#include "filesystemarchive.hpp" #include <boost/filesystem.hpp> #include <components/debug/debuglog.hpp> namespace VFS { FileSystemArchive::FileSystemArchive(const std::string &path) : mBuiltIndex(false) , mPath(path) { } void FileSystemArchive::listResources(std::map<std::string, File *> &out, char (*normalize_function)(char)) { if (!mBuiltIndex) { typedef boost::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator directory_iterator; directory_iterator end; size_t prefix = mPath.size (); if (mPath.size () > 0 && mPath [prefix - 1] != '\\' && mPath [prefix - 1] != '/') ++prefix; for (directory_iterator i (mPath); i != end; ++i) { if(boost::filesystem::is_directory (*i)) continue; std::string proper = i->path ().string (); FileSystemArchiveFile file(proper); std::string searchable; std::transform(proper.begin() + prefix, proper.end(), std::back_inserter(searchable), normalize_function); if (!mIndex.insert (std::make_pair (searchable, file)).second) Log(Debug::Warning) << "Warning: found duplicate file for '" << proper << "', please check your file system for two files with the same name in different cases."; } mBuiltIndex = true; } for (index::iterator it = mIndex.begin(); it != mIndex.end(); ++it) { out[it->first] = &it->second; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileSystemArchiveFile::FileSystemArchiveFile(const std::string &path) : mPath(path) { } Files::IStreamPtr FileSystemArchiveFile::open() { return Files::openConstrainedFileStream(mPath.c_str()); } }