#ifndef OPENMW_COMPONENTS_SCENEUTIL_LIGHTMANAGER_H #define OPENMW_COMPONENTS_SCENEUTIL_LIGHTMANAGER_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace osgUtil { class CullVisitor; } namespace osg { class UniformBufferBinding; class UniformBufferObject; } namespace SceneUtil { class SunlightBuffer; class PointLightBuffer; // Used to override sun. Rarely useful but necassary for local map. class SunlightStateAttribute : public osg::StateAttribute { public: SunlightStateAttribute(); SunlightStateAttribute(const SunlightStateAttribute& copy,const osg::CopyOp& copyop=osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY); int compare(const StateAttribute &sa) const override; META_StateAttribute(NifOsg, SunlightStateAttribute, osg::StateAttribute::LIGHT) void setFromLight(const osg::Light* light); void setStateSet(osg::StateSet* stateset, int mode=osg::StateAttribute::ON); private: osg::ref_ptr mBuffer; osg::ref_ptr mUbb; }; /// LightSource managed by a LightManager. /// @par Typically used for point lights. Spot lights are not supported yet. Directional lights affect the whole scene /// so do not need to be managed by a LightManager - so for directional lights use a plain osg::LightSource instead. /// @note LightSources must be decorated by a LightManager node in order to have an effect. Typical use would /// be one LightManager as the root of the scene graph. /// @note One needs to attach LightListCallback's to the scene to have objects receive lighting from LightSources. /// See the documentation of LightListCallback for more information. /// @note The position of the contained osg::Light is automatically updated based on the LightSource's world position. class LightSource : public osg::Node { // double buffered osg::Light's, since one of them may be in use by the draw thread at any given time osg::ref_ptr mLight[2]; // LightSource will affect objects within this radius float mRadius; int mId; float mBrightness[2]; public: META_Node(SceneUtil, LightSource) LightSource(); LightSource(const LightSource& copy, const osg::CopyOp& copyop); float getRadius() const { return mRadius; } /// The LightSource will affect objects within this radius. void setRadius(float radius) { mRadius = radius; } float getBrightness(size_t frame) { return mBrightness[frame % 2]; } void setBrightness(size_t frame, float brightness) { mBrightness[frame % 2] = brightness; } /// Get the osg::Light safe for modification in the given frame. /// @par May be used externally to animate the light's color/attenuation properties, /// and is used internally to synchronize the light's position with the position of the LightSource. osg::Light* getLight(size_t frame) { return mLight[frame % 2]; } /// @warning It is recommended not to replace an existing osg::Light, because there might still be /// references to it in the light StateSet cache that are associated with this LightSource's ID. /// These references will stay valid due to ref_ptr but will point to the old object. /// @warning Do not modify the \a light after you've called this function. void setLight(osg::Light* light) { mLight[0] = light; mLight[1] = new osg::Light(*light); } /// Get the unique ID for this light source. int getId() const { return mId; } }; /// @brief Decorator node implementing the rendering of any number of LightSources that can be anywhere in the subgraph. class LightManager : public osg::Group { public: struct LightSourceTransform { LightSource* mLightSource; osg::Matrixf mWorldMatrix; }; struct LightSourceViewBound { LightSource* mLightSource; osg::BoundingSphere mViewBound; }; using LightList = std::vector; static bool queryNonFFPLightingSupport(); META_Node(SceneUtil, LightManager) LightManager(bool ffp = true); LightManager(const LightManager& copy, const osg::CopyOp& copyop); /// @param mask This mask is compared with the current Camera's cull mask to determine if lighting is desired. /// By default, it's ~0u i.e. always on. /// If you have some views that do not require lighting, then set the Camera's cull mask to not include /// the lightingMask for a much faster cull and rendering. void setLightingMask (size_t mask); size_t getLightingMask() const; /// Set the first light index that should be used by this manager, typically the number of directional lights in the scene. void setStartLight(int start); int getStartLight() const; /// Internal use only, called automatically by the LightManager's UpdateCallback void update(); /// Internal use only, called automatically by the LightSource's UpdateCallback void addLight(LightSource* lightSource, const osg::Matrixf& worldMat, size_t frameNum); const std::vector& getLightsInViewSpace(osg::Camera* camera, const osg::RefMatrix* viewMatrix, size_t frameNum); osg::ref_ptr getLightListStateSet(const LightList& lightList, size_t frameNum); void setSunlight(osg::ref_ptr sun); osg::ref_ptr getSunlight(); osg::ref_ptr getSunBuffer(); bool usingFFP() const; int getMaxLights() const; int getMaxLightsInScene() const; Shader::ShaderManager::DefineMap getLightDefines() const; private: friend class LightManagerStateAttribute; void updateGPUPointLight(int index, LightSource* lightSource, size_t frameNum); // Lights collected from the scene graph. Only valid during the cull traversal. std::vector mLights; typedef std::vector LightSourceViewBoundCollection; std::map, LightSourceViewBoundCollection> mLightsInViewSpace; // < Light list hash , StateSet > typedef std::map > LightStateSetMap; LightStateSetMap mStateSetCache[2]; std::vector> mDummies; int mStartLight; size_t mLightingMask; osg::ref_ptr mSun; osg::ref_ptr mSunBuffer; struct PointLightProxyData { osg::Vec4 mPosition; float mBrightness; }; std::vector mPointLightProxyData; osg::ref_ptr mPointBuffer; // < Light ID , Buffer Index > using LightDataMap = std::unordered_map; LightDataMap mLightData; bool mIndexNeedsRecompiling; bool mFFP; static constexpr int mFFPMaxLights = 8; }; /// To receive lighting, objects must be decorated by a LightListCallback. Light list callbacks must be added via /// node->addCullCallback(new LightListCallback). Once a light list callback is added to a node, that node and all /// its child nodes can receive lighting. /// @par The placement of these LightListCallbacks affects the granularity of light lists. Having too fine grained /// light lists can result in degraded performance. Too coarse grained light lists can result in lights no longer /// rendering when the size of a light list exceeds the OpenGL limit on the number of concurrent lights (8). A good /// starting point is to attach a LightListCallback to each game object's base node. /// @note Not thread safe for CullThreadPerCamera threading mode. /// @note Due to lack of OSG support, the callback does not work on Drawables. class LightListCallback : public osg::NodeCallback { public: LightListCallback() : mLightManager(nullptr) , mLastFrameNumber(0) {} LightListCallback(const LightListCallback& copy, const osg::CopyOp& copyop) : osg::Object(copy, copyop), osg::NodeCallback(copy, copyop) , mLightManager(copy.mLightManager) , mLastFrameNumber(0) , mIgnoredLightSources(copy.mIgnoredLightSources) {} META_Object(SceneUtil, LightListCallback) void operator()(osg::Node* node, osg::NodeVisitor* nv) override; bool pushLightState(osg::Node* node, osgUtil::CullVisitor* nv); std::set& getIgnoredLightSources() { return mIgnoredLightSources; } private: LightManager* mLightManager; size_t mLastFrameNumber; LightManager::LightList mLightList; std::set mIgnoredLightSources; }; } #endif