#ifndef MGUI_Inventory_H #define MGUI_Inventory_H #include "windowpinnablebase.hpp" #include "mode.hpp" #include "../mwworld/ptr.hpp" #include "../mwrender/characterpreview.hpp" namespace osg { class Group; } namespace Resource { class ResourceSystem; } namespace MWGui { namespace Widgets { class MWDynamicStat; } class ItemView; class SortFilterItemModel; class TradeItemModel; class DragAndDrop; class ItemModel; class InventoryWindow : public WindowPinnableBase { public: InventoryWindow(DragAndDrop* dragAndDrop, osg::Group* parent, Resource::ResourceSystem* resourceSystem); virtual void onOpen(); /// start trading, disables item drag&drop void setTrading(bool trading); void onFrame(float dt); void pickUpObject (MWWorld::Ptr object); MWWorld::Ptr getAvatarSelectedItem(int x, int y); void rebuildAvatar(); SortFilterItemModel* getSortFilterModel(); TradeItemModel* getTradeModel(); ItemModel* getModel(); void updateItemView(); void updatePlayer(); void clear(); void useItem(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, bool force=false); void setGuiMode(GuiMode mode); /// Cycle to previous/next weapon void cycle(bool next); protected: virtual void onTitleDoubleClicked(); private: DragAndDrop* mDragAndDrop; int mSelectedItem; MWWorld::Ptr mPtr; MWGui::ItemView* mItemView; SortFilterItemModel* mSortModel; TradeItemModel* mTradeModel; MyGUI::Widget* mAvatar; MyGUI::ImageBox* mAvatarImage; MyGUI::TextBox* mArmorRating; Widgets::MWDynamicStat* mEncumbranceBar; MyGUI::Widget* mLeftPane; MyGUI::Widget* mRightPane; MyGUI::Button* mFilterAll; MyGUI::Button* mFilterWeapon; MyGUI::Button* mFilterApparel; MyGUI::Button* mFilterMagic; MyGUI::Button* mFilterMisc; MyGUI::EditBox* mFilterEdit; MWWorld::Ptr mSkippedToEquip; GuiMode mGuiMode; int mLastXSize; int mLastYSize; std::unique_ptr mPreviewTexture; std::unique_ptr mPreview; bool mTrading; float mScaleFactor; float mUpdateTimer; void toggleMaximized(); void onItemSelected(int index); void onItemSelectedFromSourceModel(int index); void onBackgroundSelected(); std::string getModeSetting() const; void sellItem(MyGUI::Widget* sender, int count); void dragItem(MyGUI::Widget* sender, int count); void onWindowResize(MyGUI::Window* _sender); void onFilterChanged(MyGUI::Widget* _sender); void onNameFilterChanged(MyGUI::EditBox* _sender); void onAvatarClicked(MyGUI::Widget* _sender); void onPinToggled(); void updateEncumbranceBar(); void notifyContentChanged(); void dirtyPreview(); void updatePreviewSize(); void updateArmorRating(); void adjustPanes(); /// Unequips count items from mSelectedItem, if it is equipped, and then updates mSelectedItem in case the items were re-stacked void ensureSelectedItemUnequipped(int count); }; } #endif // Inventory_H