# - This module looks for Sphinx # Find the Sphinx documentation generator # # This modules defines # Sphinx_EXECUTABLE # Sphinx_FOUND # function Sphinx_add_target # function Sphinx_add_targets # include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) include(CMakeParseArguments) set(_sphinx_names sphinx-build) foreach(_version 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.6 1.5) list(APPEND _sphinx_names sphinx-build-${_version}) endforeach() find_program(Sphinx_EXECUTABLE NAMES ${_sphinx_names} PATHS /usr/bin /usr/local/bin /opt/local/bin DOC "Sphinx documentation generator" ) mark_as_advanced(Sphinx_EXECUTABLE) FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(Sphinx FOUND_VAR Sphinx_FOUND REQUIRED_VARS Sphinx_EXECUTABLE ) option( SPHINX_HTML_OUTPUT "Build a single HTML with the whole content." ON ) option( SPHINX_DIRHTML_OUTPUT "Build HTML pages, but with a single directory per document." OFF ) option( SPHINX_HTMLHELP_OUTPUT "Build HTML pages with additional information for building a documentation collection in htmlhelp." OFF ) option( SPHINX_QTHELP_OUTPUT "Build HTML pages with additional information for building a documentation collection in qthelp." OFF ) option( SPHINX_DEVHELP_OUTPUT "Build HTML pages with additional information for building a documentation collection in devhelp." OFF ) option( SPHINX_EPUB_OUTPUT "Build HTML pages with additional information for building a documentation collection in epub." OFF ) option( SPHINX_LATEX_OUTPUT "Build LaTeX sources that can be compiled to a PDF document using pdflatex." OFF ) option( SPHINX_MAN_OUTPUT "Build manual pages in groff format for UNIX systems." OFF ) option( SPHINX_TEXT_OUTPUT "Build plain text files." OFF ) function(Sphinx_add_target target_name builder conf source destination) add_custom_target( ${target_name} ALL COMMAND ${Sphinx_EXECUTABLE} -b ${builder} -c ${conf} ${source} ${destination} DEPENDS ${conf}/conf.py COMMENT "Generating sphinx documentation: ${builder}" ) set_property(DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY ADDITIONAL_MAKE_CLEAN_FILES ${destination} ) endfunction() # Usage: # # Sphinx_add_targets(NAME <base_targets_name> # SRC_DIR <path_to_doc>/ # DST_DIR <path_to_output_result>/ # CONFIG_DIR <path_to_conf.py>/ # [DEPENDENCIES dep1 dep2 dep3 ...] # ) function(Sphinx_add_targets) set(options ) set(one_value_keywords NAME SRC_DIR DST_DIR CONFIG_DIR) set(multi_value_keywords DEPENDENCIES) CMAKE_PARSE_ARGUMENTS(OPT "${options}" "${one_value_keywords}" "${multi_value_keywords}" ${ARGN}) if (NOT OPT_NAME OR NOT OPT_SRC_DIR OR NOT OPT_DST_DIR OR NOT OPT_CONFIG_DIR) message(FATAL_ERROR "Arguments NAME, SRC_DIR, DST_DIR, CONFIG_DIR are required!") endif() foreach(_generator html dirhtml qthelp devhelp epub latex man text linkcheck) string(TOUPPER ${_generator} _generator_uc) if (SPHINX_${_generator_uc}_OUTPUT) Sphinx_add_target(${OPT_NAME}_${_generator} ${_generator} ${OPT_CONFIG_DIR} ${OPT_SRC_DIR} ${OPT_DST_DIR}/${_generator}/) if (OPT_DEPENDENCIES) add_dependencies(${OPT_NAME}_${_generator} ${OPT_DEPENDENCIES}) endif() endif() endforeach() endfunction()