#ifndef INTERPRETER_MISCOPCODES_H_INCLUDED #define INTERPRETER_MISCOPCODES_H_INCLUDED #include <cstdlib> #include <stdexcept> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <algorithm> #include "opcodes.hpp" #include "runtime.hpp" #include "defines.hpp" #include <components/misc/rng.hpp> namespace Interpreter { inline std::string formatMessage (const std::string& message, Runtime& runtime) { std::string formattedMessage; for (std::size_t i=0; i<message.size(); ++i) { char c = message[i]; if (c!='%') formattedMessage += c; else { ++i; if (i<message.size()) { c = message[i]; if (c=='S' || c=='s') { int index = runtime[0].mInteger; runtime.pop(); formattedMessage += runtime.getStringLiteral (index); } else if (c=='g' || c=='G') { Type_Integer value = runtime[0].mInteger; runtime.pop(); std::ostringstream out; out << value; formattedMessage += out.str(); } else if (c=='f' || c=='F' || c=='.') { while (c!='f' && i+1<message.size()) { ++i; c = message[i]; } float value = runtime[0].mFloat; runtime.pop(); std::ostringstream out; out << value; formattedMessage += out.str(); } else if (c=='%') formattedMessage += "%"; else { formattedMessage += "%"; formattedMessage += c; } } } } formattedMessage = fixDefinesMsgBox(formattedMessage, runtime.getContext()); return formattedMessage; } class OpMessageBox : public Opcode1 { public: virtual void execute (Runtime& runtime, unsigned int arg0) { // message int index = runtime[0].mInteger; runtime.pop(); std::string message = runtime.getStringLiteral (index); // buttons std::vector<std::string> buttons; for (std::size_t i=0; i<arg0; ++i) { int index = runtime[0].mInteger; runtime.pop(); buttons.push_back (runtime.getStringLiteral (index)); } std::reverse (buttons.begin(), buttons.end()); // handle additional parameters std::string formattedMessage = formatMessage (message, runtime); runtime.getContext().messageBox (formattedMessage, buttons); } }; class OpReport : public Opcode0 { public: virtual void execute (Runtime& runtime) { // message int index = runtime[0].mInteger; runtime.pop(); std::string message = runtime.getStringLiteral (index); // handle additional parameters std::string formattedMessage = formatMessage (message, runtime); runtime.getContext().report (formattedMessage); } }; class OpMenuMode : public Opcode0 { public: virtual void execute (Runtime& runtime) { runtime.push (runtime.getContext().menuMode()); } }; class OpRandom : public Opcode0 { public: virtual void execute (Runtime& runtime) { Type_Integer limit = runtime[0].mInteger; if (limit<0) throw std::runtime_error ( "random: argument out of range (Don't be so negative!)"); Type_Integer value = Misc::Rng::rollDice(limit); // [o, limit) runtime[0].mInteger = value; } }; class OpGetSecondsPassed : public Opcode0 { public: virtual void execute (Runtime& runtime) { Type_Float duration = runtime.getContext().getSecondsPassed(); runtime.push (duration); } }; class OpEnable : public Opcode0 { public: virtual void execute (Runtime& runtime) { runtime.getContext().enable(); } }; class OpDisable : public Opcode0 { public: virtual void execute (Runtime& runtime) { runtime.getContext().disable(); } }; class OpGetDisabled : public Opcode0 { public: virtual void execute (Runtime& runtime) { runtime.push (runtime.getContext().isDisabled()); } }; class OpEnableExplicit : public Opcode0 { public: virtual void execute (Runtime& runtime) { int index = runtime[0].mInteger; runtime.pop(); std::string id = runtime.getStringLiteral (index); runtime.getContext().enable (id); } }; class OpDisableExplicit : public Opcode0 { public: virtual void execute (Runtime& runtime) { int index = runtime[0].mInteger; runtime.pop(); std::string id = runtime.getStringLiteral (index); runtime.getContext().disable (id); } }; class OpGetDisabledExplicit : public Opcode0 { public: virtual void execute (Runtime& runtime) { int index = runtime[0].mInteger; runtime.pop(); std::string id = runtime.getStringLiteral (index); runtime.push (runtime.getContext().isDisabled (id)); } }; } #endif