// // Created by koncord on 05.01.16. // #ifndef OPENMW_PLAYER_HPP #define OPENMW_PLAYER_HPP #include <map> #include <string> #include <chrono> #include <memory> #include <RakNetTypes.h> #include <components/esm/npcstats.hpp> #include <components/esm/cellid.hpp> #include <components/esm/loadnpc.hpp> #include <components/esm/loadcell.hpp> #include <components/openmw-mp/Log.hpp> #include <components/openmw-mp/Base/BasePlayer.hpp> #include <components/openmw-mp/Packets/Player/PlayerPacket.hpp> #include <apps/openmw-mp/Script/LuaState.hpp> #include "Cell.hpp" #include "CellController.hpp" #include "CharClass.hpp" #include "Inventory.hpp" #include "Settings.hpp" #include "Books.hpp" #include "GUI.hpp" #include "Dialogue.hpp" #include "Factions.hpp" #include "Cells.hpp" #include "Quests.hpp" #include "Spells.hpp" #include "NetActor.hpp" #include "CellState.hpp" #include "Weather.hpp" class Player : public mwmp::BasePlayer, public NetActor { friend class Cell; friend class Players; unsigned short id; uint64_t getGUID() const {return guid.g;} public: static void Init(LuaState &lua); public: enum { NOTLOADED=0, LOADED, POSTLOADED }; explicit Player(RakNet::RakNetGUID guid); unsigned short getId(); void setId(unsigned short id); bool isHandshaked(); int getHandshakeAttempts(); void incrementHandshakeAttempts(); void setHandshake(); void setLoadState(int state); int getLoadState(); virtual ~Player(); CellController::TContainer *getCells(); void sendToLoaded(mwmp::PlayerPacket &myPacket); void forEachLoaded(std::function<void(Player *pl, Player *other)> func); void update(); public: void kick() const; void ban() const; void cleanChannel(unsigned channelId); void message(unsigned channelId, const std::string &message, bool toAll = false); bool joinChannel(unsigned channelId, const std::string &name); void renameChannel(unsigned channelId, const std::string &name); void closeChannel(unsigned channelId); void leaveChannel(unsigned channelId); void setChannel(unsigned channelId); bool isChannelOpen(unsigned channelId); int getAvgPing(); std::string getName(); void setName(const std::string &name); void setCharGenStages(int currentStage, int endStage); int getGender() const; void setGender(int gender); std::string getRace() const; void setRace(const std::string &race); std::string getHead() const; void setHead(const std::string &head); std::string getHair() const; void setHair(const std::string &hair); std::string getBirthsign() const; void setBirthsign(const std::string &sign); void setResetStats(bool state); int getBounty() const; void setBounty(int bounty); int getReputation() const; void setReputation(int reputation, bool toOthers); int getLevel() const; void setLevel(int level); int getLevelProgress() const; void setLevelProgress(int progress); /** * \brief Send a PlayerResurrect packet about a player. * * This sends the packet to all players connected to the server. * * \param type The type of resurrection (0 for REGULAR, 1 for IMPERIAL_SHRINE, 2 for TRIBUNAL_TEMPLE). */ void resurrect(unsigned int type); /** * \brief Send a PlayerJail packet about a player. * * This is similar to the player being jailed by a guard, but provides extra parameters for * increased flexibility. * * It is only sent to the player being jailed, as the other players will be informed of the * jailing's actual consequences via other packets sent by the affected client. * * \param jailDays The number of days to spend jailed, where each day affects one skill point. * \param ignoreJailTeleportation Whether the player being teleported to the nearest jail * marker should be overridden. * \param ignoreJailSkillIncrease Whether the player's Sneak and Security skills should be * prevented from increasing as a result of the jailing, * overriding default behavior. * \param jailProgressText The text that should be displayed while jailed. * \param jailEndText The text that should be displayed once the jailing period is over. */ void jail(int jailDays, bool ignoreJailTeleportation, bool ignoreJailSkillIncreases, const std::string &jailProgressText, const std::string &jailEndText); bool getWerewolfState() const; void setWerewolfState(bool state); float getScale() const; void setScale(float newScale); std::string getCreatureRefId() const; void setCreatureRefId(const std::string &model); bool getCreatureNameDisplayState() const; void setCreatureNameDisplayState(bool useName); std::string getIP() const; /** * * @return x, y, z */ std::tuple<float, float, float> getPreviousCellPos() const; /** * * @return base, current */ std::tuple<int, int> getAttribute(unsigned short id) const; void setAttribute(unsigned short id, int base, bool clearModifier); /** * * @return base, current, progress, increase */ std::tuple<int, int, float> getSkill(unsigned short id) const; void setSkill(unsigned short id, int base, bool clearModifier, float progress); int getSkillIncrease(unsigned short attributeId) const; void setSkillIncrease(unsigned short attributeId, int increase); void setMark(float x, float y, float z, float xRot, float zRot, const std::string &cellDescription); std::tuple<float, float, float, float, float, std::string> getMark(); std::string getSelectedSpell(); void setSelectedSpell(const std::string &newSelectedSpellId); size_t cellStateSize() const; CellState getCellState(int i); CharClass &getCharClass(sol::this_state thisState); GameSettings &getSettings(); Books &getBooks(); GUI &getGUI(); Dialogue &getDialogue(); Factions &getFactions(); Quests &getQuests(); Spells &getSpells(); QuickKeys &getQuickKeys(); MapTiles &getMapTiles(); WeatherMgr &getWeatherMgr(); void setAuthority(); bool isMarkedForDeletion() const; void addToUpdateQueue(); private: CellController::TContainer cells; int loadState; int handshakeCounter; bool /*statsChanged, attributesChanged, skillsChanged, baseInfoChanged, positionChanged,*/ changedMarkLocation, changedSelectedSpell, changedMap; CharClass cClass; GameSettings settings; Books books; GUI gui; Dialogue dialogue; Factions factions; Quests quests; Spells spells; QuickKeys quickKeys; MapTiles mapTiles; WeatherMgr weatherMgr; sol::table storedData; sol::table customData; bool markedForDeletion; bool inUpdateQueue; }; #endif //OPENMW_PLAYER_HPP