/* Monster - an advanced game scripting language Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Nicolay Korslund Email: WWW: http://monster.snaptoad.com/ This file (iterators.d) is part of the Monster script language package. Monster is distributed as free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 3 along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ . */ module monster.vm.iterators; import monster.util.freelist; import monster.vm.error; import monster.vm.arrays; import monster.vm.mclass; import monster.vm.mobject; import monster.util.flags; import std.string; import std.stdio; // An iterator index. typedef int IIndex; // Flags for iterator structs enum IFlags { None = 0x00, Alive = 0x01, // This reference is not deleted } struct IteratorRef { Flags!(IFlags) flags; ArrayRef *array; int index; // TODO: Might not be necessary to keep a local copy of this int indexMul; // Index multiplied with element size int elemSize; int *sindex; // Index on the stack int[] sval; // Value on the stack bool isReverse, isRef; bool isClass; MonsterObject *mo; // Array iterators bool firstArray(bool irev, bool iref, int *stk) { isRef = iref; isReverse = irev; isClass = false; // Replace the array index on the stack AIndex ai = cast(AIndex)*stk; *stk = cast(int) getIndex(); // Fetch the array array = arrays.getRef(ai); // Cannot use reference values on const arrays if(array.isConst && isRef) // TODO: Try to give line and file in all messages fail("Cannot use 'ref' values with constant arrays"); // Skip the loop if it's empty if(array.iarr.length == 0) return false; assert(array.elemSize > 0); elemSize = array.elemSize; // Point to the stack index and value stk -= elemSize; sval = stk[0..elemSize]; stk--; sindex = stk; // Set up the first element if(isReverse) index = array.length-1; else index = 0; indexMul = index * elemSize; *sindex = index; sval[] = array.iarr[indexMul..indexMul+elemSize]; return true; } // Class iterators bool firstClass(MonsterClass mc, int[] stk) { assert(stk.length == 2); isClass = true; // Set the iterator index on the stack stk[1] = cast(int) getIndex(); mo = mc.getFirst(); // Are there any objects? if(mo == null) return false; sindex = &stk[0]; *sindex = cast(int)mo.getIndex(); return true; } void storeRef() { assert(!isClass); if(isRef) array.iarr[indexMul..indexMul+elemSize] = sval[]; else fail("Array iterator update called on non-ref parameter"); } bool next() { // Handle class iterations seperately if(isClass) { mo = mo.getNext(); if(mo == null) return false; *sindex = cast(int)mo.getIndex(); return true; } if(isReverse) { index--; indexMul -= elemSize; if(index == -1) return false; } else { index++; indexMul += elemSize; if(index*elemSize == array.iarr.length) return false; } assert(indexMul < array.iarr.length); assert(index >= 0 && index < array.length); assert(indexMul == index*elemSize); *sindex = index; sval[] = array.iarr[indexMul..indexMul+elemSize]; return true; } IIndex getIndex() { return cast(IIndex)( Iterators.IterList.getIndex(this) ); } bool isAlive() { return flags.has(IFlags.Alive); } } Iterators iterators; struct Iterators { alias FreeList!(IteratorRef) IterList; private: IterList iterList; // Get a new iterator reference IteratorRef *createIterator() { IteratorRef *it = iterList.getNew(); assert(!it.isAlive); // Set the "alive" flag it.flags.set(IFlags.Alive); return it; } // Put a reference back into the freelist void destroyIterator(IteratorRef *it) { assert(it.isAlive); it.flags.unset(IFlags.Alive); iterList.remove(it); } public: bool firstArray(bool irev, bool iref, int *stk) { IteratorRef *it = createIterator(); bool res = it.firstArray(irev,iref,stk); // Kill the iterator reference if we are done iterating if(!res) destroyIterator(it); return res; } bool firstClass(MonsterClass mc, int[] stk) { IteratorRef *it = createIterator(); bool res = it.firstClass(mc,stk); // Kill the iterator reference if we are done iterating if(!res) destroyIterator(it); return res; } bool next(IIndex ind) { IteratorRef *it = getRef(ind); bool res = it.next(); // Kill the iterator reference if this was the last iteration if(!res) destroyIterator(it); return res; } void stop(IIndex ind) { IteratorRef *it = getRef(ind); destroyIterator(it); } void update(IIndex ind) { IteratorRef *it = getRef(ind); it.storeRef(); } IteratorRef *getRef(IIndex index) { if(index < 0 || index >= getTotalIterators()) fail("Invalid iterator reference: " ~ toString(cast(int)index)); IteratorRef *itr = IterList.getNode(index); if(!itr.isAlive) fail("Dead iterator reference: " ~ toString(cast(int)index)); assert(itr.getIndex() == index); return itr; } // Get the number of iterator references in use int getIterators() { return iterList.length(); } // Get the total number of Iterator references ever allocated for the // free list. int getTotalIterators() { return IterList.totLength(); } }