#ifndef OPENCS_VIEW_WORLDSPACEWIDGET_H #define OPENCS_VIEW_WORLDSPACEWIDGET_H #include "scenewidget.hpp" #include "navigation1st.hpp" #include "navigationfree.hpp" #include "navigationorbit.hpp" #include <apps/opencs/model/doc/document.hpp> #include <apps/opencs/model/world/tablemimedata.hpp> namespace CSMWorld { class UniversalId; } namespace CSVWidget { class SceneToolMode; class SceneToolToggle; class SceneToolbar; class SceneToolRun; } namespace CSVRender { class WorldspaceWidget : public SceneWidget { Q_OBJECT CSVRender::Navigation1st m1st; CSVRender::NavigationFree mFree; CSVRender::NavigationOrbit mOrbit; CSVWidget::SceneToolToggle *mSceneElements; CSVWidget::SceneToolRun *mRun; CSMDoc::Document& mDocument; public: enum DropType { Type_CellsInterior, Type_CellsExterior, Type_Other, Type_DebugProfile }; enum dropRequirments { canHandle, needPaged, needUnpaged, ignored //either mixed cells, or not cells }; WorldspaceWidget (CSMDoc::Document& document, QWidget *parent = 0); CSVWidget::SceneToolMode *makeNavigationSelector (CSVWidget::SceneToolbar *parent); ///< \attention The created tool is not added to the toolbar (via addTool). Doing that /// is the responsibility of the calling function. /// \attention The created tool is not added to the toolbar (via addTool). Doing /// that is the responsibility of the calling function. CSVWidget::SceneToolToggle *makeSceneVisibilitySelector ( CSVWidget::SceneToolbar *parent); /// \attention The created tool is not added to the toolbar (via addTool). Doing /// that is the responsibility of the calling function. CSVWidget::SceneToolRun *makeRunTool (CSVWidget::SceneToolbar *parent); void selectDefaultNavigationMode(); static DropType getDropType(const std::vector<CSMWorld::UniversalId>& data); virtual dropRequirments getDropRequirements(DropType type) const; virtual void useViewHint (const std::string& hint); ///< Default-implementation: ignored. /// \return Drop handled? virtual bool handleDrop (const std::vector<CSMWorld::UniversalId>& data, DropType type); virtual unsigned int getElementMask() const; protected: virtual void addVisibilitySelectorButtons (CSVWidget::SceneToolToggle *tool); CSMDoc::Document& getDocument(); private: void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event); void dropEvent(QDropEvent* event); void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event); virtual std::string getStartupInstruction() = 0; private slots: void selectNavigationMode (const std::string& mode); virtual void referenceableDataChanged (const QModelIndex& topLeft, const QModelIndex& bottomRight) = 0; virtual void referenceableAboutToBeRemoved (const QModelIndex& parent, int start, int end) = 0; virtual void referenceableAdded (const QModelIndex& index, int start, int end) = 0; virtual void referenceDataChanged (const QModelIndex& topLeft, const QModelIndex& bottomRight) = 0; virtual void referenceAboutToBeRemoved (const QModelIndex& parent, int start, int end) = 0; virtual void referenceAdded (const QModelIndex& index, int start, int end) = 0; virtual void runRequest (const std::string& profile); void debugProfileDataChanged (const QModelIndex& topLeft, const QModelIndex& bottomRight); void debugProfileAboutToBeRemoved (const QModelIndex& parent, int start, int end); protected slots: void elementSelectionChanged(); signals: void closeRequest(); void dataDropped(const std::vector<CSMWorld::UniversalId>& data); }; } #endif