#include "widgets.hpp" #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp> #include <sstream> #include <iomanip> #include <MyGUI_ProgressBar.h> #include <MyGUI_ImageBox.h> #include <MyGUI_ControllerManager.h> #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwbase/world.hpp" #include "../mwbase/windowmanager.hpp" #undef min #undef max namespace MWGui { namespace Widgets { /* Helper functions */ /* * Fixes the filename of a texture path to use the correct .dds extension. * This is needed on some ESM entries which point to a .tga file instead. */ void fixTexturePath(std::string &path) { int offset = path.rfind("."); if (offset < 0) return; path.replace(offset, path.length() - offset, ".dds"); } /* MWSkill */ MWSkill::MWSkill() : mSkillId(ESM::Skill::Length) , mSkillNameWidget(NULL) , mSkillValueWidget(NULL) { } void MWSkill::setSkillId(ESM::Skill::SkillEnum skill) { mSkillId = skill; updateWidgets(); } void MWSkill::setSkillNumber(int skill) { if (skill < 0) setSkillId(ESM::Skill::Length); else if (skill < ESM::Skill::Length) setSkillId(static_cast<ESM::Skill::SkillEnum>(skill)); else throw new std::runtime_error("Skill number out of range"); } void MWSkill::setSkillValue(const SkillValue& value) { mValue = value; updateWidgets(); } void MWSkill::updateWidgets() { if (mSkillNameWidget) { if (mSkillId == ESM::Skill::Length) { static_cast<MyGUI::TextBox*>(mSkillNameWidget)->setCaption(""); } else { const std::string &name = MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getGameSettingString(ESM::Skill::sSkillNameIds[mSkillId], ""); static_cast<MyGUI::TextBox*>(mSkillNameWidget)->setCaption(name); } } if (mSkillValueWidget) { SkillValue::Type modified = mValue.getModified(), base = mValue.getBase(); static_cast<MyGUI::TextBox*>(mSkillValueWidget)->setCaption(boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(modified)); if (modified > base) mSkillValueWidget->_setWidgetState("increased"); else if (modified < base) mSkillValueWidget->_setWidgetState("decreased"); else mSkillValueWidget->_setWidgetState("normal"); } } void MWSkill::onClicked(MyGUI::Widget* _sender) { eventClicked(this); } MWSkill::~MWSkill() { } void MWSkill::initialiseOverride() { Base::initialiseOverride(); assignWidget(mSkillNameWidget, "StatName"); assignWidget(mSkillValueWidget, "StatValue"); MyGUI::Button* button; assignWidget(button, "StatNameButton"); if (button) { mSkillNameWidget = button; button->eventMouseButtonClick += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &MWSkill::onClicked); } button = 0; assignWidget(button, "StatValueButton"); if (button) { mSkillNameWidget = button; button->eventMouseButtonClick += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &MWSkill::onClicked); } } /* MWAttribute */ MWAttribute::MWAttribute() : mId(-1) , mAttributeNameWidget(NULL) , mAttributeValueWidget(NULL) { } void MWAttribute::setAttributeId(int attributeId) { mId = attributeId; updateWidgets(); } void MWAttribute::setAttributeValue(const AttributeValue& value) { mValue = value; updateWidgets(); } void MWAttribute::onClicked(MyGUI::Widget* _sender) { eventClicked(this); } void MWAttribute::updateWidgets() { if (mAttributeNameWidget) { if (mId < 0 || mId >= 8) { static_cast<MyGUI::TextBox*>(mAttributeNameWidget)->setCaption(""); } else { static const char *attributes[8] = { "sAttributeStrength", "sAttributeIntelligence", "sAttributeWillpower", "sAttributeAgility", "sAttributeSpeed", "sAttributeEndurance", "sAttributePersonality", "sAttributeLuck" }; const std::string &name = MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getGameSettingString(attributes[mId], ""); static_cast<MyGUI::TextBox*>(mAttributeNameWidget)->setCaption(name); } } if (mAttributeValueWidget) { int modified = mValue.getModified(), base = mValue.getBase(); static_cast<MyGUI::TextBox*>(mAttributeValueWidget)->setCaption(boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(modified)); if (modified > base) mAttributeValueWidget->_setWidgetState("increased"); else if (modified < base) mAttributeValueWidget->_setWidgetState("decreased"); else mAttributeValueWidget->_setWidgetState("normal"); } } MWAttribute::~MWAttribute() { } void MWAttribute::initialiseOverride() { Base::initialiseOverride(); assignWidget(mAttributeNameWidget, "StatName"); assignWidget(mAttributeValueWidget, "StatValue"); MyGUI::Button* button; assignWidget(button, "StatNameButton"); if (button) { mAttributeNameWidget = button; button->eventMouseButtonClick += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &MWAttribute::onClicked); } button = 0; assignWidget(button, "StatValueButton"); if (button) { mAttributeValueWidget = button; button->eventMouseButtonClick += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &MWAttribute::onClicked); } } /* MWSpell */ MWSpell::MWSpell() : mSpellNameWidget(NULL) { } void MWSpell::setSpellId(const std::string &spellId) { mId = spellId; updateWidgets(); } void MWSpell::createEffectWidgets(std::vector<MyGUI::Widget*> &effects, MyGUI::Widget* creator, MyGUI::IntCoord &coord, int flags) { const MWWorld::ESMStore &store = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore(); const ESM::Spell *spell = store.get<ESM::Spell>().search(mId); MYGUI_ASSERT(spell, "spell with id '" << mId << "' not found"); MWSpellEffectPtr effect = NULL; std::vector<ESM::ENAMstruct>::const_iterator end = spell->mEffects.mList.end(); for (std::vector<ESM::ENAMstruct>::const_iterator it = spell->mEffects.mList.begin(); it != end; ++it) { effect = creator->createWidget<MWSpellEffect>("MW_EffectImage", coord, MyGUI::Align::Default); SpellEffectParams params; params.mEffectID = it->mEffectID; params.mSkill = it->mSkill; params.mAttribute = it->mAttribute; params.mDuration = it->mDuration; params.mMagnMin = it->mMagnMin; params.mMagnMax = it->mMagnMax; params.mRange = it->mRange; params.mIsConstant = (flags & MWEffectList::EF_Constant); params.mNoTarget = (flags & MWEffectList::EF_NoTarget); effect->setSpellEffect(params); effects.push_back(effect); coord.top += effect->getHeight(); coord.width = std::max(coord.width, effect->getRequestedWidth()); } } void MWSpell::updateWidgets() { if (mSpellNameWidget && MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()) { const MWWorld::ESMStore &store = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore(); const ESM::Spell *spell = store.get<ESM::Spell>().search(mId); if (spell) static_cast<MyGUI::TextBox*>(mSpellNameWidget)->setCaption(spell->mName); else static_cast<MyGUI::TextBox*>(mSpellNameWidget)->setCaption(""); } } void MWSpell::initialiseOverride() { Base::initialiseOverride(); assignWidget(mSpellNameWidget, "StatName"); } MWSpell::~MWSpell() { } /* MWEffectList */ MWEffectList::MWEffectList() : mEffectList(0) { } void MWEffectList::setEffectList(const SpellEffectList& list) { mEffectList = list; updateWidgets(); } void MWEffectList::createEffectWidgets(std::vector<MyGUI::Widget*> &effects, MyGUI::Widget* creator, MyGUI::IntCoord &coord, bool center, int flags) { // We don't know the width of all the elements beforehand, so we do it in // 2 steps: first, create all widgets and check their width.... MWSpellEffectPtr effect = NULL; int maxwidth = coord.width; for (SpellEffectList::iterator it=mEffectList.begin(); it != mEffectList.end(); ++it) { effect = creator->createWidget<MWSpellEffect>("MW_EffectImage", coord, MyGUI::Align::Default); it->mIsConstant = (flags & EF_Constant) || it->mIsConstant; it->mNoTarget = (flags & EF_NoTarget) || it->mNoTarget; effect->setSpellEffect(*it); effects.push_back(effect); if (effect->getRequestedWidth() > maxwidth) maxwidth = effect->getRequestedWidth(); coord.top += effect->getHeight(); } // ... then adjust the size for all widgets for (std::vector<MyGUI::Widget*>::iterator it = effects.begin(); it != effects.end(); ++it) { effect = static_cast<MWSpellEffectPtr>(*it); bool needcenter = center && (maxwidth > effect->getRequestedWidth()); int diff = maxwidth - effect->getRequestedWidth(); if (needcenter) { effect->setCoord(diff/2, effect->getCoord().top, effect->getRequestedWidth(), effect->getCoord().height); } else { effect->setCoord(0, effect->getCoord().top, effect->getRequestedWidth(), effect->getCoord().height); } } // inform the parent about width coord.width = maxwidth; } void MWEffectList::updateWidgets() { } void MWEffectList::initialiseOverride() { Base::initialiseOverride(); } MWEffectList::~MWEffectList() { } SpellEffectList MWEffectList::effectListFromESM(const ESM::EffectList* effects) { SpellEffectList result; std::vector<ESM::ENAMstruct>::const_iterator end = effects->mList.end(); for (std::vector<ESM::ENAMstruct>::const_iterator it = effects->mList.begin(); it != end; ++it) { SpellEffectParams params; params.mEffectID = it->mEffectID; params.mSkill = it->mSkill; params.mAttribute = it->mAttribute; params.mDuration = it->mDuration; params.mMagnMin = it->mMagnMin; params.mMagnMax = it->mMagnMax; params.mRange = it->mRange; params.mArea = it->mArea; result.push_back(params); } return result; } /* MWSpellEffect */ MWSpellEffect::MWSpellEffect() : mImageWidget(NULL) , mTextWidget(NULL) , mRequestedWidth(0) { } void MWSpellEffect::setSpellEffect(const SpellEffectParams& params) { mEffectParams = params; updateWidgets(); } void MWSpellEffect::updateWidgets() { if (!mEffectParams.mKnown) { mTextWidget->setCaption ("?"); mRequestedWidth = mTextWidget->getTextSize().width + 24; mImageWidget->setImageTexture (""); return; } const MWWorld::ESMStore &store = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore(); const ESM::MagicEffect *magicEffect = store.get<ESM::MagicEffect>().search(mEffectParams.mEffectID); assert(magicEffect); std::string pt = MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getGameSettingString("spoint", ""); std::string pts = MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getGameSettingString("spoints", ""); std::string pct = MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getGameSettingString("spercent", ""); std::string ft = MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getGameSettingString("sfeet", ""); std::string lvl = MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getGameSettingString("sLevel", ""); std::string lvls = MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getGameSettingString("sLevels", ""); std::string to = " " + MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getGameSettingString("sTo", "") + " "; std::string sec = " " + MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getGameSettingString("ssecond", ""); std::string secs = " " + MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getGameSettingString("sseconds", ""); std::string effectIDStr = ESM::MagicEffect::effectIdToString(mEffectParams.mEffectID); std::string spellLine = MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getGameSettingString(effectIDStr, ""); if (magicEffect->mData.mFlags & ESM::MagicEffect::TargetSkill) { spellLine += " " + MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getGameSettingString(ESM::Skill::sSkillNameIds[mEffectParams.mSkill], ""); } if (magicEffect->mData.mFlags & ESM::MagicEffect::TargetAttribute) { spellLine += " " + MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getGameSettingString(ESM::Attribute::sGmstAttributeIds[mEffectParams.mAttribute], ""); } if (mEffectParams.mMagnMin >= 0 || mEffectParams.mMagnMax >= 0) { ESM::MagicEffect::MagnitudeDisplayType displayType = magicEffect->getMagnitudeDisplayType(); if ( displayType == ESM::MagicEffect::MDT_TimesInt ) { std::string timesInt = MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getGameSettingString("sXTimesINT", ""); std::stringstream formatter; formatter << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << " " << (mEffectParams.mMagnMin / 10.0f); if (mEffectParams.mMagnMin != mEffectParams.mMagnMax) formatter << to << (mEffectParams.mMagnMax / 10.0f); formatter << timesInt; spellLine += formatter.str(); } else if ( displayType != ESM::MagicEffect::MDT_None ) { spellLine += " " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(mEffectParams.mMagnMin); if (mEffectParams.mMagnMin != mEffectParams.mMagnMax) spellLine += to + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(mEffectParams.mMagnMax); if ( displayType == ESM::MagicEffect::MDT_Percentage ) spellLine += pct; else if ( displayType == ESM::MagicEffect::MDT_Feet ) spellLine += " " + ft; else if ( displayType == ESM::MagicEffect::MDT_Level ) spellLine += " " + ((mEffectParams.mMagnMin == 1 && mEffectParams.mMagnMax == 1) ? lvl : lvls ); else // ESM::MagicEffect::MDT_Points spellLine += " " + ((mEffectParams.mMagnMin == 1 && mEffectParams.mMagnMax == 1) ? pt : pts ); } } // constant effects have no duration and no target if (!mEffectParams.mIsConstant) { if (mEffectParams.mDuration >= 0 && !(magicEffect->mData.mFlags & ESM::MagicEffect::NoDuration)) { spellLine += " " + MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getGameSettingString("sfor", "") + " " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(mEffectParams.mDuration) + ((mEffectParams.mDuration == 1) ? sec : secs); } if (mEffectParams.mArea > 0) { spellLine += " #{sin} " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(mEffectParams.mArea) + " #{sfootarea}"; } // potions have no target if (!mEffectParams.mNoTarget) { std::string on = MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getGameSettingString("sonword", ""); if (mEffectParams.mRange == ESM::RT_Self) spellLine += " " + on + " " + MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getGameSettingString("sRangeSelf", ""); else if (mEffectParams.mRange == ESM::RT_Touch) spellLine += " " + on + " " + MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getGameSettingString("sRangeTouch", ""); else if (mEffectParams.mRange == ESM::RT_Target) spellLine += " " + on + " " + MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getGameSettingString("sRangeTarget", ""); } } static_cast<MyGUI::TextBox*>(mTextWidget)->setCaptionWithReplacing(spellLine); mRequestedWidth = mTextWidget->getTextSize().width + 24; std::string path = std::string("icons\\") + magicEffect->mIcon; fixTexturePath(path); mImageWidget->setImageTexture(path); } MWSpellEffect::~MWSpellEffect() { } void MWSpellEffect::initialiseOverride() { Base::initialiseOverride(); assignWidget(mTextWidget, "Text"); assignWidget(mImageWidget, "Image"); } /* MWDynamicStat */ MWDynamicStat::MWDynamicStat() : mValue(0) , mMax(1) , mTextWidget(NULL) , mBarWidget(NULL) , mBarTextWidget(NULL) { } void MWDynamicStat::setValue(int cur, int max) { mValue = cur; mMax = max; if (mBarWidget) { mBarWidget->setProgressRange(mMax); mBarWidget->setProgressPosition(mValue); } if (mBarTextWidget) { std::stringstream out; out << mValue << "/" << mMax; static_cast<MyGUI::TextBox*>(mBarTextWidget)->setCaption(out.str().c_str()); } } void MWDynamicStat::setTitle(const std::string& text) { if (mTextWidget) static_cast<MyGUI::TextBox*>(mTextWidget)->setCaption(text); } MWDynamicStat::~MWDynamicStat() { } void MWDynamicStat::initialiseOverride() { Base::initialiseOverride(); assignWidget(mTextWidget, "Text"); assignWidget(mBarWidget, "Bar"); assignWidget(mBarTextWidget, "BarText"); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AutoSizedWidget::notifySizeChange (MyGUI::Widget* w) { if (w->getParent () != 0) { Box* b = dynamic_cast<Box*>(w->getParent()); if (b) b->notifyChildrenSizeChanged (); else { if (mExpandDirection == MyGUI::Align::Left) { int hdiff = getRequestedSize ().width - w->getSize().width; w->setPosition(w->getPosition() - MyGUI::IntPoint(hdiff, 0)); } w->setSize(getRequestedSize ()); } } } MyGUI::IntSize AutoSizedTextBox::getRequestedSize() { return getTextSize(); } void AutoSizedTextBox::setCaption(const MyGUI::UString& _value) { TextBox::setCaption(_value); notifySizeChange (this); } void AutoSizedTextBox::setPropertyOverride(const std::string& _key, const std::string& _value) { if (_key == "ExpandDirection") { mExpandDirection = MyGUI::Align::parse (_value); } else { TextBox::setPropertyOverride (_key, _value); } } MyGUI::IntSize AutoSizedEditBox::getRequestedSize() { if (getAlign().isHStretch()) throw std::runtime_error("AutoSizedEditBox can't have HStretch align (" + getName() + ")"); return MyGUI::IntSize(getSize().width, getTextSize().height); } void AutoSizedEditBox::setCaption(const MyGUI::UString& _value) { EditBox::setCaption(_value); notifySizeChange (this); } void AutoSizedEditBox::setPropertyOverride(const std::string& _key, const std::string& _value) { if (_key == "ExpandDirection") { mExpandDirection = MyGUI::Align::parse (_value); } else { EditBox::setPropertyOverride (_key, _value); } } MyGUI::IntSize AutoSizedButton::getRequestedSize() { MyGUI::IntSize size = getTextSize() + MyGUI::IntSize(24,0); size.height = std::max(24, size.height); return size; } void AutoSizedButton::setCaption(const MyGUI::UString& _value) { Button::setCaption(_value); notifySizeChange (this); } void AutoSizedButton::setPropertyOverride(const std::string& _key, const std::string& _value) { if (_key == "ExpandDirection") { mExpandDirection = MyGUI::Align::parse (_value); } else { Button::setPropertyOverride (_key, _value); } } Box::Box() : mSpacing(4) , mPadding(0) , mAutoResize(false) { } void Box::notifyChildrenSizeChanged () { align(); } void Box::_setPropertyImpl(const std::string& _key, const std::string& _value) { if (_key == "Spacing") mSpacing = MyGUI::utility::parseValue<int>(_value); else if (_key == "Padding") mPadding = MyGUI::utility::parseValue<int>(_value); else if (_key == "AutoResize") mAutoResize = MyGUI::utility::parseValue<bool>(_value); } void HBox::align () { unsigned int count = getChildCount (); size_t h_stretched_count = 0; int total_width = 0; int total_height = 0; std::vector< std::pair<MyGUI::IntSize, bool> > sizes; sizes.resize(count); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { MyGUI::Widget* w = getChildAt(i); bool hstretch = w->getUserString ("HStretch") == "true"; bool hidden = w->getUserString("Hidden") == "true"; if (hidden) continue; h_stretched_count += hstretch; AutoSizedWidget* aw = dynamic_cast<AutoSizedWidget*>(w); if (aw) { sizes[i] = std::make_pair(aw->getRequestedSize (), hstretch); total_width += aw->getRequestedSize ().width; total_height = std::max(total_height, aw->getRequestedSize ().height); } else { sizes[i] = std::make_pair(w->getSize(), hstretch); total_width += w->getSize().width; if (!(w->getUserString("VStretch") == "true")) total_height = std::max(total_height, w->getSize().height); } if (i != count-1) total_width += mSpacing; } if (mAutoResize && (total_width+mPadding*2 != getSize().width || total_height+mPadding*2 != getSize().height)) { setSize(MyGUI::IntSize(total_width+mPadding*2, total_height+mPadding*2)); return; } int curX = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (i == 0) curX += mPadding; MyGUI::Widget* w = getChildAt(i); bool hidden = w->getUserString("Hidden") == "true"; if (hidden) continue; bool vstretch = w->getUserString ("VStretch") == "true"; int max_height = getSize().height - mPadding*2; int height = vstretch ? max_height : sizes[i].first.height; MyGUI::IntCoord widgetCoord; widgetCoord.left = curX; widgetCoord.top = mPadding + (getSize().height-mPadding*2 - height) / 2; int width = sizes[i].second ? sizes[i].first.width + (getSize().width-mPadding*2 - total_width)/h_stretched_count : sizes[i].first.width; widgetCoord.width = width; widgetCoord.height = height; w->setCoord(widgetCoord); curX += width; if (i != count-1) curX += mSpacing; } } void HBox::setPropertyOverride(const std::string& _key, const std::string& _value) { Box::_setPropertyImpl (_key, _value); } void HBox::setSize (const MyGUI::IntSize& _value) { MyGUI::Widget::setSize (_value); align(); } void HBox::setCoord (const MyGUI::IntCoord& _value) { MyGUI::Widget::setCoord (_value); align(); } void HBox::onWidgetCreated(MyGUI::Widget* _widget) { align(); } MyGUI::IntSize HBox::getRequestedSize () { MyGUI::IntSize size(0,0); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < getChildCount (); ++i) { bool hidden = getChildAt(i)->getUserString("Hidden") == "true"; if (hidden) continue; AutoSizedWidget* w = dynamic_cast<AutoSizedWidget*>(getChildAt(i)); if (w) { MyGUI::IntSize requested = w->getRequestedSize (); size.height = std::max(size.height, requested.height); size.width = size.width + requested.width; if (i != getChildCount()-1) size.width += mSpacing; } else { MyGUI::IntSize requested = getChildAt(i)->getSize (); size.height = std::max(size.height, requested.height); if (getChildAt(i)->getUserString("HStretch") != "true") size.width = size.width + requested.width; if (i != getChildCount()-1) size.width += mSpacing; } size.height += mPadding*2; size.width += mPadding*2; } return size; } void VBox::align () { unsigned int count = getChildCount (); size_t v_stretched_count = 0; int total_height = 0; int total_width = 0; std::vector< std::pair<MyGUI::IntSize, bool> > sizes; sizes.resize(count); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { MyGUI::Widget* w = getChildAt(i); bool hidden = w->getUserString("Hidden") == "true"; if (hidden) continue; bool vstretch = w->getUserString ("VStretch") == "true"; v_stretched_count += vstretch; AutoSizedWidget* aw = dynamic_cast<AutoSizedWidget*>(w); if (aw) { sizes[i] = std::make_pair(aw->getRequestedSize (), vstretch); total_height += aw->getRequestedSize ().height; total_width = std::max(total_width, aw->getRequestedSize ().width); } else { sizes[i] = std::make_pair(w->getSize(), vstretch); total_height += w->getSize().height; if (!(w->getUserString("HStretch") == "true")) total_width = std::max(total_width, w->getSize().width); } if (i != count-1) total_height += mSpacing; } if (mAutoResize && (total_width+mPadding*2 != getSize().width || total_height+mPadding*2 != getSize().height)) { setSize(MyGUI::IntSize(total_width+mPadding*2, total_height+mPadding*2)); return; } int curY = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (i==0) curY += mPadding; MyGUI::Widget* w = getChildAt(i); bool hidden = w->getUserString("Hidden") == "true"; if (hidden) continue; bool hstretch = w->getUserString ("HStretch") == "true"; int maxWidth = getSize().width - mPadding*2; int width = hstretch ? maxWidth : sizes[i].first.width; MyGUI::IntCoord widgetCoord; widgetCoord.top = curY; widgetCoord.left = mPadding + (getSize().width-mPadding*2 - width) / 2; int height = sizes[i].second ? sizes[i].first.height + (getSize().height-mPadding*2 - total_height)/v_stretched_count : sizes[i].first.height; widgetCoord.height = height; widgetCoord.width = width; w->setCoord(widgetCoord); curY += height; if (i != count-1) curY += mSpacing; } } void VBox::setPropertyOverride(const std::string& _key, const std::string& _value) { Box::_setPropertyImpl (_key, _value); } void VBox::setSize (const MyGUI::IntSize& _value) { MyGUI::Widget::setSize (_value); align(); } void VBox::setCoord (const MyGUI::IntCoord& _value) { MyGUI::Widget::setCoord (_value); align(); } MyGUI::IntSize VBox::getRequestedSize () { MyGUI::IntSize size(0,0); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < getChildCount (); ++i) { bool hidden = getChildAt(i)->getUserString("Hidden") == "true"; if (hidden) continue; AutoSizedWidget* w = dynamic_cast<AutoSizedWidget*>(getChildAt(i)); if (w) { MyGUI::IntSize requested = w->getRequestedSize (); size.width = std::max(size.width, requested.width); size.height = size.height + requested.height; if (i != getChildCount()-1) size.height += mSpacing; } else { MyGUI::IntSize requested = getChildAt(i)->getSize (); size.width = std::max(size.width, requested.width); if (getChildAt(i)->getUserString("VStretch") != "true") size.height = size.height + requested.height; if (i != getChildCount()-1) size.height += mSpacing; } size.height += mPadding*2; size.width += mPadding*2; } return size; } void VBox::onWidgetCreated(MyGUI::Widget* _widget) { align(); } MWScrollBar::MWScrollBar() : mEnableRepeat(true) , mRepeatTriggerTime(0.5) , mRepeatStepTime(0.1) , mIsIncreasing(true) { } MWScrollBar::~MWScrollBar() { } void MWScrollBar::initialiseOverride() { ScrollBar::initialiseOverride(); if(mWidgetStart) { mWidgetStart->eventMouseButtonPressed += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &MWScrollBar::onDecreaseButtonPressed); mWidgetStart->eventMouseButtonReleased += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &MWScrollBar::onDecreaseButtonReleased); } if(mWidgetEnd) { mWidgetEnd->eventMouseButtonPressed += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &MWScrollBar::onIncreaseButtonPressed); mWidgetEnd->eventMouseButtonReleased += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &MWScrollBar::onIncreaseButtonReleased); } } void MWScrollBar::setEnableRepeat(bool enable) { mEnableRepeat = enable; } bool MWScrollBar::getEnableRepeat() { return mEnableRepeat; } void MWScrollBar::getRepeat(float &trigger, float &step) { trigger = mRepeatTriggerTime; step = mRepeatStepTime; } void MWScrollBar::setRepeat(float trigger, float step) { mRepeatTriggerTime = trigger; mRepeatStepTime = step; } void MWScrollBar::repeatClick(MyGUI::Widget* _widget, MyGUI::ControllerItem* _controller) { int stepSize = mScrollPage; if(mIsIncreasing && mScrollPosition < mScrollRange-1) { if(mScrollPosition + stepSize > mScrollRange-1) mScrollPosition = mScrollRange-1; else mScrollPosition += stepSize; eventScrollChangePosition(this, mScrollPosition); updateTrack(); } else if(!mIsIncreasing && mScrollPosition > 0) { int newPos = mScrollPosition - stepSize; if(newPos < 0) mScrollPosition = 0; else mScrollPosition -= stepSize; eventScrollChangePosition(this, mScrollPosition); updateTrack(); } } void MWScrollBar::onDecreaseButtonPressed(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, int _left, int _top, MyGUI::MouseButton _id) { mIsIncreasing = false; MyGUI::ControllerItem* item = MyGUI::ControllerManager::getInstance().createItem(MWGui::Controllers::ControllerRepeatClick::getClassTypeName()); MWGui::Controllers::ControllerRepeatClick* controller = item->castType<MWGui::Controllers::ControllerRepeatClick>(); controller->eventRepeatClick += newDelegate(this, &MWScrollBar::repeatClick); controller->setEnabled(mEnableRepeat); controller->setRepeat(mRepeatTriggerTime, mRepeatStepTime); MyGUI::ControllerManager::getInstance().addItem(this, controller); } void MWScrollBar::onDecreaseButtonReleased(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, int _left, int _top, MyGUI::MouseButton _id) { MyGUI::ControllerManager::getInstance().removeItem(this); } void MWScrollBar::onIncreaseButtonPressed(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, int _left, int _top, MyGUI::MouseButton _id) { mIsIncreasing = true; MyGUI::ControllerItem* item = MyGUI::ControllerManager::getInstance().createItem(MWGui::Controllers::ControllerRepeatClick::getClassTypeName()); MWGui::Controllers::ControllerRepeatClick* controller = item->castType<MWGui::Controllers::ControllerRepeatClick>(); controller->eventRepeatClick += newDelegate(this, &MWScrollBar::repeatClick); controller->setEnabled(mEnableRepeat); controller->setRepeat(mRepeatTriggerTime, mRepeatStepTime); MyGUI::ControllerManager::getInstance().addItem(this, controller); } void MWScrollBar::onIncreaseButtonReleased(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, int _left, int _top, MyGUI::MouseButton _id) { MyGUI::ControllerManager::getInstance().removeItem(this); } } }