#include "store.hpp"

namespace MWWorld {

void Store<ESM::Cell>::load(ESM::ESMReader &esm, const std::string &id)
    // Don't automatically assume that a new cell must be spawned. Multiple plugins write to the same cell,
    //  and we merge all this data into one Cell object. However, we can't simply search for the cell id,
    //  as many exterior cells do not have a name. Instead, we need to search by (x,y) coordinates - and they
    //  are not available until both cells have been loaded! So first, proceed as usual.
    // All cells have a name record, even nameless exterior cells.
    std::string idLower = Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(id);
    ESM::Cell *cell = new ESM::Cell;
    cell->mName = id;

    // The cell itself takes care of some of the hairy details
    cell->load(esm, *mEsmStore);

    if(cell->mData.mFlags & ESM::Cell::Interior)
        // Store interior cell by name, try to merge with existing parent data.
        ESM::Cell *oldcell = const_cast<ESM::Cell*>(search(idLower));
        if (oldcell) {
            // push the new references on the list of references to manage
            // copy list into new cell
            cell->mContextList = oldcell->mContextList;
            // have new cell replace old cell
            *oldcell = *cell;
        } else
            mInt[idLower] = *cell;
        // Store exterior cells by grid position, try to merge with existing parent data.
        ESM::Cell *oldcell = const_cast<ESM::Cell*>(search(cell->getGridX(), cell->getGridY()));
        if (oldcell) {
            // push the new references on the list of references to manage
            // copy list into new cell
            cell->mContextList = oldcell->mContextList;
            // merge lists of leased references, use newer data in case of conflict
            for (ESM::MovedCellRefTracker::const_iterator it = cell->mMovedRefs.begin(); it != cell->mMovedRefs.end(); it++) {
                // remove reference from current leased ref tracker and add it to new cell
                ESM::MovedCellRefTracker::iterator itold = std::find(oldcell->mMovedRefs.begin(), oldcell->mMovedRefs.end(), it->mRefnum);
                if (itold != oldcell->mMovedRefs.end()) {
                    ESM::MovedCellRef target0 = *itold;
                    ESM::Cell *wipecell = const_cast<ESM::Cell*>(search(target0.mTarget[0], target0.mTarget[1]));
                    ESM::CellRefTracker::iterator it_lease = std::find(wipecell->mLeasedRefs.begin(), wipecell->mLeasedRefs.end(), it->mRefnum);
                    *itold = *it;
            cell->mMovedRefs = oldcell->mMovedRefs;
            // have new cell replace old cell
            *oldcell = *cell;
        } else
            mExt[std::make_pair(cell->mData.mX, cell->mData.mY)] = *cell;
    delete cell;
