#include "adjusterwidget.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include CSVDoc::AdjusterWidget::AdjusterWidget (QWidget *parent) : QWidget (parent), mValid (false) { QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout (this); mIcon = new QLabel (this); layout->addWidget (mIcon, 0); mMessage = new QLabel (this); mMessage->setWordWrap (true); mMessage->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum)); layout->addWidget (mMessage, 1); setName ("", false); setLayout (layout); } void CSVDoc::AdjusterWidget::setLocalData (const boost::filesystem::path& localData) { mLocalData = localData; } boost::filesystem::path CSVDoc::AdjusterWidget::getPath() const { if (!mValid) throw std::logic_error ("invalid content file path"); return mResultPath; } void CSVDoc::AdjusterWidget::setName (const QString& name, bool addon) { QString message; if (name.isEmpty()) { mValid = false; message = "No name."; } else { boost::filesystem::path path (name.toUtf8().data()); path.replace_extension (addon ? ".omwaddon" : ".omwgame"); if (path.parent_path().string()==mLocalData.string()) { // path already points to the local data directory message = QString::fromUtf8 (("Will be saved as: " + path.native()).c_str()); mResultPath = path; mValid = true; } else { // path points somewhere else or is a leaf name. path = mLocalData / path.filename(); message = QString::fromUtf8 (("Will be saved as: " + path.native()).c_str()); mResultPath = path; mValid = true; if (boost::filesystem::exists (path)) { /// \todo add an user setting to make this an error. message += "

But a file with the same name already exists. If you continue, it will be overwritten."; } } } mMessage->setText (message); mIcon->setPixmap (style()->standardIcon ( mValid ? QStyle::SP_MessageBoxInformation : QStyle::SP_MessageBoxWarning). pixmap (QSize (16, 16))); emit stateChanged (mValid); }