// // Created by koncord on 05.01.16. // #include "Player.hpp" #include "Networking.hpp" TPlayers Players::players; TSlots Players::slots; using namespace std; void Players::deletePlayer(const RakNet::RakNetGUID &guid) { LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_INFO, "Deleting player with guid %lu", guid.g); if (players[guid] != 0) { CellController::get()->deletePlayer(players[guid]); LOG_APPEND(Log::LOG_INFO, "- Emptying slot %i", players[guid]->getId()); slots[players[guid]->getId()] = 0; delete players[guid]; players.erase(guid); } } void Players::newPlayer(const RakNet::RakNetGUID &guid) { LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(Log::LOG_INFO, "Creating new player with guid %lu", guid.g); players[guid] = new Player(guid); players[guid]->cell.blank(); players[guid]->npc.blank(); players[guid]->npcStats.blank(); players[guid]->creatureStats.blank(); players[guid]->charClass.blank(); players[guid]->scale = 1; players[guid]->isWerewolf = false; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mwmp::Networking::get().maxConnections(); i++) { if (slots[i] == nullptr) { LOG_APPEND(Log::LOG_INFO, "- Storing in slot %i", i); slots[i] = players[guid]; slots[i]->setId(i); break; } } } Player *Players::getPlayer(const RakNet::RakNetGUID &guid) { auto it = players.find(guid); if (it == players.end()) return nullptr; return it->second; } TPlayers *Players::getPlayers() { return &players; } unsigned short Players::getLastPlayerId() { return slots.rbegin()->first; } Player::Player(const RakNet::RakNetGUID &guid) : BasePlayer(guid), id(InvalidPID) { handshakeCounter = 0; loadState = NOTLOADED; } Player::~Player() { } PlayerId Player::getId() { return id; } void Player::setId(unsigned short id) { this->id = id; } bool Player::isHandshaked() { return handshakeCounter == numeric_limits::max(); } void Player::setHandshake() { handshakeCounter = numeric_limits::max(); } void Player::incrementHandshakeAttempts() { handshakeCounter++; } int Player::getHandshakeAttempts() { return handshakeCounter; } void Player::setLoadState(int state) { loadState = state; } int Player::getLoadState() { return loadState; } Player *Players::getPlayer(unsigned short id) { auto it = slots.find(id); if (it == slots.end()) return nullptr; return it->second; } CellController::TContainer *Player::getCells() { return &cells; } void Player::sendToLoaded(mwmp::PlayerPacket *myPacket) { std::list plList; for (auto cell : cells) for (auto pl : *cell) plList.push_back(pl); plList.sort(); plList.unique(); for (auto pl : plList) { if (pl == this) continue; myPacket->setPlayer(this); myPacket->Send(pl->guid); } } void Player::forEachLoaded(std::function func) { std::list plList; for (auto cell : cells) { for (auto pl : *cell) { if (pl != nullptr && !pl->npc.mName.empty()) plList.push_back(pl); } } plList.sort(); plList.unique(); for (auto pl : plList) { if (pl == this) continue; func(this, pl); } } bool Players::doesPlayerExist(const RakNet::RakNetGUID &guid) { return players.find(guid) != players.end(); }