#include "quadtreeworld.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "quadtreenode.hpp" #include "storage.hpp" #include "viewdata.hpp" #include "chunkmanager.hpp" #include "compositemaprenderer.hpp" #include "terraindrawable.hpp" namespace { bool isPowerOfTwo(int x) { return ( (x > 0) && ((x & (x - 1)) == 0) ); } int nextPowerOfTwo (int v) { if (isPowerOfTwo(v)) return v; int depth=0; while(v) { v >>= 1; depth++; } return 1 << depth; } int Log2( unsigned int n ) { int targetlevel = 0; while (n >>= 1) ++targetlevel; return targetlevel; } } namespace Terrain { class DefaultLodCallback : public LodCallback { public: DefaultLodCallback(float factor, float minSize, const osg::Vec4i& grid) : mFactor(factor) , mMinSize(minSize) , mActiveGrid(grid) { } virtual bool isSufficientDetail(QuadTreeNode* node, float dist) { int nativeLodLevel = Log2(static_cast(node->getSize()/mMinSize)); int lodLevel = Log2(static_cast(dist/(Constants::CellSizeInUnits*mMinSize*mFactor))); if (node->getSize()>1) { float halfSize = node->getSize()/2; const osg::Vec2f& center = node->getCenter(); osg::Vec4i nodeBounds (static_cast(center.x() - halfSize), static_cast(center.y() - halfSize), static_cast(center.x() + halfSize), static_cast(center.y() + halfSize)); bool intersects = (std::max(nodeBounds.x(), mActiveGrid.x()) <= std::min(nodeBounds.z(), mActiveGrid.z()) && std::max(nodeBounds.y(), mActiveGrid.y()) <= std::min(nodeBounds.w(), mActiveGrid.w())); // to prevent making chunks who will cross the activegrid border if (intersects) return false; } return nativeLodLevel <= lodLevel; } private: float mFactor; float mMinSize; osg::Vec4i mActiveGrid; }; const float MIN_SIZE = 1/8.f; class RootNode : public QuadTreeNode { public: RootNode(float size, const osg::Vec2f& center) : QuadTreeNode(nullptr, Root, size, center) , mWorld(nullptr) { } void setWorld(QuadTreeWorld* world) { mWorld = world; } virtual void accept(osg::NodeVisitor &nv) { if (!nv.validNodeMask(*this)) return; nv.pushOntoNodePath(this); mWorld->accept(nv); nv.popFromNodePath(); } private: QuadTreeWorld* mWorld; }; class QuadTreeBuilder { public: QuadTreeBuilder(Terrain::Storage* storage, float minSize) : mStorage(storage) , mMinX(0.f), mMaxX(0.f), mMinY(0.f), mMaxY(0.f) , mMinSize(minSize) { } void build() { mStorage->getBounds(mMinX, mMaxX, mMinY, mMaxY); int origSizeX = static_cast(mMaxX - mMinX); int origSizeY = static_cast(mMaxY - mMinY); // Dividing a quad tree only works well for powers of two, so round up to the nearest one int size = nextPowerOfTwo(std::max(origSizeX, origSizeY)); float centerX = (mMinX+mMaxX)/2.f + (size-origSizeX)/2.f; float centerY = (mMinY+mMaxY)/2.f + (size-origSizeY)/2.f; mRootNode = new RootNode(size, osg::Vec2f(centerX, centerY)); addChildren(mRootNode); mRootNode->initNeighbours(); } void addChildren(QuadTreeNode* parent) { float halfSize = parent->getSize()/2.f; osg::BoundingBox boundingBox; for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; ++i) { osg::ref_ptr child = addChild(parent, static_cast(i), halfSize); if (child) { boundingBox.expandBy(child->getBoundingBox()); parent->addChildNode(child); } } if (!boundingBox.valid()) parent->removeChildren(0, 4); else parent->setBoundingBox(boundingBox); } osg::ref_ptr addChild(QuadTreeNode* parent, ChildDirection direction, float size) { float halfSize = size/2.f; osg::Vec2f center; switch (direction) { case SW: center = parent->getCenter() + osg::Vec2f(-halfSize,-halfSize); break; case SE: center = parent->getCenter() + osg::Vec2f(halfSize, -halfSize); break; case NW: center = parent->getCenter() + osg::Vec2f(-halfSize, halfSize); break; case NE: center = parent->getCenter() + osg::Vec2f(halfSize, halfSize); break; default: break; } osg::ref_ptr node = new QuadTreeNode(parent, direction, size, center); if (center.x() - halfSize > mMaxX || center.x() + halfSize < mMinX || center.y() - halfSize > mMaxY || center.y() + halfSize < mMinY ) // Out of bounds of the actual terrain - this will happen because // we rounded the size up to the next power of two { // Still create and return an empty node so as to not break the assumption that each QuadTreeNode has either 4 or 0 children. return node; } // Do not add child nodes for default cells without data. // size = 1 means that the single shape covers the whole cell. if (node->getSize() == 1 && !mStorage->hasData(center.x()-0.5, center.y()-0.5)) return node; if (node->getSize() <= mMinSize) { // We arrived at a leaf. // Since the tree is used for LOD level selection instead of culling, we do not need to load the actual height data here. float minZ = -std::numeric_limits::max(); float maxZ = std::numeric_limits::max(); float cellWorldSize = mStorage->getCellWorldSize(); osg::BoundingBox boundingBox(osg::Vec3f((center.x()-halfSize)*cellWorldSize, (center.y()-halfSize)*cellWorldSize, minZ), osg::Vec3f((center.x()+halfSize)*cellWorldSize, (center.y()+halfSize)*cellWorldSize, maxZ)); node->setBoundingBox(boundingBox); return node; } else { addChildren(node); return node; } } osg::ref_ptr getRootNode() { return mRootNode; } private: Terrain::Storage* mStorage; float mMinX, mMaxX, mMinY, mMaxY; float mMinSize; osg::ref_ptr mRootNode; }; QuadTreeWorld::QuadTreeWorld(osg::Group *parent, osg::Group *compileRoot, Resource::ResourceSystem *resourceSystem, Storage *storage, int nodeMask, int preCompileMask, int borderMask, int compMapResolution, float compMapLevel, float lodFactor, int vertexLodMod, float maxCompGeometrySize) : TerrainGrid(parent, compileRoot, resourceSystem, storage, nodeMask, preCompileMask, borderMask) , mViewDataMap(new ViewDataMap) , mQuadTreeBuilt(false) , mLodFactor(lodFactor) , mVertexLodMod(vertexLodMod) , mViewDistance(std::numeric_limits::max()) { mChunkManager->setCompositeMapSize(compMapResolution); mChunkManager->setCompositeMapLevel(compMapLevel); mChunkManager->setMaxCompositeGeometrySize(maxCompGeometrySize); mChunkManagers.push_back(mChunkManager.get()); } QuadTreeWorld::~QuadTreeWorld() { mViewDataMap->clear(); } /// get the level of vertex detail to render this node at, expressed relative to the native resolution of the data set. unsigned int getVertexLod(QuadTreeNode* node, int vertexLodMod) { int lod = Log2(int(node->getSize())); if (vertexLodMod > 0) { lod = std::max(0, lod-vertexLodMod); } else if (vertexLodMod < 0) { float size = node->getSize(); // Stop to simplify at this level since with size = 1 the node already covers the whole cell and has getCellVertices() vertices. while (size < 1) { size *= 2; vertexLodMod = std::min(0, vertexLodMod+1); } lod += std::abs(vertexLodMod); } return lod; } /// get the flags to use for stitching in the index buffer so that chunks of different LOD connect seamlessly unsigned int getLodFlags(QuadTreeNode* node, int ourLod, int vertexLodMod, ViewData* vd) { unsigned int lodFlags = 0; for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; ++i) { QuadTreeNode* neighbour = node->getNeighbour(static_cast(i)); // If the neighbour isn't currently rendering itself, // go up until we find one. NOTE: We don't need to go down, // because in that case neighbour's detail would be higher than // our detail and the neighbour would handle stitching by itself. while (neighbour && !vd->contains(neighbour)) neighbour = neighbour->getParent(); int lod = 0; if (neighbour) lod = getVertexLod(neighbour, vertexLodMod); if (lod <= ourLod) // We only need to worry about neighbours less detailed than we are - lod = 0; // neighbours with more detail will do the stitching themselves // Use 4 bits for each LOD delta if (lod > 0) { lodFlags |= static_cast(lod - ourLod) << (4*i); } } return lodFlags; } void loadRenderingNode(ViewData::Entry& entry, ViewData* vd, int vertexLodMod, float cellWorldSize, const osg::Vec4i &gridbounds, const std::vector& chunkManagers, bool compile) { if (!vd->hasChanged() && entry.mRenderingNode) return; int ourLod = getVertexLod(entry.mNode, vertexLodMod); if (vd->hasChanged()) { // have to recompute the lodFlags in case a neighbour has changed LOD. unsigned int lodFlags = getLodFlags(entry.mNode, ourLod, vertexLodMod, vd); if (lodFlags != entry.mLodFlags) { entry.mRenderingNode = nullptr; entry.mLodFlags = lodFlags; } } if (!entry.mRenderingNode) { auto pat = new SceneUtil::PositionAttitudeTransform; pat->setPosition(osg::Vec3f(entry.mNode->getCenter().x()*cellWorldSize, entry.mNode->getCenter().y()*cellWorldSize, 0.f)); const osg::Vec2f& center = entry.mNode->getCenter(); bool far = (center.x() <= gridbounds.x() || center.y() <= gridbounds.y() || center.x() >= gridbounds.z() || center.y() >= gridbounds.w()); for (QuadTreeWorld::ChunkManager* m : chunkManagers) { osg::ref_ptr n = m->getChunk(entry.mNode->getSize(), entry.mNode->getCenter(), ourLod, entry.mLodFlags, far, vd->getViewPoint(), compile); if (n) pat->addChild(n); } entry.mRenderingNode = pat; } } void updateWaterCullingView(HeightCullCallback* callback, ViewData* vd, osgUtil::CullVisitor* cv, float cellworldsize, bool outofworld) { if (!(cv->getTraversalMask() & callback->getCullMask())) return; float lowZ = std::numeric_limits::max(); float highZ = callback->getHighZ(); if (cv->getEyePoint().z() <= highZ || outofworld) { callback->setLowZ(-std::numeric_limits::max()); return; } cv->pushCurrentMask(); static bool debug = getenv("OPENMW_WATER_CULLING_DEBUG") != nullptr; for (unsigned int i=0; igetNumEntries(); ++i) { ViewData::Entry& entry = vd->getEntry(i); osg::BoundingBox bb = static_cast(entry.mRenderingNode->asGroup()->getChild(0))->getWaterBoundingBox(); if (!bb.valid()) continue; osg::Vec3f ofs (entry.mNode->getCenter().x()*cellworldsize, entry.mNode->getCenter().y()*cellworldsize, 0.f); bb._min += ofs; bb._max += ofs; bb._min.z() = highZ; bb._max.z() = highZ; if (cv->isCulled(bb)) continue; lowZ = bb._min.z(); if (!debug) break; osg::Box* b = new osg::Box; b->set(bb.center(), bb._max - bb.center()); osg::ShapeDrawable* drw = new osg::ShapeDrawable(b); static osg::ref_ptr stateset = nullptr; if (!stateset) { stateset = new osg::StateSet; stateset->setMode(GL_CULL_FACE, osg::StateAttribute::OFF); stateset->setMode(GL_DEPTH_TEST, osg::StateAttribute::OFF); stateset->setAttributeAndModes(new osg::PolygonMode(osg::PolygonMode::FRONT_AND_BACK, osg::PolygonMode::LINE), osg::StateAttribute::ON); osg::Material* m = new osg::Material; m->setEmission(osg::Material::FRONT_AND_BACK, osg::Vec4f(0,0,1,1)); m->setDiffuse(osg::Material::FRONT_AND_BACK, osg::Vec4f(0,0,0,1)); m->setAmbient(osg::Material::FRONT_AND_BACK, osg::Vec4f(0,0,0,1)); stateset->setAttributeAndModes(m, osg::StateAttribute::ON); stateset->setRenderBinDetails(100,"RenderBin"); } drw->setStateSet(stateset); drw->accept(*cv); } callback->setLowZ(lowZ); cv->popCurrentMask(); } void QuadTreeWorld::accept(osg::NodeVisitor &nv) { bool isCullVisitor = nv.getVisitorType() == osg::NodeVisitor::CULL_VISITOR; if (!isCullVisitor && nv.getVisitorType() != osg::NodeVisitor::INTERSECTION_VISITOR) { if (nv.getName().find("AcceptedByComponentsTerrainQuadTreeWorld") != std::string::npos) { if (nv.getName().find("SceneUtil::MWShadowTechnique::ComputeLightSpaceBounds") != std::string::npos) { SceneUtil::MWShadowTechnique::ComputeLightSpaceBounds* clsb = static_cast(&nv); clsb->apply(*this); } else nv.apply(*mRootNode); } return; } bool needsUpdate = true; ViewData* vd = nullptr; if (isCullVisitor) vd = mViewDataMap->getViewData(static_cast(&nv)->getCurrentCamera(), nv.getViewPoint(), mActiveGrid, needsUpdate); else { static ViewData sIntersectionViewData; vd = &sIntersectionViewData; vd->clear(); // we can't reuse intersection views in the next frame because they only contain what is touched by the intersection ray. } if (needsUpdate) { vd->reset(); if (isCullVisitor) { osgUtil::CullVisitor* cv = static_cast(&nv); osg::UserDataContainer* udc = cv->getCurrentCamera()->getUserDataContainer(); if (udc && udc->getNumDescriptions() >= 2 && udc->getDescriptions()[0] == "NoTerrainLod") { std::istringstream stream(udc->getDescriptions()[1]); int x,y; stream >> x; stream >> y; mRootNode->traverseTo(vd, 1, osg::Vec2f(x+0.5,y+0.5)); } else { DefaultLodCallback lodCallback(mLodFactor, MIN_SIZE, mActiveGrid); mRootNode->traverseNodes(vd, cv->getViewPoint(), &lodCallback, mViewDistance); } } else { osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor* iv = static_cast(&nv); osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector* lineIntersector = dynamic_cast(iv->getIntersector()); if (!lineIntersector) throw std::runtime_error("Cannot update QuadTreeWorld: node visitor is not LineSegmentIntersector"); if (lineIntersector->getCoordinateFrame() == osgUtil::Intersector::CoordinateFrame::MODEL && iv->getModelMatrix() == 0) { TerrainLineIntersector terrainIntersector(lineIntersector); mRootNode->intersect(vd, terrainIntersector); } else { osg::Matrix matrix(lineIntersector->getTransformation(*iv, lineIntersector->getCoordinateFrame())); TerrainLineIntersector terrainIntersector(lineIntersector, matrix); mRootNode->intersect(vd, terrainIntersector); } } } const float cellWorldSize = mStorage->getCellWorldSize(); for (unsigned int i=0; igetNumEntries(); ++i) { ViewData::Entry& entry = vd->getEntry(i); loadRenderingNode(entry, vd, mVertexLodMod, cellWorldSize, mActiveGrid, mChunkManagers, false); entry.mRenderingNode->accept(nv); } if (isCullVisitor) updateWaterCullingView(mHeightCullCallback, vd, static_cast(&nv), mStorage->getCellWorldSize(), !isGridEmpty()); vd->markUnchanged(); double referenceTime = nv.getFrameStamp() ? nv.getFrameStamp()->getReferenceTime() : 0.0; if (referenceTime != 0.0) { vd->setLastUsageTimeStamp(referenceTime); mViewDataMap->clearUnusedViews(referenceTime); } } void QuadTreeWorld::ensureQuadTreeBuilt() { OpenThreads::ScopedLock lock(mQuadTreeMutex); if (mQuadTreeBuilt) return; QuadTreeBuilder builder(mStorage, MIN_SIZE); builder.build(); mRootNode = builder.getRootNode(); mRootNode->setWorld(this); mQuadTreeBuilt = true; } void QuadTreeWorld::enable(bool enabled) { if (enabled) { ensureQuadTreeBuilt(); if (!mRootNode->getNumParents()) mTerrainRoot->addChild(mRootNode); } if (mRootNode) mRootNode->setNodeMask(enabled ? ~0 : 0); } void QuadTreeWorld::cacheCell(View *view, int x, int y) { ensureQuadTreeBuilt(); osg::Vec4i grid (x,y,x+1,y+1); ViewData* vd = static_cast(view); vd->setActiveGrid(grid); mRootNode->traverseTo(vd, 1, osg::Vec2f(x+0.5f,y+0.5f)); const float cellWorldSize = mStorage->getCellWorldSize(); for (unsigned int i=0; igetNumEntries(); ++i) { ViewData::Entry& entry = vd->getEntry(i); loadRenderingNode(entry, vd, mVertexLodMod, cellWorldSize, grid, mChunkManagers, true); } } View* QuadTreeWorld::createView() { return new ViewData; } void QuadTreeWorld::preload(View *view, const osg::Vec3f &viewPoint, const osg::Vec4i &grid, std::atomic &abort) { ensureQuadTreeBuilt(); ViewData* vd = static_cast(view); vd->setViewPoint(viewPoint); vd->setActiveGrid(grid); DefaultLodCallback lodCallback(mLodFactor, MIN_SIZE, grid); mRootNode->traverseNodes(vd, viewPoint, &lodCallback, mViewDistance); const float cellWorldSize = mStorage->getCellWorldSize(); for (unsigned int i=0; igetNumEntries() && !abort; ++i) { ViewData::Entry& entry = vd->getEntry(i); loadRenderingNode(entry, vd, mVertexLodMod, cellWorldSize, grid, mChunkManagers, true); } vd->markUnchanged(); } void QuadTreeWorld::storeView(const View* view, double referenceTime) { osg::ref_ptr dummy = new osg::DummyObject; const ViewData* vd = static_cast(view); bool needsUpdate = false; ViewData* stored = mViewDataMap->getViewData(dummy, vd->getViewPoint(), vd->getActiveGrid(), needsUpdate); stored->copyFrom(*vd); stored->setLastUsageTimeStamp(referenceTime); } void QuadTreeWorld::reportStats(unsigned int frameNumber, osg::Stats *stats) { stats->setAttribute(frameNumber, "Composite", mCompositeMapRenderer->getCompileSetSize()); } void QuadTreeWorld::loadCell(int x, int y) { // fallback behavior only for undefined cells (every other is already handled in quadtree) float dummy; if (!mStorage->getMinMaxHeights(1, osg::Vec2f(x+0.5, y+0.5), dummy, dummy)) TerrainGrid::loadCell(x,y); else World::loadCell(x,y); } void QuadTreeWorld::unloadCell(int x, int y) { // fallback behavior only for undefined cells (every other is already handled in quadtree) float dummy; if (!mStorage->getMinMaxHeights(1, osg::Vec2f(x+0.5, y+0.5), dummy, dummy)) TerrainGrid::unloadCell(x,y); else World::unloadCell(x,y); } void QuadTreeWorld::addChunkManager(QuadTreeWorld::ChunkManager* m) { mChunkManagers.push_back(m); mTerrainRoot->setNodeMask(mTerrainRoot->getNodeMask()|m->getNodeMask()); } }