#ifndef OPENXR_INPUT_MANAGER_HPP #define OPENXR_INPUT_MANAGER_HPP #include "openxrviewer.hpp" #include "realisticcombat.hpp" #include "../mwinput/inputmanagerimp.hpp" #include #include #include #include "../mwworld/ptr.hpp" namespace MWVR { struct OpenXRInput; struct OpenXRActionEvent; /// As far as I can tell, SDL does not support VR controllers. /// So I subclass the input manager and insert VR controls. class OpenXRInputManager : public MWInput::InputManager { public: OpenXRInputManager( SDL_Window* window, osg::ref_ptr viewer, osg::ref_ptr screenCaptureHandler, osgViewer::ScreenCaptureHandler::CaptureOperation* screenCaptureOperation, const std::string& userFile, bool userFileExists, const std::string& userControllerBindingsFile, const std::string& controllerBindingsFile, bool grab); virtual ~OpenXRInputManager(); /// Overriden to always disallow mouselook and similar. virtual void changeInputMode(bool guiMode); /// Overriden to update XR inputs virtual void update(float dt, bool disableControls = false, bool disableEvents = false); void updateHead(); void processEvent(const OpenXRActionEvent& event); PoseSet getHandPoses(int64_t time, TrackedSpace space); void updateActivationIndication(void); void pointActivation(bool onPress); void injectMousePress(int sdlButton, bool onPress); std::unique_ptr mXRInput; std::unique_ptr mRealisticCombat; Pose mPreviousHeadPose{}; osg::Vec3 mHeadOffset{ 0,0,0 }; bool mRecenter{ true }; bool mActivationIndication{ false }; float mYaw{ 0.f }; float mVrAngles[3]{ 0.f,0.f,0.f }; }; } #endif