#ifndef MWMECHANICS_SPELLUTIL_H #define MWMECHANICS_SPELLUTIL_H #include <components/esm/loadskil.hpp> namespace ESM { struct ENAMstruct; struct MagicEffect; struct Spell; } namespace MWWorld { class Ptr; } namespace MWMechanics { ESM::Skill::SkillEnum spellSchoolToSkill(int school); float calcEffectCost(const ESM::ENAMstruct& effect, const ESM::MagicEffect* magicEffect = nullptr); int getEffectiveEnchantmentCastCost (float castCost, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor); /** * @param spell spell to cast * @param actor calculate spell success chance for this actor (depends on actor's skills) * @param effectiveSchool the spell's effective school (relevant for skill progress) will be written here * @param cap cap the result to 100%? * @param checkMagicka check magicka? * @note actor can be an NPC or a creature * @return success chance from 0 to 100 (in percent), if cap=false then chance above 100 may be returned. */ float calcSpellBaseSuccessChance (const ESM::Spell* spell, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, int* effectiveSchool); float getSpellSuccessChance (const ESM::Spell* spell, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, int* effectiveSchool = nullptr, bool cap=true, bool checkMagicka=true); float getSpellSuccessChance (const std::string& spellId, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, int* effectiveSchool = nullptr, bool cap=true, bool checkMagicka=true); int getSpellSchool(const std::string& spellId, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor); int getSpellSchool(const ESM::Spell* spell, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor); /// Get whether or not the given spell contributes to skill progress. bool spellIncreasesSkill(const ESM::Spell* spell); bool spellIncreasesSkill(const std::string& spellId); /// Check if the given effect can be applied to the target. If \a castByPlayer, emits a message box on failure. bool checkEffectTarget (int effectId, const MWWorld::Ptr& target, const MWWorld::Ptr& caster, bool castByPlayer); } #endif