#include <map>

#include <osg/Object>
#include <osg/ref_ptr>
#include <osg/Vec3f>

#include <BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btBvhTriangleMeshShape.h>

class btCollisionShape;

namespace Resource

    class BulletShapeInstance;
    class BulletShape : public osg::Object
        BulletShape(const BulletShape& copy, const osg::CopyOp& copyop);
        virtual ~BulletShape();

        META_Object(Resource, BulletShape)

        btCollisionShape* mCollisionShape;

        // Used for actors. Note, ideally actors would use a separate loader - as it is
        // we have to keep a redundant copy of the actor model around in mCollisionShape, which isn't used.
        // For now, use one file <-> one resource for simplicity.
        osg::Vec3f mCollisionBoxHalfExtents;
        osg::Vec3f mCollisionBoxTranslate;

        // Stores animated collision shapes. If any collision nodes in the NIF are animated, then mCollisionShape
        // will be a btCompoundShape (which consists of one or more child shapes).
        // In this map, for each animated collision shape,
        // we store the node's record index mapped to the child index of the shape in the btCompoundShape.
        std::map<int, int> mAnimatedShapes;

        osg::ref_ptr<BulletShapeInstance> makeInstance() const;

        btCollisionShape* duplicateCollisionShape(const btCollisionShape* shape) const;

        btCollisionShape* getCollisionShape();


        void deleteShape(btCollisionShape* shape);

    // An instance of a BulletShape that may have its own unique scaling set on the mCollisionShape.
    // Vertex data is shallow-copied where possible. A ref_ptr to the original shape is held to keep vertex pointers intact.
    class BulletShapeInstance : public BulletShape
        BulletShapeInstance(osg::ref_ptr<const BulletShape> source);

        osg::ref_ptr<const BulletShape> mSource;

    // Subclass btBhvTriangleMeshShape to auto-delete the meshInterface
    struct TriangleMeshShape : public btBvhTriangleMeshShape
        TriangleMeshShape(btStridingMeshInterface* meshInterface, bool useQuantizedAabbCompression, bool buildBvh = true)
            : btBvhTriangleMeshShape(meshInterface, useQuantizedAabbCompression, buildBvh)

        virtual ~TriangleMeshShape()
            delete getTriangleInfoMap();
            delete m_meshInterface;

