#include <MyGUI_Widget.h>

namespace Video
    class VideoPlayer;

namespace VFS
    class Manager;

namespace MWGui

     * Widget that plays a video.
    class VideoWidget : public MyGUI::Widget


        /// Set the VFS (virtual file system) to find the videos on.
        void setVFS(const VFS::Manager* vfs);

        void playVideo (const std::string& video);

        int getVideoWidth();
        int getVideoHeight();

        /// @return Is the video still playing?
        bool update();

        /// Return true if a video is currently playing and it has an audio stream.
        bool hasAudioStream();

        /// Stop video and free resources (done automatically on destruction)
        void stop();

        /// Adjust the coordinates of this video widget relative to its parent,
        /// based on the dimensions of the playing video.
        /// @param stretch Stretch the video to fill the whole screen? If false,
        ///                black bars may be added to fix the aspect ratio.
        void autoResize (bool stretch);

        const VFS::Manager* mVFS;
        std::unique_ptr<MyGUI::ITexture> mTexture;
        std::unique_ptr<Video::VideoPlayer> mPlayer;

