#ifndef GAME_RENDER_CONST_H #define GAME_RENDER_CONST_H #include <OgreRenderQueue.h> namespace MWRender { // Render queue groups enum RenderQueueGroups { // Sky early (atmosphere, clouds, moons) RQG_SkiesEarly = Ogre::RENDER_QUEUE_SKIES_EARLY, RQG_Main = Ogre::RENDER_QUEUE_MAIN, RQG_Alpha = Ogre::RENDER_QUEUE_MAIN+1, RQG_OcclusionQuery = Ogre::RENDER_QUEUE_6, RQG_UnderWater = Ogre::RENDER_QUEUE_4, RQG_Water = RQG_Alpha, RQG_Ripples = RQG_Water+1, // Sky late (sun & sun flare) RQG_SkiesLate = Ogre::RENDER_QUEUE_SKIES_LATE }; // Visibility flags enum VisibilityFlags { // Terrain RV_Terrain = (1<<0), // Statics (e.g. trees, houses) RV_Statics = (1<<1), // Small statics RV_StaticsSmall = (1<<2), // Water RV_Water = (1<<3), // Actors (npcs, creatures) RV_Actors = (1<<4), // Misc objects (containers, dynamic objects) RV_Misc = (1<<5), // VFX, don't appear on map and don't cast shadows RV_Effects = (1<<6), RV_Sky = (1<<7), // not visible in reflection RV_NoReflection = (1<<8), RV_OcclusionQuery = (1<<9), RV_Debug = (1<<10), // overlays, we only want these on the main render target RV_Overlay = (1<<11), // First person meshes do not cast shadows RV_FirstPerson = (1<<12), RV_Map = RV_Terrain + RV_Statics + RV_StaticsSmall + RV_Misc + RV_Water, RV_Refraction = RV_Actors + RV_Misc + RV_Statics + RV_StaticsSmall + RV_Terrain + RV_Effects + RV_Sky + RV_FirstPerson }; } #endif