. This is not a problem since RefData
            // are never copied outside of container operations.
            boost::shared_ptr<MWMechanics::CreatureStats> mCreatureStats;
            boost::shared_ptr<MWMechanics::NpcStats> mNpcStats;
            boost::shared_ptr<MWMechanics::Movement> mMovement;

            boost::shared_ptr<ContainerStore<RefData> > mContainerStore;

            ESM::Position mPosition;

            RefData(const ESMS::CellRef& cr) : mHasLocals (false), mEnabled (true),
                                         mCount (1), mPosition(cr.pos), mBaseNode(0) {}

            std::string getHandle()
                return mBaseNode->getName();
            Ogre::SceneNode* getBaseNode(){
                return mBaseNode;
            void setBaseNode(Ogre::SceneNode* base){
                 mBaseNode = base;

            int getCount() const
                return mCount;

            void setLocals (const ESM::Script& script)
                if (!mHasLocals)
                    mLocals.configure (script);
                    mHasLocals = true;

            void setCount (int count)
                mCount = count;

            MWScript::Locals& getLocals()
                return mLocals;

            bool isEnabled() const
                return mEnabled;

            void enable()
                mEnabled = true;

            void disable()
                mEnabled = true;

            boost::shared_ptr<MWMechanics::CreatureStats>& getCreatureStats()
                return mCreatureStats;

            boost::shared_ptr<MWMechanics::NpcStats>& getNpcStats()
                return mNpcStats;

            boost::shared_ptr<MWMechanics::Movement>& getMovement()
                return mMovement;

            boost::shared_ptr<ContainerStore<RefData> >& getContainerStore()
                return mContainerStore;

            ESM::Position& getPosition()
                return mPosition;
