/* OpenMW - The completely unofficial reimplementation of Morrowind Copyright (C) 2008 Nicolay Korslund Email: < korslund@gmail.com > WWW: http://openmw.snaptoad.com/ This file (music.d) is part of the OpenMW package. OpenMW is distributed as free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 3 along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ . */ module sound.music; import sound.avcodec; import sound.audio; import sound.al; import monster.monster; import std.stdio; import std.string; import core.config; import core.resource; class Idle_waitUntilFinished : IdleFunction { override: IS initiate(Thread*) { return IS.Poll; } bool hasFinished(Thread* trd) { Jukebox mgr = cast(Jukebox)trd.extraData.obj; assert(mgr !is null); // Return when the music is no longer playing return !mgr.isPlaying(); } } struct Music { private: static: // The Monster classes and objects MonsterClass jukeC, controlC; public: MonsterObject *controlM; void init() { assert(jukeC is null); assert(controlC is null); assert(controlM is null); jukeC = MonsterClass.get("Jukebox"); jukeC.bind("waitUntilFinished", new Idle_waitUntilFinished); jukeC.bind("setSound", { Jukebox.get().setSound(); }); jukeC.bind("setVolume", { Jukebox.get().setVolume(); }); jukeC.bind("playSound", { Jukebox.get().playSound(); }); jukeC.bind("stopSound", { Jukebox.get().stopSound(); }); jukeC.bindConst({new Jukebox(params.obj()); }); controlC = MonsterClass.get("Music"); controlM = controlC.getSing(); controlM.call("setup"); } private void pushSArray(char[][] strs) { AIndex arr[]; arr.length = strs.length; // Create the array indices for each element string foreach(i, ref elm; arr) elm = arrays.create(strs[i]).getIndex(); // Push the final array stack.pushArray(arr); } void setPlaylists(char[][] normal, char[][] battle) { if(controlM is null) return; pushSArray(normal); pushSArray(battle); controlM.call("setPlaylists"); } void play() { if(controlM !is null) controlM.call("play"); } void toggle() { if(controlM !is null) controlM.call("toggle"); } void toggleMute() { if(controlM !is null) controlM.call("toggleMute"); } void updateBuffers() { if(controlM is null) return; foreach(ref MonsterObject b; jukeC) Jukebox.get(b).updateBuffers(); } void shutdown() { if(controlM is null) return; foreach(ref MonsterObject b; jukeC) Jukebox.get(b).shutdown(); } } // Simple music player, has a playlist and can pause/resume // music. Most of the high-level code is in mscripts/jukebox.mn. class Jukebox { private: // Maximum buffer length, divided up among OpenAL buffers const uint bufLength = 128*1024; const uint numBufs = 4; char[] getName() { if(mo is null) return "(no name)"; else return mo.getString8("name"); } void fail(char[] msg) { throw new SoundException(getName() ~ " Jukebox", msg); } ALuint sID; // Sound id ALuint bIDs[numBufs]; // Buffers ALenum bufFormat; ALint bufRate; AVFile fileHandle; AVAudio audioHandle; static ubyte[] outData; static this() { outData.length = bufLength / numBufs; } // The jukebox Monster object MonsterObject *mo; public: this(MonsterObject *m) { mo = m; m.getExtra(Music.jukeC).obj = this; sID = 0; bIDs[] = 0; } static Jukebox get(MonsterObject *m) { auto j = cast(Jukebox)m.getExtra(Music.jukeC).obj; assert(j !is null); assert(j.mo == m); return j; } static Jukebox get(ref MonsterObject m) { return get(&m); } static Jukebox get() { return get(params.obj()); } private: // Disable music void shutdown() { mo.call("stop"); if(fileHandle) avc_closeAVFile(fileHandle); fileHandle = null; audioHandle = null; if(sID) { alSourceStop(sID); alDeleteSources(1, &sID); checkALError("disabling music"); sID = 0; alDeleteBuffers(bIDs.length, bIDs.ptr); checkALError("deleting buffers"); bIDs[] = 0; } } void setSound() { char[] fname = stack.popString8(); // Generate a source to play back with if needed if(sID == 0) { alGenSources(1, &sID); checkALError("generating buffers"); // Set listner relative coordinates (sound follows the player) alSourcei(sID, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_TRUE); alGenBuffers(bIDs.length, bIDs.ptr); } else { // Kill current track, but keep the sID source. alSourceStop(sID); checkALError("stopping current track"); alSourcei(sID, AL_BUFFER, 0); //alDeleteBuffers(bIDs.length, bIDs.ptr); //bIDs[] = 0; checkALError("resetting buffer"); } if(fileHandle) avc_closeAVFile(fileHandle); fileHandle = null; audioHandle = null; //alGenBuffers(bIDs.length, bIDs.ptr); // If something fails, clean everything up. scope(failure) shutdown(); fileHandle = avc_openAVFile(toStringz(fname)); if(!fileHandle) fail("Unable to open " ~ fname); audioHandle = avc_getAVAudioStream(fileHandle, 0); if(!audioHandle) fail("Unable to load music track " ~ fname); int rate, ch, bits; if(avc_getAVAudioInfo(audioHandle, &rate, &ch, &bits) != 0) fail("Unable to get info for music track " ~ fname); // Translate format from avformat to OpenAL bufRate = rate; bufFormat = 0; // TODO: These don't really fail gracefully for 4 and 6 channels // if these aren't supported. if(bits == 8) { if(ch == 1) bufFormat = AL_FORMAT_MONO8; if(ch == 2) bufFormat = AL_FORMAT_STEREO8; if(alIsExtensionPresent("AL_EXT_MCFORMATS")) { if(ch == 4) bufFormat = alGetEnumValue("AL_FORMAT_QUAD8"); if(ch == 6) bufFormat = alGetEnumValue("AL_FORMAT_51CHN8"); } } if(bits == 16) { if(ch == 1) bufFormat = AL_FORMAT_MONO16; if(ch == 2) bufFormat = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; if(alIsExtensionPresent("AL_EXT_MCFORMATS")) { if(ch == 4) bufFormat = alGetEnumValue("AL_FORMAT_QUAD16"); if(ch == 6) bufFormat = alGetEnumValue("AL_FORMAT_51CHN16"); } } if(bufFormat == 0) fail(format("Unhandled format (%d channels, %d bits) for music track %s", ch, bits, fname)); // Fill the buffers foreach(int i, ref b; bIDs) { int length = avc_getAVAudioData(audioHandle, outData.ptr, outData.length); if(length) alBufferData(b, bufFormat, outData.ptr, length, bufRate); if(length == 0 || !noALError()) { if(i == 0) fail("No audio data in music track " ~ fname); alDeleteBuffers(bIDs.length-i, bIDs.ptr+i); checkALError("running alDeleteBuffers"); bIDs[i..$] = 0; break; } } // Associate the buffers with the sound id alSourceQueueBuffers(sID, bIDs.length, bIDs.ptr); } void setVolume() { float volume = stack.popFloat(); volume = saneVol(volume); // Set the new volume if(sID) alSourcef(sID, AL_GAIN, volume); } void playSound() { if(!sID) return; alSourcePlay(sID); checkALError("starting music"); } void stopSound() { // How to stop / pause music if(sID) alSourcePause(sID); } bool isPlaying() { ALint state; alGetSourcei(sID, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); checkALError("getting status"); return state == AL_PLAYING; } void updateBuffers() { if(!sID || !isPlaying) return; // Get the number of processed buffers ALint count; alGetSourcei(sID, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &count); checkALError("getting number of unprocessed buffers"); for(int i = 0;i < count;i++) { int length = avc_getAVAudioData(audioHandle, outData.ptr, outData.length); if(length <= 0) break; ALuint bid; alSourceUnqueueBuffers(sID, 1, &bid); if(noALError()) { alBufferData(bid, bufFormat, outData.ptr, length, bufRate); alSourceQueueBuffers(sID, 1, &bid); checkALError("queueing buffers"); } } } }