#include #include #include "datafilesdialog.h" //#include "datafilesmodel.h" //#include "datafilesitem.h" using namespace ESM; DataFilesDialog::DataFilesDialog() { QSplitter *splitter = new QSplitter(this); tree = new QTreeView(this); mastertable = new QTableView(this); plugintable = new QTableView(this); splitter->setOrientation(Qt::Vertical); splitter->addWidget(tree); splitter->addWidget(mastertable); splitter->addWidget(plugintable); // Adjust the widget heights inside the splitter QList sizelist; sizelist << 100 << 200 << 400; splitter->setSizes(sizelist); QVBoxLayout *dialogLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); dialogLayout->addWidget(splitter); //dialogLayout->addWidget(plugintable); datafilesmodel = new QStandardItemModel(); mastersmodel = new QStandardItemModel(); QDir datafilesdir("data/"); if (!datafilesdir.exists()) qWarning("Cannot find the plugin directory"); QStringList acceptedfiles = (QStringList() << "*.esp"); QStringList files; datafilesdir.setNameFilters(acceptedfiles); files = datafilesdir.entryList(); //foreach (const QString ¤tfile, datafiles) { for (int i=0; i foundmasters = mastersmodel->findItems(currentmaster); if (foundmasters.isEmpty()) { // Current master is not found in the master, add it mastersmodel->appendRow(item); } } // Add the masters to datafilesmodel QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(masters.join(",")); QStandardItem *child = new QStandardItem(currentfile); QList masteritems = datafilesmodel->findItems(masters.join(",")); if (masteritems.isEmpty()) { item->appendRow(child); datafilesmodel->appendRow(item); } else { foreach (QStandardItem *currentitem, masteritems) { currentitem->appendRow(child); } } //if (foundmasters.isEmpty()) { //datafilesmodel->appendRow(item); //} } /*for( int r=0; r<5; ++r ) { QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem( QString("Morrowind.esm").arg(r)); / *for( int i=0; i<3; i++ ) { QStandardItem *child = new QStandardItem( QString("Master %0 Item %1").arg(r).arg(i)); //child->setEditable( false ); item->appendRow( child ); }* / mastersmodel->setItem(r, 0, item); }*/ pluginsmodel = new QStandardItemModel(0, 1); masterselectmodel = new QItemSelectionModel(mastersmodel); tree->setModel(datafilesmodel); tree->header()->hide(); mastertable->setModel(mastersmodel); mastertable->setSelectionModel(masterselectmodel); mastertable->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); mastertable->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::MultiSelection); mastertable->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); mastertable->horizontalHeader()->setStretchLastSection(true); mastertable->horizontalHeader()->hide(); plugintable->setModel(pluginsmodel); plugintable->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); plugintable->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::MultiSelection); plugintable->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); plugintable->horizontalHeader()->setStretchLastSection(true); plugintable->horizontalHeader()->hide(); connect(masterselectmodel, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(const QItemSelection&, const QItemSelection&)), this, SLOT(masterSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection&, const QItemSelection&))); // Adjust the dialog width setMinimumWidth(500); } void DataFilesDialog::appendPlugins(const QModelIndex &masterindex) { // Find the plugins in the datafilesmodel and append them to the pluginsmodel if (!masterindex.isValid()) return; for (int r=0; rrowCount(masterindex); ++r ) { QModelIndex childindex = masterindex.child(r, 0); if (childindex.isValid()) { // Now we see if the pluginsmodel already contains this plugin QList itemlist = pluginsmodel->findItems(QVariant(datafilesmodel->data(childindex)).toString()); if (itemlist.isEmpty()) { // Plugin not yet in the pluginsmodel, add it QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(QVariant(datafilesmodel->data(childindex)).toString()); pluginsmodel->appendRow(item); } } } } void DataFilesDialog::removePlugins(const QModelIndex &masterindex) { if (!masterindex.isValid()) return; for (int r=0; rrowCount(masterindex); ++r) { QModelIndex childindex = masterindex.child(r, 0); QList itemlist = pluginsmodel->findItems(QVariant(childindex.data()).toString()); if (!itemlist.isEmpty()) { foreach (const QStandardItem *currentitem, itemlist) { qDebug() << "Remove plugin:" << currentitem->data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString(); pluginsmodel->removeRow(currentitem->row()); } } } } void DataFilesDialog::masterSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection &selected, const QItemSelection &deselected) { if (masterselectmodel->hasSelection()) { // Not exactly necessary to check const QModelIndexList selectedindexes = masterselectmodel->selectedIndexes(); QStringList masters; QString masterstr; // Create a QStringList containing all the masters foreach (const QModelIndex ¤tindex, selectedindexes) { masters.append(currentindex.data().toString()); } masters.sort(); masterstr = masters.join(","); // Make a comma-separated QString qDebug() << "Masters" << masterstr; // Iterate over all masters in the datafilesmodel to see if they are selected for (int r=0; rrowCount(); ++r) { QModelIndex currentindex = datafilesmodel->index(r, 0); QString master = currentindex.data().toString(); if (currentindex.isValid()) { // See if the current master is in the string with selected masters if (masterstr.contains(master)) { // Append the plugins from the current master to pluginsmodel appendPlugins(currentindex); } } } } // See what plugins to remove QModelIndexList deselectedindexes = deselected.indexes(); if (!deselectedindexes.isEmpty()) { foreach (const QModelIndex ¤tindex, deselectedindexes) { QString master = currentindex.data().toString(); master.prepend("*"); master.append("*"); QList itemlist = datafilesmodel->findItems(master, Qt::MatchWildcard); if (itemlist.isEmpty()) qDebug() << "Empty as shit"; foreach (const QStandardItem *currentitem, itemlist) { QModelIndex index = currentitem->index(); qDebug() << "Master to remove plugins of:" << index.data().toString(); removePlugins(index); } } } } void DataFilesDialog::readConfig() { /* QString filename; QString path = "data/"; // TODO: Should be global QFile file("openmw.cfg"); // Specify filepath later if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { qDebug() << "error open"; close(); // File cannot be opened or created TODO: throw error } QTextStream in(&file); QStringList datafiles; // Add each data file read from the config file to a QStringList while (!in.atEnd()) { QString line = in.readLine(); if (line.contains("master")) { filename = line.remove("master="); filename.prepend(path); datafiles << filename << "\n"; } else if (line.contains("plugin")) { filename = line.remove("plugin="); filename.prepend(path); datafiles << filename << "\n"; } } file.close(); // Check if the files are in the model, set to checked if found foreach(const QString ¤tfile, datafiles) { QModelIndex index = dataFilesModel->index(currentfile, 0); if (index.isValid()) { // File is found in model, set it to checked dataFilesModel->setData(index, Qt::Checked, Qt::CheckStateRole); } }*/ } void DataFilesDialog::writeConfig() { /* Custom write method: We cannot use QSettings because it does not accept spaces // QList checkeditems = dataFilesModel->getCheckedItems().toList(); QStringList checkeditems = dataFilesModel->getCheckedItems(); //QString sectionname = "[Game Files]"; QString filename; QFileInfo datafile; // Sort the items so that master files end up on top foreach (const QString ¤titem, checkeditems) { if(currentitem.endsWith(QString(".esm"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { checkeditems.move(checkeditems.indexOf(currentitem), 0); } } QFile file("openmw.cfg"); // Specify filepath later if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) close(); // File cannot be opened or created TODO: throw error //QTextStream in(&file); QTextStream in(&file); //QString buffer; QByteArray buffer; // Remove all previous master/plugin entries from config while (!in.atEnd()) { QString line = in.readLine(); //if (!line.contains("GameFile") && line != "[Game Files]") { if (!line.contains("master") && !line.contains("plugin")) { buffer += line += "\n"; } } file.close(); // Now we write back the other config entries if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Truncate)) close(); // File cannot be opened or created TODO: throw error file.write(buffer); QTextStream out(&file); // Write the section name to the config file before we write out the data files //out << sectionname << endl; // Write the list of game files to the config for (int i = 0; i < checkeditems.size(); ++i) { //filename = dataFilesModel->fileName(checkeditems.at(i)); filename = checkeditems.at(i); datafile = QFileInfo(filename); if (datafile.exists()) { if (filename.endsWith(QString(".esm"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { out << "master=" << datafile.fileName() << endl; } else if (filename.endsWith(QString(".esp"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { out << "plugin=" << datafile.fileName() << endl; } } } file.close(); close(); // Exit dialog*/ } void DataFilesDialog::restoreDefaults() { /* // Uncheck all checked items dataFilesModel->checkedItems.clear(); QModelIndexList indexlist; // Make a list of default master files indexlist.append(dataFilesModel->index("data/Morrowind.esm", 0)); indexlist.append(dataFilesModel->index("data/Tribunal.esm", 0)); indexlist.append(dataFilesModel->index("data/Bloodmoon.esm", 0)); foreach (const QModelIndex &index, indexlist) { if (index.isValid()) { // Master file found, check it dataFilesModel->setData(index, Qt::Checked, Qt::CheckStateRole); } } dataFilesModel->submit(); // Force refresh of view*/ } /*void DataFilesDialog::setFilter() { / * QStringList filefilter = (QStringList() << "*.esm" << "*.esp"); QStringList currentfilefilter; QString esmfilter = lineFilter->text(); QString espfilter = lineFilter->text(); if (lineFilter->text().isEmpty()) { dataFilesModel->setNameFilters(filefilter); // sortModel->setFilterRegExp(QRegExp("*.esp", Qt::CaseInsensitive, // QRegExp::FixedString)); // sortModel->setFilterKeyColumn(0); return; } esmfilter.prepend("*"); esmfilter.append("*.esm"); espfilter.prepend("*"); espfilter.append("*.esp"); currentfilefilter << esmfilter << espfilter; // sortModel->setFilterRegExp(QRegExp(espfilter, Qt::CaseInsensitive, // QRegExp::FixedString)); // sortModel->setFilterKeyColumn(0); dataFilesModel->setNameFilters(currentfilefilter); // readConfig(); // dataFilesModel->submit(); // dataFilesModel->setData(); * / } */