#include "GUIChat.hpp" #include #include "apps/openmw/mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "apps/openmw/mwgui/windowmanagerimp.hpp" #include "apps/openmw/mwinput/inputmanagerimp.hpp" #include #include #include "../Networking.hpp" #include "../Main.hpp" #include "../LocalPlayer.hpp" #include "../GUIController.hpp" namespace mwmp { GUIChat::GUIChat(int x, int y, int w, int h) : WindowBase("tes3mp_chat.layout") { setCoord(x, y, w, h); getWidget(mCommandLine, "edit_Command"); getWidget(mHistory, "list_History"); // Set up the command line box mCommandLine->eventEditSelectAccept += newDelegate(this, &GUIChat::acceptCommand); mCommandLine->eventKeyButtonPressed += newDelegate(this, &GUIChat::keyPress); setTitle("Chat"); mHistory->setOverflowToTheLeft(true); mHistory->setEditWordWrap(true); mHistory->setTextShadow(true); mHistory->setTextShadowColour(MyGUI::Colour::Black); mHistory->setNeedKeyFocus(false); windowState = 0; mCommandLine->setVisible(0); delay = 3; // 3 sec. } void GUIChat::onOpen() { // Give keyboard focus to the combo box whenever the console is // turned on setEditState(0); windowState = CHAT_ENABLED; } void GUIChat::onClose() { // Apparently, hidden widgets can retain key focus // Remove for MyGUI 3.2.2 windowState = CHAT_DISABLED; setEditState(0); } bool GUIChat::exit() { //WindowBase::exit(); return true; } void GUIChat::acceptCommand(MyGUI::EditBox *_sender) { const std::string &cm = MyGUI::TextIterator::toTagsString(mCommandLine->getCaption()); // If they enter nothing, then it should be canceled. // Otherwise, there's no way of closing without having text. if (cm.empty()) { mCommandLine->setCaption(""); setEditState(0); return; } LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(TimedLog::LOG_INFO, "Player: %s", cm.c_str()); // Add the command to the history, and set the current pointer to // the end of the list if (mCommandHistory.empty() || mCommandHistory.back() != cm) mCommandHistory.push_back(cm); mCurrent = mCommandHistory.end(); mEditString.clear(); // Reset the command line before the command execution. // It prevents the re-triggering of the acceptCommand() event for the same command // during the actual command execution mCommandLine->setCaption(""); setEditState(0); send (cm); } void GUIChat::onResChange(int width, int height) { setCoord(10,10, width-10, height/2); } void GUIChat::setFont(const std::string &fntName) { mHistory->setFontName(fntName); mCommandLine->setFontName(fntName); } void GUIChat::print(const std::string &msg, const std::string &color) { if (windowState == 2 && !isVisible()) { setVisible(true); } if(msg.size() == 0) { clean(); LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(TimedLog::LOG_INFO, "Chat cleaned"); } else { mHistory->addText(color + msg); LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(TimedLog::LOG_INFO, "%s", msg.c_str()); } } void GUIChat::printOK(const std::string &msg) { print(msg + "\n", "#FF00FF"); } void GUIChat::printError(const std::string &msg) { print(msg + "\n", "#FF2222"); } void GUIChat::send(const std::string &str) { LocalPlayer *localPlayer = Main::get().getLocalPlayer(); Networking *networking = Main::get().getNetworking(); localPlayer->chatMessage = str; networking->getPlayerPacket(ID_CHAT_MESSAGE)->setPlayer(localPlayer); networking->getPlayerPacket(ID_CHAT_MESSAGE)->Send(); } void GUIChat::clean() { mHistory->setCaption(""); } void GUIChat::pressedChatMode() { windowState++; if (windowState == 3) windowState = 0; std::string chatMode = windowState == CHAT_DISABLED ? "Chat hidden" : windowState == CHAT_ENABLED ? "Chat visible" : "Chat appearing when needed"; LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(TimedLog::LOG_VERBOSE, "Switch chat mode to %s", chatMode.c_str()); MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->messageBox(chatMode); switch (windowState) { case CHAT_DISABLED: this->mMainWidget->setVisible(false); setEditState(0); break; case CHAT_ENABLED: this->mMainWidget->setVisible(true); break; default: //CHAT_HIDDENMODE this->mMainWidget->setVisible(true); curTime = 0; } } void GUIChat::setEditState(bool state) { editState = state; mCommandLine->setVisible(editState); MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->setKeyFocusWidget(editState ? mCommandLine : nullptr); } void GUIChat::pressedSay() { if (windowState == CHAT_DISABLED) return; if (!mCommandLine->getVisible()) LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(TimedLog::LOG_VERBOSE, "Opening chat."); if (windowState == CHAT_HIDDENMODE) { setVisible(true); curTime = 0; } setEditState(true); } void GUIChat::keyPress(MyGUI::Widget *_sender, MyGUI::KeyCode key, MyGUI::Char _char) { if (mCommandHistory.empty()) return; // Traverse history with up and down arrows if (key == MyGUI::KeyCode::ArrowUp) { // If the user was editing a string, store it for later if (mCurrent == mCommandHistory.end()) mEditString = mCommandLine->getOnlyText(); if (mCurrent != mCommandHistory.begin()) { --mCurrent; mCommandLine->setCaption(*mCurrent); } } else if (key == MyGUI::KeyCode::ArrowDown) { if (mCurrent != mCommandHistory.end()) { ++mCurrent; if (mCurrent != mCommandHistory.end()) mCommandLine->setCaption(*mCurrent); else // Restore the edit string mCommandLine->setCaption(mEditString); } } } void GUIChat::update(float dt) { if (windowState == CHAT_HIDDENMODE && !editState && isVisible()) { curTime += dt; if (curTime >= delay) { setEditState(false); this->mMainWidget->setVisible(false); } } } void GUIChat::setDelay(float delay) { this->delay = delay; } }