namespace Mangle
  namespace Rend2D
       A pointer to sprite data for direct drawing. Only to be used
       while the corresponding sprite is locked.
    struct SpriteData
      void *pixels;     // Pixel data
      int w, h;         // Width and height
      int pitch, bypp;  // Pitch (bytes) and bytes per pixel

       A Sprite is either a bitmap to be drawn or an output of area
       for blitting other bitmaps, or both. They are created by the
    struct Sprite
      /// Draw a sprite in the given position
      virtual void draw(Sprite *s,                // The sprite to draw
                        int x, int y,             // Destination position
                        int sx=0, int sy=0,       // Source position
                        int w=-1, int h=-1        // Amount to draw. -1 means remainder.
                        ) = 0;

      virtual ~Sprite() {}

      // Information retrieval
      virtual int width() = 0;
      virtual int height() = 0;

      /// Fill the sprite with the given pixel value. The pixel format
      /// depends on the format of the sprite.
      virtual void fill(int value) = 0;

      /// Set one pixel value. The pixel format depends on the sprite
      /// format. This is not expected to be fast, and in some
      /// implementations may not work at all.
      virtual void pixel(int x, int y, int value) {}

      /// Lock sprite for direct drawing, and return a struct
      /// containing the necessary pointer.  When finished, unlock the
      /// sprite with unlock(). May return NULL, if so then direct
      /// drawing is not possible.
      virtual const SpriteData *lock() { return NULL; }
      virtual void unlock() {}