#include <map>

#include "../mwbase/statemanager.hpp"

#include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>

#include "charactermanager.hpp"

namespace MWState
    class StateManager : public MWBase::StateManager
            bool mQuitRequest;
            bool mAskLoadRecent;
            State mState;
            CharacterManager mCharacterManager;
            double mTimePlayed;


            void cleanup (bool force = false);

            bool verifyProfile (const ESM::SavedGame& profile) const;

            void writeScreenshot (std::vector<char>& imageData) const;

            std::map<int, int> buildContentFileIndexMap (const ESM::ESMReader& reader) const;


            StateManager (const boost::filesystem::path& saves, const std::string& game);

            virtual void requestQuit();

            virtual bool hasQuitRequest() const;

            virtual void askLoadRecent();

            virtual State getState() const;

            virtual void newGame (bool bypass = false);
            ///< Start a new game.
            /// \param bypass Skip new game mechanics.

            virtual void endGame();

            virtual void resumeGame();

            virtual void deleteGame (const MWState::Character *character, const MWState::Slot *slot);
            ///< Delete a saved game slot from this character. If all save slots are deleted, the character will be deleted too.

            virtual void saveGame (const std::string& description, const Slot *slot = 0);
            ///< Write a saved game to \a slot or create a new slot if \a slot == 0.
            /// \note Slot must belong to the current character.

            ///Saves a file, using supplied filename, overwritting if needed
            /** This is mostly used for quicksaving and autosaving, for they use the same name over and over again
                \param name Name of save, defaults to "Quicksave"**/
            virtual void quickSave(std::string name = "Quicksave");

            ///Loads the last saved file
            /** Used for quickload **/
            virtual void quickLoad();

            virtual void loadGame (const std::string& filepath);
            ///< Load a saved game directly from the given file path. This will search the CharacterManager
            /// for a Character containing this save file, and set this Character current if one was found.
            /// Otherwise, a new Character will be created.

            virtual void loadGame (const Character *character, const std::string &filepath);
            ///< Load a saved game file belonging to the given character.

            virtual Character *getCurrentCharacter ();
            ///< @note May return null.

            virtual CharacterIterator characterBegin();
            ///< Any call to SaveGame and getCurrentCharacter can invalidate the returned
            /// iterator.

            virtual CharacterIterator characterEnd();

            virtual void update (float duration);
