#include "npcanimation.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include "../mwworld/esmstore.hpp" #include "../mwworld/inventorystore.hpp" #include "../mwworld/class.hpp" #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwbase/world.hpp" #include "../mwbase/mechanicsmanager.hpp" #include "renderconst.hpp" namespace MWRender { const NpcAnimation::PartInfo NpcAnimation::sPartList[NpcAnimation::sPartListSize] = { { ESM::PRT_Head, "Head" }, { ESM::PRT_Hair, "Head" }, { ESM::PRT_Neck, "Neck" }, { ESM::PRT_Cuirass, "Chest" }, { ESM::PRT_Groin, "Groin" }, { ESM::PRT_Skirt, "Groin" }, { ESM::PRT_RHand, "Right Hand" }, { ESM::PRT_LHand, "Left Hand" }, { ESM::PRT_RWrist, "Right Wrist" }, { ESM::PRT_LWrist, "Left Wrist" }, { ESM::PRT_Shield, "Shield" }, { ESM::PRT_RForearm, "Right Forearm" }, { ESM::PRT_LForearm, "Left Forearm" }, { ESM::PRT_RUpperarm, "Right Upper Arm" }, { ESM::PRT_LUpperarm, "Left Upper Arm" }, { ESM::PRT_RFoot, "Right Foot" }, { ESM::PRT_LFoot, "Left Foot" }, { ESM::PRT_RAnkle, "Right Ankle" }, { ESM::PRT_LAnkle, "Left Ankle" }, { ESM::PRT_RKnee, "Right Knee" }, { ESM::PRT_LKnee, "Left Knee" }, { ESM::PRT_RLeg, "Right Upper Leg" }, { ESM::PRT_LLeg, "Left Upper Leg" }, { ESM::PRT_RPauldron, "Right Clavicle" }, { ESM::PRT_LPauldron, "Left Clavicle" }, { ESM::PRT_Weapon, "Weapon" }, { ESM::PRT_Tail, "Tail" } }; NpcAnimation::~NpcAnimation() { Ogre::SceneManager *sceneMgr = mInsert->getCreator(); for(size_t i = 0;i < sPartListSize;i++) destroyObjectList(sceneMgr, mObjectParts[i]); } NpcAnimation::NpcAnimation(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, Ogre::SceneNode* node, MWWorld::InventoryStore& inv, int visibilityFlags, ViewMode viewMode) : Animation(ptr), mStateID(-1), mTimeToChange(0), mVisibilityFlags(visibilityFlags), mRobe(inv.end()), mHelmet(inv.end()), mShirt(inv.end()), mCuirass(inv.end()), mGreaves(inv.end()), mPauldronL(inv.end()), mPauldronR(inv.end()), mBoots(inv.end()), mPants(inv.end()), mGloveL(inv.end()), mGloveR(inv.end()), mSkirtIter(inv.end()), mViewMode(viewMode) { mNpc = mPtr.get()->mBase; for(size_t i = 0;i < sPartListSize;i++) { mPartslots[i] = -1; //each slot is empty mPartPriorities[i] = 0; } const MWWorld::ESMStore &store = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore(); const ESM::Race *race = store.get().find(mNpc->mRace); mHeadModel = "meshes\\" + store.get().find(mNpc->mHead)->mModel; mHairModel = "meshes\\" + store.get().find(mNpc->mHair)->mModel; mBodyPrefix = "b_n_" + mNpc->mRace; Misc::StringUtils::toLower(mBodyPrefix); bool isBeast = (race->mData.mFlags & ESM::Race::Beast) != 0; std::string smodel = (!isBeast ? "meshes\\base_anim.nif" : "meshes\\base_animkna.nif"); addObjectList(node, smodel, true); if(mBodyPrefix.find("argonian") != std::string::npos) addObjectList(node, "meshes\\argonian_swimkna.nif", true); else if(!mNpc->isMale() && !isBeast) addObjectList(node, "meshes\\base_anim_female.nif", true); if(mNpc->mModel.length() > 0) addObjectList(node, "meshes\\"+mNpc->mModel, true); if(mViewMode == VM_FirstPerson) { /* A bit counter-intuitive, but unlike third-person anims, it seems * beast races get both base_anim.1st.nif and base_animkna.1st.nif. */ addObjectList(node, "meshes\\base_anim.1st.nif", true); if(isBeast) addObjectList(node, "meshes\\base_animkna.1st.nif", true); if(!mNpc->isMale() && !isBeast) addObjectList(node, "meshes\\base_anim_female.1st.nif", true); } forceUpdate(); } void NpcAnimation::setViewMode(NpcAnimation::ViewMode viewMode) { assert(viewMode != VM_HeadOnly); mViewMode = viewMode; Ogre::SceneNode *node = mInsert->getParentSceneNode(); const MWWorld::ESMStore &store = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore(); const ESM::Race *race = store.get().find(mNpc->mRace); bool isBeast = (race->mData.mFlags & ESM::Race::Beast) != 0; clearExtraSources(); if(mBodyPrefix.find("argonian") != std::string::npos) addObjectList(node, "meshes\\argonian_swimkna.nif", true); else if(!mNpc->isMale() && !isBeast) addObjectList(node, "meshes\\base_anim_female.nif", true); if(mNpc->mModel.length() > 0) addObjectList(node, "meshes\\"+mNpc->mModel, true); if(mViewMode == VM_FirstPerson) { /* A bit counter-intuitive, but unlike third-person anims, it seems * beast races get both base_anim.1st.nif and base_animkna.1st.nif. */ addObjectList(node, "meshes\\base_anim.1st.nif", true); if(isBeast) addObjectList(node, "meshes\\base_animkna.1st.nif", true); if(!mNpc->isMale() && !isBeast) addObjectList(node, "meshes\\base_anim_female.1st.nif", true); } MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->forceStateUpdate(mPtr); for(size_t i = 0;i < sPartListSize;i++) removeIndividualPart(i); forceUpdate(); } void NpcAnimation::updateParts(bool forceupdate) { static const struct { int numRemoveParts; // Max: 1 ESM::PartReferenceType removeParts[1]; MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator NpcAnimation::*part; int slot; int numReserveParts; // Max: 12 ESM::PartReferenceType reserveParts[12]; } slotlist[] = { { 0, { }, &NpcAnimation::mRobe, MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_Robe, 12, { ESM::PRT_Groin, ESM::PRT_Skirt, ESM::PRT_RLeg, ESM::PRT_LLeg, ESM::PRT_RUpperarm, ESM::PRT_LUpperarm, ESM::PRT_RKnee, ESM::PRT_LKnee, ESM::PRT_RForearm, ESM::PRT_LForearm, ESM::PRT_RPauldron, ESM::PRT_LPauldron } }, { 0, { }, &NpcAnimation::mSkirtIter, MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_Skirt, 3, { ESM::PRT_Groin, ESM::PRT_RLeg, ESM::PRT_LLeg } }, { 1, { ESM::PRT_Hair }, &NpcAnimation::mHelmet, MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_Helmet, 0, { } }, { 0, { }, &NpcAnimation::mCuirass, MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_Cuirass, 0, { } }, { 0, { }, &NpcAnimation::mGreaves, MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_Greaves, 0, { } }, { 0, { }, &NpcAnimation::mPauldronL, MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_LeftPauldron, 0, { } }, { 0, { }, &NpcAnimation::mPauldronR, MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_RightPauldron, 0, { } }, { 0, { }, &NpcAnimation::mBoots, MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_Boots, 0, { } }, { 0, { }, &NpcAnimation::mGloveL, MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_LeftGauntlet, 0, { } }, { 0, { }, &NpcAnimation::mGloveR, MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_RightGauntlet, 0, { } }, { 0, { }, &NpcAnimation::mShirt, MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_Shirt, 0, { } }, { 0, { }, &NpcAnimation::mPants, MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_Pants, 0, { } }, }; static const size_t slotlistsize = sizeof(slotlist)/sizeof(slotlist[0]); MWWorld::InventoryStore &inv = MWWorld::Class::get(mPtr).getInventoryStore(mPtr); for(size_t i = 0;!forceupdate && i < slotlistsize;i++) { MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator iter = inv.getSlot(slotlist[i].slot); if(this->*slotlist[i].part != iter) { forceupdate = true; break; } } if(!forceupdate) return; /* FIXME: Remove this once we figure out how to show what in first-person */ if(mViewMode == VM_FirstPerson) { for(size_t i = 0;i < slotlistsize;i++) this->*slotlist[i].part = inv.getSlot(slotlist[i].slot); return; } for(size_t i = 0;i < slotlistsize && mViewMode != VM_HeadOnly;i++) { MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator iter = inv.getSlot(slotlist[i].slot); this->*slotlist[i].part = iter; removePartGroup(slotlist[i].slot); if(this->*slotlist[i].part == inv.end()) continue; for(int rem = 0;rem < slotlist[i].numRemoveParts;rem++) removeIndividualPart(slotlist[i].removeParts[rem]); int prio = 1; MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator &store = this->*slotlist[i].part; if(store->getTypeName() == typeid(ESM::Clothing).name()) { prio = ((slotlist[i].numReserveParts+1)<<1) + 0; const ESM::Clothing *clothes = store->get()->mBase; addPartGroup(slotlist[i].slot, prio, clothes->mParts.mParts); } else if(store->getTypeName() == typeid(ESM::Armor).name()) { prio = ((slotlist[i].numReserveParts+1)<<1) + 1; const ESM::Armor *armor = store->get()->mBase; addPartGroup(slotlist[i].slot, prio, armor->mParts.mParts); } for(int res = 0;res < slotlist[i].numReserveParts;res++) reserveIndividualPart(slotlist[i].reserveParts[res], slotlist[i].slot, prio); } if(mViewMode != VM_FirstPerson) { if(mPartPriorities[ESM::PRT_Head] < 1) addOrReplaceIndividualPart(ESM::PRT_Head, -1,1, mHeadModel); if(mPartPriorities[ESM::PRT_Hair] < 1 && mPartPriorities[ESM::PRT_Head] <= 1) addOrReplaceIndividualPart(ESM::PRT_Hair, -1,1, mHairModel); } if(mViewMode == VM_HeadOnly) return; std::map bodypartMap; bodypartMap[ESM::PRT_Neck] = ESM::BodyPart::MP_Neck; bodypartMap[ESM::PRT_Cuirass] = ESM::BodyPart::MP_Chest; bodypartMap[ESM::PRT_Groin] = ESM::BodyPart::MP_Groin; bodypartMap[ESM::PRT_RHand] = ESM::BodyPart::MP_Hand; bodypartMap[ESM::PRT_LHand] = ESM::BodyPart::MP_Hand; bodypartMap[ESM::PRT_RWrist] = ESM::BodyPart::MP_Wrist; bodypartMap[ESM::PRT_LWrist] = ESM::BodyPart::MP_Wrist; bodypartMap[ESM::PRT_RForearm] = ESM::BodyPart::MP_Forearm; bodypartMap[ESM::PRT_LForearm] = ESM::BodyPart::MP_Forearm; bodypartMap[ESM::PRT_RUpperarm] = ESM::BodyPart::MP_Upperarm; bodypartMap[ESM::PRT_LUpperarm] = ESM::BodyPart::MP_Upperarm; bodypartMap[ESM::PRT_RFoot] = ESM::BodyPart::MP_Foot; bodypartMap[ESM::PRT_LFoot] = ESM::BodyPart::MP_Foot; bodypartMap[ESM::PRT_RAnkle] = ESM::BodyPart::MP_Ankle; bodypartMap[ESM::PRT_LAnkle] = ESM::BodyPart::MP_Ankle; bodypartMap[ESM::PRT_RKnee] = ESM::BodyPart::MP_Knee; bodypartMap[ESM::PRT_LKnee] = ESM::BodyPart::MP_Knee; bodypartMap[ESM::PRT_RLeg] = ESM::BodyPart::MP_Upperleg; bodypartMap[ESM::PRT_LLeg] = ESM::BodyPart::MP_Upperleg; bodypartMap[ESM::PRT_Tail] = ESM::BodyPart::MP_Tail; const MWWorld::ESMStore &store = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore(); const int Flag_Female = 0x01; const int Flag_FirstPerson = 0x02; int flags = 0; if (!mNpc->isMale()) flags |= Flag_Female; if (mViewMode == VM_FirstPerson) flags |= Flag_FirstPerson; // Remember body parts so we only have to search through the store once for each race/gender/viewmode combination static std::map< std::pair , std::vector > sRaceMapping; std::string race = Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(mNpc->mRace); std::pair thisCombination = std::make_pair(race, flags); if (sRaceMapping.find(thisCombination) == sRaceMapping.end()) { sRaceMapping[thisCombination].resize(ESM::PRT_Count); for (int i=0; i &partStore = store.get(); for (MWWorld::Store::iterator it = partStore.begin(); it != partStore.end(); ++it) { const ESM::BodyPart& bodypart = *it; if (bodypart.mData.mFlags & ESM::BodyPart::BPF_NotPlayable) continue; if (bodypart.mData.mType != ESM::BodyPart::MT_Skin) { continue; } if (!mNpc->isMale() != (bodypart.mData.mFlags & ESM::BodyPart::BPF_Female)) continue; if (!Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(bodypart.mRace, mNpc->mRace)) continue; bool firstPerson = (bodypart.mId.size() >= 3) && bodypart.mId[bodypart.mId.size()-3] == '1' && bodypart.mId[bodypart.mId.size()-2] == 's' && bodypart.mId[bodypart.mId.size()-1] == 't'; if (firstPerson != (mViewMode == VM_FirstPerson)) continue; for (std::map::iterator bIt = bodypartMap.begin(); bIt != bodypartMap.end(); ++bIt ) if (bIt->second == bodypart.mData.mPart) sRaceMapping[thisCombination][bIt->first] = &*it; } } for (int part = ESM::PRT_Neck; part < ESM::PRT_Count; ++part) { const ESM::BodyPart* bodypart = sRaceMapping[thisCombination][part]; if (mPartPriorities[part] < 1 && bodypart) addOrReplaceIndividualPart(part, -1,1, "meshes\\"+bodypart->mModel); } } NifOgre::ObjectList NpcAnimation::insertBoundedPart(const std::string &model, int group, const std::string &bonename) { NifOgre::ObjectList objects = NifOgre::Loader::createObjects(mSkelBase, bonename, mInsert, model); setRenderProperties(objects, mVisibilityFlags, RQG_Main, RQG_Alpha); for(size_t i = 0;i < objects.mEntities.size();i++) objects.mEntities[i]->getUserObjectBindings().setUserAny(Ogre::Any(group)); for(size_t i = 0;i < objects.mParticles.size();i++) objects.mParticles[i]->getUserObjectBindings().setUserAny(Ogre::Any(group)); if(objects.mSkelBase) { Ogre::AnimationStateSet *aset = objects.mSkelBase->getAllAnimationStates(); Ogre::AnimationStateIterator asiter = aset->getAnimationStateIterator(); while(asiter.hasMoreElements()) { Ogre::AnimationState *state = asiter.getNext(); state->setEnabled(false); state->setLoop(false); } Ogre::SkeletonInstance *skelinst = objects.mSkelBase->getSkeleton(); Ogre::Skeleton::BoneIterator boneiter = skelinst->getBoneIterator(); while(boneiter.hasMoreElements()) boneiter.getNext()->setManuallyControlled(true); } return objects; } Ogre::Vector3 NpcAnimation::runAnimation(float timepassed) { if(mTimeToChange <= 0.0f) { mTimeToChange = 0.2f; updateParts(); } mTimeToChange -= timepassed; Ogre::Vector3 ret = Animation::runAnimation(timepassed); Ogre::SkeletonInstance *baseinst = mSkelBase->getSkeleton(); for(size_t i = 0;i < sPartListSize;i++) { Ogre::Entity *ent = mObjectParts[i].mSkelBase; if(!ent) continue; updateSkeletonInstance(baseinst, ent->getSkeleton()); ent->getAllAnimationStates()->_notifyDirty(); } return ret; } void NpcAnimation::removeIndividualPart(int type) { mPartPriorities[type] = 0; mPartslots[type] = -1; for(size_t i = 0;i < sPartListSize;i++) { if(type == sPartList[i].type) { destroyObjectList(mInsert->getCreator(), mObjectParts[i]); break; } } } void NpcAnimation::reserveIndividualPart(int type, int group, int priority) { if(priority > mPartPriorities[type]) { removeIndividualPart(type); mPartPriorities[type] = priority; mPartslots[type] = group; } } void NpcAnimation::removePartGroup(int group) { for(int i = 0; i < 27; i++) { if(mPartslots[i] == group) removeIndividualPart(i); } } bool NpcAnimation::addOrReplaceIndividualPart(int type, int group, int priority, const std::string &mesh) { if(priority <= mPartPriorities[type]) return false; removeIndividualPart(type); mPartslots[type] = group; mPartPriorities[type] = priority; for(size_t i = 0;i < sPartListSize;i++) { if(type == sPartList[i].type) { mObjectParts[i] = insertBoundedPart(mesh, group, sPartList[i].name); break; } } return true; } void NpcAnimation::addPartGroup(int group, int priority, const std::vector &parts) { const char *ext = (mViewMode == VM_FirstPerson) ? ".1st" : ""; for(std::size_t i = 0; i < parts.size(); i++) { const ESM::PartReference &part = parts[i]; const MWWorld::Store &partStore = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get(); const ESM::BodyPart *bodypart = 0; if(!mNpc->isMale()) bodypart = partStore.search(part.mFemale+ext); if(!bodypart) bodypart = partStore.search(part.mMale+ext); if(bodypart) addOrReplaceIndividualPart(part.mPart, group, priority, "meshes\\"+bodypart->mModel); else reserveIndividualPart(part.mPart, group, priority); } } }