#include "occlusionquery.hpp" #include <OgreRenderSystem.h> #include <OgreRoot.h> #include <OgreBillboardSet.h> #include <OgreHardwareOcclusionQuery.h> #include <OgreEntity.h> #include <OgreSubEntity.h> #include <OgreMeshManager.h> #include <OgreMaterialManager.h> #include <OgreCamera.h> #include <OgreSceneNode.h> #include <OgreMesh.h> #include "renderconst.hpp" using namespace MWRender; using namespace Ogre; OcclusionQuery::OcclusionQuery(OEngine::Render::OgreRenderer* renderer, SceneNode* sunNode) : mSunTotalAreaQuery(0), mSunVisibleAreaQuery(0), mActiveQuery(0), mDoQuery(0), mSunVisibility(0), mWasVisible(false), mActive(false), mFirstFrame(true) { mRendering = renderer; mSunNode = sunNode; try { RenderSystem* renderSystem = Root::getSingleton().getRenderSystem(); mSunTotalAreaQuery = renderSystem->createHardwareOcclusionQuery(); mSunVisibleAreaQuery = renderSystem->createHardwareOcclusionQuery(); mSupported = (mSunTotalAreaQuery != 0) && (mSunVisibleAreaQuery != 0); } catch (Ogre::Exception&) { mSupported = false; } if (!mSupported) { std::cout << "Hardware occlusion queries not supported." << std::endl; return; } mBBNodeReal = mRendering->getScene()->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode(); static Ogre::Mesh* plane = MeshManager::getSingleton().createPlane("occlusionbillboard", ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, Ogre::Plane(Ogre::Vector3(0,0,1), 0), 1, 1, 1, 1, true, 1, 1, 1, Vector3::UNIT_Y).get(); plane->_setBounds(Ogre::AxisAlignedBox::BOX_INFINITE); mBBQueryTotal = mRendering->getScene()->createEntity("occlusionbillboard"); mBBQueryTotal->setCastShadows(false); mBBQueryTotal->setVisibilityFlags(RV_OcclusionQuery); mBBQueryTotal->setRenderQueueGroup(RQG_OcclusionQuery+1); mBBQueryTotal->setMaterialName("QueryTotalPixels"); mBBNodeReal->attachObject(mBBQueryTotal); mBBQueryVisible = mRendering->getScene()->createEntity("occlusionbillboard"); mBBQueryVisible->setCastShadows(false); mBBQueryVisible->setVisibilityFlags(RV_OcclusionQuery); mBBQueryVisible->setRenderQueueGroup(RQG_OcclusionQuery+1); mBBQueryVisible->setMaterialName("QueryVisiblePixels"); mBBNodeReal->attachObject(mBBQueryVisible); mRendering->getScene()->addRenderObjectListener(this); mRendering->getScene()->addRenderQueueListener(this); mDoQuery = true; } OcclusionQuery::~OcclusionQuery() { mRendering->getScene()->removeRenderObjectListener (this); mRendering->getScene()->removeRenderQueueListener(this); RenderSystem* renderSystem = Root::getSingleton().getRenderSystem(); if (mSunTotalAreaQuery) renderSystem->destroyHardwareOcclusionQuery(mSunTotalAreaQuery); if (mSunVisibleAreaQuery) renderSystem->destroyHardwareOcclusionQuery(mSunVisibleAreaQuery); } bool OcclusionQuery::supported() { return mSupported; } void OcclusionQuery::notifyRenderSingleObject(Renderable* rend, const Pass* pass, const AutoParamDataSource* source, const LightList* pLightList, bool suppressRenderStateChanges) { if (!mActive) return; // The following code activates and deactivates the occlusion queries // so that the queries only include the rendering of the intended meshes // Close the last occlusion query // Each occlusion query should only last a single rendering if (mActiveQuery != NULL) { mActiveQuery->endOcclusionQuery(); mActiveQuery = NULL; } // Open a new occlusion query if (mDoQuery == true) { if (rend == mBBQueryTotal->getSubEntity(0)) { mActiveQuery = mSunTotalAreaQuery; mWasVisible = true; } else if (rend == mBBQueryVisible->getSubEntity(0)) { mActiveQuery = mSunVisibleAreaQuery; } } if (mActiveQuery != NULL) mActiveQuery->beginOcclusionQuery(); } void OcclusionQuery::renderQueueEnded(uint8 queueGroupId, const String& invocation, bool& repeatThisInvocation) { if (!mActive) return; if (mActiveQuery != NULL) { mActiveQuery->endOcclusionQuery(); mActiveQuery = NULL; } /** * for every beginOcclusionQuery(), we want a respective pullOcclusionQuery() and vice versa * this also means that results can be wrong at other places if we pull, but beginOcclusionQuery() was never called * this can happen for example if the object that is tested is outside of the view frustum * to prevent this, check if the queries have been performed after everything has been rendered and if not, start them manually */ if (queueGroupId == RQG_SkiesLate) { if (mWasVisible == false && mDoQuery) { mSunTotalAreaQuery->beginOcclusionQuery(); mSunTotalAreaQuery->endOcclusionQuery(); mSunVisibleAreaQuery->beginOcclusionQuery(); mSunVisibleAreaQuery->endOcclusionQuery(); } } } void OcclusionQuery::update(float duration) { if (mFirstFrame) { // GLHardwareOcclusionQuery::isStillOutstanding doesn't seem to like getting called when nothing has been rendered yet mFirstFrame = false; return; } if (!mSupported) return; mWasVisible = false; // Adjust the position of the sun billboards according to camera viewing distance // we need to do this to make sure that _everything_ can occlude the sun float dist = mRendering->getCamera()->getFarClipDistance(); if (dist==0) dist = 10000000; dist -= 1000; // bias dist /= 1000.f; if (mSunNode) { mBBNodeReal->setPosition(mSunNode->getPosition() * dist); mBBNodeReal->setOrientation(Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z.getRotationTo(-mBBNodeReal->getPosition().normalisedCopy())); mBBNodeReal->setScale(150.f*dist, 150.f*dist, 150.f*dist); } // Stop occlusion queries until we get their information // (may not happen on the same frame they are requested in) mDoQuery = false; if (!mSunTotalAreaQuery->isStillOutstanding() && !mSunVisibleAreaQuery->isStillOutstanding()) { unsigned int totalPixels; unsigned int visiblePixels; mSunTotalAreaQuery->pullOcclusionQuery(&totalPixels); mSunVisibleAreaQuery->pullOcclusionQuery(&visiblePixels); if (totalPixels == 0) { // probably outside of the view frustum mSunVisibility = 0; } else { mSunVisibility = float(visiblePixels) / float(totalPixels); if (mSunVisibility > 1) mSunVisibility = 1; } mDoQuery = true; } } void OcclusionQuery::setSunNode(Ogre::SceneNode* node) { mSunNode = node; }