#include "map_window.hpp" #include #include #include "../mwbase/windowmanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/world.hpp" #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" using namespace MWGui; LocalMapBase::LocalMapBase() : mCurX(0) , mCurY(0) , mInterior(false) , mFogOfWar(true) , mLocalMap(NULL) , mMapDragAndDrop(false) , mPrefix() , mChanged(true) , mLayout(NULL) , mLastPositionX(0.0f) , mLastPositionY(0.0f) , mLastDirectionX(0.0f) , mLastDirectionY(0.0f) , mCompass(NULL) { } void LocalMapBase::init(MyGUI::ScrollView* widget, MyGUI::ImageBox* compass, OEngine::GUI::Layout* layout, bool mapDragAndDrop) { mLocalMap = widget; mLayout = layout; mMapDragAndDrop = mapDragAndDrop; mCompass = compass; // create 3x3 map widgets, 512x512 each, holding a 1024x1024 texture each const int widgetSize = 512; for (int mx=0; mx<3; ++mx) { for (int my=0; my<3; ++my) { MyGUI::ImageBox* map = mLocalMap->createWidget("ImageBox", MyGUI::IntCoord(mx*widgetSize, my*widgetSize, widgetSize, widgetSize), MyGUI::Align::Top | MyGUI::Align::Left, "Map_" + boost::lexical_cast(mx) + "_" + boost::lexical_cast(my)); MyGUI::ImageBox* fog = map->createWidget("ImageBox", MyGUI::IntCoord(0, 0, widgetSize, widgetSize), MyGUI::Align::Top | MyGUI::Align::Left, "Map_" + boost::lexical_cast(mx) + "_" + boost::lexical_cast(my) + "_fog"); if (!mMapDragAndDrop) { map->setNeedMouseFocus(false); fog->setNeedMouseFocus(false); } mMapWidgets.push_back(map); mFogWidgets.push_back(fog); } } } void LocalMapBase::setCellPrefix(const std::string& prefix) { mPrefix = prefix; mChanged = true; } void LocalMapBase::toggleFogOfWar() { mFogOfWar = !mFogOfWar; applyFogOfWar(); } void LocalMapBase::applyFogOfWar() { for (int mx=0; mx<3; ++mx) { for (int my=0; my<3; ++my) { std::string name = "Map_" + boost::lexical_cast(mx) + "_" + boost::lexical_cast(my); std::string image = mPrefix+"_"+ boost::lexical_cast(mCurX + (mx-1)) + "_" + boost::lexical_cast(mCurY + (mInterior ? (my-1) : -1*(my-1))); MyGUI::ImageBox* fog = mFogWidgets[my + 3*mx]; fog->setImageTexture(mFogOfWar ? ((MyGUI::RenderManager::getInstance().getTexture(image+"_fog") != 0) ? image+"_fog" : "black.png" ) : ""); } } } void LocalMapBase::onMarkerFocused (MyGUI::Widget* w1, MyGUI::Widget* w2) { applyFogOfWar (); } void LocalMapBase::onMarkerUnfocused (MyGUI::Widget* w1, MyGUI::Widget* w2) { applyFogOfWar (); } void LocalMapBase::setActiveCell(const int x, const int y, bool interior) { if (x==mCurX && y==mCurY && mInterior==interior && !mChanged) return; // don't do anything if we're still in the same cell // clear all previous markers for (unsigned int i=0; i< mLocalMap->getChildCount(); ++i) { if (mLocalMap->getChildAt(i)->getName ().substr (0, 6) == "Marker") { MyGUI::Gui::getInstance ().destroyWidget (mLocalMap->getChildAt(i)); } } for (int mx=0; mx<3; ++mx) { for (int my=0; my<3; ++my) { // map std::string image = mPrefix+"_"+ boost::lexical_cast(x + (mx-1)) + "_" + boost::lexical_cast(y + (interior ? (my-1) : -1*(my-1))); std::string name = "Map_" + boost::lexical_cast(mx) + "_" + boost::lexical_cast(my); MyGUI::ImageBox* box = mMapWidgets[my + 3*mx]; if (MyGUI::RenderManager::getInstance().getTexture(image) != 0) box->setImageTexture(image); else box->setImageTexture("black.png"); // door markers // interior map only consists of one cell, so handle the markers only once if (interior && (mx != 2 || my != 2)) continue; MWWorld::CellStore* cell; if (interior) cell = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld ()->getInterior (mPrefix); else cell = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld ()->getExterior (x+mx-1, y-(my-1)); std::vector doors = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld ()->getDoorMarkers (cell); for (std::vector::iterator it = doors.begin(); it != doors.end(); ++it) { MWBase::World::DoorMarker marker = *it; // convert world coordinates to normalized cell coordinates MyGUI::IntCoord widgetCoord; float nX,nY; int cellDx, cellDy; if (!interior) { const int cellSize = 8192; nX = (marker.x - cellSize * (x+mx-1)) / cellSize; nY = 1 - (marker.y - cellSize * (y-(my-1))) / cellSize; widgetCoord = MyGUI::IntCoord(nX * 512 - 4 + mx * 512, nY * 512 - 4 + my * 512, 8, 8); } else { Ogre::Vector2 position (marker.x, -marker.y); MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld ()->getInteriorMapPosition (position, nX, nY, cellDx, cellDy); widgetCoord = MyGUI::IntCoord(nX * 512 - 4 + (1+cellDx-x) * 512, nY * 512 - 4 + (1+cellDy-y) * 512, 8, 8); } static int counter = 0; ++counter; MyGUI::Button* markerWidget = mLocalMap->createWidget("ButtonImage", widgetCoord, MyGUI::Align::Default, "Marker" + boost::lexical_cast(counter)); markerWidget->setImageResource("DoorMarker"); markerWidget->setUserString("ToolTipType", "Layout"); markerWidget->setUserString("ToolTipLayout", "TextToolTip"); markerWidget->setUserString("Caption_Text", marker.name); markerWidget->setUserString("IsMarker", "true"); markerWidget->eventMouseSetFocus += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &LocalMapBase::onMarkerFocused); markerWidget->eventMouseLostFocus += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &LocalMapBase::onMarkerUnfocused); MarkerPosition markerPos; markerPos.interior = interior; markerPos.cellX = interior ? cellDx : x + mx - 1; markerPos.cellY = interior ? cellDy : y + ((my - 1)*-1); markerPos.nX = nX; markerPos.nY = nY; markerWidget->setUserData(markerPos); } } } mInterior = interior; mCurX = x; mCurY = y; mChanged = false; // fog of war applyFogOfWar(); // set the compass texture again, because MyGUI determines sorting of ImageBox widgets // based on the last setImageTexture call std::string tex = "textures\\compass.dds"; mCompass->setImageTexture(""); mCompass->setImageTexture(tex); } void LocalMapBase::setPlayerPos(const float x, const float y) { if (x == mLastPositionX && y == mLastPositionY) return; MyGUI::IntSize size = mLocalMap->getCanvasSize(); MyGUI::IntPoint middle = MyGUI::IntPoint((1/3.f + x/3.f)*size.width,(1/3.f + y/3.f)*size.height); MyGUI::IntCoord viewsize = mLocalMap->getCoord(); MyGUI::IntPoint pos(0.5*viewsize.width - middle.left, 0.5*viewsize.height - middle.top); mLocalMap->setViewOffset(pos); mCompass->setPosition(MyGUI::IntPoint(512+x*512-16, 512+y*512-16)); mLastPositionX = x; mLastPositionY = y; } void LocalMapBase::setPlayerDir(const float x, const float y) { if (x == mLastDirectionX && y == mLastDirectionY) return; MyGUI::ISubWidget* main = mCompass->getSubWidgetMain(); MyGUI::RotatingSkin* rotatingSubskin = main->castType(); rotatingSubskin->setCenter(MyGUI::IntPoint(16,16)); float angle = std::atan2(x,y); rotatingSubskin->setAngle(angle); mLastDirectionX = x; mLastDirectionY = y; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MapWindow::MapWindow(MWBase::WindowManager& parWindowManager) : MWGui::WindowPinnableBase("openmw_map_window.layout", parWindowManager), mGlobal(false) { setCoord(500,0,320,300); getWidget(mLocalMap, "LocalMap"); getWidget(mGlobalMap, "GlobalMap"); getWidget(mPlayerArrow, "Compass"); getWidget(mButton, "WorldButton"); mButton->eventMouseButtonClick += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &MapWindow::onWorldButtonClicked); mButton->setCaptionWithReplacing("#{sWorld}"); MyGUI::Button* eventbox; getWidget(eventbox, "EventBox"); eventbox->eventMouseDrag += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &MapWindow::onMouseDrag); eventbox->eventMouseButtonPressed += MyGUI::newDelegate(this, &MapWindow::onDragStart); LocalMapBase::init(mLocalMap, mPlayerArrow, this); } void MapWindow::setCellName(const std::string& cellName) { setTitle(cellName); } void MapWindow::onDragStart(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, int _left, int _top, MyGUI::MouseButton _id) { if (_id!=MyGUI::MouseButton::Left) return; if (!mGlobal) mLastDragPos = MyGUI::IntPoint(_left, _top); } void MapWindow::onMouseDrag(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, int _left, int _top, MyGUI::MouseButton _id) { if (_id!=MyGUI::MouseButton::Left) return; if (!mGlobal) { MyGUI::IntPoint diff = MyGUI::IntPoint(_left, _top) - mLastDragPos; mLocalMap->setViewOffset( mLocalMap->getViewOffset() + diff ); mLastDragPos = MyGUI::IntPoint(_left, _top); } } void MapWindow::onWorldButtonClicked(MyGUI::Widget* _sender) { mGlobal = !mGlobal; mGlobalMap->setVisible(mGlobal); mLocalMap->setVisible(!mGlobal); mButton->setCaptionWithReplacing( mGlobal ? "#{sLocal}" : "#{sWorld}"); } void MapWindow::onPinToggled() { mWindowManager.setMinimapVisibility(!mPinned); }