#include #include #include #include "openal_output.hpp" #include "sound_decoder.hpp" #include "sound.hpp" namespace MWSound { static void fail(const std::string &msg) { throw std::runtime_error("OpenAL exception: " + msg); } static void throwALerror() { ALenum err = alGetError(); if(err != AL_NO_ERROR) fail(alGetString(err)); } static ALenum getALFormat(Sound_Decoder::ChannelConfig chans, Sound_Decoder::SampleType type) { if(chans == Sound_Decoder::MonoChannels) { if(type == Sound_Decoder::Int16Sample) return AL_FORMAT_MONO16; else if(type == Sound_Decoder::UInt8Sample) return AL_FORMAT_MONO8; else fail("Unsupported sample type"); } else if(chans == Sound_Decoder::StereoChannels) { if(type == Sound_Decoder::Int16Sample) return AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; else if(type == Sound_Decoder::UInt8Sample) return AL_FORMAT_STEREO8; else fail("Unsupported sample type"); } else fail("Unsupported channel config"); return AL_NONE; } class OpenAL_SoundStream : public Sound { // This should be something sane, like 4, but currently cell loads tend to // cause the stream to underrun static const ALuint NumBuffers = 150; static const ALuint BufferSize = 32768; ALuint Source; ALuint Buffers[NumBuffers]; ALenum Format; ALsizei SampleRate; std::auto_ptr Decoder; public: OpenAL_SoundStream(std::auto_ptr decoder); virtual ~OpenAL_SoundStream(); virtual void Play(); virtual void Stop(); virtual bool isPlaying(); }; OpenAL_SoundStream::OpenAL_SoundStream(std::auto_ptr decoder) : Decoder(decoder) { throwALerror(); alGenSources(1, &Source); throwALerror(); try { alGenBuffers(NumBuffers, Buffers); throwALerror(); } catch(std::exception &e) { alDeleteSources(1, &Source); alGetError(); throw; } try { int srate; Sound_Decoder::ChannelConfig chans; Sound_Decoder::SampleType type; Decoder->GetInfo(&srate, &chans, &type); Format = getALFormat(chans, type); SampleRate = srate; } catch(std::exception &e) { alDeleteSources(1, &Source); alDeleteBuffers(NumBuffers, Buffers); alGetError(); throw; } } OpenAL_SoundStream::~OpenAL_SoundStream() { alDeleteSources(1, &Source); alDeleteBuffers(NumBuffers, Buffers); alGetError(); Decoder->Close(); } void OpenAL_SoundStream::Play() { std::vector data(BufferSize); alSourceStop(Source); alSourcei(Source, AL_BUFFER, 0); throwALerror(); for(ALuint i = 0;i < NumBuffers;i++) { size_t got; got = Decoder->Read(&data[0], data.size()); alBufferData(Buffers[i], Format, &data[0], got, SampleRate); } throwALerror(); alSourceQueueBuffers(Source, NumBuffers, Buffers); alSourcePlay(Source); throwALerror(); } void OpenAL_SoundStream::Stop() { alSourceStop(Source); alSourcei(Source, AL_BUFFER, 0); throwALerror(); // FIXME: Rewind decoder } bool OpenAL_SoundStream::isPlaying() { ALint processed, state; alGetSourcei(Source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); alGetSourcei(Source, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &processed); throwALerror(); if(processed > 0) { std::vector data(BufferSize); do { ALuint bufid; size_t got; alSourceUnqueueBuffers(Source, 1, &bufid); processed--; got = Decoder->Read(&data[0], data.size()); if(got > 0) { alBufferData(bufid, Format, &data[0], got, SampleRate); alSourceQueueBuffers(Source, 1, &bufid); } } while(processed > 0); throwALerror(); } if(state != AL_PLAYING && state != AL_PAUSED) { ALint queued; alGetSourcei(Source, AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED, &queued); throwALerror(); if(queued == 0) return false; alSourcePlay(Source); throwALerror(); } return true; } bool OpenAL_Output::Initialize(const std::string &devname) { if(Context) fail("Device already initialized"); Device = alcOpenDevice(devname.c_str()); if(!Device) { std::cout << "Failed to open \""< decoder, float volume, float pitch, bool loop) { fail("PlaySound not yet supported"); return NULL; } Sound* OpenAL_Output::PlaySound3D(const std::string &fname, std::auto_ptr decoder, MWWorld::Ptr ptr, float volume, float pitch, float min, float max, bool loop) { fail("PlaySound3D not yet supported"); return NULL; } Sound* OpenAL_Output::StreamSound(const std::string &fname, std::auto_ptr decoder) { std::auto_ptr sound; decoder->Open(fname); sound.reset(new OpenAL_SoundStream(decoder)); sound->Play(); return sound.release(); } void OpenAL_Output::UpdateListener(float pos[3], float atdir[3], float updir[3]) { float orient[6] = { atdir[0], atdir[1], atdir[2], updir[0], updir[1], updir[2] }; alListenerfv(AL_POSITION, pos); alListenerfv(AL_ORIENTATION, orient); throwALerror(); } OpenAL_Output::OpenAL_Output(SoundManager &mgr) : Sound_Output(mgr), Device(0), Context(0) { } OpenAL_Output::~OpenAL_Output() { Deinitialize(); } }