#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>

#ifndef Q_MOC_RUN
#include <components/nifogre/ogrenifloader.hpp>

class QModelIndex;

namespace Ogre
    class SceneNode;

namespace CSMWorld
    class Data;
    struct CellRef;

namespace CSVWorld
    class PhysicsSystem;

namespace CSVRender
    class Object
            const CSMWorld::Data& mData;
            std::string mReferenceId;
            std::string mReferenceableId;
            Ogre::SceneNode *mBase;
            NifOgre::ObjectScenePtr mObject;
            bool mForceBaseToZero;
            boost::shared_ptr<CSVWorld::PhysicsSystem> mPhysics;

            /// Not implemented
            Object (const Object&);

            /// Not implemented
            Object& operator= (const Object&);

            /// Destroy all scene nodes and movable objects attached to node.
            static void clearSceneNode (Ogre::SceneNode *node);

            /// Remove object from node (includes deleting)
            void clear();

            /// Update model
            void update();

            /// Adjust position, orientation and scale
            void adjust();

            /// Throws an exception if *this was constructed with referenceable
            const CSMWorld::CellRef& getReference() const;


            Object (const CSMWorld::Data& data, Ogre::SceneNode *cellNode,
                const std::string& id, bool referenceable,
                boost::shared_ptr<CSVWorld::PhysicsSystem> physics = boost::shared_ptr<CSVWorld::PhysicsSystem> (),
                bool forceBaseToZero = false);
            /// \param forceBaseToZero If this is a reference ignore the coordinates and place
            /// it at 0, 0, 0 instead.


            /// \return Did this call result in a modification of the visual representation of
            /// this object?
            bool referenceableDataChanged (const QModelIndex& topLeft,
                const QModelIndex& bottomRight);

            /// \return Did this call result in a modification of the visual representation of
            /// this object?
            bool referenceableAboutToBeRemoved (const QModelIndex& parent, int start, int end);

            /// \return Did this call result in a modification of the visual representation of
            /// this object?
            bool referenceDataChanged (const QModelIndex& topLeft, const QModelIndex& bottomRight);

            /// Returns an empty string if this is a refereceable-type object.
            std::string getReferenceId() const;

            std::string getReferenceableId() const;
