#include "inputmanagerimp.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../engine.hpp" #include "../mwworld/player.hpp" #include "../mwworld/class.hpp" #include "../mwbase/world.hpp" #include "../mwbase/windowmanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/soundmanager.hpp" #include "../mwgui/bookwindow.hpp" using namespace ICS; namespace { std::vector utf8ToUnicode(const std::string& utf8) { std::vector unicode; size_t i = 0; while (i < utf8.size()) { unsigned long uni; size_t todo; unsigned char ch = utf8[i++]; if (ch <= 0x7F) { uni = ch; todo = 0; } else if (ch <= 0xBF) { throw std::logic_error("not a UTF-8 string"); } else if (ch <= 0xDF) { uni = ch&0x1F; todo = 1; } else if (ch <= 0xEF) { uni = ch&0x0F; todo = 2; } else if (ch <= 0xF7) { uni = ch&0x07; todo = 3; } else { throw std::logic_error("not a UTF-8 string"); } for (size_t j = 0; j < todo; ++j) { if (i == utf8.size()) throw std::logic_error("not a UTF-8 string"); unsigned char ch = utf8[i++]; if (ch < 0x80 || ch > 0xBF) throw std::logic_error("not a UTF-8 string"); uni <<= 6; uni += ch & 0x3F; } if (uni >= 0xD800 && uni <= 0xDFFF) throw std::logic_error("not a UTF-8 string"); if (uni > 0x10FFFF) throw std::logic_error("not a UTF-8 string"); unicode.push_back(uni); } return unicode; } } namespace MWInput { InputManager::InputManager(OEngine::Render::OgreRenderer &ogre, MWWorld::Player& player, MWBase::WindowManager &windows, OMW::Engine& engine, const std::string& userFile, bool userFileExists) : mOgre(ogre) , mPlayer(player) , mWindows(windows) , mEngine(engine) , mMouseLookEnabled(true) , mMouseX(ogre.getWindow()->getWidth ()/2.f) , mMouseY(ogre.getWindow()->getHeight ()/2.f) , mMouseWheel(0) , mDragDrop(false) , mGuiCursorEnabled(false) , mDebug(Settings::Manager::getBool("debug", "Engine")) , mUserFile(userFile) , mUserFileExists(userFileExists) , mInvertY (Settings::Manager::getBool("invert y axis", "Input")) , mCameraSensitivity (Settings::Manager::getFloat("camera sensitivity", "Input")) , mUISensitivity (Settings::Manager::getFloat("ui sensitivity", "Input")) , mCameraYMultiplier (Settings::Manager::getFloat("camera y multiplier", "Input")) , mPreviewPOVDelay(0.f) , mTimeIdle(0.f) , mOverencumberedMessageDelay(0.f) , mAlwaysRunActive(false) { Ogre::RenderWindow* window = ogre.getWindow (); mInputManager = new SFO::InputWrapper(mOgre.getSDLWindow(), mOgre.getWindow()); mInputManager->setMouseEventCallback (this); mInputManager->setKeyboardEventCallback (this); mInputManager->setWindowEventCallback(this); std::string file = userFileExists ? userFile : ""; mInputBinder = new ICS::InputControlSystem(file, true, this, NULL, A_Last); adjustMouseRegion (window->getWidth(), window->getHeight()); MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().injectMouseMove(mMouseX, mMouseY, 0); loadKeyDefaults(); for (int i = 0; i < A_Last; ++i) { mInputBinder->getChannel (i)->addListener (this); } mControlSwitch["playercontrols"] = true; mControlSwitch["playerfighting"] = true; mControlSwitch["playerjumping"] = true; mControlSwitch["playerlooking"] = true; mControlSwitch["playermagic"] = true; mControlSwitch["playerviewswitch"] = true; mControlSwitch["vanitymode"] = true; changeInputMode(false); } InputManager::~InputManager() { mInputBinder->save (mUserFile); delete mInputBinder; delete mInputManager; } void InputManager::channelChanged(ICS::Channel* channel, float currentValue, float previousValue) { if (mDragDrop) return; resetIdleTime (); int action = channel->getNumber(); if (currentValue == 1) { // trigger action activated switch (action) { case A_GameMenu: toggleMainMenu (); break; case A_Quit: exitNow(); break; case A_Screenshot: screenshot(); break; case A_Inventory: toggleInventory (); break; case A_Console: toggleConsole (); break; case A_Activate: resetIdleTime(); if( MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->isGuiMode()) { // Pressing the activation key when a messagebox is prompting for "ok" will activate the ok button MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->enterPressed(); } activate(); break; case A_Journal: toggleJournal (); break; case A_AutoMove: toggleAutoMove (); break; case A_AlwaysRun: toggleWalking (); break; case A_ToggleWeapon: toggleWeapon (); break; case A_Rest: rest(); break; case A_ToggleSpell: toggleSpell (); break; case A_QuickKey1: quickKey(1); break; case A_QuickKey2: quickKey(2); break; case A_QuickKey3: quickKey(3); break; case A_QuickKey4: quickKey(4); break; case A_QuickKey5: quickKey(5); break; case A_QuickKey6: quickKey(6); break; case A_QuickKey7: quickKey(7); break; case A_QuickKey8: quickKey(8); break; case A_QuickKey9: quickKey(9); break; case A_QuickKey10: quickKey(10); break; case A_QuickKeysMenu: showQuickKeysMenu(); break; case A_ToggleHUD: mWindows.toggleHud(); break; case A_Use: if (!MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->isGuiMode()) mPlayer.use(); break; } } } void InputManager::update(float dt, bool loading) { // Tell OIS to handle all input events mInputManager->capture(); // inject some fake mouse movement to force updating MyGUI's widget states // this shouldn't do any harm since we're moving back to the original position afterwards MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().injectMouseMove( int(mMouseX+1), int(mMouseY+1), mMouseWheel); MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().injectMouseMove( int(mMouseX), int(mMouseY), mMouseWheel); // update values of channels (as a result of pressed keys) if (!loading) mInputBinder->update(dt); // Update windows/gui as a result of input events // For instance this could mean opening a new window/dialog, // by doing this after the input events are handled we // ensure that window/gui changes appear quickly while // avoiding that window/gui changes does not happen in // event callbacks (which may crash) mWindows.update(); if(!mDebug) { bool main_menu = mWindows.containsMode(MWGui::GM_MainMenu); bool was_relative = mInputManager->getMouseRelative(); bool is_relative = !mWindows.isGuiMode(); // don't keep the pointer away from the window edge in gui mode // stop using raw mouse motions and switch to system cursor movements mInputManager->setMouseRelative(is_relative); //we let the mouse escape in the main menu mInputManager->setGrabPointer(!main_menu); //we switched to non-relative mode, move our cursor to where the in-game //cursor is if( !is_relative && was_relative != is_relative ) { mInputManager->warpMouse(mMouseX, mMouseY); } } // Disable movement in Gui mode if (mWindows.isGuiMode()) return; // Configure player movement according to keyboard input. Actual movement will // be done in the physics system. if (mControlSwitch["playercontrols"]) { bool triedToMove = false; if (actionIsActive(A_MoveLeft)) { triedToMove = true; mPlayer.setLeftRight (-1); } else if (actionIsActive(A_MoveRight)) { triedToMove = true; mPlayer.setLeftRight (1); } if (actionIsActive(A_MoveForward)) { triedToMove = true; mPlayer.setAutoMove (false); mPlayer.setForwardBackward (1); } else if (actionIsActive(A_MoveBackward)) { triedToMove = true; mPlayer.setAutoMove (false); mPlayer.setForwardBackward (-1); } else if(mPlayer.getAutoMove()) { triedToMove = true; mPlayer.setForwardBackward (1); } mPlayer.setSneak(actionIsActive(A_Sneak)); if (actionIsActive(A_Jump) && mControlSwitch["playerjumping"]) { mPlayer.setUpDown (1); triedToMove = true; } if (mAlwaysRunActive) mPlayer.setRunState(!actionIsActive(A_Run)); else mPlayer.setRunState(actionIsActive(A_Run)); // if player tried to start moving, but can't (due to being overencumbered), display a notification. if (triedToMove) { MWWorld::Ptr player = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld ()->getPlayer ().getPlayer (); mOverencumberedMessageDelay -= dt; if (MWWorld::Class::get(player).getEncumbrance(player) >= MWWorld::Class::get(player).getCapacity(player)) { mPlayer.setAutoMove (false); if (mOverencumberedMessageDelay <= 0) { MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager ()->messageBox("#{sNotifyMessage59}"); mOverencumberedMessageDelay = 1.0; } } } if (mControlSwitch["playerviewswitch"]) { // work around preview mode toggle when pressing Alt+Tab if (actionIsActive(A_TogglePOV) && !mInputManager->isModifierHeld(KMOD_ALT)) { if (mPreviewPOVDelay <= 0.5 && (mPreviewPOVDelay += dt) > 0.5) { mPreviewPOVDelay = 1.f; MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->togglePreviewMode(true); } } else { if (mPreviewPOVDelay > 0.5) { //disable preview mode MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->togglePreviewMode(false); } else if (mPreviewPOVDelay > 0.f) { MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->togglePOV(); } mPreviewPOVDelay = 0.f; } } } if (actionIsActive(A_MoveForward) || actionIsActive(A_MoveBackward) || actionIsActive(A_MoveLeft) || actionIsActive(A_MoveRight) || actionIsActive(A_Jump) || actionIsActive(A_Sneak) || actionIsActive(A_TogglePOV)) { resetIdleTime(); } else { updateIdleTime(dt); } } void InputManager::setDragDrop(bool dragDrop) { mDragDrop = dragDrop; } void InputManager::changeInputMode(bool guiMode) { mGuiCursorEnabled = guiMode; mMouseLookEnabled = !guiMode; if (guiMode) mWindows.showCrosshair(false); // if not in gui mode, the camera decides whether to show crosshair or not. } void InputManager::processChangedSettings(const Settings::CategorySettingVector& changed) { bool changeRes = false; for (Settings::CategorySettingVector::const_iterator it = changed.begin(); it != changed.end(); ++it) { if (it->first == "Video" && (it->second == "resolution x" || it->second == "resolution y")) changeRes = true; if (it->first == "Input" && it->second == "invert y axis") mInvertY = Settings::Manager::getBool("invert y axis", "Input"); if (it->first == "Input" && it->second == "camera sensitivity") mCameraSensitivity = Settings::Manager::getFloat("camera sensitivity", "Input"); if (it->first == "Input" && it->second == "ui sensitivity") mUISensitivity = Settings::Manager::getFloat("ui sensitivity", "Input"); } if (changeRes) adjustMouseRegion(Settings::Manager::getInt("resolution x", "Video"), Settings::Manager::getInt("resolution y", "Video")); } bool InputManager::getControlSwitch (const std::string& sw) { return mControlSwitch[sw]; } void InputManager::toggleControlSwitch (const std::string& sw, bool value) { if (mControlSwitch[sw] == value) { return; } /// \note 7 switches at all, if-else is relevant if (sw == "playercontrols" && !value) { mPlayer.setLeftRight(0); mPlayer.setForwardBackward(0); mPlayer.setAutoMove(false); mPlayer.setUpDown(0); } else if (sw == "playerjumping" && !value) { /// \fixme maybe crouching at this time mPlayer.setUpDown(0); } else if (sw == "vanitymode") { MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->allowVanityMode(value); } else if (sw == "playerlooking") { MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->togglePlayerLooking(value); } mControlSwitch[sw] = value; } void InputManager::adjustMouseRegion(int width, int height) { mInputBinder->adjustMouseRegion(width, height); } bool InputManager::keyPressed( const SDL_KeyboardEvent &arg ) { mInputBinder->keyPressed (arg); unsigned int text = arg.keysym.unicode; if(arg.keysym.sym == SDLK_RETURN && MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->isGuiMode()) { // Pressing enter when a messagebox is prompting for "ok" will activate the ok button MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->enterPressed(); } OIS::KeyCode kc = mInputManager->sdl2OISKeyCode(arg.keysym.sym); if (kc != OIS::KC_UNASSIGNED) MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().injectKeyPress(MyGUI::KeyCode::Enum(kc), 0); return true; } void InputManager::textInput(const SDL_TextInputEvent &arg) { const char* text = &arg.text[0]; std::vector unicode = utf8ToUnicode(std::string(text)); for (std::vector::iterator it = unicode.begin(); it != unicode.end(); ++it) MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().injectKeyPress(MyGUI::KeyCode::None, *it); } bool InputManager::keyReleased(const SDL_KeyboardEvent &arg ) { mInputBinder->keyReleased (arg); OIS::KeyCode kc = mInputManager->sdl2OISKeyCode(arg.keysym.sym); MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().injectKeyRelease(MyGUI::KeyCode::Enum(kc)); return true; } bool InputManager::mousePressed( const SDL_MouseButtonEvent &arg, Uint8 id ) { mInputBinder->mousePressed (arg, id); if (id != SDL_BUTTON_LEFT && id != SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) return true; // MyGUI has no use for these events MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().injectMousePress(mMouseX, mMouseY, sdlButtonToMyGUI(id)); if (MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance ().getMouseFocusWidget () != 0) { MyGUI::Button* b = MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance ().getMouseFocusWidget ()->castType(false); if (b) { MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager ()->playSound ("Menu Click", 1.f, 1.f); } } return true; } bool InputManager::mouseReleased( const SDL_MouseButtonEvent &arg, Uint8 id ) { mInputBinder->mouseReleased (arg, id); MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().injectMouseRelease(mMouseX, mMouseY, sdlButtonToMyGUI(id)); return true; } bool InputManager::mouseMoved(const SFO::MouseMotionEvent &arg ) { mInputBinder->mouseMoved (arg); resetIdleTime (); if (mGuiCursorEnabled) { const MyGUI::IntSize& viewSize = MyGUI::RenderManager::getInstance().getViewSize(); // We keep track of our own mouse position, so that moving the mouse while in // game mode does not move the position of the GUI cursor mMouseX = arg.x; mMouseY = arg.y; mMouseX = std::max(0.f, std::min(mMouseX, float(viewSize.width))); mMouseY = std::max(0.f, std::min(mMouseY, float(viewSize.height))); mMouseWheel = int(arg.z); MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().injectMouseMove( int(mMouseX), int(mMouseY), mMouseWheel); //if the player is reading a book and flicking the mouse wheel if (MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getMode() == MWGui::GM_Book && arg.zrel) { if (arg.zrel < 0) MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getBookWindow()->nextPage(); else MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getBookWindow()->prevPage(); } } if (mMouseLookEnabled) { resetIdleTime(); double x = arg.xrel * mCameraSensitivity * (1.0f/256.f); double y = arg.yrel * mCameraSensitivity * (1.0f/256.f) * (mInvertY ? -1 : 1) * mCameraYMultiplier; float scale = MWBase::Environment::get().getFrameDuration(); if(scale <= 0.0f) scale = 1.0f; float rot[3]; rot[0] = -y; rot[1] = 0.0f; rot[2] = x; // Only actually turn player when we're not in vanity mode if(!MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->vanityRotateCamera(rot)) { mPlayer.yaw(x/scale); mPlayer.pitch(-y/scale); } if (arg.zrel) MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->changeVanityModeScale(arg.zrel); } return true; } bool InputManager::windowFocusChange(bool have_focus) { if(!mDebug) { } return true; } bool InputManager::windowVisibilityChange(bool visible) { if(!mDebug) { //TODO: Pause game? } return true; } void InputManager::toggleMainMenu() { if (MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance ().isModalAny()) return; if (mWindows.isGuiMode () && mWindows.getMode () == MWGui::GM_Video) MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld ()->stopVideo (); else if (mWindows.containsMode(MWGui::GM_MainMenu)) mWindows.popGuiMode(); else mWindows.pushGuiMode (MWGui::GM_MainMenu); } void InputManager::toggleSpell() { if (mWindows.isGuiMode()) return; MWMechanics::DrawState_ state = mPlayer.getDrawState(); if (state == MWMechanics::DrawState_Weapon || state == MWMechanics::DrawState_Nothing) mPlayer.setDrawState(MWMechanics::DrawState_Spell); else mPlayer.setDrawState(MWMechanics::DrawState_Nothing); } void InputManager::toggleWeapon() { if (mWindows.isGuiMode()) return; MWMechanics::DrawState_ state = mPlayer.getDrawState(); if (state == MWMechanics::DrawState_Spell || state == MWMechanics::DrawState_Nothing) mPlayer.setDrawState(MWMechanics::DrawState_Weapon); else mPlayer.setDrawState(MWMechanics::DrawState_Nothing); } void InputManager::rest() { if (!mWindows.getRestEnabled () || mWindows.isGuiMode ()) return; /// \todo check if resting is currently allowed (enemies nearby?) mWindows.pushGuiMode (MWGui::GM_Rest); } void InputManager::screenshot() { mEngine.screenshot(); std::vector empty; mWindows.messageBox ("Screenshot saved", empty); } void InputManager::toggleInventory() { if (MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance ().isModalAny()) return; bool gameMode = !mWindows.isGuiMode(); // Toggle between game mode and inventory mode if(gameMode) mWindows.pushGuiMode(MWGui::GM_Inventory); else { MWGui::GuiMode mode = mWindows.getMode(); if(mode == MWGui::GM_Inventory || mode == MWGui::GM_Container) mWindows.popGuiMode(); } // .. but don't touch any other mode, except container. } void InputManager::toggleConsole() { if (MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance ().isModalAny()) return; bool gameMode = !mWindows.isGuiMode(); // Switch to console mode no matter what mode we are currently // in, except of course if we are already in console mode if (!gameMode) { if (mWindows.getMode() == MWGui::GM_Console) mWindows.popGuiMode(); else mWindows.pushGuiMode(MWGui::GM_Console); } else mWindows.pushGuiMode(MWGui::GM_Console); } void InputManager::toggleJournal() { if (MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance ().isModalAny()) return; // Toggle between game mode and journal mode bool gameMode = !mWindows.isGuiMode(); if(gameMode && MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager ()->getJournalAllowed()) { MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->playSound ("book open", 1.0, 1.0); mWindows.pushGuiMode(MWGui::GM_Journal); } else if(mWindows.getMode() == MWGui::GM_Journal) { MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->playSound ("book close", 1.0, 1.0); mWindows.popGuiMode(); } // .. but don't touch any other mode. } void InputManager::quickKey (int index) { if (!mWindows.isGuiMode()) mWindows.activateQuickKey (index); } void InputManager::showQuickKeysMenu() { if (!mWindows.isGuiMode ()) mWindows.pushGuiMode (MWGui::GM_QuickKeysMenu); else if (mWindows.getMode () == MWGui::GM_QuickKeysMenu) mWindows.removeGuiMode (MWGui::GM_QuickKeysMenu); } void InputManager::activate() { if (mControlSwitch["playercontrols"]) mEngine.activate(); } void InputManager::toggleAutoMove() { if (mWindows.isGuiMode()) return; if (mControlSwitch["playercontrols"]) mPlayer.setAutoMove (!mPlayer.getAutoMove()); } void InputManager::toggleWalking() { if (mWindows.isGuiMode()) return; mAlwaysRunActive = !mAlwaysRunActive; } // Exit program now button (which is disabled in GUI mode) void InputManager::exitNow() { if(!mWindows.isGuiMode()) Ogre::Root::getSingleton().queueEndRendering (); } void InputManager::resetIdleTime() { if (mTimeIdle < 0) MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->toggleVanityMode(false); mTimeIdle = 0.f; } void InputManager::updateIdleTime(float dt) { if (mTimeIdle >= 0.f) mTimeIdle += dt; if (mTimeIdle > 30.f) { MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->toggleVanityMode(true); mTimeIdle = -1.f; } } bool InputManager::actionIsActive (int id) { return mInputBinder->getChannel (id)->getValue () == 1; } void InputManager::loadKeyDefaults (bool force) { // using hardcoded key defaults is inevitable, if we want the configuration files to stay valid // across different versions of OpenMW (in the case where another input action is added) std::map defaultKeyBindings; defaultKeyBindings[A_Activate] = SDLK_SPACE; defaultKeyBindings[A_MoveBackward] = SDLK_s; defaultKeyBindings[A_MoveForward] = SDLK_w; defaultKeyBindings[A_MoveLeft] = SDLK_a; defaultKeyBindings[A_MoveRight] = SDLK_d; defaultKeyBindings[A_ToggleWeapon] = SDLK_f; defaultKeyBindings[A_ToggleSpell] = SDLK_r; defaultKeyBindings[A_QuickKeysMenu] = SDLK_F1; defaultKeyBindings[A_Console] = SDLK_F2; defaultKeyBindings[A_Run] = SDLK_LSHIFT; defaultKeyBindings[A_Sneak] = SDLK_LCTRL; defaultKeyBindings[A_AutoMove] = SDLK_q; defaultKeyBindings[A_Jump] = SDLK_e; defaultKeyBindings[A_Journal] = SDLK_j; defaultKeyBindings[A_Rest] = SDLK_t; defaultKeyBindings[A_GameMenu] = SDLK_ESCAPE; defaultKeyBindings[A_TogglePOV] = SDLK_TAB; defaultKeyBindings[A_QuickKey1] = SDLK_1; defaultKeyBindings[A_QuickKey2] = SDLK_2; defaultKeyBindings[A_QuickKey3] = SDLK_3; defaultKeyBindings[A_QuickKey4] = SDLK_4; defaultKeyBindings[A_QuickKey5] = SDLK_5; defaultKeyBindings[A_QuickKey6] = SDLK_6; defaultKeyBindings[A_QuickKey7] = SDLK_7; defaultKeyBindings[A_QuickKey8] = SDLK_8; defaultKeyBindings[A_QuickKey9] = SDLK_9; defaultKeyBindings[A_QuickKey10] = SDLK_0; defaultKeyBindings[A_Screenshot] = SDLK_PRINTSCREEN; defaultKeyBindings[A_ToggleHUD] = SDLK_F12; defaultKeyBindings[A_AlwaysRun] = SDLK_y; std::map defaultMouseButtonBindings; defaultMouseButtonBindings[A_Inventory] = SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT; defaultMouseButtonBindings[A_Use] = SDL_BUTTON_LEFT; for (int i = 0; i < A_Last; ++i) { ICS::Control* control; bool controlExists = mInputBinder->getChannel(i)->getControlsCount () != 0; if (!controlExists) { control = new ICS::Control(boost::lexical_cast(i), false, true, 0, ICS::ICS_MAX, ICS::ICS_MAX); mInputBinder->addControl(control); control->attachChannel(mInputBinder->getChannel(i), ICS::Channel::DIRECT); } else { control = mInputBinder->getChannel(i)->getAttachedControls ().front().control; } if (!controlExists || force || ( mInputBinder->getKeyBinding (control, ICS::Control::INCREASE) == SDLK_UNKNOWN && mInputBinder->getMouseButtonBinding (control, ICS::Control::INCREASE) == ICS_MAX_DEVICE_BUTTONS )) { clearAllBindings (control); if (defaultKeyBindings.find(i) != defaultKeyBindings.end()) mInputBinder->addKeyBinding(control, static_cast(defaultKeyBindings[i]), ICS::Control::INCREASE); else if (defaultMouseButtonBindings.find(i) != defaultMouseButtonBindings.end()) mInputBinder->addMouseButtonBinding (control, defaultMouseButtonBindings[i], ICS::Control::INCREASE); } } } std::string InputManager::getActionDescription (int action) { std::map descriptions; descriptions[A_Use] = "sUse"; descriptions[A_Activate] = "sActivate"; descriptions[A_MoveBackward] = "sBack"; descriptions[A_MoveForward] = "sForward"; descriptions[A_MoveLeft] = "sLeft"; descriptions[A_MoveRight] = "sRight"; descriptions[A_ToggleWeapon] = "sReady_Weapon"; descriptions[A_ToggleSpell] = "sReady_Magic"; descriptions[A_Console] = "sConsoleTitle"; descriptions[A_Run] = "sRun"; descriptions[A_Sneak] = "sCrouch_Sneak"; descriptions[A_AutoMove] = "sAuto_Run"; descriptions[A_Jump] = "sJump"; descriptions[A_Journal] = "sJournal"; descriptions[A_Rest] = "sRestKey"; descriptions[A_Inventory] = "sInventory"; descriptions[A_TogglePOV] = "sTogglePOVCmd"; descriptions[A_QuickKeysMenu] = "sQuickMenu"; descriptions[A_QuickKey1] = "sQuick1Cmd"; descriptions[A_QuickKey2] = "sQuick2Cmd"; descriptions[A_QuickKey3] = "sQuick3Cmd"; descriptions[A_QuickKey4] = "sQuick4Cmd"; descriptions[A_QuickKey5] = "sQuick5Cmd"; descriptions[A_QuickKey6] = "sQuick6Cmd"; descriptions[A_QuickKey7] = "sQuick7Cmd"; descriptions[A_QuickKey8] = "sQuick8Cmd"; descriptions[A_QuickKey9] = "sQuick9Cmd"; descriptions[A_QuickKey10] = "sQuick10Cmd"; descriptions[A_AlwaysRun] = "sAlways_Run"; if (descriptions[action] == "") return ""; // not configurable return "#{" + descriptions[action] + "}"; } std::string InputManager::getActionBindingName (int action) { if (mInputBinder->getChannel (action)->getControlsCount () == 0) return "#{sNone}"; ICS::Control* c = mInputBinder->getChannel (action)->getAttachedControls ().front().control; if (mInputBinder->getKeyBinding (c, ICS::Control::INCREASE) != SDLK_UNKNOWN) return mInputBinder->keyCodeToString (mInputBinder->getKeyBinding (c, ICS::Control::INCREASE)); else if (mInputBinder->getMouseButtonBinding (c, ICS::Control::INCREASE) != ICS_MAX_DEVICE_BUTTONS) return "#{sMouse} " + boost::lexical_cast(mInputBinder->getMouseButtonBinding (c, ICS::Control::INCREASE)); else return "#{sNone}"; } std::vector InputManager::getActionSorting() { std::vector ret; ret.push_back(A_MoveForward); ret.push_back(A_MoveBackward); ret.push_back(A_MoveLeft); ret.push_back(A_MoveRight); ret.push_back(A_TogglePOV); ret.push_back(A_Run); ret.push_back(A_AlwaysRun); ret.push_back(A_Sneak); ret.push_back(A_Activate); ret.push_back(A_Use); ret.push_back(A_ToggleWeapon); ret.push_back(A_ToggleSpell); ret.push_back(A_AutoMove); ret.push_back(A_Jump); ret.push_back(A_Inventory); ret.push_back(A_Journal); ret.push_back(A_Rest); ret.push_back(A_Console); ret.push_back(A_QuickKeysMenu); ret.push_back(A_QuickKey1); ret.push_back(A_QuickKey2); ret.push_back(A_QuickKey3); ret.push_back(A_QuickKey4); ret.push_back(A_QuickKey5); ret.push_back(A_QuickKey6); ret.push_back(A_QuickKey7); ret.push_back(A_QuickKey8); ret.push_back(A_QuickKey9); ret.push_back(A_QuickKey10); return ret; } void InputManager::enableDetectingBindingMode (int action) { ICS::Control* c = mInputBinder->getChannel (action)->getAttachedControls ().front().control; mInputBinder->enableDetectingBindingState (c, ICS::Control::INCREASE); } void InputManager::mouseAxisBindingDetected(ICS::InputControlSystem* ICS, ICS::Control* control , ICS::InputControlSystem::NamedAxis axis, ICS::Control::ControlChangingDirection direction) { // we don't want mouse movement bindings return; } void InputManager::keyBindingDetected(ICS::InputControlSystem* ICS, ICS::Control* control , SDL_Keycode key, ICS::Control::ControlChangingDirection direction) { //Disallow binding escape key if(key==SDLK_ESCAPE) return; clearAllBindings(control); ICS::DetectingBindingListener::keyBindingDetected (ICS, control, key, direction); MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager ()->notifyInputActionBound (); } void InputManager::mouseButtonBindingDetected(ICS::InputControlSystem* ICS, ICS::Control* control , unsigned int button, ICS::Control::ControlChangingDirection direction) { clearAllBindings(control); ICS::DetectingBindingListener::mouseButtonBindingDetected (ICS, control, button, direction); MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager ()->notifyInputActionBound (); } void InputManager::joystickAxisBindingDetected(ICS::InputControlSystem* ICS, ICS::Control* control , int deviceId, int axis, ICS::Control::ControlChangingDirection direction) { clearAllBindings(control); ICS::DetectingBindingListener::joystickAxisBindingDetected (ICS, control, deviceId, axis, direction); MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager ()->notifyInputActionBound (); } void InputManager::joystickButtonBindingDetected(ICS::InputControlSystem* ICS, ICS::Control* control , int deviceId, unsigned int button, ICS::Control::ControlChangingDirection direction) { clearAllBindings(control); ICS::DetectingBindingListener::joystickButtonBindingDetected (ICS, control, deviceId, button, direction); MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager ()->notifyInputActionBound (); } void InputManager::joystickPOVBindingDetected(ICS::InputControlSystem* ICS, ICS::Control* control , int deviceId, int pov,ICS:: InputControlSystem::POVAxis axis, ICS::Control::ControlChangingDirection direction) { clearAllBindings(control); ICS::DetectingBindingListener::joystickPOVBindingDetected (ICS, control, deviceId, pov, axis, direction); MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager ()->notifyInputActionBound (); } void InputManager::joystickSliderBindingDetected(ICS::InputControlSystem* ICS, ICS::Control* control , int deviceId, int slider, ICS::Control::ControlChangingDirection direction) { clearAllBindings(control); ICS::DetectingBindingListener::joystickSliderBindingDetected (ICS, control, deviceId, slider, direction); MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager ()->notifyInputActionBound (); } void InputManager::clearAllBindings (ICS::Control* control) { // right now we don't really need multiple bindings for the same action, so remove all others first if (mInputBinder->getKeyBinding (control, ICS::Control::INCREASE) != SDLK_UNKNOWN) mInputBinder->removeKeyBinding (mInputBinder->getKeyBinding (control, ICS::Control::INCREASE)); if (mInputBinder->getMouseButtonBinding (control, ICS::Control::INCREASE) != ICS_MAX_DEVICE_BUTTONS) mInputBinder->removeMouseButtonBinding (mInputBinder->getMouseButtonBinding (control, ICS::Control::INCREASE)); /// \todo add joysticks here once they are added } void InputManager::resetToDefaultBindings() { loadKeyDefaults(true); } MyGUI::MouseButton InputManager::sdlButtonToMyGUI(Uint8 button) { //The right button is the second button, according to MyGUI if(button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) button = SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE; else if(button == SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE) button = SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT; //MyGUI's buttons are 0 indexed return MyGUI::MouseButton::Enum(button - 1); } }