#ifndef CSM_DOC_DOCUMENT_H #define CSM_DOC_DOCUMENT_H #include <string> #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> #include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp> #include <QUndoStack> #include <QObject> #include <QTimer> #include <components/to_utf8/to_utf8.hpp> #include "../world/data.hpp" #include "../tools/tools.hpp" #include "state.hpp" #include "saving.hpp" #include "blacklist.hpp" #include "runner.hpp" #include "operationholder.hpp" class QAbstractItemModel; namespace ESM { struct GameSetting; struct Global; struct MagicEffect; } namespace Files { struct ConfigurationManager; } namespace CSMWorld { class ResourcesManager; } namespace CSVWorld { class PhysicsSystem; } namespace CSMDoc { class Document : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private: boost::filesystem::path mSavePath; std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> mContentFiles; bool mNew; CSMWorld::Data mData; CSMTools::Tools mTools; boost::filesystem::path mProjectPath; Saving mSavingOperation; OperationHolder mSaving; boost::filesystem::path mResDir; Blacklist mBlacklist; Runner mRunner; boost::shared_ptr<CSVWorld::PhysicsSystem> mPhysics; // It is important that the undo stack is declared last, because on desctruction it fires a signal, that is connected to a slot, that is // using other member variables. Unfortunately this connection is cut only in the QObject destructor, which is way too late. QUndoStack mUndoStack; // not implemented Document (const Document&); Document& operator= (const Document&); void createBase(); void addGmsts(); void addOptionalGmsts(); void addOptionalGlobals(); void addOptionalMagicEffects(); void addOptionalGmst (const ESM::GameSetting& gmst); void addOptionalGlobal (const ESM::Global& global); void addOptionalMagicEffect (const ESM::MagicEffect& effect); public: Document (const Files::ConfigurationManager& configuration, const std::vector< boost::filesystem::path >& files, bool new_, const boost::filesystem::path& savePath, const boost::filesystem::path& resDir, ToUTF8::FromType encoding, const CSMWorld::ResourcesManager& resourcesManager, const std::vector<std::string>& blacklistedScripts); ~Document(); QUndoStack& getUndoStack(); int getState() const; const boost::filesystem::path& getSavePath() const; const boost::filesystem::path& getProjectPath() const; const std::vector<boost::filesystem::path>& getContentFiles() const; ///< \attention The last element in this collection is the file that is being edited, /// but with its original path instead of the save path. bool isNew() const; ///< Is this a newly created content file? void save(); CSMWorld::UniversalId verify(); CSMWorld::UniversalId newSearch(); void runSearch (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& searchId, const CSMTools::Search& search); void abortOperation (int type); const CSMWorld::Data& getData() const; CSMWorld::Data& getData(); CSMTools::ReportModel *getReport (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id); ///< The ownership of the returned report is not transferred. bool isBlacklisted (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id) const; void startRunning (const std::string& profile, const std::string& startupInstruction = ""); void stopRunning(); QTextDocument *getRunLog(); boost::shared_ptr<CSVWorld::PhysicsSystem> getPhysics(); signals: void stateChanged (int state, CSMDoc::Document *document); void progress (int current, int max, int type, int threads, CSMDoc::Document *document); private slots: void modificationStateChanged (bool clean); void reportMessage (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id, const std::string& message, const std::string& hint, int type); void operationDone (int type, bool failed); void runStateChanged(); public slots: void progress (int current, int max, int type); }; } #endif